March 2021 - Daily or Weekly check-in



  • jensam327
    jensam327 Posts: 142 Member
    January starting weight: 152.2
    February starting weight: 150.4
    March starting weight: 149
    March goal: 147 - same as February's;)
    Ultimate goal: 143

    3/1 - 149
    3/2 - 147.6 - What?! Maybe I'll switch March goal to 146. We'll see if this was a fluke;)
    3/3 - 147.6 - Holding steady!
    3/4 - 147.6
    3/5 - 147.6 - I'm beginning to think my scale is being lazy; it knows it's me, then just goes here.:D
    3/6 - DNW
    3/7 - DNW

    3/8 - DNW
    3/9 - 149.8 - This always happens, I get down to a new low, then I stop logging my food, eating a little more and, VOILA! I'm back here. At least I'm still under 150. It was a fun weekend, but back to it today!
    3/10 - 149 - Right direction!:smile:
    3/11 - 149
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    MFP Start weight 01/01/2016 - 338.8 Lbs
    Goal Weight - 170
    March starting weight 02/28 - 197.4

    Week 1:
    3/1 - 198.4 😦
    3/2 - 197.2 πŸ˜“
    3/3 - 196.4 😌
    3/4 - 195.8 πŸ˜ƒ
    3/5 - 195.8 😌 TOM day 1
    3/6 - 196.0 πŸ˜“ TOM day 2
    3/7 - 197.4 😧 TOM day 3

    Weekly check-in : I had a good week with workouts and even did a tad better with food but my TOM is here and sadly yesterday I had a full on binge day. It was so out of control. I hope today I can have a much better day and move on from here and bring my weight back down. I recently started building up my home gym so been killing it in my basement πŸ’ͺπŸ»β€οΈπŸ‘πŸ».

    Week 2:
    3/08 - 197.8 😭 TOM day 4
    3/09 - 199.2 🀯 what!?!?!
    3/10 - 198.0 πŸ˜’
    3/11 - 198.2 😭
    3/12 - 198.0 πŸ₯Ί
    3/13 -
    3/14 -

    Weekly check-in :

    Week 3:
    3/15 -
    3/16 -
    3/17 -
    3/18 -
    3/19 -
    3/20 -
    3/21 -

    Weekly check-in :

    Week 4:
    3/22 -
    3/23 -
    3/24 -
    3/25 -
    3/26 -
    3/27 -
    3/28 -

    Weekly check-in :

    Final week:
    3/29 -
    3/30 -
    3/31 -

    Weekly check-in :

    Total loss for March:
  • LindaRN83
    LindaRN83 Posts: 156 Member
    F 5’2” 72

    January SW 169.4
    February SW 165.6
    March SW 162.2
    March goal 158
    Short term goal 150, then reevaluate

    3/1 162.2
    3/2 161.8
    3/3 161.6
    3/4 162
    3/5 161.4
    3/6 161.2 walking and portion control, slowly but surely
    3/7 162 ate out with friends last night
    3/8 162
    3/9 161.6 walked over 15000 steps yesterday
    3/10 161
    3/11 160.8
    3/12 161
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    March starting weight: 187
    March goal: 184, but really my weekly goal is for the high spikes to be lower, and the lows to drop lower

    3/1 - 187.0 8min run w/ walk
    3/2 - 187.0 9min run w/ walk. Adding 1min run daily is working well; took off Saturday as a 'rest' day. Excited to hit the 1 mile mark this week!
    3/3 - 186.4 massage, 10min run w/ walk, and zumba tonight!
    3/4 - 185.2 yesterday I just ran 9min instead of the planned 10min...getting old and forgot the plan, but today I'm doing 11min to stay on schedule.
    3/5 - 185.0 yesterday I did a full 12min run instead of the planned 11, so yay, a solid mile! No run planned for today. Gotta hang on to my motivation and big girl panties and make good choices this weekend.
    3/6 - 183.0 what????? 13min run w/ walk is done, making quiche for dinner tonight (cheddar, smoked sausage, mushrooms, evap milk instead of cream) Happy weekend!!
    3/7 - 184.6 a rebound as expected. Still, I count this week as a success. Last night's quiche was too yummy...ate too much, and had wine. Last month I noticed a bump after wine, definitely need to watch to see if this is a pattern related to wine. Daily weigh-ins are interesting, helps me figure out how my body reacts to different things. Today's plan is 14min run w/ walk, get the dogs out for a walk, taxes for us and my mom. Hamburger (no bun) with a salad for me tonight, w/ bun and tater tots for my menfolk.

    3/8 - 186.4 sigh. sigh. Slightly below last Monday though. I really wish my scale was consistent but it reflects my choices so there you go. 15min run w/ walk, laundry, and work today; hope to get the dogs out too.
    3/9 - 185.2 fluid retention and I are old frenemies. 16min run w/ walk, didn't get the dogs out yesterday so will do so today. Dinner is leftover quiche.
    3/10 - 185.2 disappointing, I thought I'd see a little movement today. No run/walk today but will make it to zumba tonight. Still haven't gotten the dogs out despite temps in the low 60s.
    3/11 - 184.4 I did manage my 17min run yesterday, along with zumba. Today may be a rest day but I may manage the 18min run anyway.
    3/12 - 183.4 sure looks like I just repeated last week. My plan for this weekend is to plan extra exercise, like finally getting the dogs outside for a walk, and to prelog my food (even for a restaurant). I have to figure out how not to undo all my hard work every weekend. I did my run yesterday (yay me!) so today is 19min.
    3/13 -
    3/14 -

    I know I react to gluten, even though not technically allergic or celiac; now I'm trying to determine if I react to wine as well. So, wine tracking:
    3/7, 183.0 - wine = 3/8, 184.6