Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - September Challenge!!



  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Quick check in need to leave in bit but I wanted to stop by and say hello!

    Abby Welcome and great job with the 30DS keep it up! It definitely is motivating! :smile:

    AFM I went to the chocolate festival which was really cool and fattening I bet, surprisingly I got fed up with the chocolate sooner than I thought, Ghiradelli chocolate is just soo rich. I also made the best decisions and portion size control I could at the moment considering I was @ a BBQ with my BF Huston's family. I exercised 6/7 days and drank more h20 but still need to work on sleeping better (main concern). Had a great weekend but as always they go by way too fast and I'm already looking forward to next weekend nothing special going on except maybe bike party but thats it, oh ya I bought new workout clothes that I will be breaking in tonight after class and my first pair of size 6 jeans in a long time super happy yesterday, will be at the Gym late tonight! Which is why I'm updating now briefly, hope everyone had great Monday! :happy:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey beauties! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I have been so MIA lately. I really wish I could be more supportive around here, and I wish the thread were as active and encouraging as it once was, but I know that we all get busy with life and I am no exception. With work, trying to fit in workouts when my body allows it, and trying to piece my personal life together and keep myself sane, the days usually just fly by and its bedtime before I know it. And then I end up wasting a good portion of my sleeping time hunting down new recipes (ie: late night food porn browsing on the internets - guilty!), trying my best to be social despite every urge to pass out, or going out with Tyler to keep the boy happy. Usually this results in <5 hours of sleep and a very, very tired Meag with no energy or mental capacity to respond on here. I just don't always have it in me - Wish I did, because you guys really do mean a LOT to me and I adore having this group in my life :bigsmile:

    I ran a solid 5.48 miles on Sunday which was my longest run in weeks. I wanted to log 6 or 7 but I was feeling like a huuuuge quitter and I know my running confidence is suffering big-time from this injury. But i am determined to run this Half Marathon next weekend. I AM going to run it. My foot is feeling about 50% right now and I am planning on taking the week easy. Tomorrow will be my last run before the Half. Yoga on Wednesday, possibly some strength workouts and core on Thurs and then REST on Fri and Sat in preparation. It's not ideal but I need to hedge my bets that the foot can't take a whole lot of training before this race and I desperately want to finish what I started. So rest it is!

    Abby - Welcome! Your results are stunning and you look FABULOUS! :drinker: Congratulations! I hope you keep it up - Strength training shouldn't end when the program is finish. Keep ramping it up and working towards new goals. You're going to be a lean, mean fighting machine in no time!

    Greenhumanclay - All I can say is Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Chocolate festival. Did my invite get lost in the mail? :tongue:

    Laura - Knew it! Great job rockin' it out and making the most of a stressful situation. Keep it up and those pounds are going to melt right off, lady :wink:

    Shorty - Sounds great! I'd love to work in health + nutrition and have seriously considered it. I hope you are really happy with the program once you've started and I'd love to hear your take on anything nutrition or health related. So I hope you stick around! I love any discussion/advice/tips/ongoing conversation on this thread in that regard. I think we all have a lot to gain from it and I know that for many of us (myself included) it's really hard to find supportive friends/family that are really 100% behind us in our journey to live happy, healthy and active lives. It's not always easy! Which is what I love so much about this group :bigsmile:

    Alright folks it's nearly 11pm and I am getting up at 5:40am to get my last run in before another hectic/miserable day at the office. Keep it up! I'll check in with y'all hopefully by Wednesday morning. Better have some awesome updates to read :huh:
  • maybe_sd
    Well, I'm not in my 20's...I'm 33...but a young not sure if this is the right blog for me or not. I have recently gone into a tailspin of no self control and am hoping that with a little help from my friends and maybe you guys? I can get back on track. I have used MFP in the past and seen results. I just started full time nursing school in an accelerated one year program...and I'm a stress eater, so I guess i don't have to explain much more than that. just hoping to get back on track with exercise and healthy eating :) Looks like there are some really cool chicks on here and some people who have some serious progress to be proud of!! :) Wish me luck and hope to chat with you all soon

    CW 151.4
    GW 1: 140
    GW 2: 135
    GW 3: 130
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hello there Lovelies!! I have been MIA a bit lately but have just been enjoying the time with the offspring, my brother, and some great friends.

    maybe_sd - we accept lovelies of all shapes, sizes, and ages!! I am currently working on getting my head back in the game too. I have had a lot go on emotionally within the past few months including moving out of my parent's house, watching my parents move out of state, and breaking up with my boyfriend. Stick around and you will get tons of encouragement. Post as little or as much as you would like.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome Meg! Another Meg for the books - What's up with that? :tongue: We're going to have to start calling this thread "Megs' Kickin' *kitten* in their Twenties (and then some...) " soon! hahaha!

