Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - September Challenge!!



  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Mkingraham That is awesome, good luck with your race and i agree thats enough motivation for me lol. I have been pretty busy and it's catching up to me feeling grumpy. :ohwell: One of those days

    Meag Thanks for all your info and input with my post I really need to evaluate a few things and start with strength training, hope your doing better with your foot issues before your marathon!!! :smile:

    AFM Today has been a crappy day :grumble: I'm just tired and plan on crashing out soon need t get up early and jog, I skipped today because I like to have a rest day or two, Going to start over on my zig zagging correctly so i will avoid the scale at all costs for a few weeks maybe till Oct.1st, wow can't believe it's going to be October this year has flown by. Plan on having a great Thursday cause honestly this Wednesday SUCKED work was tough since i had to work with very challenging kids today and my night class dragged, got a parking ticket and ya one of those days, nothing major just feel like venting, tomorrow will be better , hope you Ladies have a great night, sleep well and have an awesome Thursday, almost Friday!! My favorite day! :yawn: Good night!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Aly- YEAH!! You're back! Don't worry about August, you had a rough month back there, and like you said you already back on track! Get it girl!

    CMG- that almond milk sounds yummy, i might have to try it!

    Cynthia- ugh parking ticket and a crappy day. I hate when that happens, but yes it is about to be october and I mean we just started the september challenge, boy does time fly!

    AFM- Attempted to do a three mile run yesterday, yeah epic fail. After 6 minutes my legs were cramping and I was just not feeling it. I stopped for a minute to stretch it out and then jogged for another 8 or so minutes before I needed to walk it out again, and this cycle kept going. I never felt out of breath my legs just felt like crap and I had zero motivation to push through it. So I ended up going 2.43 miles at a 12:43 pace which is about a minute per mile slower than my normal runs, major suck fest. But at least I tried! And then this morning was bootcamp and I had to drag myself out of bed and make myself do it. Luckily it was a weight day so I got a nice muscle soreness going on right now. Don't you wish all we had to do was wake up and enjoy life and enjoy our workouts? I mean can someone pay me to do that please? Two more LOOONG days of work and then its cruise time!!! I am looking forward to Sunday because I will wake up, do a nice 4 miles in my hometown which is really flat (yeah no hills), and then head down to port canaveral and get on a big ole boat! I imagine I will have another 12 hour day in the office today, so chances are I won't be checking in, but I wanted to drop in and say hi while I could.

    Oh and I found this awesome quote:

    It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.

    I am going to try and live by this!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Megan- I know how you feel about trying to run and having an epic fail. I have been struggling getting back into running after taking almost a month off and it can be so hard. But sometimes slow and just getting out there is all you need to have a better run next time. You got out and did something be happy for that!

    Thanks for the welcomed wishes back, I guess I just had to get in the right place in my head before coming back and really sticking to a plan. This week has been crazy, I started a cleanse that is hard but I needed it after my birthday of indulgences, I was feeling really sluggish and I am feeling better now, it ends on Saturday and I am planning on having a 1 meal out treat, still deciding what that will be but I know beer will be involved :love: Specially pumpkin beer! My love is back in season! Lets just say I had a little too much pumpkin beer last year and got sick of it, I need to make sure that doesn't happen hehe. I start half marathon training on Monday and I have been hitting up my new gym a fair amount. Even during my week of birthday craziness and lots of going out I made it to the gym 2 times. I am starting the half marathon training with Hal Higdons novice 1 training to just start really slow and easy since this is supposed to be fun, and I have some serious motivation to lose 15 pounds for Vegas for the race in December. So that is my ultimate 3 month goal.

    Wedding planning is good, we are going to finalize the guest list this weekend and get addresses so we can send out the save the dates, we are also planning on going to a ring guy to finally get my engagement ring made or just get a new one. I am also going to the flower mart on monday to see what is in season since we are almost exactly 1 year away!

    Workouts- I am going to weight watchers after work and then straight to the gym for a body pump class(its a circuit style workout class) and yesterday I did interval running on the treadmill and found out my new running shoes done work :grumble: but O well I guess I learned my lesson, stick to what you know works.

    Sorry for the essay guess I have a lot to say, and maybe a question of the day is in order...

    What is one thing you are going to do for your self today that is positive and makes you happy?
    Today I am going to stop myself when a negative thought comes up and turn it around into a positive. Life is good, I have to remember that :)

    Love you guys!

