What exactly is the point?

When scars don't go away? Sure I can be as slim as a Victoria's Secret model, but I'm ALWAYS going to have that scar on my leg from pushing too hard with my razor (accidentally) and that one from stabbing a piece of glass into my thigh (again accidentally). The stretch marks are still going to be just as disgusting. Before you mention it, stretch marks from pregnancy are not the same. I got them from being FAT, you got them from being PREGNANT.

Okay if I'm healthier I'll live longer. Why would I want to live longer? So I can spend 10+ extra years sad in my horrible, scarred body?

I don't know what I'm expecting anyone to reply... Maybe I'm missing something? If you have to criticise, please make it constructive.

One last thing, I realise I have it better than a lot of people but IT'S STILL HARD (emotionally and physically).


  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I'd rather have scars than to have scars AND be fat.
  • CindiBryce
    When scars don't go away? Sure I can be as slim as a Victoria's Secret model, but I'm ALWAYS going to have that scar on my leg from pushing too hard with my razor (accidentally) and that one from stabbing a piece of glass into my thigh (again accidentally). The stretch marks are still going to be just as disgusting. Before you mention it, stretch marks from pregnancy are not the same. I got them from being FAT, you got them from being PREGNANT.

    Okay if I'm healthier I'll live longer. Why would I want to live longer? So I can spend 10+ extra years sad in my horrible, scarred body?

    I don't know what I'm expecting anyone to reply... Maybe I'm missing something? If you have to criticise, please make it constructive.

    One last thing, I realise I have it better than a lot of people but IT'S STILL HARD (emotionally and physically).
    Healthy and scarred or unhealthy (and still scarred). Choose one.

    And don't worry, stretchmarks usually go away.
  • suse56
    You should probably get some counseling to deal with these feelings. good luck!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I have a lot of stretch marks too. I will never wear a bikini, but at least I will be able to go out in confidence in a one piece! You need to think of the positives of your situation! Maybe you are embarrassed to wear shorts, but at least you can wear tight jeans! You know, think of a pro/con.
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I'd rather have scars than to have scars AND be fat.

    This^ Besides your a pretty girl. Don't you know that? If you didn't then I am telling you so now. :happy:
  • CaoimheAine
    :( chin up!
    and use bio-oil ;)
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    You're 19...you're going to get a lot more scars, both visible and invisible. That's life. Life knocks you down. Life drags you over hot coals and broken glass. But you know what? You stand up, take a cool shower, invest in Neosporin & Band-Aids...and keep going. Who is life or circumstance or luck to keep you from doing whatever it is that makes you happy?

    My profile has my motto in it:

    Life is ****. All you can pray for is good toilet paper.

    Chin up, babygirl. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent (Eleanor Roosevelt) <3
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Wow...harsh much! Yeah...I have plenty of stretchmarks from having a kid. I was 18...I went from 85 pounds to 120...I didn't stand a chance at not getting them. My entire stomach is covered...I haven't worn a bikini since I was 17. If my stomach was flat and had them I'd be more than proud to show them off. I have left over skin that won't go away without a tummy tuck. Also...I have a scar the entire way down my sternum. I had open heart surgery when I was 6 months old...I show that off proudly! Without it I would have died before I turned a year old. Stop being so 'distraught' over stupid scars and a few stretchmarks. Grow up.
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    You're 19...you're going to get a lot more scars, both visible and invisible. That's life. Life knocks you down. Life drags you over hot coals and broken glass. But you know what? You stand up, take a cool shower, invest in Neosporin & Band-Aids...and keep going. Who is life or circumstance or luck to keep you from doing whatever it is that makes you happy?

    My profile has my motto in it:

    Life is ****. All you can pray for is good toilet paper.

