March 2021 - Daily or Weekly check-in



  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    @rachjolly - Yes! So happy the scale started moving for you. Congrats on a great month!

    @LindaRN83 - Congratulations on breaking through to the 150's!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Amazing loss @BittersweetVita Good job!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    March starting weight: 187
    March goal: 184, but really my weekly goal is for the high spikes to be lower, and the lows to drop lower

    3/1 - 187.0 8min run w/ walk
    3/2 - 187.0 9min run w/ walk. Adding 1min run daily is working well; took off Saturday as a 'rest' day. Excited to hit the 1 mile mark this week!
    3/3 - 186.4 massage, 10min run w/ walk, and zumba tonight!
    3/4 - 185.2 yesterday I just ran 9min instead of the planned 10min...getting old and forgot the plan, but today I'm doing 11min to stay on schedule.
    3/5 - 185.0 yesterday I did a full 12min run instead of the planned 11, so yay, a solid mile! No run planned for today. Gotta hang on to my motivation and big girl panties and make good choices this weekend.
    3/6 - 183.0 what????? 13min run w/ walk is done, making quiche for dinner tonight (cheddar, smoked sausage, mushrooms, evap milk instead of cream) Happy weekend!!
    3/7 - 184.6 a rebound as expected. Still, I count this week as a success. Last night's quiche was too yummy...ate too much, and had wine. Last month I noticed a bump after wine, definitely need to watch to see if this is a pattern related to wine. Daily weigh-ins are interesting, helps me figure out how my body reacts to different things. Today's plan is 14min run w/ walk, get the dogs out for a walk, taxes for us and my mom. Hamburger (no bun) with a salad for me tonight, w/ bun and tater tots for my menfolk.

    3/8 - 186.4 sigh. sigh. Slightly below last Monday though. I really wish my scale was consistent but it reflects my choices so there you go. 15min run w/ walk, laundry, and work today; hope to get the dogs out too.
    3/9 - 185.2 fluid retention and I are old frenemies. 16min run w/ walk, didn't get the dogs out yesterday so will do so today. Dinner is leftover quiche.
    3/10 - 185.2 disappointing, I thought I'd see a little movement today. No run/walk today but will make it to zumba tonight. Still haven't gotten the dogs out despite temps in the low 60s.
    3/11 - 184.4 I did manage my 17min run yesterday, along with zumba. Today may be a rest day but I may manage the 18min run anyway.
    3/12 - 183.4 sure looks like I just repeated last week. My plan for this weekend is to plan extra exercise, like finally getting the dogs outside for a walk, and to prelog my food (even for a restaurant). I have to figure out how not to undo all my hard work every weekend. I did my run yesterday (yay me!) so today is 19min.
    3/13 - 184.0 No exercise yesterday. Today was a 90min walk, leg cramps dictated no run today.
    3/14 - 184.8 wine last night and gluten, so surprised it's less than a pound jump. Had a hot bath last night, and my legs feel much better; am going to sit in hot water several times this week and hope to get my legs stretched out and not-so-tight. Today ran 20min + 23min walk (an episode of Hell's Kitchen). Dinner is baked salmon and shrimp, cauliflower.

    3/15 - 186.0 ah, there's the rest of the gluten spike from 3/13. Although it's lower than last Monday so I'm not going to complain (much). Running 21min today with my walk. Onward and downward. Mexican rice, egg, and avocado for dinner.
    3/16 - 186.6 ???? Maybe the rice? 22min run with walk; dinner chicken leg quarter & cauliflower.
    🍀 3/17 - 187.2 grrr...fighting to remember that I'm a girl, and girls have issues... Dinner is salmon & broccoli, zumba tonight. No run today, fighting with extremely tight calves. Spent time researching calf issues last night, typically seen in runners, due to over-use. Well hmmm, that's probably me. Did a couple half's last year which resulted in the calf issue so I took a few months off. Getting back into it and guess what resurfaced. So I'm going to spend some time on the stretches and see what happens. I think I'm going to stick with 20min runs for a few days too instead of adding minutes. I've got to fix my legs.
    3/18 - 185.7 whatever. Yesterday was a complete rest day: no zumba, no walk, no run. And today is a nice drop, which lends credibility to the fluid retention being the culprit. Used my foam roller (not actually foam, but not as hard as plastic) on my calves yesterday and will again today. PAIN! This morning they feel like they were beat up, which I'm taking as a good sign. Will keep at it. I am planning on a 20min run + walk today. Dinner: baked chicken and a veg.
    3/19 - 187.6 nothing happened as planned yesterday: no run, no walk, went out with my husband and had cake. So this number is no surprise, even though it's irritating. 20min run + walk today, chicken and veg for dinner. Today I'm sticking to the plan.
    3/20 - 188.0 ugh. Too many rest days in a row = not a good number. Will do 20min run + walk today.
    3/21 -