    Bethany - Keep at it lady - one day at a time. Major <<hugs>> and good thoughts coming at ya! Just because I feel like you deserve them and heck - we all need some love some of the time! :bigsmile:
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    Ive been having back pain these past couple days. I think it was from my cardio on Saturday :ohwell: I went to the gym today although I really didnt want to. I didnt even try to do my circuit today because it involved back exercises. I did put in 40 minutes of cardio though. I ending up going out to my sisters field to see her familys horses. I didnt know I would end up walking so much so I got to log that as well. Although I didnt get to do my workout like planned it was still a success today :bigsmile:

    Meag- When I first told my sister what I wanted to do she says "You'll be good at that because you like telling people what to do." LOL I completely understand that not everyone is supportive in weight loss. My family is somewhat resistant. But thats ok.

    Greenhumanclay- Late night reading is a bad idea. I want chocolate now. Good thing I dont have any lol

    Abby- Great job! You look amazing!!!
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Welcome to all the new ladies on here!

    Meag I'll mail the invite next time!! :bigsmile: I was definitely chocolate wasted lol. There was so many people as expected but the line to try a sample was literally up to 20 minutes! Should have paid the extra 20 bucks for VIP maybe next year! Good job on getting back out there and also balancing yourself with rest days on Friday and Saturday, hope everything with your foot is much better by then and you are able to run successfully without any problems before/during/ and after!!!

    Shortyburb That's awesome that you're going to start your Nutrition Program in January, I've also considered taking a nutrition class/kinesiology class to get more beneficial info. More so after I started this new journey with exercise and a new relationship with food. I agree with Meag also, gives us your take on any topics such as food/ exercise or anything health related I think that program will be rewarding in soo many ways! Good luck!

    AFM I've struggled a bit with the h20 intake, it seems my day flies by and I forget to consume all the water I'd like to drink, I need to be more conscious of that because by the time I try chugging it it's too late and I have to keep getting up to pee at night pretty annoying, I need to stop 2 hours before bedtime. I went over my calories today but intentionally zig zagging correctly and I notice the scale moved down so it must be working. I also started increasing my distance on my jogging and hope to be at 5 miles soon, planning on doing a short 5k which is a big deal to me since I have never been a runner and it will be my first race of many to come. I plan on eventually jogging a half sometime next year although that is not for a while I want to focus on toning my body and just enjoying my outdoor runs . Anybody have any tips on firming up the tummy area, it seems that I have lost weight everywhere and my tummy has shrunk but still seems to be the main problem area. With yoga I feel it helps but beginning next month my membership will be over since I can not afford to pay the expensive monthly fee, I do plan on checking out some DVDS and mainly want to run and work on strength training with my co-worker. I hope all you ladies have a great night and I will do my best to post here daily with more support!!! :smile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Very quick update tonight since I need to hop into the shower. Today was ridiculously busy but I thought I'd share my awesome run update from this morning... And by awesome, I mean a HUGE pain in the *kitten*! :grumble:

    I ran 4.23 miles in 40 mins flat. Which is a great pace for me - just under a 9:30 min mile average. Then I got home and took off my shoes....


    Yeaaaa. So I guess I have screwed up my pain tolerance enough that I just run on a hugely blistered and bleeding foot without the sense to stop and have a look at it? Is it even possible that I thought this sort of pain was "normal"? I need to give my head a shake some days!

    Anyway I could regale you with complaints about work, food, and all else but I will spare you tonight :tongue: Consider it quite the special treatment. I must be REALLY tired, eh :wink: haha Hope you all sleep well and get up tomorrow feeling ready to attack the day. I certainly hope the same for myself! I am going to eat well tomorrow and hit up another Yogafit class at night. It's a pretty big time drain but I do really enjoy it. Trade offs, as always, but it's worth it!

    Gnight ladies :heart:
  • Shortyburb
    Shortyburb Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks guys! For your support on the nutrition :bigsmile:

    Meag- OUCH!

    I have been having a rough week. I don't think I'll be able to do any circuit training this week. I hurt all over. I'm guessing its the way I'm sleeping. Going swimming tomorrow hopefully so I will get in some activity. I am moving a pound this week!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day Ladies!!

    Meag - that doesn't look comfy at all. Hopefully you were able to get it all cleaned up, bandaged up, and healing!! You are a machine when it comes to running now!!

