

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,457 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Sue—We have three blueberry bushes and I cover them with netting to protect them from deer. The netting is very helpful. The band of deer ate my beans last year & I’m not planning to try growing them this year. I was soooo frustrated. I’m planning to “harvest” my beans at the grocery store. :ohwell:

    I'm of that opinion as well. I leave it others to grow my veggies. I guess I am a bit impatient, and either prune too much so it grows strange, or kill plants by over watering them! I am also of an opinion that plants either live or die, if they start looking mopey well out they go! Amazingly my avocado tree has survived the winter, not lost any leaves and seems to be sprouting up top. When they start coming out, I will take a pic of her. Yes my avocado tree is a her.🙃💖
    💖 Rebecca
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,457 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Just checking in after another pleasant day of walking with and without dogs, weed pulling, watching TV, riding exercise bike, puttering on the computer, chatting with Jake.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Sounds like a perfectly, events filled day!💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,457 Member
    Heather - so happy for you, the visit and the thoughts of a yes on the cruise.

    Kelley - such exciting news!

    TV - we have the tv on almost continuously. I watch a lot of music shows. I don’t pay attention closely though. If I’m fortunate enough to get the house to myself, I normally shut the tv off, crank the music and clean. It’s very rare for me to have the house to myself. The last time was probably 2 years ago, I can’t remember really.

    Barbara - Covet away, I am often quite envious when others tell me something they have done with their spouse. We very rarely leave the house together and it’s never at his suggestion.

    Rebecca - what a lovely day you had with your son. Athena looks like she grew overnight in that picture.

    Kylia - What a busy, yet enjoyable weekend!

    Machka - interesting facts about the colour yellow. My Grandmother redid my bedroom for me for my 12th birthday, it was yellow and white striped wallpaper. I loved that room, I found it so bright and cheerful. A couple of years ago I painted our bathroom yellow, the paint colour was called Banff Sun bought from Cdn. Tire. Last weekend I picked up a yellow shirt for myself, I wasn’t sure about it at first but I received a lot of compliments on how that colour suited me. 🤷‍♀️

    Lisa - Happy Birthday, sorry that you need to start the antibiotics again.

    Katla - Are your daughters restrictions different than yours?
    My home province has some stricter restrictions for travellers, but in doing that they have been able to allow less restrictions on the residents. They are currently allowed a “Steady 10” and we have been restricted to no inside gatherings since November. It’s hard to gather outside in the Winter here.

    Michele - Can you cook the meat then freeze leftovers?

    Katla - I have been vaccinated fully since January and am still being very cautious. I can still carry the disease and spread it. We have some residents not vaccinated. On top of those it isn’t 100% that I won’t get it just a better chance of having a mild dose. I would prefer to not have even that.

    Ginny - I just finished physio and one of my issues was bursa. Ice on the hip joint for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours will help the inflammation. The only exercise she had me do, after a week of just icing was clam shells only 5 at a time, every time I iced. Within about 3 weeks I was able to start doing other exercises. She said that trying to do exercises while you are inflamed does more damage than good. She also told me not to sleep on that side, that was a very tough one for me.

    We had a Cracker Barrel Mac and cheese mix and nothing else for our Easter dinner. We haven’t had a traditional holiday meal since Christmas 2019. I hope we’ll get one in this year. I don’t see the sense for just him and I and he agrees with me.
    I took a small gift for the Grands yesterday, I bought them each a shirt, a couple little things and no candy. On the drive in I thought as a child I wouldn’t be happy to have no candy in an Easter bag, on the other hand I knew they probably already had enough of that. To make sure they weren’t disappointed, I stopped and bought them each a slurpee and a small can of Pringles chips. I bought one for their Dad too, to enjoy while Lauryn was at work.