    3/22 -
    3/23 - 187.8 25min run
    3/24 - 187.0 25min run yesterday turned into 2, 5min runs with lots of walking in between. I have to figure out my tight calves to keep running. The rest of this week I'm going to walk and pull out a yoga dvd (yes, dvd lol). This year has been rough on the scale, really haven't made any progress. But on I go, not giving up! (zumba & walk; meatloaf for dinner)
    3/25 - 186.8 today I'm going to walk and do some yoga to hopefully help my calves. Leftovers tonight, probably salmon and a veg.
    3/26 - 186.6 another walk and yoga today; going out with hubby tonight so need to hold firm on meat+veg.
    3/27 -
    3/28 -

    3/29 - 188.8 really bad to not weigh in/log on the weekends. Too many indulgences and without the scale visual it's too easy to let it slide. Yoga and walk today (still working on my calf issue so no run); salmon for dinner.
    3/30 - 189.4 I only fail if I give up.
    3/31 - 190.8 no idea why...

    Wine tracking:
    3/7, 183.0 - wine = 3/8, 184.6
    3/13, 184.0 - wine+gluten = 3/14, 184.8 (not a fair data point as I had wine + gluten, and I'm really just trying to see how I react to wine)
    3.14, 184.8 - wine = 3/15 186.0 (still not a fair data point as I'm sure this jump is the rest of the gluten spike)
    3/19, 187.6 - wine = 3/20 188.0 hmm, thinking I don't react negatively to wine, which is a good thing :-)
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    edited March 2021
    Congratulations to all who stuck to it and tracked throughout the month. It takes time to build new habits and for them to stick, and we all fall during the journey.

    It finally occurred to me to create the April thread - you'll find it at:

    I hope you join for another month of encouraging each other in our goals!
  • lizziebtothec
    lizziebtothec Posts: 402 Member
    Beginning start weight - 231 lbs (12/2/19)
    Mar starting weight - 198.6 lbs (2/28/21)
    Mar goal - 195 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 160 lbs
    Height: 5'8"

    3/1: 198.4 lbs I am just SO tired. I don't feel like doing anything.
    3/2: 198.0 lbs so..... Sonic has an oreo cookie dough blast right now. I tried out a small last night. So good but I could only eat about half of it.
    3/3: 199.8 lbs 😲 maybe the ice cream caught up to me. 😂 I was under calories yesterday (but not under carbs).
    3/4: 199.4 lbs
    3/5: 199.8 lbs
    3/6: 200.2 lbs
    3/7: 199.0 lbs under calories and carbs
    3/8: 200.0 lbs under calories and carbs. I don't know what's up with this increase. The only thing I can think of is I ate dinner super late last night.
    3/9: 199.8 lbs under calories and carbs. I might need to decrease my carbs again.
    3/10: 199.8 lbs I was WAY over calories and carbs yesterday so this might catch up with me later in the week.
    3/11: 200.0 lbs under calories.
    3/12: 200.2 lbs TOM
    3/15: 199.8 lbs I spent the weekend camping and had a great time with the family.:)
    3/19: 198.6 lbs: I reduced my max calories and have been working on making better food choices.
    3/26: 200.4 lbs: I'm not sure what happened. I've been under my calories every day. I might need to take a look at my food measurements.
    3/31: 200.2 lbs
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,997 Member
    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA.
    (From Feb 28, 2021) Starting weight: 207.0
    Goal: 202.0

