A little bit of a humorous vent...



  • B_L_A_Z_I_A_N
    I've had trouble meeting caloric goals when I eat non-processed foods.
    Even if you eat large portions, the food may be high in nutrients but low in calories.

  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I've cut back on exercising on days when I'm not hungry. I often go over though, so would love to have the problem of not being able to eat enough!!!
  • Riverofbeauty
    Riverofbeauty Posts: 205 Member
    Hmm, I don't know.

    When I first started this calorie thing, I was usually under and finding it hard to get more, because I started to eat mostly clean foods - which are usually less in calories.

    Basically, you can eat more of those foods,a nd feel fuller - so I definitely understand where those people are coming from.

    But like other people say - just drizzle some olive oil/eat nuts/peanut butter as a snack/avocado and it's much easier without having to eat processed/"bad" foods etc.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I always wish I had the problem myself. :wink: I totally do not believe in starvation mode anyways unless you are eating under 800 to 1000 calories and excessivly exercising.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    Well, I'm sure there is a reason for it, but it has always struck me as odd.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    The thing is, healthy foods tend to fill you up much more than junk food does. I can scarf down a Big Mac and large french fries and still eat more, but I can't do the same with 200g grilled chicken breast and 150g home roasted potatoes + broccoli.

    I usually don't have any problems eating close to my calorie limit, but I can see how some people have difficulties. Plus, keep in mind that not everyone is here to lose weight... they may be here to get fitter/ healthier without dropping the pounds, or even to gain healthy weight.

    I do wonder, though, if some of those "I have 1500 calories left, what to do?" people are measuring their portions correctly.
  • pleasepleaseno
    pleasepleaseno Posts: 166 Member
    I get so annoyed at that.
    Like it sure used to be easy for you, how'd it get so tough haha.
  • I do see this a lot. I have anorexia & as I've lost my hunger cues, I do forget to eat. It makes us who REALLY DO suffer with anorexia look bad. I understand how those who haven't been through it don't understand, however there's no need to be ignorant about it.
    I developed anorexia through series of trauma. I've never even been 'normal' weight, I've always been underweight. I don't do it out of vanity, I do it out of trying to make the pain go away.
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    If I could forget to eat, or have trouble eating enough, I'd celebrate by eating, lol.

    Me too! Gues that's why I'm/we're here! Chin, chin! :drinker:
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Sorry, my post looks really insensitive after yours Lemonpoppyseed. As one who has a tendency to binge, I'm at the other end of the scale, so while I do sound flippant, I'm really not. Food is my pleasure-giver and also gives me pain when I get frustrated/annoyed/whatever I can't stop!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I get so annoyed at that.
    Like it sure used to be easy for you, how'd it get so tough haha.

    It was easy as we ate crap. It's tough now as we're not.

    And i get annoyed that everyone seems to think that everyone loves fruit/veg/nuts etc. What about those of us that DONT like that stuff? 600 calories under...ill just eat a couple of chocolate bars to get it then, shall i?

    When i started i found it hard to get my required calories, without getting too much fat. I wished for a magic 500 calorie pill that had 0 fat.

    There are so many generic replies to things that inevitably have "eat more fruit/veg/nuts/peanut butter"...suppose we hate that stuff? Got any better advice?
  • Sorry, my post looks really insensitive after yours Lemonpoppyseed. As one who has a tendency to binge, I'm at the other end of the scale, so while I do sound flippant, I'm really not. Food is my pleasure-giver and also gives me pain when I get frustrated/annoyed/whatever I can't stop!

    Don't worry, I didn't take it the wrong way. I'm also a binger. I can't get the right balance. I either eat, or I don't. Today was the first time I binged in 10 days. I'm trying to get out of the starve-binge-self harm routine. It's just one massive cycle.
    You just need to slowly replace the binge eating with something else like a hobby :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    There are days when I struggle to hit my goal of 1650. The cleaner I eat the harder it is, especially on big workout days. How many chicken breasts and protein shakes can you eat in 1 day? Sure, I could hit Wendy's for a Baconator and large fries and have no problem hitting my goal, but all that *kitten* food is counter productive. It can be hard to find the balance between eating enough calories while still keeping them clean.
  • There are days when I struggle to hit my goal of 1650. The cleaner I eat the harder it is, especially on big workout days. How many chicken breasts and protein shakes can you eat in 1 day? Sure, I could hit Wendy's for a Baconator and large fries and have no problem hitting my goal, but all that *kitten* food is counter productive. It can be hard to find the balance between eating enough calories while still keeping them clean.

  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Nope. I'm on 1200 and I can assure you, I find it tough not to go over. And I eat super-clean. I just like to eat, and that's my problem right there. I love almost all food, and think I'm addicted to others. So without MFP and annoying amounts of exercise, I'd be over every day. Woe is me :sad:
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    There are days when I struggle to hit my goal of 1650. The cleaner I eat the harder it is, especially on big workout days. How many chicken breasts and protein shakes can you eat in 1 day? Sure, I could hit Wendy's for a Baconator and large fries and have no problem hitting my goal, but all that *kitten* food is counter productive. It can be hard to find the balance between eating enough calories while still keeping them clean.

    This. When you are learning a new way of eating and snacking it can be hard to find healthy "clean" substitutes. Changing your lifestyle is a process. People early on in the process may not have a huge amount of substitutes for the crap they used to eat. That comes with experience. And yes, there is a search feature but this is a message board and people want interaction...otherwise we'd all just use Google. One more thing on the snacking thing too...for some people some "healthy" foods can be triggers to overeating too. Say like a serving of nuts. I tried counting out my nuts for a healthy serving...but I find it hard to stop with that. Peanut butter is the same for me. LOVE it! It would be hard to stop.

    If you are farther along in your journey, good for you. Remember when you were a noob too and if you don't want to answer the same question again, move on.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    it happens. The reason it happens, is we are not ALL here to lose weight. Some of us are here to gain weight, in a healthy manner or to maintain once we've gained, etc.

    I don't find your post rude. I just think you don't understand, because its not something you might be used to is all. I can totally relate to the people who say that. "Forgetting" to eat is a real problem, just the same as over-eating is a problem. We all need to find our own healthy balance.

    Hopefully we'll all find those friends on here who will support us, no matter which journey we are on. :happy:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Okay, I hope this doesn't come across as mean-spirited, but something struck me as funny today... I am continuously seeing posts from people who say they "can't make themselves eat enough," or they "are stuck in starvation mode" and "help what do I do I can't get enough calories!"

    Really? Almost all of us are on this website because eating way too many calories was way too easy for us for way too long. Let's not pretend that all of sudden its a "struggle" to make it past the 1,000 calorie mark. Quit glorifying your undereating and acting like you are not hungry... just follow the program as it's laid out for you and it will work.

    There, just had to get that off my chest :)

    Some of that may be that people have went on medicines such as Phentermine that shape the appetite for weight loss. I was on Phentermine to start and I LITERALLY had ZERO appetite. I had to have the Dr. adjust the meds as I'd literally go all day eating 500-600 calories max and that was just eating to eat something. I ended up going on off them as I was doing well enough watching what I eat and exercise.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I like the funny email chain that was going around a while back...

    You gotta be some special kind of stupid to forget to eat.
  • RocketsGirl75