    Chin up, babygirl. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent (Eleanor Roosevelt) <3

    ^^^ everything she said!
  • MissTanya77
    I have stretch marks from gaining and losing weight as well, but they don't bother me that much because I celebrate the weight loss and the accomplishment. I can't be mad at the stretch marks because when I was gaining weight and enjoying overeating, I wasn't thinking about stretch marks. YOu need to celebrate your accomplishments and not self-sabotage because you don't have a "perfect" body because few ppl do. Even ppl we think have perfect bodies find flaws w/ their own bodies. Be comfortable in your own skin!
  • jhoney8
    jhoney8 Posts: 43 Member
    Scars and stretch marks fade, plus life is not spent entirely in a bathing suit. It gets better. Everyone has frustrating days. Hang in there.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    At some point you learn how to accept yourself and your scars. I suppose it's different for everyone, but I was almost 30 by the time it happened for me. I like my stretch marks. They're on my upper thighs. They're silvery and look like little tiger stripes. I don't give a flying fckadilly if anyone else is nauseated by them. Find the things you truly value about yourself. It takes some time, but you'll get there.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    With great respect, you're not the only one.

    I have stretch marks and my skin sags because as my doctor says, "You're not 16 anymore." I don't have children either. It was my choice, just as being here, with all these people sharing that same experience, is my choice.

    The point is, you can choose to be something different than you are and to benefit from that, physical or emotional. You might need help to do that, but honestly, why else are you here? We all need each other.
  • akunce
    Scars are no biggy! A lot of people have! it just means you ve done things in your life! you re no a porceline statue! and stretch marks can occur from a number of reasons! Your health is the most important! Scars can be fixed on the outside! Scars on the inside are much harder to fix! If you want to live forget the outside and worry about the inside!!!!!
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    The point of it all I think is to get to a place where you can look at yourself and say "I like the way I look". Its about self-respect. I got down to 160 pounds on this site, and I absolutely hated my life during the process. I was always hungry, I looked like hell, and I felt like it too. Fast forward about a month, and I now weigh 17 pounds more, but I feel amazing, I am happy with myself and with whatever way I look be it skinny or fat or somewhere in-between, and I look alot better too because im not skin and bones (some people just dont look good skinny, obviously i'm one of them).

    Summarized, I think its about feeling good about yourself.

    And about the scars thing, I cant say I understand it from your point of view, but I have a good percentage of my body covered in scars from a host of stupid s**t I did as a kid, and iv'e just learned that if I ever have anyone in my life who makes me feel bad about any of them, I have the control to not let it affect me and to tell them to f**k off.

    Dunno if that helps any :s
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    At some point you learn how to accept yourself and your scars. I suppose it's different for everyone, but I was almost 30 by the time it happened for me. I like my stretch marks. They're on my upper thighs. They're silvery and look like little tiger stripes. I don't give a flying fckadilly if anyone else is nauseated by them. Find the things you truly value about yourself. It takes some time, but you'll get there.

    I agree with this. I used to think my nose was big, that I had too many freckles (would never wear sleeveless), and I have stretch marks on the inside of my knees from growing tall so fast. I guarantee you those VS girls all have stretch marks from growth spurts too (of the vertical kind but still)!
  • Shanahan09
    Well, I have tons of scars. Maybe not as visible as yours, but they are my "history marks", One I have above my lip, got pecked by a rooster at age 2, another under my left eye, bite from a horse. Another on the palm of my hand, wiped off a cutting knife the wrong way. I know how you feel, I really do...but, people love you for YOU, they don't see the scars like you do. My husband loves my scars, they're a part of me, they are what makes me, me! :) Same as people who have freckles, or unruly hair, or the dimple in the chin. Please try to look at the beautiful person that you are, not the scars that hide your vision to that beauty.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    your post breaks my heart, you sound very sad/depressed. I don't think it matters if you are fat or thin but you sound very hopeless. I hope you will get help from something/someone other than this site! You have so much to look forward to in your life and I would hope you could look forward to it all!
  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
    I have a TON of scars. I grew up on a farm and am exremely clumsy, so I have scars on my legs, arms, a couple on my lips from getting hit in the face during basketball. I also had a breast reduction about 6 months ago, and the scars from that are huge, but I'm still happy I went through it.

    I embrace my scars. My experiences have made me who I am and nobody is perfect. The good old VS models are made that why by photo shop. :-)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    and I forgot to add, you're a very pretty girl!! Please don't be so hard on yourself!!