Pregnancy - September 2011



  • Caperfae
    I'll be happy delivering anytime after Sept 24th because then the baby will be a Libra. I'm a Libra :) ... DH thinks she is going to come at the end of September .. on his mothers b-day. I'll cross my legs if that's the case because I want her to have her own birthday and not one that falls on the same day as any family member. She'll come when she's ready though.

    I have appointments this afternoon so I'll get the housework accomplished this morning. First is an OB appointment and then the Diabetic Clinic right after that. As a result, hubby has to take off work in order to be at the bus stop to meet our daughter after school. I'll have to remember to make future appts. for the mornings from now on.
  • JKilty
    Whoa, I moved up a box!
    I wish I had time to respond to all of you!!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Ron- I LOVE the picture of your hubby kissing your belly and the one of you by yourself in black and white! I think the dress looked great! You looked beautiful :flowerforyou: And in all honesty, you don't look like you've gained as much as you actually have AT ALL! I'm thinking a lot must be fluid for you which will disappear quick after baby is here!
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Hi all!

    Just joining in.

    Name: Emily
    Location: Munich, Germany
    Hometown: PIttsburgh, PA
    Due Date: January 10th, 2012
    Gender: Boy!
    It's my first!

    I am getting back on track on this site - up until now I was gaining slowly but now my weight gain has sped up so I want to get a handle on it before it gets out of control. And get myself moving! I am going on vacation on friday and I hope to walk lots nearly every day. Can't wait to meet you all!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Our kids earned free tickets to the state fair, through a summer reading program. We told them we would go today after school. Then, my husband comes home and says he has a meeting at 9 am until whenever (his usual sleep time). Hoping I don't have to take the kids by myself - that would mean public transit and a whole lot more walking. Not sure there's another day that will work, and fair ends Sunday. (Not his fault - he just found out about it last night).

    Wonder how much it costs to rent a wheelchair there ... or the electric kind. :laugh:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    JKilty, you're only 9 days ahead of me! Is this your first?
  • JKilty
    JKilty, you're only 9 days ahead of me! Is this your first?

    Yes, this is my first (other than a miscarriage last year). Our weight stats are practically the same too! My pre-preg weight was 145 and as of last friday's Dr appt I weighed 168 :smile: Is this your first?
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Well, doctor said baby's doing good. Doctor's not said anything about my weight but while I was waiting for the blood test another nurse that works there that did the epidural class Tuesday came and was asking me some questions and she told me that when she seen me in class I didn't look like I was that far along but she thinks I've gain to much weight already.

    How much weight is everyone gaining during there pregnancy?

    I'm 25 weeks and 4 days and I've gained 29.6 pounds.

    I'm 35 weeks today and have gained 24 pounds. HOWEVER, I gained 50 with DS and had him at 36 weeks. Needless to say, it took me 2 and 1/2 years to get that weight off! YIKES! So this time I've been SUPER crazy about walking and watching what I eat.
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Okay ladies I need your help. Can you vote your rankings for the following names?

    Isabella Rose Marsh
    Isabelle Rose Marsh
    McKenzie Rose Marsh (not set on spelling There are 40 some ways)
    Anabelle Rose Marsh
    Madison Rose Marsh
    Madeline Rose Marsh

    Middle name Rose and last name Marsh are pretty much a set thing. As Rose is my moms and my middle name so we want to carry that on. Her older sisters name is Allison Hope Marsh.

    Thanks ladies!!

    <3<3<3 Isabella Rose
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hubby was able to go to the fair with us. Yay! Even though parking was $6, it was much easier than public transit (especially as there would have been extra travel time and extra walking, and I did enough walking). I took it easy the rest of today, knowing I would be walking plenty at the fair. We were there for 3 hours, so I figure I walked about 2. Slowly...

    But the kids had a LOT of fun! They saw all sorts of animals, and we liked seeing the baby goats and pigs, and they were interested enough in the one room of sewing and stuff on display I dragged them into. There was even a show with sea lions performing! Weird Al was performing tonight, but we didn't have time to hang around, and I definitely didn't want to spend$30 a ticket for seating. But I have some friends who are there and saying it's great.

    So very tired now .... LOL.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    mathjulz - glad you were able to make it to the fair!!!

    re: weight gain stats - I am 23 weeks today and I have gained 17 pounds. The doctor mentioned that I should slow down... although according to the charts I am doing ok - I am on the "upper end" of weight gain but not over. Ah, I'm not going to obsess about it, just do my best to eat healthy and feel good.