    AFM...have fallen ill and I am not a fan of it. I am so tired and weak. Wish I could just stay in bed. But oh well. Hoping to just stay hydrated and have lots of soup. Hopefully I can shed some poundage that way.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Meg- welcome !!
    Abby- wow!! You look great, that totally has me pumped and I want to do this 30 day shred!!
    Bethany- hope you start feeling better!! Being sick always throws me for a loop!!
    Meag- you are right we need a Meg thread haha. Glad to hear you are still able to run, and hopefully you continue to heal up! Those blisters didn't look fun though! I did the similar once, managed to rip my toenail off dancing, but the severity didnt hit till the jazz shoe came off an hour later lol

    AFM- slowly getting back to normal. Everyday I am feeling stronger and happier and like the old me. I am thankful about how much my friends and family care about me...but I am starting to get annoyed with the "are you sure this is a good idea" everyday! I realize the neck is relatively important, and of course I know when I am pushing too hard, but the drunk who started all this took enough of my time, and he isnt getting anymore! I went to my trainer today and I will be working out with him personally 2x a month, and he is going to send me some workouts for me to do around by myself around school! Dance team let me back on yaayyyy!!!! Other than that trying to remember to eat. School is so hectic I find myself starving around 7pm and realizing I hadn't eaten since 9am...working on that!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I'm still here...just MIA this week. I will update later...had a long day at work (inspection day) and I'm about to doze off at my computer. Just wanted to pop on to prove I am alive...grumpy, but alive. :grumble:
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Finally relaxing it has been a busy busy day, so i will post a short update!

    I went for a jog this morning did 3.5 miles planning on increasing my distance to 3.75 by next week and focus on that for the week, I drank all my h20 for the day :) and haven't weighed myself for several days almost a week I think! Today was a lower day on my zig zag and I exercised so I feel a tiny bit hungry but there is no need to eat it's going to be 11 and I plan on waking up and doing some stairs, jogging (short jog) and arm workouts! Hope you all have a great night and wonderful Thursday, i will check-in tomorrow until then Good Night! :smile:
  • Kntu
    Kntu Posts: 24
    Heyyy, okay so I know it's mid september, am I too late to join? I'm 23 and don't have a lot to lose - my first goal is got under 140lb and am currently hovering between 144lb and 143lb. Would love some motivation and support and this group seems the right place to be! Just wanna get closer to 140lb right now :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone! :bigsmile:

    Quick post before dinner - A few mins left on the timer but I'll pound out a paragraph or two here first.

    Life's pretty well the same. Crazy busy and not usually getting to relax until 11 or 12 at night. Last night I went to YogaFit, which totally kicked my *kitten* and made my back feel like it's on fire all day. Awesome! I am loving Yoga and especially enjoying this fusion of Flow and Power yoga. Lots of big poses and tough moves with some core and then active stretching to boot. It's great. I also made protein brownies when I got home, threw together some lunch and treated myself to a giant Green Monster protein shake.

    For those of you who don't know about my LOVE of GM's... I had the following tossed into my Ninja, blend and then enjoy!

    8oz almond milk, unsweetened
    1 scoop choc whey isolate protein
    1 Tbsp cocoa powder
    1 Tbsp coconut flour OR 1 Tbsp natural PB - whatever you feel like!
    70g or so raw baby spinach
    140g frozen strawberries
    70g frozen blueberries
    1/4 cup or so water, to help with the blending

    It was delicious as always. Super thick and I enjoyed it with a spoon :bigsmile:

    I had my last run before the big race Tues morning and have been on total running hiatus. It's killing me and I am desperate for a good burn, but meh. I don't have the energy or time right now anyway, so I'll live!

    Kntu - Welcome! Happy to have you :flowerforyou: It doesn't matter what your goals are as long as you are working towards them and enjoying the journey. Always here to support and motivate when needed. Keep posting and let us know how everything is going.

    Beth - I'm so sorry to hear you are sick :frown: I know the feeling of just wanted to be in bed all too well. Hope you regain your strength and health very soon. Please keep us updated! :heart:

