March 2021 - Daily or Weekly check-in



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 10,850 Member
    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 60 years old and from the Midwest USA.
    (From Feb 28, 2021) Starting weight: 207.0
    Goal: 202.0

    03/01 – 206.6 Off to a good start. Hoping for a good finish with no getting lost on the way! Good luck everyone!
    03/02 - 207.4 Nighttime snacks with milk during documentary. Ugg! Here goes the roller coaster ride!
    03/03 - 207.0 I am very happy with this. I traveled yesterday and managed still see some downward movement. The good dining choices paid off!
    03/04 - 208.4 A severe glucose drop last night. I kept my cool pretty good. A bowl of cereal with milk very late night did not help my scale this morning, but it did fix the symptoms. Aiming for a well-balanced day today. Tomorrow is travel out-of-town for my appointment with attorney. Time to update my will. I haven’t made changes since my husband died 5 years ago. My children are all grown since I originally made my will which changes things. Also, with the recent sale of my two businesses, it really needs to be done. I will try to keep any luncheon choices reasonable. Milk always seems to bloat me up. Perhaps I have become a bit lactose intolerant? Disappointed but not discouraged!
    03/05 - 208.4 Small quantities but bad choices. Another glucose drop last night. This one was the type that makes you feel drunk. Woozy, unsteady on feet. Strange foot to floor sensations. Clouded thinking and judgement. High fall risk, must hold on to things because of staggering. Not as fast coming on as the feeding frenzy kind but something that has to be dealt with. Very cloudy vision. Strange thinking. Drunk is the only way I can describe it. This shows how out of shape my diet is (when too low calorie or carb puts me in this state). My body doesn’t want the (healthy) change. I will take it slow. Traveling today to work on having my will & trust updated along with some other legal matters. Lunch will be out-of-town. Everything is challenging right now.
    03/06 - 208.4 Travel yesterday with restaurant did not show up on the scale. I am grateful but watchful as it sometimes sneaks on a few days later. I am going to try to eat lighter today without anything too drastic. Because of the diabetes episodes of late, I am easing in…..
    03/07 - 207.6 Very happy with this. Tonight is a Pizza Takeout Dinner after the work crew leaves. I am holding a family meeting at about 5:30 in regards to my Will and Trust. It is part of my homework and will be a difficult evening. I hope the scale will understand and be kind.
    03/08 - 208.2 Pizza last night during the family dinner. I kept the meal smaller than my usual but I still probably deserve this.
    03/09 – 206.8 That makes me smile today finally! That is a smidgen over starting weight. Now……to lose some weight this month!
    03/10 – 204.8 Wow! That was a nice drop. That may explain the severe glucose drop again last night. This time it actually woke me out of a deep sleep which is quite unusual. Middle of the night food and drink remedy I thought would really hurt the scale but so far so good. My body is fighting me tooth and nail but slow and steady will win the race. As my weight improves, my glucose will improve too. When I drop and sustain for a bit, I will seek a medication check-up. The doctor won’t change a thing when my weight loss is only temporary downs and ultimately sustaining the higher weights. Another goal to reach for!
    03/11 – 206.2 The two pound overnight loss was a bit drastic so my body has adjusted. Still moving downward in my trends and still down 0.6 from day before yesterday. I am happy to be on track with food and movement. I hope today will be another good day. I don’t always trust myself on one side of my brain, but the other side is the babysitter and will try to keep that unruly child in me in check!
    03/12 – 207.0 Out to dinner. This number will pass. Family emergency today.
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  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    @RiverwoodRain Yes, keep going! At one point, my weight fluctuated between the same 3 lbs for 3 months.

    @dawnbgethealthy Love the new profile picture!

    @171lake Being at a similar age, height, and weight at one point, I'm cheering you on!