Just Give Me 10 Days ~|~ Round 145



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,872 Member
    23 March-01 April 2021 (Round 145) SW: 196.4 / GW: 193

    About me
    47-year-old woman, 5’6”

    Weight Goals (lbs)
    01 April 2021: 190-195
    01 May 2021: 180-185
    01 June 2021: 170-175
    01 July 2021: 160-165
    01 August 2021: 150-155
    01 September 2021: 140-150
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140-150

    Past Rounds
    11-21 Jan 2021 (R138) SW: 205.2 / GW: 204 / EW: 203.4
    22-31 Jan 2021 (R139) SW: 204.4 / GW: 202 / EW: 201.8
    01-10 Feb 2021 (R140) SW: 202.2 / GW: 199 / EW: 199.2
    11-20 Feb 2021 (R141) SW: 199 / GW: 196 / EW: 200.8
    21 Feb.-02 March 2021 (R142) SW: 200.8 / GW: 197 / EW: 199.6
    03-12 March 2021 (R143) SW: 201.8 / GW: 198 / EW: 197.6
    13-22 March 2021 (R144) SW: 198 / GW: 195 / EW: 196.2

    Weight History by Year
    01 Jan 2015: 234
    01 Jan 2016: 212
    01 Jan 2017: 225
    01 Jan 2018: 210
    01 Jan 2019: 165
    01 Jan 2020: 186
    01 Jan 2021: 208

    Day, Weight, Comment

    3/23 – 196.4 – 13,908 steps, 40 min aerobics yesterday. Another stressful job interview today. Hope I don’t get so nervous that I blow it again. Another presentation for this one. Also hope I don’t drink entire bottle of wine afterward.

    3/24 – 198.2 – 10,208 steps, 20 min aerobics yesterday. Job interview rescheduled after preparing all day. Now I get to do it again tomorrow. Ate some scary delivery tacos last night that are still sitting undigested in my system. Fasting today.

    3/25 - 195.4 - 13,438 steps yesterday. Fasted yesterday so I know this drop is temporary but it still feels like progress to have finally dropped below 196. I really, really, really would like to be at or below 195 April 1. A challenging schedule the next week, but I’ll find a way! Please lord let me finish with this job interview today. Then I write a press release Saturday for this job, then I can focus on my current job. Sheesh. Job seeking is tough. Also finalized application to secondary licensure program yesterday and may be enrolling in a summer course if neither of the jobs I’m still in the running for hires me.

    3/26 – 197.8 – 10,222 steps yesterday. Eek. Drank almost a whole bottle of wine last night. Not feeling great today! It was really stressful preparing for yesterday’s job interview. I don’t think the job is a good fit for me and I’m focusing now on educator licensure. I quit my marketing job 5 years ago to focus on teaching with the goal of transitioning from higher ed adjunct to secondary English teacher, and I’m finally doing that. It’s been a winding path. Through my education degree I learned how hard it is and that made me rethink my choice, but it’s my passion. This challenge is like my personal diary. TMI alert. Health is more than weight, though. I am going to finish up the application process for this job, but I am 99% sure they’re looking for a more polished and slick PR professional, which I am not and have no desire to be. The job is in education and I’d love to do it, but, well, we’ll see. I really would like to have the freedom to go to the beach as much as I want this summer. Life is short.

    3/27 –17,254 steps yesterday

    3/28 – 10,463 steps yesterday

    3/29 – 199.4 – 10,296 steps yesterday. Well, my phone died while we were out walking, so actually about 5,000 more steps than that. Got my first vaccination Friday and haven’t been 100% since then. I’ve decided I don’t want the marketing job. The vibe was weird with the people there and I feel pretty sure it is a toxic environment. That’s not to say any other job wouldn’t be, but I am not feeling it. I’m not finishing the process. I already wasted too much time on it. I want to give my brain and heart to something more worthwhile. I’m going all in for teaching. I need to rant a little bit because I don’t know what the hell is going on with me right now. In November I totaled my 2017 Subaru and have been driving my old 2006 since then, but haven’t felt safe (steering felt off but alignment, etc. didn’t fix it). Finally last week the clutch started giving out, so I brought it in and they replaced the clutch, flywheel, and the axles, which were totally destroyed. It was good to find out that the weirdness with steering wasn’t my imagination, but now I’ve put more than $4,000 into this car since I started driving it again (new snow tires, windshield, maintenance, etc.), which I wanted to avoid. So, car failure. Fixed. At the same time this was happening, my phone – whose battery hasn’t held a charge right for more than a year – stopped connecting to the cellular network. It won’t update; or it does, but still won’t connect. So I’ve had no ability to use my phone’s cellular data since last Wednesday. Bringing it in today. Friday my sewer mainline backed up. For those who haven’t had the pleasure, this means that sewage comes up through your lowest drains, typically bathtubs and showers. I’m trying to clear this myself but so far no luck. Also having WiFi issues. I know I’m really lucky in a lot of ways, but it just seems so odd that we’ve got the car, plumbing, and phone going haywire all at once. Also super fat right now. No excuse. I know, I know. Haven’t been able to do much cooking with no ability to drain water. Ate pretty badly yesterday. Rant over. Need to get to work and prepare for a fun, fun, fun appointment at the Apple Genius bar. Boyfriend and I are both vaccinated now and have appointments for our second dose. We have made it through this year without contracting COVID or completely losing our minds – so far. Just a few more weeks and we will feel safer. Really hoping we can make it through the next few weeks and beyond without getting sick. Going to go to the bathroom in a bucket now.