  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Slowly but surely kicking through this overtraining wall. Really have dropped my pace down and made every run an easy run. But this week, I've hauled on my 2 runs, despite the heavy legs. I have some of my confidence back and ran a 5 mile tempo Tuesday night at an overall 9.15 pace (including a super slow 10.35 warm-up) and then ran 10 miles last night (a make-up run of sorts) last night at a 9.22 pace. Awesome, because that's the road that tears up my bad ankle and flares up my tendonitis.

    Soccer got post-poned a week. And then another week. So my first game will be 2 weeks from tonight! Looks like we'll have a practice next week though. Going to try and get to the fields this week to kick my own *kitten* with some drills again, probably Saturday, since I have a 14 miler on Sunday (hoping to get in 16 miles though!).

    4 easy miles + strength (CORE!) tonight, 4 miles of speed (hopefully if my legs have it) tomorrow morning.

    Yep, selfish, I'm at work and swamped, but just wanted to check in. Still haven't stepped on the scale since June 24th. Yeahhhh, I'm pretty awesome :glasses:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    too late to join? let me know. i'm dire need of motivation, support, and pound sheddage!!!!!
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Sorry ladies, it's been a few more days since I last posted, I will go back and read what all of y'all have been up to when I get a chance.

    Meag- I didn't get to see what the injury was, but I hope you have a fast recovery. Easier said than done, but take it easy and fully heal and don't forget we are all here for you 110%!

    jill- great job on the running! you are doing awesome!

    silvergurl518- jump right in! And welcome :)

    AFM...I am finally caught up in school, the crash caused me to miss the first week. I am going back to see the neurosurgeon tomorrow and I hope he will let me kick the neck brace and allow me to do some type of exercise...I doubt it, but I am trying to keep positive thoughts. This whole doing nothing and not being active is killlinnngggg me. Every time I slip my tennis shoes on, its all I can do not to run out my door. Any other time I would dread running, but since I didn't chose not to run my body is anxious. I can already tell the lack of physical activity is altering my body and I don't like it. I am going to try and reduce my cal intake just a little since I am not exercising and hopefully that will at least maintain my weight and not cause me to gain anything until I can get active again.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies - Just popping in quickly before Ty gets here. I haven't seen him since we got back from camping Monday and we've got an hour or so to catch up tonight so I want to make the most of it. It's so hard being so busy and exhausted during the week that I can't see him. He lives 2km away and it's still nearly impossible to find time some weeks. How does that happen? :huh:

    Meg - the good news is that you miss exercise! It means that your mindset, habits and lifestyle have changed and that is a great sign. It's good to know that you'll be ready to get right back at it once life gets back to "normal". As for your cals, I'm not sure what your diary looks like regularly, or what your daily goals are, but I wouldn't drop anything too drastically. Unless you were burning 500+ cals/day, it shouldn't affect to much. Just keep doing what you were doing, eat well, and find ways to minimize stress and keep yourself happy. That will have the greatest overall impact on your health and well being :bigsmile:

    Aly - Welcome back!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: And I see you're back to 1/2 Marathon Training!?! I thought you weren't going to train for any races between now and the wedding? Well I'm happy to see you seem to be back in a positive head space and feeling good about your progress and being on track. I know how trying this journey can be on a personal level and you just need to find ways to make it work for you. Whether or not that journey includes us/this group in the future is entirely up to you but I am very happy to have you kickin' it with us for now :bigsmile: I absolutely love HH training plans and I hope you have a ton of success with it! Keep us posted and I'll be checking in regularly. And most of all - keep yourself happy!

    Silvergurl - Absolutely not! Just post your goals and how you plan to reach them (what you hope to achieve this month + whatever programs or methods you're using to get there) and then keep us updated on your progress! Easy peasy! Welcome to the group :flowerforyou:

    Jill - I'm pretty sure we talk enough :laugh: Is a response really needed at all? :tongue: Rock it lady. But watch the over-training. 16miles when you are scheduled for 14 seems like you've got something to prove to yourself and no good reason it can't wait until your 16 mile long run in a few weeks time. Take it easy and follow your plan. You will get there. You will run the 26.2 - Don't push it for the sake of pushing it.

    AFM - Really quickly. Injury's a B*TCH. My foot's been alright this week with my two short runs and yoga. Trying to do more core and push-ups when I can. Had a Dr's appt today and it was pretty inconclusive. She offered me the option of a bone scan, but we're going to see if there are any alternatives first and then decide. Nothing is going to be resolved before next weekend so I just have to do my best to address and manage the pain and inflammation right now. I ran 2.26miles this morning at a pace of 8:55... Which is quite fast for me. I was in a rush and late for work. Big surprise! This weekend I've got lots of food and drinking plans but I am hoping to make decent choices. Weighing in the morning and will hopefully be maintaining despite not logging food for 2 straight weeks. Wish me luck!