    Our government a few weeks ago announced that they were giving Critical Worker’s a $1200 one time payment. The criteria was to have worked 300 hours from Oct 15 to Jan 31 in one of the occupations they listed such as Supermarket workers, warehouse workers, Long Term Care workers. The first details when it came out was that Out of Scope staff would be exempt. I was included in the exemption. This infuriated a lot of people because we worked through it and in it during the peak we had here. Today we were advised that they have changed their exemption to Out of Scope that worked on site and not at home would qualify! It’s taxable and will be 4-6 weeks, but it’s coming!

    This afternoon one of my favourite residents passed this afternoon. He was just a nice man, reminded me so much of my beloved Father in Law. I will miss him a lot.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I did, and I thanked my lucky stars for it.💖. My son, with all his quirks, and peculiar ways, has always gotten along with me. Lee takes time to notice that I have the patience to look around his LEGO city with a flashlight (as son delightfully gave me). Son also sends me videos of bands he likes, (which I Know husband wouldn't have the patience nor desire to watch). He is in one sense quite an innocent, and naive young adult. No pressures of relationships, or finance, and he seems very content. I kind of picture us living with him forever sometimes. As it stands now, I think the balance of both our finances, to pay rent and bills works so well.
    Yes Athena has exploded with growth these days!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,457 Member
    Well got the colonoscopy liquid prep. $30, because Drivers doesn't cover that.
    Last night husband and I made enchiladas for the first time. Like two young parents giving their newborn its first bath! "No fold the tortilla this way husband! Like this?..... No, no, like this....".🙃😜😋. We enjoyed it but husband mixed a bit of spicy enchilada sauce so it was hot! We decided it could've tasted a lot worse, but we probably won't add it to our repertoire.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,950 Member
    Debbie- my DD is starting fertility treatments and she took a picture and showed me all the meds she will have to take and inject..
    I keep my mouth shut but they have a 13 yr old and if it does work having an infant is going to be rough.. but its in the good lords hands not mine..
    Well off to the Dr

    praying they have great success with the treatment. We kept trying until Kaiser said no more and we didn't have the funds to do invitro. We then took the adoption route. Signed up to be foster parents in hopes of adopting at some point- first call was not for foster but straight adoption-24hrs after that call we met and picked up our son who was only 1 1/2 weeks old. Life didn't go the way I had planned in so many ways(fertility treatment with both husbands not working plus miscarriage with hubby #1) but I have my son now and he is a perfectly healthy young man- 23yrs old
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,950 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Sue—We have three blueberry bushes and I cover them with netting to protect them from deer. The netting is very helpful. The band of deer ate my beans last year & I’m not planning to try growing them this year. I was soooo frustrated. I’m planning to “harvest” my beans at the grocery store. :ohwell:

    I'm of that opinion as well. I leave it others to grow my veggies. I guess I am a bit impatient, and either prune too much so it grows strange, or kill plants by over watering them! I am also of an opinion that plants either live or die, if they start looking mopey well out they go! Amazingly my avocado tree has survived the winter, not lost any leaves and seems to be sprouting up top. When they start coming out, I will take a pic of her. Yes my avocado tree is a her.🙃💖
    💖 Rebecca

    I love having my garden- that is the one hobby that has not changed over the years. It is so calming to me to be out in my little garden. I will be up at mom's this weekend,planting more in her greenhouse- I will get my planters/pots ready to plant. Wish it was time to plant now but not quite yet, but soon. Having fresh tomatoes and cucumbers right out of the garden is what I LOVE- many don't make it into the house-I eat them right up in my garden. My husband complains about the water bill- says we can buy the tomatoes cheaper at the store but they don't taste anything like home grown. It is my only hobby so what we spend on water for my little garden is NOTHING compared to all the things he spends money on. He spends three or four times as much just doing take out for himself-never anything healthy either

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,789 Member
    KJ--Stepping in and out of the tub is the reason I want it taken out and replaced with a walk in shower. I find it getting harder to get in and out and not fall.

    Got notice this afternoon that on April 15th we are opening up for visitors as before Covid. Only thing different is visitors have to wear masks. Not sure they have to wait a week, but it is a positive.