    Goals and Rewards
    Exercise goals
    - 10,000 steps/day
    - aerobics at least 4 days per week
    - weights at least 4 days per week

    Eating goals
    - 24-hour fast one day per week (or two)
    - No late-night eating
    - More fruit, veg, whole grains
    - Less meat, cheese, and processed food
    - Sit down for breakfast and lunch
    - Less snacking
    - Focus on food; avoid mindless eating

    General goals
    - Hike a significant portion of TRT next season
    - Feel less pain and discomfort hiking
    - Downhill ski confidently at intermediate level by end of next season
    - Feel more confident in social and work situations
    - Feel comfortable in my skin
    - Live life to its fullest
    - Feel more confident dancing in public
    - Live longer!

    - 195 lbs hair color
    - 190 lbs foot spa
    - 185 lbs new skivvies
    - 175 lbs private ski lesson (if there’s still snow!)
    - 170 lbs new swimming suit
    - 165 lbs new car
    - 155 lbs travel to Ore or Ca coast
    - 145 lbs new skis or snowshoes
    - 140 lbs travel to Europe or South America

    @beagletracks I am sorry that everything negative is happening at once. Clearly the two of you are a power couple and seem to be solving Every problem that is hurled at you. Congratulations for your strength and your strong-will to make things right in every aspect of your life. Never loser, always WINNER !!!! Proud of you!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi I weigh in KG and record my happy scale trend

    Goal for this round is get get below 53kg and stay there and to complete the step challenge. EW for round 144 = 53.0

    Tue 23 53.0 tend ⬇️ 😊
    Wed 24 53.3 trend ⬆️ 😡 I’m attributing the gain to very salty smoked haddock! Let’s see what tomorrow brings ....
    Thu 25 53.0 trend ⬇️ It was the fish! 😊
    Fri 26 53.0 trend ⬇️ 😊 I had my first Covid jab today and I’m very sleepy tonight!
    Sat 27 54.0. I’ve not recorded this in Happy Scale as I’m sure it’s way off. Very poor sleep last night, thirsty and feverish so lots to drink. Tired and thirsty all of today so getting a very early night. 😡 symptoms of the jab are worth it!
    Sun 28 52.8 😊 trend ⬇️ Feeling fine today 😊. Lowest weight this year and back to where I was just before Christmas 😊
    Mon 29 52.9 😊 Trend ↔️
    Tue 30
    Wed 31
    Thu 1.

    Previous Rounds
    Round 130 SW 57.2. EW 56.5. Loss 0.7 kg
    Round 131 SW 55.5 EW 56.1. Loss 0.4kg
    Round 132 SW 56.1 EW 54.7. Loss 1.4kg
    Round 133 SW 54.7 EW 54.0. Loss 0.7kg
    Round 134 SW 54.0 EW 53.7. Loss 0.3kg
    Round 135 SW 53.7 EW 53.4 Loss 0.3kg
    Round 136 SW 53.4 EW 54 Gain 0.6kg but it was Christmas and the New Year
    Round 137 SW 54 EW 53.5 Loss 0.5kg
    Round 138 SW 53.5 EW 53.5 No change - must try harder!
    Round 139 SW 53.5 EW 53.9 Gain .4kg - takeaway on the last night was to blame, I was on target for another no change round
    Round 140 SW 53.9 EW 53.7. Loss 0.2kg
    Round 141 SW 53.7 EW 53.3 Loss 0.4 kg
    Round 142 SW 53.3 EW 53.9 Gain 0.6k
    Round 143 SW 53.9 EW 53.5 Loss 0.4 kg
    Round 144 SW 53.5 EW 53 Loss 0.5 kg
    Round 145 SS 53.0 EW

