JUST FOR TODAY -- Daily Commitment Thread for 2021



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @mytime6630 First, I'd like to say Happy Belated Anniversary! 44 years! That's wonderful. I'm so glad to hear you went out to eat at a restaurant. Something normal.... :heart:

    About the situation with your daughter, I know this has been hard for you since I first joined you on here some years ago, but it sounds like she has gotten even more clingy. Do you think it could be a delayed reaction to her dad going through cancer treatment? Could it be coming from a place of fear of losing you both? I wish I had answers for you, but I honestly don't know what can help her with this. I do really think that if it's possible, maybe you could see a counselor yourself? I see one and discuss different stressors in my life with her and she gives me ideas on how to respond. They are professionals and understand diagnoses better than we do, plus they are observing from an outsider perspective. They are not emotionally involved so they may have some advice as to small things to work on until the big picture looks better? I will be praying for you, your husband and your daughter. HUGS! xxoo
  • sviers13
    sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
    @pridesabtch thank you for the encouragement!
  • sviers13
    sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
    sviers13 wrote: »

    Log everything 💚
    Exercise even if only for ten minutes 💚
    Start with only one serving 💚
    Pay attention to the physical effects of the food I eat 💚
    Be kind to my body 💚

    It was a good day. I went a little over my calorie goal but I did it on purpose. Meaning that I didn’t mindlessly eat, I knew before hand how many calories I was eating. I enjoyed the heck out of those raisinets!

  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wed 21 April

    Log ⬇️
    Stay in the green 😊
    5 fruit and veg 👿
    Water 😊
    Fitbit exercise goals 😊
    Weigh 😊 trend ⬇️

    Wash the bedding - the cat decided to deposit a fur ball on my bed - eughhhh 🐾🐾 ❤️

  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thu 22 April

    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
    Fitbit exercise goals
    Weigh 😊 trend ⬇️
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,099 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    - Water ✔️
    - Exercise❌
    - Log log log❌

    Okay so I got my minimum waters in of 4 cups. Happy enough with that.
    I logged perfectly until after dinner and I had some night time snacks, whi h I've now forgotten what they were so I most certainly wasn't in the green but I don't think the damage was too bad. 🤞

    As for the exercise, I got 8.5k steps in. I got really anxious from when the girls got home and til after they went to bed. I had to have one of Ash's diazepams in the end just to get it to stop. And when I did I then stuffed my face.
    Think I'm just gonna let yesterday go and start today as a new day
    I don't feel anxious today, I'm very tired though but atleast I'm in an okay mood.

    Thursday goals

    - Water (try for 6 today)
    - Log all food
    - Exercise (this is a must do, need to get my body moving!)
    - Stay focused on my goals. I can do this!
  • sviers13
    sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
    Log everything 💚
    Exercise even if only for ten minutes 💚
    Start with only one serving 💛
    Pay attention to the physical effects of the food I eat 💚
    Be kind to my body 💚
  • sviers13
    sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
    Log everything
    Exercise even if only for ten minutes
    Start with only one serving
    Pay attention to the physical effects of the food I eat
    Be kind to my body

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,370 Member

    JFT Wednesday

    - Shower :(
    - Get 2nd vaccination shot :smiley:
    - Go into work :smiley:
    - Catch up on MFP / JFT :smiley:
    - Eat between 11:00 am - 9:00 pm :smiley:
    - Log all food :smiley:
    - Stay green :smiley:
    - Experiment with new tech :smiley:
    - Bed by 11:30 :smiley:
    - No alcohol :smiley:

    Have a fantastic day y'all!

    Yesterday was ok, until late afternoon when I spiked a fever. I still feel pretty puny today, so I'm working from home. I normally don't eat breakfast, but I was quite nauseous, so I had some toast. Plan today is to chill and feel better.

    JFT Thursday
    - Weigh in :smiley:
    - Chill
    - Log food
    - Stay green
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,515 Member
    Recap 4/21 W
    1) Walked dog 3.75 mi before work :smiley: happy dog & happy me
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / pace during 2 webinars :mrgreen: 14/14 boom! 16.2K
    3) Finish leftovers? / net cals zero / no evening snacks / 12c water :s New twist, had after work snack before supper -352 & high sodium & 13c water
    4) GA-IT / submit JMIO / call Myron / webinars 10-12 & 12:30-1:30 / PRO s/s comments / print SS EE sheet / email PRO s/s end of day / pack for work at home = good day 8/8
    5) Print correct UMR EOB / call mom & dad <3 plus eldest brother over watching ball game w/ them / at least one chore ~ several! :smiley: 3/3
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / 6:45 alarm (walk dog before work) = 5/5

    JFT 4/22 R
    1) X-trained in basement before work :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / pace during 3 webinars
    3) Supper? / net cals zero / no evening snacks / 12c water
    4) Webinars 11:00, 12:30 & 2:00 / PRO s/s training comments / draft request to Don for docs, inquiries
    5) Download invoice into DBS / grocery shop / water houseplants / one other chore
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / 6:45 alarm (walk dog before work)

    Decided with another overnight temp in 20s that I was sick of walking dog in winter clothes this week, so worked out in basement this morning instead. Meets my goal of x-training at least one time per week, since I want to build strength and tone. Plan is get 5 straight days of workout tomorrow before work for several reasons: overnight not as cold so can walk dog, my first vax shot is scheduled Fri. mid-morning & Sat. is supposed to be very rainy. That way I can relax about workouts until Sun.

