Bring IT! Part III: Team No Excuses in March



  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I would really like to join you. I just gave birth to my second child a month ago. I gained lots of weight while I was pregnant. The day I delivered weighted 215 now I'm 186. My short term goal is to be down to 175 by may and my long term goal is 130. I don't always have lots of time to workout so I like to do smaller amounts of exsercise more often during the day. As for food I like to try different healthy recipes and I don't eat things that are advertised for weightloss. I beleive they are full chemicals. I'm looking forward to share my experiences with all of you.


    Hi! Welcome to our group...we're pretty much bad*sses here with workouts, clean eating, and just doing it! Thanks for hopping in here. We're looking forward to your progress!

  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Well, good night everyone! Way to bring it again! I was in a short-lived funk the past day and a half, and I didn't like it AT ALL!:noway: :noway:

    Alas, I am out of it and ready to bring it yet again! I figured out my problem. I missed Tony Horton. Chalene was making it fun for a few days, but I'm in a more serious mood, and P90X is where it's at. I could only make it through 25 minutes of TurboJam tonight, but once I popped in Core Synergistics, I was back!

    Thanks for the cheering on! I needed it...and tomorrow will be another great day.

  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Welcome! Welcome!
    Glad to have you back at it, M!
    I gave away our old (20 year old!:laugh: ) treadmill yesterday to one of the young girls who works at the gym. She was going to buy a used one, the deal fell through, so she hauled off our old one that hasn't been touched in 7 months. It was state of the art back before cordless phones!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sweetapplepi
    4 rounds of elliptical today! :bigsmile: I also did some weight lifting at home tonight.

    The dinner casserole was soooo yummy! =] It was a veggie casserole, but it tasted better than most chicken casseroles I've prepared.

    Great job today everyone. M, I'm glad to see you back in full force! :flowerforyou:
    Georg- That was really generous of you! I think we might buy a treadmill next if we can get a great deal on one too.

    Good night all =]
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Tell us about your Chilaquiles Casserole. It sounds good to me.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    TGIF! I've had such a crazy couple days, but still bringin' it! I got in my 5 mile run y'day and this morning was ChaLean Extreme Lean Circuit #3. I LOVE this workout, I think it's my fav lean. It's a chest & shoulder workout. I LOVE working the chest and shoulders! :heart:

    Have a super day!!! :drinker:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been sick! :cry: I have the flu or something, which I caught from my boyfriend and his family. I almost never get sick so I hate this. I don't have much of a fever like he does, but I'm tired, achy, bad cough, runny nose, etc. For the last two days I've been too sick to work out which is really rare and which I'm hating!

    So I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I'm still alive but not active on the forum because of being sick. Hopefully this weekend I'll be recovered, I still want to post pics!

    Good luck everyone.
  • meisje
    meisje Posts: 84 Member
    i am so sorry you're sick - i have the exact same symptoms!
    i am bummed that i can't workout, but i'll keep eating right - pumping the fluids and fresh fruit into me - and just give my body the rest it demands...
    the upside? my commute to school apparently burns 300 calories! (but that is all i could manage in terms of exercise today!)
    hang in there and i'm sure we'll both be healthy and jumping around real soon!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Morning everyone!

    It's a great day out. 60 degrees and sunny! I'll be headed outside for a jog today. Too bad so many of you are sick. My sister is up and I'm sure you'll make a full recovery. TGIF!
  • happenstance82
    Get Well Soon to all of our sickies :cry:

    It's sunny and goegeous here too. I will definitely be spending lots of time outside today! :happy:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey team! Im back home woot woot...cant wait to get back to my normal routine I stuck to my calories and excercise but there is nothing like doing it at home....I hope everyone had a good week and I look forward to bringing it over the weekend!!:drinker:
  • sweetapplepi
    Everyone feel better soon :heart:
    I had my usual for breakfast today and then my hubby and I went out to lunch at a really cool bar and grill downtown. This place has both Low Calorie meals and Low Carb meals, so I was very impressed, I ended up getting a Turkey Breast sandwich on wheat bread with a side of salad. It was sooo yummy!
    I plan to have 3 rounds with the elliptical machine today, as well as some weight lifting. My weight is up .6 pounds, do I'm a little confused why, but oh well I'm going to keep going at this.