    I am starting prenatal yoga today which is exciting!! has anyone else tried it?
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Bzbear2 we are just about the same in how far along we are! Very exciting.

    This week has been all around rough. I failed a med admin test out yesterday. My first time failing a test out. Now I need to pass on Wednesday or I fail the class. Anyone who fails the class this semester does not get to continue on to clinicals next semester. I am trying not to even think about that as I will pass tomorrow. Tomorrow after school I have an ob appt and then our u/s echo is on Thursday. I am a bit nervous about the dr as I have seen a spike on the scale of a couple pounds in the past week. Yikes, if they say something I might bust out crying with how my week is going. Hope you are all having a better week than me.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    Bzbear2 we are just about the same in how far along we are! Very exciting.

    This week has been all around rough. I failed a med admin test out yesterday. My first time failing a test out. Now I need to pass on Wednesday or I fail the class. Anyone who fails the class this semester does not get to continue on to clinicals next semester. I am trying not to even think about that as I will pass tomorrow. Tomorrow after school I have an ob appt and then our u/s echo is on Thursday. I am a bit nervous about the dr as I have seen a spike on the scale of a couple pounds in the past week. Yikes, if they say something I might bust out crying with how my week is going. Hope you are all having a better week than me.

    Hi Elizabeth!

    We are due about a week apart! cool!

    Re: scale - you know, I've seen some surprising jumps lately too. I think this is very normal for this part of pregnancy. Just remember that you are doing the best you can and your baby will be healthy and even if you have an extra 5-10 pounds to lose in the end, that's peanuts compared to keeping your health and sanity during the pregnancy! Try not try overstress about it (that's what I'm telling myself too...)

    Good luck on your test! You will pass it, I'm sure!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    JKilty, you're only 9 days ahead of me! Is this your first?

    Yes, this is my first (other than a miscarriage last year). Our weight stats are practically the same too! My pre-preg weight was 145 and as of last friday's Dr appt I weighed 168 :smile: Is this your first?

    Hehe No. This is child number 3 and pregnancy number 5. One of the pregnancies was a chemical pregnancy. :/
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    9 days left
    lets get this show on the road, Avery!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Sorry I've been awol lately.
    Ronya, Danielle, Julz - sooo close now, I'm excited for you !!!!

    Just a quick update and I'll be back to read about you guys later.....

    I'm 34+ weeks now, we hired a Doula and I'm very excited about that.
    The nursery is coming together, crib, stroller, car seat are all at the ready and I'm feeling like we'll have all the preparation squared away in the next few weeks.

    My sister is throwing me a baby shower this weekend and I cannot wait. Great food, champagne (or perrier with elderflower for me!) almost all of my closest friend are coming and she asked everyone to bring their favorite childhood book as a gift. So cute.

    Still back and forth on names but we've narrowed it down to Indigo or Abigail.

    I start training my maternity cover person next week and then I'll stop working around the 12th or so of October.

    Anyway, be back later to see what you all have been up to.

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Officially "full term" today! Not that it really means anything.
    Dr's appointment is this afternoon. He'll do the strep B test and first internal check. I'm predicting fingertip and 20%... (knowing how my body has done this before).
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    weight stats- i am 33 weeks and 2 days and had gained 18 lbs at the last checkup, though im sure i would have gained a few more on my thursday checkup.

    So yesterday was interesting. In the morning b4 work i got a gush of fluid 'down there' :noway: , and after freaking out for abit I called my doc and she said i was welcome to come in and get checked. I assumed this would just be a swab for amniotic fluid but it was abit more intense. When i got to the hospital they hooked me up to the fetal monitor and tracked baby for 20 mins, then came an ultrasound and then the speculum with a cervical swab. All was well! the fluid was not amniotic but was likely just an abnormally large amount of discharge (yay) and they said that the baby had around 12cm of fluid around it, which is average (ranges from 7-20cm apparently).

    They did say that the baby was now breach, which would explain why im carrying more comfortably (he started head-down). I'm really really hoping this changes before my due date as I would really love to give birth naturally, but I will also mentally prepare myself for the possibility that i may not be able to.

    On a different note this flu, or whatever it is, is still kicking my butt!:sad: I'm really not sure what else to do, any suggestions? So far ive just tried to keep warm, take a little extra vit c and suck on some cough drops.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I HATE trying to size pictures when it wont frickin work!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member