29lbs loss but cant see a difference?

callumrayb Posts: 19 Member
edited March 2021 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on a diet since November and slowly worked upto 29lbs(just over 2st)/13.2kg and I cant see a huge difference, maybe a bit less on my bum but my stomach still seems massive.
Here's a side by side from when I started (10th November at 264.5lbs) and 28th at 235.5lbs.

Added a front pic and a spoiler to both images



  • AndreaTamira
    AndreaTamira Posts: 272 Member
    edited March 2021
    Are the right pics the new ones? Because to me you look bit slimmer in them. You seem to be holding your arms and hands at pretty much the same position in both lower pictures, but there is distinctly more space between your arms and your body in the right pic.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,281 Member
    PS perhaps take measurements regularly? Sometimes our minds play tricks on us when comparing pictures 🙂
  • scarlett_k
    scarlett_k Posts: 812 Member
    Speaking as someone who was pretty much the same weight when I started, when you're that size it is a bit like a drop in the ocean but keep chipping away and it'll start to become more evident with looser fitting clothes and comfort.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    There's a big difference! Even if you don't see it yet, you're probably feeling the difference. Keep up the good work. Also, like already mentioned, take your measurements.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,513 Member
    edited March 2021
    man, that's a huge difference! And you don't need a bra anymore. I would say what you're doing is working. Go for it!
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    We certainly are our own worse enemy aren't we. There is definitely a visable difference in your stomach, chest and neck/face. Keep up your great effort!
  • SouthWestLondon
    SouthWestLondon Posts: 134 Member
    I find it so hard to recognise drops even when I'm looking at pictures. But trust me, your tummy is much smaller in the newer pic. Good going! Whatever you are doing is working.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    Are you kidding? You look much slimmer on the right! Keep it up, you're doing great :)
  • Iwannabeapunkrockmom
    Iwannabeapunkrockmom Posts: 61 Member
    You look smaller overall! I think you're doing great! I hope to have similar results. Keep it up!
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,969 Member
    You are doing a great job! There is NOTABLE progress! Keep up the good work! :)
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!! Especially the side!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    ummm you should be more worried about your eyesight ...because.. YES.. you are much smaller. How can you not see that? ha.
    Especially looking at the side view.. you've knocked off some weight. I understand that you've lost a lot and maybe your expectation is to look perfectly thin right now.. but you are on your way for sure. Just keep with it...I don't know what your goal weight is... but you'll reach it if you just keep doing what you've been doing!
  • lorjane
    lorjane Posts: 5 Member
    Take measurements in addition to progress pictures. IF you can't see the results in the photos (i can!) then the numbers will show you how far you have come.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    There's an obvious difference, but you do still have quite a bit to lose. Persevere on my man. You look to be about 5'9-5'10" so a good normal weight for you would likely be around 175lbs-180lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • WasteNotWench
    WasteNotWench Posts: 35 Member
    You're joking right? Look at the wider gap between your arms and your waist! Also look at the side pictures and use your arm as a reference point to how much your stomach has shrunk. Mate give yourself more credit - I can definitely see a 2 stone difference there!!
  • Poobah1972
    Poobah1972 Posts: 943 Member
    edited March 2021
    I tend to find that the initial 4 weeks of a diet are always the most exciting. You've decided to go for it, your mood and excitement for the future is invigorated. The Future seems bright.

    Add to that... Generally the immediate switch to a healthier life style, often brings with it immediate changes, that you can immediately point too. For instance low carbing, instantly vaporizes my back pain, knee pain, and other assorted aches and pains. (even just a reduced carb diet, will have the same effect to varying degree's) That just adds to the excitement and proof that what you doing is working, and the new you is just around the corner etc..

    By the time you get to week 5, any extra water weight you were carrying you probably dropped early.. So your likely seeing slower loss then you did initially (which is great, as it's now just fat loss). You probably feel good, but not substantially different then you did last week. So this could cause the illusion that not much is happening.

    I"m probably talking about myself here... The only way around it is... I have faith that what I'm doing is working, and I'm in this for the long haul. At the end of the day it's going to have to be a change of lifestyle, and that lifestyle won't be one of change, but of maintenance.

    I'm still wearing all the same clothes at the moment... But it's all definitely looser. My shirts are hanging lower in front me, and they are getting a little baggy. My fiancé actually picked me up a 4X shirt over the weekend, just something to shoot for, but it's definitely a little snug for comfort. But I can sit much more comfortably behind the steering wheel, My stomach doesn't' crush between my legs making it impossible to sit with my legs together. I can even easily lift my stomach up now, and put my legs together if I wish. I'm quicker to get up, and move. In time, things will only improve. It's the long game now.

    Congratulations on your success thus far! :smiley: