I need a bit of help.

Right, I weighed myself over the weekend and I've put ON weight! I'm now the heaviest I've ever been in my life at 11 stone 9lbs (163lbs) - how is this possible?!!

All I can think is that I must be eating the wrong foods. I'm really going to have to up my game a little bit.

The odd thing is, I'm a UK 10/12 (depending on where I shop) so how does that work? I'm aware that muscle weighs more than fat but surely I shouldn't have put on a stone in a matter of weeks??


  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    1. Get rid of potatos and any type of bread from your diet.
    2. Eat a lot more healthy greens.
    3. Eat the majority of your cals in the morning.

    Just my opinion because it worked for me.
  • Definitely possible. Don't worry about the scale. Put your focus on healthy eating staying under calorie goals, and logging every bite. You will get to where you are going.