    And have a great night ladies! :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Ladies! Just a quick drop in because as usual this week I am insanely busy at work. Just weighed in and I am up a pound, however my fat mass is down a pound, my water is up .5 lbs and my fat free mass is up 1.5 lbs soo basically I think that I am actually on the down but I am holding onto some water weight because I have been working my muscles a lot lately and the muscle soreness today is killer. I am planning on getting in my 3 miles scheduled for saturday today since the hubby and I will be driving literally all day tomorrow and then Sunday is Monday's 4mile run and then departing for the caribbean! I will try and chat later today but my guess is I will check in sometime tomorrow and then again on Sunday and then I won't see you for a week :( Keep up the great work ladies!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Yarrggggg. Stressful-ranty-update-post...

    I gained AGAIN this week. Up another 0.7lbs. For the love of all things chocolate-y! :grumble: I need to get a grip on my eating. And this weekend isn't going to help.

    I am definitely back to logging after next weekend's race. I need to get some control over my eating before I start down the path to 190lbs again...
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I am down 1lb since the beginning of September! Not bad for not exercising intentionally. Still working on that. I can't complain though! :happy:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i'm up 2lbs :( i know why. i haven't been exercising...and i've been eating more. time to reverse that! it's just been a little challenging with the earthquake, hurricane, and flash floods! sheesh! thanks mother nature!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- Thanks a lot! I signed up for this race a long time ago, and I feel like I can still do running races while wedding planning because it really doesn't take that much out of my day to run since I do it anyways. Maybe after this half I will stick to shorter races but we will see. Thanks for your support always! I missed the daily support hehe.

    AFM- I lost what I gained from my birthday fun, Glad to know I can undo it when I gain a bit. I am just glad that I got back on the scale and back to the weight watchers meeting to really get back on focus. The weird thing is that I can still fit into some of my pants I wore when I was 15 pounds liter, I am going to attribute some of the weight gain to muscle(I mean I Did do 2 almost 3 triathlons) So right now I am just focusing on getting back to where I was before training. Weight watchers works well for me because I need the social interaction to keep me in my game, I might go to one of the weekly walking groups to meet more people on the plan. Last night after the meeting I went straight to Body Pump and loved it! What a great way to get a workout in! I am sore today but I feel great. This weekend I am going to workout hopefully both saturday and sunday,

    I am going to a baseball game tonight and I am planning to really stay in my allotted points and only have a few beers and a decently healthy dinner, I am coming off a cleanse so a little badness is ok, as long as I track it and don't just write it off as a cheat. I am also planning on being good all day to help with that. So far win win day! This is the ultimate test, trying to go out and have fun but also be sensible.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So I finally seen the scale go down, only .7 lbs but I'll take that. I have been zig zagging correctly and have increased my calorie intake by a couple hundred cals. on most days and so far so good. I have been trying to really down more h20 but hate that I pee soo much... Planning on not weighing myself till Oct. 1st, and I started strength training and feel a bit sore, only 20ish mins or so but it's a start. I'm also going to start strength training with a co-worker who is going to help me out and show me the correct way. Excited about that free personal training from a real trainer lol. I have been eating healthy, I had a chicken souvlaki wheat pita for lunch with lots of veggies super delish, and tonight all of us ladies are going bowling and off to run in the am and then head to the Chocolate Festival to get Chocolate Wasted, then to a BBQ, going to make the best choices I can. :bigsmile: Had a MUCH better day today thankfully, hope you all have a great weekend. :happy:
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey girls ! Hope y'all had a nice friday :) keep up all the great posting ! I know without y'all I wouldn't be nearly as motivated!

    Cynthia- the frequent peeing will slightly decrease over time, I know if I get out of my water habit, when I get back I am peeing every hour lol awesome job on starting to do strength training with your co-worker. They says those who workout with a buddy lose 3G the amount as someone who goes alone :)

    Aly- happy late birthday !!! Great job on jumping back in, it's always hard to get back into the groove sometimes. Hope you had fun at the ball game! I love watching baseball too

    Silvergurl- it's okay!! You still have plenty of time to get back on track!

    Immarunner- Woo hoo!! Great job on the loss!!