    Sorry folks - Dinner is burning! Have a great Thursday night everyone :drinker:
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Options what does AFM mean?? You all post it but I dont know what it means...
    Anyway heres my mid-september update:
    So far still no weight lost :( even though I have stuck to my workouts and calorie goals, but I did lose I am hoping that I have been building muscle. I have made my goal so far of working out 5 days a week...I have actually been doing 6!! My new program (since I finished 30DS) is doing Ripped in 30 3 days/wk and running 3days/wk. I run my first 5K tomorrow.....that was my big goal for this month and I dont care about time as long as I can run the whole thing without walking. I will let you all know how it goes!
  • ac0111
    I need some help getting started. I'm not quite sure how to tag myself in posts yet. I'm also unsure of the abbreviations. I'm 22 and would LOVE to be a part of this group!
  • theperfectratio
    theperfectratio Posts: 49 Member
    Hey, I'm a bit of a newb on these forums, and I looooked for a list of goals but the only one I found was in the OP so I didn't quote it. But nice to meet you all, hope it's alright if I jump in mid-month :embarassed: I'm 22 and 5ft7in. CW 161-162, UGW 135!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Here we go! Let's add those newbs... Please go ahead and copy the list and add yourself! I would have added y'all myself but you didn't state your goals for the end of Sept! :tongue:
    mkingraham (Megan)- Keep up the 15k training plan, complete my 10k on 9/24, make my workouts a priority even when I'm on the cruise, get into ONEderland
    meagalayne- Ice and stretch as needed and try to incorporate core and upper body work into your weekly routine; drink more H20 than you did in August; run on Sept 18th ONLY if your foot is healing/healed and if you are capable of doing so without risking further injury; continue not logging food and be good to yourself
    elksy- Run 5k three times a week, start logging faithfully, develop healthy attitudes towards food.
    abby459- lose 5lbs in September; run my first 5K, keep working out at least 5 days/week.
    jillybeanruns - Continue training for my marathon and train smart; keep up with PT exercises, stretch/do yoga, and ice; strength train a minimum of 2x a week; 96 oz of water minimum a day; work harder to get my net cals up on long run/high burn days;
    greenb trying to get back to 150 lbs. I'm currently 209; I've already lost 6.8 lbs. I also want to run a 5k and work out atleast 4x a week.
    GreenHumanClay continue Jogging 3xs/week, Drinking plenty of h20 64. oz. minimum, Continue practicing Bikram Yoga 3xs/week, more rest 7-8 hrs, not obsess over the scale, hiking or mt. biking 2-4 times per month and be nicer and loving to my self.
    cmg2008: continue to run at least 3 days a week, get into the low 130s, and try not to get stressed out over grad school =D
    imarunner8908-track at least 5 days a week, lose 10lbs (5 that I gained last month and 5 more)
    KanCrav~Loose my last pound.. stick with my strength training.. get back in the habit of working out at least 4times a week.
    lalonmeg000-drink 2 full nalgene bottles of water everyday! which means it has to come with me to class , only 2 meals out to eat a week, eat something for breakfast everyday
    GuamGrly~ (Bethany) - start and continue C25K training, 8 oz. of water per day, 60-90 minutes per week of additional exercise, eat out no more than 2 days per week, and lose 5 pounds this month. Going big or going home this month!!
    emmarie- exercise!!, get back to bootcamp, solid dinners, get the hang of my schedule, don't stress!
    lexgem - keep up with ripped in 30 and be able to do level 3 by the end of the month, lose 2 pounds, join a capoeira class
    lostalykat- Lose 5 pounds, strength train 2 times a week, start half-marathon training for fun and just focus on eating healthy tasty food.

    Welcome to you all :flowerforyou: The group has been a bit slow again this month but I am hoping we can keep it moving. the end of this month marks the 1 year anniversary of this group's rocking existence and I would hate to see it sizzle out.

    Abby - AFM means "As for me". We used it a lot past months because most of the posts would end up being replies to all the other ladies that had posted before us... When there were 20+ women on here posting regularly it became difficult to sort through all the messages :wink: Here's hoping we can get back some of that same motivation this month or next!

    AFM - Weighed in this morning and I'm back down to 122.6lb - Lost a good chunk of the weight I've been gaining over the last few weeks. It's good to know that my eating "intuitively" and not logging isn't a complete disaster. Here's hoping I can maintain it and that an increase in strength and more diverse workouts will help to improve my body composition, cut fat, and generally help me feel a little better about where I am in my journey.

    I was seriously considering a CycleFit (spin) class tonight because I am dyyyying for a good workout, but I know I should rest today and tomorrow and my body is still hurting. Foot is still all cut up and bruised and my hips are quite sore. We shall see... Hope you ladies have an amazing day! :heart:
  • Kntu
    Kntu Posts: 24
    Hi! Really glad I found this group. Sometimes just logging isn't enough to hold myself to account and I give into the snacks (which inevitably lead to more and more and more...).

    Anyway how, my goal for the end of the month is to be 140lbs. As of this morning (and I hope it wasn't a lucky blip) I am 142lb so I think 140lb is achievable is I'm good :smile: As for a non-scale related goal: my high waisted jeans feeling less snug when I sit down would be awwwwwesome. And for exercise I want to attend my aqua jog twice a week regularly and go swimming once a week regularly. I've bought strapping for my knees to attempt jogging again after a 6 month injury break so fingers crossed for that :smile:

    Sorry not sure how to add myself onto the end of the list...