Diet and fitness FADS you’ve tried before...



  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    The only thing I've tried was like 20 years ago, I stumbled across some hunger suppression pills on Amazon. I had seen things like Dexatrim at the stores and noted how expensive they were. These pills were much cheaper, so I thought I'd give them a shot. I will say they worked pretty well in suppressing hunger but they must've just been amped up caffeine pills. I wasn't hungry, but I felt like a vibrating tuning fork all the time. I took them for a week and ate pretty sensibly (what I would consider sensibly, anyway) but I just could not stand feeling so jittery.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    South Beach
    Slim Fast (that only lasted couple days)
    WW (This worked but this before they had an APP and we had to log everything in a paper journal and look up all the points in a book) :#
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member

    Only weight watchers, but I had to try it 3 times before I figured out it just wasn’t for me. Yes, it was only calorie counting, their way. Of course, now that I’m a little better educated, I realize 1200 calories just isn’t right for everyone, and it certainly wasn’t right for a 5’10” farmer, young, active and strong.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited March 2021

    The Low Fat diet fad in the 80s and 90s..I remember my aunt and my mom dragging me along to some seminar a lady was giving where she also mentioned she was selling books (surprise surprise!). The family bought them all. Luckily that was short lived.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I tried hydroxycut, or some simar kind of pills. They just made me angry and impatient until one night I just cried and threw them out!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,707 Member
    Honestly, I think that anything super-popular can be a fad, even if it's something that works for a segment of folks, and has sane underpinnings.

    I'm really old, so I endorse the idea that WW was created before calorie counting was practical, and the (then version) points version was a simplification to make the same concept more practical. When calorie counting directly became a more realistic practice, WW started scrambling and changing things up, it seemed like, to hold onto their revenue stream.

    I did some low-carb thing when they first became popular, a zillion years ago, but lasted about 3 days: Miserable, for me. For about 15 minutes, I flirted with the Susan Powter Stop the Insanity low fat nonsense, but can't claim to have really followed it.

    Most of the time, I just stayed fat, which I guess is it's own kind of fad, as so many seem to do it? I'm grateful not to have been a big yo-yo dieter, because it looks to me like that's kind of the worst of all worlds, health-wise.

    Calorie counting worked, though . . . it just took me until age 59 to get there. 🤷‍♀️ Getting pretty active in my mid-40s, even while staying obese, was pretty helpful health-wise, too, but far from a full solution. Between the two, 65 feels pretty good so far, gotta say. 🙂

  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited March 2021

    The Low Fat diet fad in the 80s and 90s..I remember my aunt and my mom dragging me along to some seminar a lady was giving where she also mentioned she was selling books (surprise surprise!). The family bought them all. Luckily that was short lived.

    My grandma was ALL ABOUT the low-fat life in the early 90s. Do you remember the Devil's Food cookies in the green box? I don't remember what brand they were but I LOVED them and my grandma would always make sure she had some for me when we visited. No idea how many calories they had but tHeYr'E LoW fAt so I was allowed to have about a thousand of them per visit. Mamaw's house tastes like Devil's Food cookies and Diet Rite cola.

    Are you referring to the Snackwell cookies? I think I actually saw those not too long ago. I didn't even think they were still around. 😀
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member


    God I haven't seen those in years. Looks like they might have ruined them with the "more marshmallow," though. The thin layer of marshmallow around the soft, yielding cookie was the best part.
  • Speakeasy76
    Speakeasy76 Posts: 961 Member
    edited March 2021

    The Low Fat diet fad in the 80s and 90s..I remember my aunt and my mom dragging me along to some seminar a lady was giving where she also mentioned she was selling books (surprise surprise!). The family bought them all. Luckily that was short lived.

    My grandma was ALL ABOUT the low-fat life in the early 90s. Do you remember the Devil's Food cookies in the green box? I don't remember what brand they were but I LOVED them and my grandma would always make sure she had some for me when we visited. No idea how many calories they had but tHeYr'E LoW fAt so I was allowed to have about a thousand of them per visit. Mamaw's house tastes like Devil's Food cookies and Diet Rite cola.

    Are you referring to the Snackwell cookies? I think I actually saw those not too long ago. I didn't even think they were still around. 😀

    LOL I loved me some Snackwells--the vanilla sandwich cookies were my favorite! I wanna say they were around 100 calories for 2 cookies? I actually wondered if they were still around the other day while at the grocery store, and happened to see some. There's a lot less of them than there used to be.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I remember buying ephedrine pills when they were legal. Didn't really help me lose weight, but they were great when I was driving cross country to visit my aging parents :)
  • am00r
    am00r Posts: 173 Member
    My first diet ever, 15 yrs ago,
    Atkins Diet, it was a mind blowing at that time,
    I lost more than 60lbs in 4-5 months, the slimmest i’ve ever been. And was walking around 2 -3 hours a day.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member

    The Low Fat diet fad in the 80s and 90s..I remember my aunt and my mom dragging me along to some seminar a lady was giving where she also mentioned she was selling books (surprise surprise!). The family bought them all. Luckily that was short lived.

    My grandma was ALL ABOUT the low-fat life in the early 90s. Do you remember the Devil's Food cookies in the green box? I don't remember what brand they were but I LOVED them and my grandma would always make sure she had some for me when we visited. No idea how many calories they had but tHeYr'E LoW fAt so I was allowed to have about a thousand of them per visit. Mamaw's house tastes like Devil's Food cookies and Diet Rite cola.

    Are you referring to the Snackwell cookies? I think I actually saw those not too long ago. I didn't even think they were still around. 😀

    LOL I loved me some Snackwells--the vanilla sandwich cookies were my favorite! I wanna say they were around 100 calories for 2 cookies? I actually wondered if they were still around the other day while at the grocery store, and happened to see some. There's a lot less of them than there used to be.

    Yeah, I thought there used to be a lot of other varieties and I do remember the sandwich cookies, but that was really about all (I was still really young at this time). The only ones I've seen recently at the store are the Devil's food ones, so I don't know if others still exist.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member


    God I haven't seen those in years. Looks like they might have ruined them with the "more marshmallow," though. The thin layer of marshmallow around the soft, yielding cookie was the best part.

    I didn't notice the 'more marshmallow' part, but you're probably right. I always liked that chocolately part around the outside the best by far!
  • 1poundatax
    1poundatax Posts: 230 Member
    Grapefruit Diet
    Limiting myself to tuna, fruit, vegetables and cottage cheese for a summer. (Over 40 years later I still have a hard time eating canned tuna)
    Ice Cream Diet
    Cabbage Soup Diet
    I was successful on Weight Watchers. Many or those listed above I tried multiple times.