    2021 Goals:
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ remember this year! ~ 1.31.21 ~ 2.28.21 ~ 4.3.21
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events even if virtual ~ started MapMyWalk You Vs. Year 1021K on Jan. 1 / virtual 50 Mile Frenzy 11.27.20 - 1.15.21 (replaced Frenzy on the Fox for Jan. 2021) 50.37 miles 12.17.20 and completed 97.44 miles total / Tour de Northeast WI virtual challenge: cover distance from Oshkosh to Gills Rock (139 miles) 1.1.21 - 3.31.21 ~ completed distance on 3.21.21 / 30/45 Build to Bellin virtual challenge 30 min. activity for total of 1,350 min. in 45 days 3.1.21 - 4.15.21 = 146 out of 339 in 34:00:42 / Hope 2021 Face Mask virtual 5K (benefits No Kid Hungry) anytime
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last year that should be repeated
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ had this goal in 2020 and how ironic
    9) Declutter bedroom, home office and basement ~ made good progress in 2020 & want to keep it up
    Word for 2021: Gratitude ~ be mindful of & appreciate my many blessings
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited April 2021
    Thank you to all who responded to my "off topic" problem .. but with weight loss, I do feel that there are so many things that drive us to emotional eating, and this has been my hardest thing to deal with, and not want to just eat. We all want the best for our children, and when we are helpless to fix things, or helpless to make things better, it is very hard.

    But ... we did talk to our daughter, and to her doctor, and a change in meds was made. Part of all of this is the covid situation, and stressful things this year like her dads cancer, and her being just scared that she will lose both of us. Also.. paranoia in those feelings. We love her dearly, and I don't want you to think that we will not always be there for our daughter .. its just that night, I was so frustrated. I should have stayed away from writing all that on this site, so I am sorry about that, and will try and keep this what it is.. a motivational weightloss thread.

    Having said that, I have been doing OK , and am proud of that. I helped our daughter tonite .. she is going to be getting new carpet installed in her apartment, so I helped her move the living room furniture. They will do the bedroom and hallway on monday. Hoping this will help our daughter have a nice apartment (it was a mess), and now that we have our vaccines, things will get easier.

    Tomorrow I will weigh in.. and hopefully stayed the same, or lost some.

    Goals for tomorrow, Friday, 4/23
    1. mindful eating.. think before I eat.
    2. stop nitetime snacking
    3. concentrate on water
    4. other: work on pc boards .. help hubby. I am so tired of working, but someday we can retire! 2. work in yard .. need to mow grass. 3. clean house. 4. wash daughters sofa slipcovers. 5. help daughter move furniture back. 6. go for a walk. 7. fish fry.. eat smart.. do not overstuff myself.

  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    A bit of a mixed day but did better overall. Trying hard to give myself credit for what I did do. Eating was back on track tonight, which was great. I also managed to get out for a walk/run. I felt like I wasn't doing well, but I pushed myself to focus on doing the best I could and enjoying the beautiful day. It wasn't the easiest run, but when I checked my stats it was actually a pretty good run in terms of pacing and distance. I need to learn to trust that I'm doing good enough where I am at.

    JFT Thursday:
    80 oz water ✅
    stay in the green ✅
    meet all serving recommendations for 5 food groups ✅
    30 minutes exercise ✅
    screens off 8:30 ❌
    track food, exercise, water and post on JFT ✅

    JFT Thursday:
    80 oz water
    stay in the green
    meet all serving recommendations for 5 food groups
    30 minutes exercise
    screens off 8:30
    track food, exercise, water and post on JFT

    @bookmeister86 Good luck with the house search! My sister and her partner just bought a house and it was such a process for them. I hope you find one you love!
    @littleblackskirt I can understand how you're feeling, I've been there. I know for me going back to basics always helps, and being kind to myself too. Easy to say, hard to do!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member

    Not sure if the link will work but this felt fitting for today!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I'm not in a rush this morning but not feeling particularly communicative this morning either, quite tired from a stressful week, so will just post goals rather than giving an update - may post more over the weekend.

    Yesterday's goals:

    Log everything I eat :)
    Be in the green :|I was a bit grumpy and ate chocolate. Only -300 though, so still within maintainance
    Drink 4 bottles water :| Finishing the last one now....
    Trip to Tesco :)
    Make healthy lunches :)
    Decisions on houses :)

    Today's goals:

    Log everything I eat
    Stick to food plan
    Drink 4 bottles water

    Happy Friday everyone!