Swat Walking Group - September - New Members welcome!



  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Sorry girls my computer has been down. reworking the office, just set it up temporarily to check in. Miss you all!
    Still fighting the bug. I'm winning I think!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Did I scare everyone away?
  • Redneckgirl924
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm still here! I haven't been around a computer that I could log in on for over a week. I have to say it's been weird not being able to log on to MFP and get the encouragement to keep going when I needed it the most. I'm glad to see that everyone seems to be doing well on their exercising, but I'm sorry to hear that some of you have been sick. I hope ya'll feel better soon!

    This last week I walked 5 out of 7 days and walked at least 2-3 miles each of those days. I'm slowly getting back on track, but it sure does feel good to be getting back to exercising on a regular basis. This last week I didn't make the best food choices since I went to see a friend that I haven't seen in over a year.

    My goal this month is to walk at least 90 miles, drink more water, stop eating all the carbs :sad: , and to go back to logging my food to help me keep on track.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,261 Member
    I'm still here but haven't been exercising so haven't checked in. I'm still feeling cruddy and the heat is back too. My stomach is irritable and when I eat I don't always feel so good afterward. This bug or whatever is hanging on or else it is stress related...

    I'm going north on Thursday for hiking and a concert. Looking forward to some R and R on the north shore by Lake Superior. Love it up there!

    Volleyball and my cardio class start next week so I'll get going again. I think I'll reduce my goal for this month though.

    Take Care,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Two miles power walk yesterday, and mile with the Grandkids. Those were the best!
  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    My exercise has been sidetracked this week as I have shingles! So not what I needed right now, but it is what it is. Hoping I will be feeling better enough tomorrow to get back on track with the walking.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,261 Member
    So sorry to hear about your shingles. Hang in there and get healthy!

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Fellow Walkers.

    I've had a pretty crazy week, and didn't get a walk in since last Tuesday until tonight (YIKES!). In addition to not using the power walking tapes, I have been eating over my calories (DOUBLE YIKES!). I was at a conference for three days this past week that was held at a five-star resort. The food was so good I couldn't resist. For the most part, it was healthy type meals, but the desserts (one day was lemon cheesecake!) and the afternoon snacks (one day was cookies, one day was brownies, one day was ice cream) were too tempting.

    I sort of walked on Thursday because I went to a Fashion Night Out event at a local mall (but I wouldn't really call it power walking!). However, the walking was countered by the goodies they were offering. Neiman Marcus had strawberry shortcakes bites! At least Talbot's had dried fruit and nuts; all the other stores I stopped in had cookies, cupcakes, champagne, wine, etc.

    On a happy note, I bought clothes in the single digit sizes for the first time!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it when a size 8 fit. I also went to Intimacy, which is Oprah's favorite bra store, and had a bra fitting to figure out what size I was after my weight loss. They were having drawings for $100 gift cards every hour and when I told them I had spent the last fourteen months losing over 100 pounds, they gave me one of the gift cards! (By the way, I was one of the 85% of women wearing the wrong bra size. If you haven't done a fitting, I strongly encourage it. I notice such a difference with how the girls sit with the right support.)

    Anyway, the conference was good and the shopping was great, but I've got to get my eating back under control.

    Hope everyone has a great week toward their fitness goals!

  • scrapperchick
    scrapperchick Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! your group sounds like one I would like to join. I started my account about 4 months ago, but life has gotten in the way. now that things are more settled, my goal is to just get moving again! I am going to try and walk 3 days this week for an hour each time.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I need to get back to regular walking.
    I LIKE to do it in the morning but that hasn't been working very well--maybe in a week or two I can start morning walks again.
    For now I will try working out after work--not my favorite time as everyone is around, but I'll try.