    03/01 – 206.6 Off to a good start. Hoping for a good finish with no getting lost on the way! Good luck everyone!
    03/02 - 207.4 Nighttime snacks with milk during documentary. Ugg! Here goes the roller coaster ride!
    03/03 - 207.0 I am very happy with this. I traveled yesterday and managed still see some downward movement. The good dining choices paid off!
    03/04 - 208.4 A severe glucose drop last night. I kept my cool pretty good. A bowl of cereal with milk very late night did not help my scale this morning, but it did fix the symptoms. Aiming for a well-balanced day today. Tomorrow is travel out-of-town for my appointment with attorney. Time to update my will. I haven’t made changes since my husband died 5 years ago. My children are all grown since I originally made my will which changes things. Also, with the recent sale of my two businesses, it really needs to be done. I will try to keep any luncheon choices reasonable. Milk always seems to bloat me up. Perhaps I have become a bit lactose intolerant? Disappointed but not discouraged!
    03/05 - 208.4 Small quantities but bad choices. Another glucose drop last night. This one was the type that makes you feel drunk. Woozy, unsteady on feet. Strange foot to floor sensations. Clouded thinking and judgement. High fall risk, must hold on to things because of staggering. Not as fast coming on as the feeding frenzy kind but something that has to be dealt with. Very cloudy vision. Strange thinking. Drunk is the only way I can describe it. This shows how out of shape my diet is (when too low calorie or carb puts me in this state). My body doesn’t want the (healthy) change. I will take it slow. Traveling today to work on having my will & trust updated along with some other legal matters. Lunch will be out-of-town. Everything is challenging right now.
    03/06 - 208.4 Travel yesterday with restaurant did not show up on the scale. I am grateful but watchful as it sometimes sneaks on a few days later. I am going to try to eat lighter today without anything too drastic. Because of the diabetes episodes of late, I am easing in…..
    03/07 - 207.6 Very happy with this. Tonight is a Pizza Takeout Dinner after the work crew leaves. I am holding a family meeting at about 5:30 in regards to my Will and Trust. It is part of my homework and will be a difficult evening. I hope the scale will understand and be kind.
    03/08 - 208.2 Pizza last night during the family dinner. I kept the meal smaller than my usual but I still probably deserve this.
    03/09 – 206.8 That makes me smile today finally! That is a smidgen over starting weight. Now……to lose some weight this month!
    03/10 – 204.8 Wow! That was a nice drop. That may explain the severe glucose drop again last night. This time it actually woke me out of a deep sleep which is quite unusual. Middle of the night food and drink remedy I thought would really hurt the scale but so far so good. My body is fighting me tooth and nail but slow and steady will win the race. As my weight improves, my glucose will improve too. When I drop and sustain for a bit, I will seek a medication check-up. The doctor won’t change a thing when my weight loss is only temporary downs and ultimately sustaining the higher weights. Another goal to reach for!
    03/11 – 206.2 The two pound overnight loss was a bit drastic so my body has adjusted. Still moving downward in my trends and still down 0.6 from day before yesterday. I am happy to be on track with food and movement. I hope today will be another good day. I don’t always trust myself on one side of my brain, but the other side is the babysitter and will try to keep that unruly child in me in check!
    03/12 – 207.0 Out to dinner. This number will pass. Family emergency today.
    03/13 - 207.2 My daughter and 3 yr old grandson decided to move in last night in an emergency. This will be a challenge within a challenge. Menus will be challenging. I don’t know how long this will be for but I am glad my daughter and grandson are safe and okay. This could be a minute or awhile. We shall see.
    03/14 - 207.2 Traveling today for renovation supplies. Lunch will be out.
    03/15 - 207.2 Not doing well on the diet with the houseful of people daily. Between family moving in and the renovation crew, my life is upside down! Doing my best here but I just don’t have the space, the energy or the privacy I need to cook multiple dinners, lunches, etc. I already cook 2 different ones per meal due to my son’s autism and eating disorders. I’m not going to throw my hands up. I will find the answers.
    03/16 - 207.0 In the right direction. This lands me right back at starting weight. It is time to make some real progress. Tomorrow is travel and restaurant lunch so I will try not to take two steps backward!
    03/17 - DNW. I forgot to grab a scale read before the hectic morning rush and trip. Travel went well. Appointment was good. Pizza luncheon was truly the best I’ve ever tasted. Scale may go up tomorrow but I did keep my portions to a minimum.
    03/18 - 207.4 I’m happy that it isn’t higher after travel. I can deal with this. Tonight is our (late) St. Patty’s Day dinner. High in sodium so I’m pushing water today already.
    03/19 – 207.4 No change is a plus after the late St. Patty’s Day meal. I’ll take it!
    03/20 - 207.0 Leftover corned beef last night. Pushed water in the hopes that it wouldn’t do too much damage. It worked!
    03/21 – 208.4 I’m playing the no TMI/Potty game. Calories were under although it could have been more nutritious calories.
    03/22 – 207.4 I’m pleasantly surprised after the birthday party yesterday for my DGS. I hope this sticks!
    03/23 - 209.0 My daughter brought Dairy Queen home from out of town. 2 chili dogs that tasted like a salt shaker and a medium Blizzard. Bloated me up this morning and I hope it is just temporary. I got in almost 12,000 steps yesterday. Over 5 miles on my fitbit and 16 sets of steps just doing housework and chasing DGS. But it was not enough to mitigate the damage.
    03/24 - 208.8 Eating emotions during family turmoil. Also, too much junk being brought in by daughter. I need to get a backbone! Lots of movement and steps saved me yesterday. I am not proud of what I ate.
    03/25 - 208.2 Daughter was away for the day and night yesterday. My weight went down. Not so much junk! First Covid shot today so I am traveling out-of-town about an hour and a half each way. Hopefully all will go well.
    03/26 – 208.8 After travel weight which is always up. First Covid shot was painless and easy. No major side effects afterward either.
    03/27 – 207.6 Much Better!
    03/28 – 207.6 It’s like pulling teeth. Such a struggle! But it’s okay, I’m worth it.
    03/29 – 207.0 Yay!
    03/30 – 207.0 I’m exactly at my starting weight for this month. I had hoped to drop 5 pounds. My main goal today is to stay at starting or drop a bit. I cannot afford to gain in ANY month.
    03/31 - 208.2 No TMI today which affected the scale. Horrid!