    Looks like it could rain this afternoon evening. I really don't care as not planning much after work. They are to come next Monday and trim out our 3 big trees. Be glad when that is done, so DH doesn't climb on the roof and lean over to do it. Slowly we are getting things checked off my list of home upkeep and repair.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND ,NE <3
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,950 Member
    dentist appointment done. Shocker- at almost 60 yrs old NOW one of my wisdom teeth decides it might want to start to pop up. Never had an issue- didn't even know this one was trying to come through, she saw it. They want to xray it next trip and possible pull it- NOT even thinking about that!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,704 Member
    Debbie- she had a blocked fallopian tube and had that taken care of . And tried IUI twice didnt work,now onto IVF .. they talked about fostering to adopt ,but Kyle isnt to keen on it so we shall see..
    Have the windows open and enjoying the warmth..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri: Your blankets are beautiful!!! They are all so lovely that I could never choose a favorite. :heart:

    Allie: Your DD is heading down a path that may be challenging. I hope it goes well for her. :flowerforyou:

    Tracey: My daughter has been vaccinated and tested, as has her DH. I trust her to set up any social event in a way that would minimize health worries. Her home is on an acreage in the country and would be easy to set up for social distancing, provided it was a nice day to be outdoors. :star:

    I have been sequestered mostly at home for months due to the pandemic. We have been vaccinated twice and should be able to do more things that are enjoyable. I am hoping to tiptoe back to activities that I enjoy. High on my list are the stable and the health club. Keeping my fingers crossed for more fun in my life.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,704 Member
    Aww Debbie isnt he handsome..
    Yup we shall see how it all goes..
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,950 Member
    Aww Debbie isnt he handsome..
    Yup we shall see how it all goes..

    I sure think he is. And the great part is that if we don't say anything to people, they have no idea he is adopted if they see him with my husband. We don't keep it a secret but we also don't say, oh, this is our adopted son. He is just MY SON.
    Look at all that hair- had to have his first hair cut at 6 months old after I got tired of hearing every time we went out- Oh, SHE'S so cute- even when dressed totally like a boy- 3 inches off the back for his first hair cut.
    Where did all those years go.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: DH has balance issues and we had a plumber come and install heavy duty grab bars in the tub and shower area. DH can now hold on as needed, confident that his weight will be supported. The bars look fine and are very sturdy. Your bathroom photo looks excellent, but It is hard to know whether the grab bar under the window would support your DH’s weight, or whether there is a grab bar in the shower enclosure. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in sunny NW Oregon

    That's a towel rack ... and no, it wouldn't hold his weight. :)

    We don't have any grab bars yet.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Did my first Zumba and abs workout on Zoom with the teacher that did our in class Zumba, first in well over 6 months- 60 min of Zumba and 20 min abs workout- I pretty much kept up with zumba but didn't make it the 20 min on the abs(which is what I really need)- I wish there was a way to go back and watch again but dont think you can on Zoom.

    Napa Valley,CA

    There is, I think, a way to record Zoom while it is happening. That might be an option for another time.

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,825 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,704 Member
    Debbie- i had uber thin hair so my dad took me to the barber and had it shaved off they said oh it will come in thicker ( ya right) so my.mom would put me in little sundresses and bonnets and people would still say oh isnt HE cute...
    My brother is also adopted .my mom had a miscarriage and they put in adoption papers on Nov 1st and and we brought him home on the 30th of that month..
    Oh so i was a brat.. here i was 4 yrs old and the queen of the.castle and they bring this baby home and put him in my room..
    I would go over and shake the crib to get him crying and run back to my bed and pretend i was asleep.. I was sooooo bad.. we fought like cats and dogs until we grew up.. and except for my kids ,he is all i have left..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: It sounds like you and your brother have let bygones be bygones. I’m happy that you still have one another. :star:

    I walked down the ramp to the docks a bit ago and met a new neighbor in the next slip. He seemed very nice. My boat needs a bath! I will get it done when I have lost my headache and have a sunny day to do the work.