    Target 450,000 steps in March. 435157 completed and I’m on target 😊

  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,547 Member
    @beagletracks - hope this is the end of your run of things going wrong and that it starts to get easier soon. Take care and hope you soon get the work that you really want xx
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,120 Member
    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    29, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2
    GW: 130-135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69 EW: 158.1
    R70 EW: 156.5
    R71 EW: 156.3
    R72 EW: 156.3
    R73 EW: 155.2
    R74 EW: 155.4
    R75 EW: 156.1
    R76 EW: 155.6
    R80 EW: 153.2
    R81 EW: 154.3
    R82 EW: 154.1
    R84 EW: 156.5
    R89 EW: 156.7
    R91 EW: 160.1
    R93 EW: 159.3
    R94 EW: 156.1
    R98 EW: 154.5
    R99 EW: 155.9
    <3 R100 <3 EW: 152.8
    R101 EW: 149.7 (1/15)
    R102 EW: 149.0
    R103 EW: 149.0
    R104 EW: 146.2
    R105 EW: 146.6
    R106 EW: 144.6
    R107 EW: 146.8 (spring break, only 2 days weight)
    R108 EW: 147.7 (Moving out of state, starting new job)
    R109 EW: 148.1
    R110 EW: 150.1
    R111 EW: 154.3
    R112 EW: 152.6
    R113 EW: 151.7
    R121 EW: 153.0
    R122 EW: 154.8
    R123 EW: 153.9
    R124 EW: 153.4
    R125 EW: 155.6
    R126 EW: 152.3
    R127 EW: 151.5
    R128 EW: 151.0
    R129 EW: 151.0
    R130 EW: 152.6
    R131 EW: 153.9
    R132 EW: 150.6
    R133 EW: 151.2
    R134 EW: 149.3
    R135 EW: 149.5
    R136 EW: 148.4
    R137 EW: 147.9
    R138 EW: 148.4
    R139 EW: 151.9
    R140 EW: 150.4
    R141 EW: 150.4 (SNOVID)
    R142 EW: 144.0 (PRK)
    R143 EW: 144.2
    R144 EW: 147.0

    Last weight
    03/22 - 147.0

    Round Goal: 144.x Fast 16+hrs on weekdays, 14+hrs on weekends. Up the water! Water minimum: 75oz, Goal: 91oz.

    Day, Weight, Comment
    03/23 - 148.4
    03/24 - 147.5
    03/25 - 148.1
    03/26 - 146.6
    03/27 - 151.0
    03/28 - DNW
    03/29 - 146.8
    03/30 - 145.7 - Creeping on down. My body is really holding on to this increase. I know some of it is my muscles. I did do another kickboxing workout yesterday and I'm not as sore as yesterday, but I still feel a bit of it. Today I will aim for some yoga if I can manage to squeeze it in. Fasted 19.5hrs, ~95oz water. Going to really focus today and tomorrow to see if I can drop 0.8lb to reach my 144.x goal.

    Previous Day's Comments
    03/23 - I'll follow suit, then. TOM is coming and I am bloaaaaated. Fasted 18hr yesterday (made some homemade biscuits for biscuits and gravy for the first time). Then made some cheesy cheddar ranch pasta for dinner. Way too cheesy, need to adjust the recipe. 90oz water, or a little more.
    03/24 - I measured myself real quick, all my measurements are the same, the weight is just up (TOM). That makes me feel a whole lot better and explains why I needed a new hole in my belt. Fasted 16.5hr and 90oz water. FamHub's birthday yesterday so we had seafood (made at home) and I imagine the salt isn't helping, either. Also, I have a date in mind. 12 weeks. That allows a 1lb per week loss to hit the upper-limit of my maintenance goal (I updated my UGW to a weight range). It also coincides with my BF and Godson's bdays (day after each other) and Father's Day weekend (we usually have something bigger planned since 3 events fall on same weekend) so it gives me a solid event, not just arbitrary date.
    03/25 - That would be the homemade chinese food last night and TOM still hanging around. Fasted 16hrs, drank 95oz water. Outside of not eating dinner with everyone else (feels super rude), I don't know what else to do. Hopefully tonight's dinner is lighter and easier on my body. Aiming for 17hr fast today. Also going to keep pushing water. I start off so good in the morning and it tapers off by afternoon. Need to figure something out. Maybe adding in a tea bag for flavoring? Maybe some lemon juice? If y'all have any good ideas that are super quick (just pop it in my cup), let me know!
    03/26 - I'm now wondering if yesterday was a false high. My scale said 152 this morning and I decided there is absolutely no way possible it could be right. Stepped on 2 more times and its 146.6. Why is my scale being so wonky lately?! Note to self: step on 2-3 times to make sure first reading isn't false high. I feel a lot better. Had last minute pork tacos last night with Fam. I made taco salad and inspired FamWife to do the same. Fasted 17.5hr, 105oz water.
    I'm going to vent because it helps me think: Just found that my old "gym" has online workouts now! 9Round is a boxing/kickboxing 30 minute workout. Show up whenever and jump in. I've done 2-a-days there, before no issue before I moved. Loved it so much. Closest one is now 45 minutes away and work schedule doesn't accommodate it. It was $70/month in person. Online workouts are $20. I'm really really heavily debating it. The hardest part is I LOVED bag work and sparring but online only includes shadow boxing (which is good, no place for a bag or two in this house). Might do the 7 day trial. I'm not entirely sure yet.