  • rachjolly
    rachjolly Posts: 204 Member
    @BittersweetVita @roz0810 thank you guys ❤️ Well done to you too!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,846 Member
    Happy birthday @jensam327
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,846 Member
    I am Dawn. 60, 5'2"
    MFP Start weight Oct 28.18 - 191
    UGW 115-ish
    Daily weighing keeps me accountable and prevents me from a few extra snacks the night before.

    Week 1:
    3/1: 136.0 - Up from last month's end weight.
    3/2: 135.0 - Going to use this as my month start weight, not yesterday's fluctuation.
    3/3: 133.0 - Well, that is more like it!! Hit this number once before, very happy to see it.
    3/4: 132.2 - New low : - )
    3/5: 134.1 - That is a bit of a jump, but I'm okay with it. I indulged a little bit last night.
    3/6: 134.9 - Ouch.
    3/7: 133.8 - More reasonable. I will get in extra workouts today, day off.

    Week 2:
    3/8: 134.7 - Completely on track. I try not to get too upset with these jumps from day to day.
    3/9: 134.7 - Had hoped for a slight decrease.
    3/10: 133.3 - I like the fluctuations better when they go in this direction : - )
    3/11: 133.4
    3/12: 133.7
    3/13: 134.1 - Ow, no reason for the gain. If I stay on track I know that it will come back down.
    3/14: 134.3 - I have got to get on top of this.