    Have a great day everyone! :smile:
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Hey Sweet,

    I wouldn't worry too much about being up .6 pounds. I've heard some people say that when they start working out they initially gain a little bit due to some water retention in their muscles. However, it's only temporary and goes away after awhile. Also, daily fluctuations are nothing to be too concerned about.

    Getting ready to bring it tonight! Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    What a day.
    It wasn't THAT bad, as I look back on it....:grumble:
    But I'm very proud of not indulging in the pizza at work this afternoon. :bigsmile:
    Getting ready now to hit the track!
    Let the weekend begin!
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Aww why the bad day Georg? I kind of had a bit of a trying day again as well...some things. Well, stupid people just make me work out harder, so I guess they're good in the long run:smile: .

    Totally KILLED KenpoX tonight, weighted gloves and everything. It was awesome. Hopefully I'll get to run tomorrow. Or not, it's looking like it's going to thunderstorm. Way to say no to office horrors! It seems like there is something every day....

    Bring IT!

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    May I brag about my clean eating soapbox????
    I've been busy tonight (not working out) preparing for a swim meet tomorrow. There will be 15 swim teams with 2-3 coaches each competing at the local high school. Since my kids were swimmers years ago I've prepared lunch for all the coaches, officials & volunteer timers. I bring sliced turkey, ham & roast beef, cheeses, whole grain bread, homemade pasta salad, green salad & raw veggies.
    If they weren't served a quick lunch onsite between events, they would have to send out for fast food down the street. They have practiced those students all week, will be traveling on the buses before daybreak to get here & sit out in the sun/weather all day ...the least I can do is donate a little healthy lunch. I always tell them I'd rather make their lunch than do what they do! :wink:
    I have the salads made now, the veggies cut up. In the morning I'll arrange the meats & cheeses.
    The coaches all appreciate it so - they hug me each year as they leave & tell me they come just for the lunch!:blushing:

    I think it's important to promote clean eating wherever you can.
    So maybe I took a day off working out, but it's important to me & I'll be sure to make up for it tomorrow.
  • sweetapplepi
    Way to go Georg! :flowerforyou: It's def ok to brag about that. :tongue:

    I completed my 3 rounds on the elliptical machine, took a long walk with my hubby and our dogs, and I'm about to lift some weights after I post. =]
    My casserole had zucchini, black beans, corn, reduced fat cheese, corn tortillas, diced tomatoes and enchilada sauce. I think I found the recipe here also. I had that for dinner tonight as well.
    It was around 60 degrees here, but it was still a little chilly for me. I love the sun :laugh: I hope it warms up early for everyone.

    G'nite all! :yawn:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    WTG Georg!

    Hi all..yesterday I took my first non excercise day since Jan 1 ..mainly because I was out and about all day shopping ..but I will say this I wont be doing that again...I feel horrible when I dont excercise and it really screws up my I sit here mad at my friend lol and Im not sure if its his fault or just because Im being a *four letter word*.....blah! So Im planning to bring it today until I cant bring it anymore perhaps it will give me an attitude adjustment.........alll i gotta say is one thing the whole getting to know you period when in the dating scene SUCKS!!!!! one reason is Im big on keeping promises and also telling the truth ..what I find is MANY are not in fact they go above and beyond saying things they dont mean just to make themself look good. Blah double Blah!!....but Im not gonna let this kill my spirit ..even though it has put a black cloud over it for today...perhaps i will put his picture up and kickbox his face....hahahhahaahhahaaha:devil:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Hey! 51 !
    Look at you go!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    well im on my water break...I did 30min BL cardio max,30min Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickbox and 45min Hip Hop Abs total body burn...Im about to do 56min of WATP..because im still a bit of a witch!! put it nicely hahha...after that I will prob do some self torture with my wax machine LOL....gawd what a day this will be ..but good thing is I got my excercise done ok team i am off to watp and dance to kiss for an hr...oh i want to ask has anyone heard about the benefits of wearing a girtle? besides the obvious a spanish lady told me it helps posture and to trim up.....i just want to see if anyone else has heard this.:huh: