Diamonds Town Hall Meeting Week 4



  • I guess the last time I tried something new was joining MFP! I'm very predicable lately, so maybe I should take this question as a challenge to try something new this week!
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    First of all, Starleng1, so sorry for the loss of your FIL....

    As for trying something new, I am about to next week, and would love to hear everyone's input. There is a Zumba class at the local community center. I am planning on trying the Zumba Gold - apparently it is for older adults and less impact? With my knees, I thought this might be the best choice. Also, I have zero coordination.

    I can go to the first session, pay $10 and see if I like it. If I do, I can sign up and the $10 will go towards my registration (10 hour long sessions - $98 - didn't think that sounded too bad).

    I know some of you do Zumba - your thoughts? Anyone try Zumba Gold? How much coordination do you need? Any input is appreciated! Thanks!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Since beginning my weight loss journey, I have tried jogging. This is something I couldn't even do as a kid. It was difficult at first, but I love it now. If a year ago someone told me I would be jogging and loving it, I wouldn't have believed it!

    I tried jogging for the first time recently too. I was never good at it, hated it actually lol. Now I find myself looking forward to it. Granted, I still jog in intervals, but it's a huge accomplishment for me. :)

    This weekend I tried on something new at the store. I tried on a pair of jeans that are a size smaller than what I am used to wearing. And they fit!! Yay.

    And the very last new thing I'm trying is the crockpot cheeseburger recipe from MFP. It's cooking right now. I can't wait to taste it.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    QOTD: I tried something new a few months ago when I decided I was moving to a new city no matter what. I didn't know if I would have a job or a place to live, but I new I wanted to try a new city. I have been in DC for a month now and I am happy with the decision. I finally have a place and I got a job just before I moved.

    I also tried a bootcamp class out more recently. It was good and kicked my butt so hopefully I keep uo with it.

    Welcome to DC. I'm in Northern Va.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    The last time I tried something new ... oh boy. I'll go with pangasius filet. A few weeks ago I had some and I liked it. I usually don't eat fish because I don't like it but as it turns out I do like pangasius filet. So maybe I should try other kinds of fish because maybe I will like it.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm sorry I've been MIA. I lost my father in law last week very unexpectedly and have been dealing with it. First time having to handle the wake, funeral, and millions of things. He was only 60. Luckily my husband and I have good relations with our bank to handle the financial end of it. Please Please get a Burial insurance policy on yourselves or older love ones. No one needs to go what we had to. They wouldn't burial my FIL unless they were paid in advance and no one else could help. Who has that kind of money sitting in their checking account? It's a damn shame and while trying to grasp what has happened. Thank you for letting me rant.
    I really want to be part of Round 6 so don't count me out because I truly need help in loosing the weight.
    A very special shoutout to my partner Erika (foxieboxy). She was so sweet with her messages of comfort and checking on me. I don't want to lose her.
    The last time I tried something new was when I was in New Orleans the second week of August. I had turtle soup. I was really good. ;-) Well, I'm married to a Cajun. Got to adapt.


    Starleng, I'm so sorry to hear of your father-in-law's unexpected passing. Your family will be in my prayers. It's nice to have a buddy like that, I'm really happy to have an awesome buddy too!!
    Btw, I grew up in a Ragin' Cajun household, so turtle soup, possum, frog legs, and alligator were regular dishes.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    The last time I tried something new was just yesterday. I played the djembe in an African Congolese drum circle. It was spiritually intoxicating!!
  • I tried something new today. I spent half the day at a mental health hospital as part of my final class of nursing school. I am ashamed of how our society has made such a horrible sterotype for people who suffer mental illness!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Hi everyone happy Monday :) spirit week sounds fun and I love the quote might use that myself sometime

    As for the QOTD can't think of the last time I tried something new I did try a kangaroo burger at the begining of the year I am quite boring thinking about it lol.

    Home made zuck. bread, I made it yesterday. I already make all of our other bread and this was just due to the person next store giving me tons of the stuff.
  • The last time tried something new was last week. My daughter and I went to a line dancing class as the YMCA and it was so much fun. We are definitely going back this week.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    I love the idea of spirit week!! Only thing is I HATE pics of me! but I will do it for the team :bigsmile:

    QOTD: when is the last time I tried something new - (food) last night - I made the herbed quinoa and carmelized onion salad
    (Workout) last week I started to really get into the free weights and although I am intimidated by the muscle men at the gym I walked right over to the weight area and did my free weight workout! yay me
  • Last time I tried something new was a month ago when I started bootcamp. It's a true butt kicker!
  • Shawn_Marie
    Shawn_Marie Posts: 307 Member
    Good morning Diamonds,

    I want to share with you the Shining Diamond weight loss information:

    Total Loss = 33.5 lbs
    Biggest Partner Losers:
    - Green Diamonds = Sherry (Chirron40) and Jennifer A (duqtape) with a loss of 6.8 lbs

    Biggest Individual Losers:
    - Green Diamonds = Jennifer A (duqtape) with 5 lbs (2.76%)
    - Purple Diamonds = Sulei (mrslabreck12) with 5 lbs (2.24%)
    - Orange Diamonds = Karen (nosugarcoating) with 2.2 lbs (1.07%)

    Biggest Team Loser:
    - Purple Diamonds = 17.7 lbs (8.66%)

    Please also congratulate all of our other Shining Diamond losers:

    Rebekah (Crooks0204) = 1.5
    Naomi (nafroese) = 1.6
    Emily S (emi_esp) = 1.0
    Meg M (meggers123) = 1.8
    Sherry (Chirron40) = 1.8
    Lynn (lyntello) = 0.5
    Melissa Y (meliturtlee) = 2.2
    Chantal (ChanMay) = 3.0
    Clare (clarech82) = 1.0
    Karen E (cklbrown) = 1.8
    Shelly (shelleilei) = 1.4
    Tennille (TWood10) = 3.0
    Katy (jae6704) = 0.5
    Sulei (mrslabreck12) = 5.0

    Congrats !!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    right now I am trying to eat more calories.

    Well, not that eating more is NEW but eating more calories in a controlled way? :) something like that. I upped my calories to see if it helped me lose weight. so far so good - I didn't really lose but I didn't GAIN and not only did I have more energy but, you know, I got to EAT more!! So that's been awesome.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I love trying new things! I'm a very adventurous person. I tried mango tofu the other day... didn't care much for it. I went on a zipline a couple of months ago. My step-mom introduced me to goat cheese a couple of weeks ago. I'm trying to think... I'm sure there is much more, I'll get back to ya.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hello Diamonds!

    Starleng, I am very very sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and yours.

    ShiningDiamonds, great loss this week!! Keep it up ladies!
    LittleDiamonds, I'm sure you ladies rocked it this always do!! I know some of your personally from last round so I know what you are capable of!!
    DITR had another fantastic week and are now only 3lbs shy of reaching an 100lb loss!! Not to shabby for only 3 weeks in I would say!! Way to go ladies!

  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Now to answer my own question! The last new thing I tried would have to be running. I never in a million years thought my body could do it, but it is all mind over matter ladies and I am so very proud of myself!
  • Actually the last time I tried something new was back in July when I decided to do the low carb lifestyle.
  • The last time I tried something new would have been Sunday (9/11)...I was shopping with a dear friend and we shared a Pecan Caramel Cinnabon! I have to say even though I knew I shouldn't have had was DELISH!!!
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    I just decided that i'm too predictable! I had to really think to remember the last "new thing". I guess it was the recipe I found on the Whole Foods app for Broiled Tilapia with Parmesan and Herbs. A new favorite!