    Week 3:
    3/15: 134.2 - Working to get this down.
    3/16: 133.8
    3/17: 132.8 - Well, Yay!!
    3/18: 132.4 - Hooray!
    3/19: 133.0 - Lots of activity and well within my calories yesterday. There is some ice skating starting up for March break, it starts tomorrow and goes right until March 31st. The last skating of the season and I am rearranging my schedule so that I can skate every day : - )
    3/20: 133.0 - Ice skating today in an arena that is temporarily opening for March break. I booked 11 skates (had to pre-book and will have to wear a mask) up until March 31.21 every day starting Monday. Ice skating lifts my spirits, and also burns a great deal of calories, so hoping to end the month strong and fit.
    3/21 133.5 - This uptick could be from 2 or 3 days ago, that seems to be how it works. Hoping to hit that 132.4 again soon.

    Week 4:
    3/22 131.7 - Wow!! I imagine that it will fluctuate, but super pumped to hit this number!
    3/23: 132.6
    3/24: 131.8
    3/25: 132.7
    3/26: 132.6 - Expecting a drop soon, today will be day 5 of 6 consecutive days of ice skating.
    3/27: 131.7 - Happy to see this number again. Planned indulgences for my friend's birthday today and tomorrow. Ice skating this morning, so will at least burn a bunch of calories first.
    3/28: 132.8 - Planned pizza for my friend's birthday today, so I will have to get in some extra workouts. My weight gain could hang around for a few days.

    Final week:
    3/29: 135.2 Ouch! I guess that I expected an uptick after pizza and cake. I need to get on top of that!!
    3/30: 135.1 - burned lots of calories yesterday including ice skating - one day for that to catch up
    3/31: 132.8 - That spike was so unsettling. Happy that at the end of the month it went away. Such an up and down month!

    Total loss for March: 2.2 lbs
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,846 Member
    nikkit321 wrote: »
    Congratulations to all who stuck to it and tracked throughout the month. It takes time to build new habits and for them to stick, and we all fall during the journey.

    It finally occurred to me to create the April thread - you'll find it at:

    I hope you join for another month of encouraging each other in our goals!

    Thank you @nikkit321
  • stephtra49
    stephtra49 Posts: 168 Member
    edited March 2021
    MFP starting weight: 183
    GOAL WEIGHT: 160

    🍀🍀🍀March starting weight: 172.4🍀🍀🍀
    March goal: 167 😳

    Irish Blessing: May your troubles be less, your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door!

    Week 1:
    3/1 172 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻WOOT WOOT! I really didn't eat yesterday, just wasn't hungry.
    3/2 171.8 🐢🐢🐢slow and steady,
    3/3 172 not sure what happened. Possible due to not having a 💩! Sorry TMI but true!
    3/4 171.4 HAPPY HAPPY! 🥳
    3/5 171.4
    3/6 171.2 🥰🥰🥰
    3/7 172.4 😒 Late night snack is not good!

    Week 2:
    3/8 DNW Totally forgot
    3/9 175 😳 got my Covid-19 vaccine today, we’ll see how it goes !
    3/10 173.6 😊 woke up with a headache, tired & freezing, went to work! 4 of us employees got the vaccine yesterday & I’m the only one that showed up for work.
    3/11 172.2. Well this is a pleasant surprise. I ended up leaving work early yesterday due to massive headache. Pretty sure it was side affect from the vaccine. Then got home was freezing, very tired, horrible body aches & nauseated. I ended up getting fevers through out the night. Staying home today & praying that theses symptoms are done by tonight! Tylenol is my friend again today.
    3/12 172
    3/13 172
    3/14 172

    Week 3:
    3/15 172.6 I've been slacking! I need to get my rear end back on track.
    3/16 172 back on track today. Next 2 weeks I'm going to push hard!🚶🏻‍♀️👟 I also downloaded some audio books for walking 🚶🏻‍♀️
    🍀🍀 3/17 171.8 HAPPY St. Patrick's Day! I've got my green scrubs on, I put the Corned Beef in the crock-pot. I got a 25 minute walk in. I'm debating about making traditional Irish Bread when I get home to go with dinner, but I think it might be too many calories and carbs. We'll see. 🍀🍀🍀🍀
    3/18 170.8 HAPPY HAPPY 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
    3/19 169.4 🎉🎉🎉WOOT WOOT I know I can do this! SOOOOO HAPPY to finally be back under 170.
    3/20 171 🤔 pizza for dinner last night!
    3/21 171 🤨

    Week 4:
    3/22 171🤨 need to get on top of this!
    3/23 170.8 Slowly moving.
    3/24 171 🤨
    3/25 170.6 🥳
    3/26 170 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Next few days will have to be strong & stay on track! I know I can do this.
    3/27. DNW
    3/28 169.8😍 happy happy

    Final week:
    3/29 170.6 🤨 I'm yoyoing!
    3/30 170.8 😡 can only blame myself!
    3/31 169.8 🥳 Happy with this. Not my goal for the month, but its better than nothing. I just need to stay more focused! It is getting nice out again so I will be walking more. GOOD BYE MARCH!