    03/27 - I really don't know. I stepped on the scale 4 times and all 4 were the same. Going to keep chugging along. Bodies are weird and do crazy things I suppose
    03/28 - BF and I battled for the bathroom so didn't have a chance to weigh. Needed to start my water intake and decided no weigh in isn't the end of the world. Signed up for 9Round Online. That introductory workout KICKED MY BUTT. It used to be so much easier... oof. Only fasted 15hrs because of it and unfortunately, it was mostly carb ): Did get over 90oz water, just not sure how much more. We went out to dinner (last minute) and the place was out of salmon. So I got what I thought was grilled chicken... nope, fried. Luckily, I got double veg as my side and I filled up on that with only a few bites of chicken. Can't tell if I'm feeling extra bloated from food or if its the bloated feeling I get when I'm super sore. Either way, stretching and water today and hopefully it won't matter what caused it! I know what to do and I'm determined to get there.
    03/29 - That's a much nicer number to see. I wish it was lower, but I'll take it. I look much slimmer and less bloated than the last few days and I think I hyped the look up and the scale didn't deliver. Oh well. Still dealing with DOMS, particularly in my legs which may account for a bit of water weight. Fasted 15hrs and drank 100oz water. Today I should have a longer fasting day since dinner was finished quite early. Will try to squeeze in a workout with my 9Round (still on trial period, want to see if I can stick it out without bags to beat up). I also need to be aware that if I continue working out like this, I need to pay more and more attention to measurements and how I look/how clothes feel than my weight. I'll probably be putting back on a bit of muscle and that will skew the scale.

    4kwmsmyg2wg6.png Late Start! Goal: 5000 daily steps min to start with (: AVG: 7,318
    03/02 - 5,739! Didn't expect that at all
    03/03 - 4,887.... Wish I had remembered to pay attention before I was settled in bed. Could've walked in place.
    03/04 - 6,799!
    03/05 - 6,463
    03/06 - 9,941
    03/07 - 7,344
    03/08 - 3,647 Welp, that's a busy work day with too many meetings for me... Must do better today
    03/09 - 4,999 Not sure if my watch and phone didn't sync? Swore I was over 5k haha oops
    03/10 - 6,258
    03/11 - 4,938 Once again, I think my watch didn't sync correct because I definitely remember it being way closer to 5000 before I even got up from the couch to do my nightly routine. Oh well.
    03/12 - 5,726
    03/13 - 5,197 Unfortunately my running of errands consisted of more driving around than anything... Today will make up for it
    03/14 - 12,403
    03/15 - 7,824
    03/16 - 5,155
    03/17 - 8,998
    03/18 - 5,857 Not bad considering I thought I didn't make my goal of 5k!
    03/19 - 9,410 Last day with kiddos walking main street and playing games
    03/20 - 16,164 Working land
    03/21 - 15,921 Working land
    03/22 - 4,865 My back hurt so bad around my fusion site all day yesterday. Mostly sat with heat. I wanted to get up and pace the house to meet my goal, but I couldn't manage it. Today seems a tad better-- I could get out of bed without major pain or issue.
    03/23 - 7,587 Whoo! I paced the house in the morning to hit 1,000 steps by 9am and then we walked the land to plant sunflower seeds. If today's weather holds, I may try to venture out for a walk.
    03/24 - 6,657
    03/25 - 6,363
    03/26 - 10,532
    03/27 - 10,518 - I'm on a roll with these 10k numbers! Only 2,500 from my workout, too. Rest was ALL ME thinking and moving when I otherwise wouldn't
    03/28 - 4,795 - The soreness.... oh DOMS I really dislike you sometimes
    03/29 - 7,256