Coffee drinkers...HELP!



  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,259 Member
    This chai is topped with a quarter cup of skim milk frothed with a Ninja hand pump frother, and microwaved 20-30 seconds to give it more loft. It makes quite a bit, lasts a long time, and gives the impression of “creamy”.

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    This chai is topped with a quarter cup of skim milk frothed with a Ninja hand pump frother, and microwaved 20-30 seconds to give it more loft. It makes quite a bit, lasts a long time, and gives the impression of “creamy”.


  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I just grind up some flavored coffee beans (hazelnut), add splenda, and 1 tbsp of half and half - 20 calories
  • AmunahSki
    AmunahSki Posts: 174 Member
    edited February 2021
    Reducing sugar in your coffee takes time... in my experience, I would say months rather than weeks.

    I used to take one teaspoon of sugar, and I could taste the difference between a heaped or flat spoonful: I decided to give it up (and go cold turkey). The first day was Yuk. The first week was Eww. The first month was Bleugh.

    Start to enjoy the fafflessness of not having to try and estimate the amount of sugar needed in different sized cups when getting a takeout coffee. Then, someone makes you a coffee and accidentally puts a teaspoon of sugar in... Yuk! Now you’re stuck - because either way your coffee will taste bad!

    Continue with Bleugh since it’s very slightly better than Yuk. Some months later, you realise it went from Bleugh to Hmmm to Mmm without you really noticing... Congratulations!

    Now - if you want - repeat the above, omitting milk/cream/creamer instead of sugar...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I am a coffee drinker. Not tea. Not soda. Coffee! I need my shot of caffeine in the morning like I need air to breathe! However, I absolutely despise drinking my calories! Why drink them when I can EAT them!? I’d rather chew and savor and enjoy my calories rather than slurping them down.

    But. I. Cannot. Do. Black. Coffee.

    I need creaminess. I need some sweetness. I need the jolt to get me moving.

    I’ve been trying for a months to find a solution. First I thought about the health benefits of tea and thought I’d give that a try. I tried tea, black. I tried tea with just milk. Tea with a little cream. Tea black with a Splenda or Truvia. I’ve tried different kinds and flavors of tea. No. No. No.

    I’ve went back to my tried and true coffee, this time black. Ick! Coffee with milk only. Nope. Coffee with fat free creamer only. Eh. Coffee with fat free creamer and Splenda or Truvia. Ehh. Coffee with no sugar added flavored creamer. Ehh.

    Now I’m back to my flavored coffeee with a good spoonful of sugar and enough cream to make it a dark caramel color. Delicious! Hits the spot! Makes my whole morning!!!’s something like 150 empty calories!

    Is there any solution or am I destined to learn to enjoy drinking hot, liquid dirt for the rest of my life?

    Not all coffee is created equal. Have you tried good coffee? Whole beans that you grind fresh right before you brew? Have you tried different roasts? IDK...IMO, good coffee is enjoyed black.

    On the other hand, 150 calories isn't a whole lot if that's what you enjoy. You could also just start putting a little less in and ween things down to less calories and still having the flavor you enjoy.
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    K-cups taste plasticy go me. Fresh ground coffee is soo much better. I had to wean myself down over about a 3 month time period, but can now drink it with 1 splenda and half TBSP of a Skinny syrup. Less than 10 calories for my mug!
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    Also try cold brew and a lighter roast. If the bitterness is the problem both/either of those can lighten it up so you need less to doctor it.
  • chris89topher
    chris89topher Posts: 389 Member
    Jordan’s skinny syrups made me a believer. You can usually pick some up cheap at TJ maxx or World Market. It runs about $3.99 a bottle at TJM so No great catastrophe if you don’t like it.

    That's all I use and it's sooooo good.
  • WaterLily82
    WaterLily82 Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks everyone for so many great ideas and tips!! I’ve got a few things to try and I’m sure I’ll find my perfect cup thanks to all of you ❤️
  • GlowskiMcGlitter
    GlowskiMcGlitter Posts: 30 Member
    I used to prefer black coffee 😄😄 because I cant drink dairy milk honestly, so I got used it and hooked on caffeine. I hated soy milk, and have a nut allergy so almond milk wasn't an option, BUT I recently tried oatmilk and love it. I brew Maxwell House Dark French Roast coffee and it is my very favorite. I also add collagen powder and consider my morning coffee as an important part of my breakfast as a whole. The collagen powder adds 18g of protein, 70 calories, and is tasteless and dissolves fully (unlike most protein powders that are chalky), 1/2 cup of oatmilk is only 45 calories and is low in sugar, and I ALWAYS eat a breakfast when I drink my coffee. Drinking coffee without any other food can make you feel jittery, give you worse cravings later, and bc you are only having coffee you only focus on the taste of the coffee and it's easy to add a bunch of cream and sugar bc you are craving flavor. I am assuming you don't eat with your coffee, but if you do, and you still just are craving that sweet rich coffee flavor profile. I still recommend adding collagen powder, bc the extra protein will at least balance the macros and keep you satiated for longer. 😊
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    my coffee and creamer are the first thing logged every day. They are non negotiable.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    I am a coffee drinker. Not tea. Not soda. Coffee! I need my shot of caffeine in the morning like I need air to breathe! However, I absolutely despise drinking my calories! Why drink them when I can EAT them!? I’d rather chew and savor and enjoy my calories rather than slurping them down.

    But. I. Cannot. Do. Black. Coffee.

    I need creaminess. I need some sweetness. I need the jolt to get me moving.

    I’ve been trying for a months to find a solution. First I thought about the health benefits of tea and thought I’d give that a try. I tried tea, black. I tried tea with just milk. Tea with a little cream. Tea black with a Splenda or Truvia. I’ve tried different kinds and flavors of tea. No. No. No.