    Total loss for March: -2.6lbs
  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    edited March 2021
    2021 Goals: Reach 120 lbs then maintain between 115 to 120 lbs and attempt to gain muscle along the way

    MFP Starting Weight: 147.4 lbs - Nov 2017
    Aug starting weight: 110 ... previous GW that was too low.
    Sept starting weight: 113.8
    Oct starting weight: 113.8
    Nov starting weight: 115.8
    Dec starting weight: 122.6
    January starting weight: 123.6
    February starting weight: 124.4
    March starting weight: 128.8 lbs... thanks snow storm.
    March goal: 125.8 lbs

    Height: 5'
    Age Range: 30s

    I see my upward trend... I just gotta do something about it... sigh.

    Week 1:
    3/1 - 128.8
    3/2 - 128.6 ... I worked out for the first time in a while yesterday.
    3/3 - 127.6
    3/4 - 129
    3/5 - 127.6
    3/6 - 129
    3/7 - 128

    Week 2:
    3/8 - 128.4
    3/9 - 128.8
    3/10 - 128
    3/11 - 128.2
    3/12 - 127 ... :o
    3/13 - 127.8
    3/14 - 128.6

    Week 3:
    3/15 - 129.2 ... weekend food, it's always so easy to gain but I'm continuing on with a workout (#7 this month).
    3/16 - 128
    3/17 - 128.4 ... not a bad gain after cake and chips yesterday evening... but I also completed workout #8 today
    3/18 - 127.4
    3/19 - 127.2 ... workout #9
    3/20 - 127.4
    3/21 - DNW

    Week 4:
    3/22 - DNW
    3/23 - 127
    3/24 - 126.4 ... I've got some family stuff going on that is causing me to eat less; not the best way to lose weight but I still plan to workout. #10 is planned for this week.
    3/25 - 128.6 ... queso and over-snacking always cause a gain.
    3/26 - 126.8 ... Workout #10 completed today!
    3/27 - 127.4
    3/28 - 128.6

    Final Week:
    3/29 - 128.8 ... I'm going to at least try ending the month around 127.
    3/30 - 128.8 ... Workout #11 completed today!
    3/31 - 128.4

    Total loss for March: 0.4 lbs

    I'm extremely happy that this month is NOT a gain in the end!!!! :D:D:D

    Workout Log with Fitbod app:
  • Gabbyh_0530
    Gabbyh_0530 Posts: 51 Member
    February starting weight: 162.4
    March starting weight: 160
    March goal: 155
    Goal weight: 145

    03/01 - 160
    03/07 - 160.8
    03/10 - 157.4
    03/12 - 156
    03/16 - 155.6
    03/20 - 153 I am so excited to have met my goal prior to the end of the month! Despite the discouraging weight fluctuations, I am still making progress. :)
    03/23 - 151.8
    03/31 - 152.6
  • brite_ies
    brite_ies Posts: 71 Member
    January 15, 2021 starting weight: 206
    March starting weight:189
    March goal:180
    Ultimate goal: 145
    3/1 -189
    3/4 -188.2
    3/11-185.6 I did two extra 40 minute hikes this week due to the nice weather and I am thrilled to see it helped! My dog was also very happy about it 😺
    3/18- 183.4! I almost had a beer last night but ended up not getting one so glad I didn’t!
    3/25- 179.4!!! Not sure how I managed that but I will take it! Let’s just hope it isn’t my scale messing up 🤞Passing my March goal and the first time I have been in the 170s in over 2 years ❤️
    4/1- 177.2 ❤️