    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Suzanne--Sorry about the shingles! tale care and get well!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    One mile in this a.m., it's the start of a trend to more walking, I'm sure! Happy new week!
  • divamission95
    I would love to join. What do I have to do?
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Wow! What's up with September. Seems like we are all struggling with different challenges and obstacles, myself included. My Mom & Dad were in a car wreck last week and I've been dealing with that. They are doing okay but very sore and bruised and neither had to stay in the hospital. For those of you that don't already know, both of my parents are 83 so they are very lucky to be okay. A dump truck pulled out in front of them. Their car is totaled, my dad lost his driver's license in the confusion of the accident and we're all having to work our schedules to take care of everything. Whew, it's been a mess. And to top it all off my sister got laid off today and I'm depressed about that too. So that's enough whining from me . . .

    I did get in the 2-mile WATP big burn tonight and I'm trying to get my eating back on track too.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the group Scrapper and Diva. Nothing special is required to join. Just jump right in, figure out what your goals are for the rest of the month and your all set. It will be good for us to have some new energetic members to keep us going.

    Congratulations AZ on the size 8. That's great and I know you are excited. :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Thank heavens your parents are both ok, Sandy. Sorry for your sister, tough times indeed. Don't forget to take care of yourself as well as everyone else.

    1 more mile for today, not a lot, but a start.
  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Sandy, so sorry about your parents and your sister. My husband has been out of work for several years. It is tough out there!

    Kathy, I prefer to walk in the mornings also, but I already get up at 5 and get to work by 7 and I don't think I can manage getting up any earlier! So lunch time it is for now.

    AZ, great work on the 100lbs and the single digit sizing. That must be such a great feeling.

    I'm still struggling a bit with shingles, but I was back at work today and got a brisk 45-minute walk in. Hope this is a good indicator of how my week will go!

    Have a great week, everyone!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sandy--So sorry to hear about your parents' accident. I'm glad they are only bruised!

    I hope your sister can find work soon! It is SO hard--I haven't been able to find a permanent job--only my seasonal one (which I love but it's seasonal!). Sometimes I think it is my age--though, of course, no one would admit to that!

    I don't know about the rest of you but I am tired of hearing certain people say that there are plenty of jobs (and implying that we just don't want to work!). There are NOT plenty of jobs!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,261 Member
    Wow lot's of things happening! Sandy so sorry about your parents' accident but very happy they are okay. Also sorry to hear about your sister being laid off. So many job losses for people... Kudos to you for doing WATP's.

    AZ-Size 8!!!! Yay!! Nice...Great time to get a bra fitting for sure. New bra's and underwear are fun to buy when you've gotten down to the size you want to be and there are more available that are attractive.

    Welcome to the newbies! May you be my motivators to get going again. Going up north this weekend so should get in a good hike and some nice fresh air on the north shore by Lake Superior. Next week begins my exercise class so I'll be back at it. Still have more hot yoga to schedule too but have been busy and feeling under the weather. All is looking up now though!

    Beautiful day here in MN and the temps are cooler now! Love Fall!

  • suzanneec
    suzanneec Posts: 16 Member
    Got another brisk 40-minute walk in today. I'm on a roll!!
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good evening, Everyone!

    Today I walked 3 miles on the trails outside of work. It feels great to walk on the trails, but it was in the upper 80's today and when I got back to work I wanted a shower, but oh well! I felt sorry for my co worker that sits down wind. :laugh:

    Sandy - sorry to hear about your parents wreck. I'm glad to hear that they are ok.

    AZ - Congrats on getting to the size 8. It's a great feeling and I hope to get there some day. It may be another year before I get there but I'm determined. I have 6 sizes to go and 60 pounds to lose. Keep up the good work.

    Suzanne - I hope you get better soon. Shingles are no fun! Hang in there and remember don't scratch! Great job on the 45 minute walk, that's the way to show shingles who's boss!

    Have a great evening!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,261 Member
    I leave tomorrow for a long weekend up north. I'll be doing some hiking so that will be good to re-motivate me! Have a nice weekend everyone!