    Meag- I am in the same boat !! I keep launching myself at anything sweet! We will get back though, full faith in ya :)

    AFM: oh idk how today was...I get to stop wearing the brace but the doc was very vague of what I can and probably shouldn't do...I am going to head back to the gym Monday and see how it goes, but I obviously am going to be taking it slow just because I dont want to land myself back in the neck brace. Eating was much better, did minimal snacking and really tried to eat a good meal rather than snacking here and there. My dad is coming down in the morning to help me get another car yay!! Hope y'all have a great weekend and I will hopefully post again tomorrow night !
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    I would love to join!
    Im 23 years old. Im 5'0. Ive been over weight for about 6 years. A lot of people tell me I dont need to lose weight. Its almost a compliment on how well its distributed. Ive been trying to lose weight for probably 5 years now. I started MFP in December 2010. I have lost 14 lbs but gained some back. My husband and I have been going to the gym for years now. I just realized how to lose weight finally last year. Im so interested in food and its relationship with the body that I decided to become a Nutrition Coach.

    SW 140 or more
    CW 131
    GW 115

    Shortyburb- Do my circuit training every week. Dont skip a day unless I ABSOLUTELY need to. Drink only one coke a week. Start school in January for Nutrition and Health Wellness.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies :bigsmile:

    I'm done my grumbling for now. For now! I weighed in yesterday morning and gained once again. But it happens, and I know I haven't been eating within my cals most days because I'm just not capable of intuitive eating. I need to be more diligent and workout far more than I have been. The reality is that work is just way too stressful and mentally/emotionally exhausting right now. I am still really struggling with balance. I'll figure it out eventually...

    I am DEFINITELY not doing my best to get my h2o in, though. That's high on the priority list this week! Ample H2O and a good night's sleep at least 3X this week. Definitely want to be hydrated for next weekend if I decide to run.

    My foot is still really quite iffy and I am debating a long run tomorrow. I want to see if I'm going to be able to sustain 13.1miles next weekend on it - since it's really quite tender and sore - but I don't want to over do it. Decisions decisions. For now I am just eating breakfast and getting ready for Cyclefit this morning. Heading into the farmer's market after my class to pick up some fresh local chicken for dinner and then hoping to enjoy the day downtown. Our city is having a "SuperCrawl" today with 4 stages set up along a main road which is going to be shut down to traffic. They are expecting upto 80,000 people, so it should be loads of fun. And all totally free :bigsmile: We are going to head down later to see some good local bands as well as the Junior Boys and Broken Social Scene tonight. Woot woot.

    Shortyburb - Welcome! Very cool that you are a nutrition coach - what does that entail exactly and where would you "coach"? I'm not too familiar with that profession. I'd love to learn more about it!

    Meg - Thanks! I know I'll get back on track, it's just a matter of dealing with some of my persistent challenges with diet and nutrition. I know I eat well 90% of the time. My issue is mostly with moderation and portion sizes. I eat such healthy food all the time that I often forget that I shouldn't eat 3 truckloads of it every day... :grumble: And my metabolism is sooo revved/I am so used to fueling like a mad-woman for training at this point that I no longer have that trigger that tells me "hey - you're full, stop eating". It's a big adjustment. But we can both make it happen! :bigsmile:

    Aly - Sounds like you're in exactly the right mind frame to kick some *kitten* this month and moving forward! I'm glad to see that you are feeling more balanced and "in control". Hope you enjoyed the baseball game! :happy:

    Silvergurl - Who knows! But reel it back in, eat well, stick to your cals and your macros (C/F/P) and fit in some exercise 5-6 times a week, even if it just means going on a walk, taking the stairs at work 20 times a day, or doing something different in your day-to-day that bumps up your calorie burn. Take it one day at a time! Glad to hear that with all that mother nature has thrown at you, you are still safe and sound :flowerforyou:

    Alright - Gym time! Going to spin away some of last night's cals from Memphis BBQ.... :tongue: Have a great Saturday!
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    Meagalayne- Thanks! A nutrition coach is someone who plans out your meals and tells you how to work out each day. From what I understand they can work in different places. They can work out of a gym. They can open there own practice and hire trainers under them. I think they are also certified to work with just nutrition in schools for example. Im not a coach yet. Ill start school in January and its a 4 year bachelor degree.
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    So yesterday my husband and I played softball with our church for our annual fall picnic. Today, I HURT! But it's a good hurt! As many of you know, I went through back issues earlier this spring and summer and haven't been very active since. I think playing this one game of softball is exactly when I needed to get my body going again. I didn't realize how much I missed it! That's really all I have I'm going to go take some tylenol and get my day started! :happy:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    @meagalyne--thanks for the warm welcome! you can call me laura :) and guess what? i'm down 1.8 lbs!!!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I completed my 30 day shred
    wanted to post my results since it may help motivate people

    Ok here is my 30 day shred pics......only 2lbs lost and no where near my goal but lost 11 inches and you can see it in the pics!!