    I’ve went back to my tried and true coffee, this time black. Ick! Coffee with milk only. Nope. Coffee with fat free creamer only. Eh. Coffee with fat free creamer and Splenda or Truvia. Ehh. Coffee with no sugar added flavored creamer. Ehh.

    Now I’m back to my flavored coffeee with a good spoonful of sugar and enough cream to make it a dark caramel color. Delicious! Hits the spot! Makes my whole morning!!!’s something like 150 empty calories!

    Is there any solution or am I destined to learn to enjoy drinking hot, liquid dirt for the rest of my life?

    I completely understand. I used to put heavy whipping cream and sugar in my coffee. Mmmm. I couldn’t believe how many calories my morning cup of coffee was. I slowly started easing off the sugar (down to half a tsp now). Next I switched from heavy whipping cream to half and half, but noticed I needed twice as much half and half to get to the flavor that I liked (still used 1/2 tsp sugar). Two weeks later, I heated 1/4 cup of skim milk (gasp) for 30 seconds and then frothed it with the sugar. I added a dash of cinnamon sugar on top of the froth also. I couldn’t see the color of the coffee, but it tasted great. Now, that’s all I drink. It took awhile to get from heavy whipping cream to skim milk, but for me it was worth it.

    Now, wine and beer- not switching those up. I factor in the calories in the morning, to ensure I will not go into a calorie surplus.

    You need to do what works for you. If it’s staying with your favorite coffee, then enjoy.
  • JustSomeJD
    JustSomeJD Posts: 416 Member
    Quitting sugar in coffee is like quitting smoking, just quit, deal with it, and get over it. Embrace the bitter. :)
  • skelterhelter
    skelterhelter Posts: 803 Member
    edited February 2021
    If you don't mind non-dairy, Silk unsweetened cashew is nice and mild in flavor. You can have a LOT of it for 25 calories. Nut Pods is another non-dairy creamer you can have a LOT of for only 10 calories! I prefer the seasonal flavors myself (you can order online or find at natural food stores). Also, I find the 2 TBSP serving of fat-free half and half for 20 calories more than enough to cream up my coffee, if non-dairy isn't your thing. I also don't mind Equal in my cup, but you may like Jordan's skinny syrups for flavor. Personally, I prefer sugar-free Torani flavorings over Jordan's, but you may feel the opposite.

    I had this idea that maybe I'll try Flavor Gods seasonings in my coffee soon. They have flavors like cinnamon bun, gingerbread, chocolate donut, etc. Might be good to sweeten up a coffee and give it flavor for next to no calories.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    If you enjoy your coffee that much, have tried other ways but really can't compromise, then surely you just need to find a way to work it into your diet?

    There is really no point in making yourself miserable, it's just not sustainable.

    If this is a treat you need then have it! Just do it in moderation and cut back elsewhere to make up for the calories.
  • arisjr94
    arisjr94 Posts: 3 Member
    I drink my coffee with a little bit of protein powder. However, you have to be careful because some protein powders do not mix well with hot liquid. In fact, some protein powders become down right nasty when mixed with hot liquids. So what I do is mix the powder with just enough cold water to blend it, then pour the hot coffee in. Otherwise I drink it black. Good coffee beans makes all the difference when drinking black coffee.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Ditch the keurig. Do try an alternative, like a french press or the Aeorpress. I switched to a french press and it makes a great cup of coffee. Also, buy good beans. IMO, Starbucks is the worst. I go to a local store that roasts their own (coffee and tea exchange in Chicago.) I have the beans ground for my french press and it makes a wonderful cup of coffee. I just don't want to grind them myself, but that would increase the taste factor.

    I used to buy Brazillian which is a medium roast, but now I buy Steve's blend which they use in their lattes.

    I also use milk and sugar and have decided I like it too much to switch. I just drink one cup in the morning and savor it. I used to drink a pot or two of black coffee and after decades of that my stomach did not like that anymore.

    I've also had some oat milk at a friend's house and it was pretty good.
  • There's already been a lot of great suggestions and I just wanted to throw in the idea to make your own cold brew coffee. I don't know all the coffee science and junk behind it, but it's something about how the cold brewing process gives you a coffee that's much less bitter than regularly brewed hot coffee.

    It's super easy, you just need a pitcher and some coffee filters. I use sugar-free vanilla syrup in mine and do a tablespoon of creamer. It's not AS sweet as loading up a regular cup of coffee with french vanilla creamer, but it gets the job done and tastes good for about 35 calories.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I also love making incredibly strong cold brew. I got a nylon mesh bag meant for making cottage cheese, and I basically use it like a giant teabag, except filled with coffee. I use about a cup of coffee grounds to about 2 quarts of water and let it steep for at least 48 hours - I think my latest batch steeped for 72-80 hours (Thursday morning to Sunday afternoon). My husband and I have well-developed caffeine addictions so we drink it as-is, plus creamer (it's the only coffee I add anything to), but normal people should probably dilute it at least a little. My local roastery has developed a blend meant to be cold-brewed that I keep meaning to try; I think I'll make a batch with that and see if it needs anything. In the past I've used the Folgers/Maxwell House/whatever for cold brew, reasoning that I'm going to put creamer in it anyway. I feel like using less coffee would make it too weak, but I bet if I used fresh-roasted beans I wouldn't need to use as much.
  • JustaNoob
    JustaNoob Posts: 147 Member
    More investigating (very serious about my coffee lol)... previously, I tried Premier Protein in my coffee because everyone was doing it but I just didn't love it. Which was a downer because I normally drink those for a quick breakfast.

    Today, I saw that they have a cinnamon roll flavor and decided to give it a try! Super yummy and a gamechanger.