Any 5'2 ladies ?? I need motivation !!

I started my journey at 210lbs and am currently down to 187 my body is far from where I want it to be and I would love to have motivation!! I *think* I want to be around 135lbs I had a c-section with my first son and really want that trim gorgeous stomach I have never had I haven't even started working on Ab stuff yet since I have a hernia and need to go see the doctor but haven't had the extra cash since I have no insurance ..anyway I would love to hear your story and see your pictures !!


  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm 5'2" and trying to lose baby weight after 2 1/2 years. I was 200lbs when i gave birth and stayed at about 175lbs for a year or so...go down to 163 at one point and went right back to 175. I'm now 158 and still dropping...I would love to get to about 135-140, but my realistic goal for now is 150lbs! But I'm thinking I might need to change it because I'm getting pretty close! =) Friend me!
  • I am also 5'2, and weighed 210. I am currently at about 157. I too want to get down to between 125 & 130. My weight loss counselor said that may be too much, but I don't think do. Up until the last 10 days or so, I regularly logged into MFP and did my exercises. I use a treadmill, elliptical, gazelle, shaker weights, ab lounger and I lift weights. Right now my upper arms look yucky. I am not too happy with my thighs or tummy either. They look to same to me as before, just smaller. But I am going to continue to work out and watch my diet. I don't ever want to weight 210 ten again.
  • I'm exactly 5 foot tall & weigh 177 pounds. Before I got pregnant, I was 160, then gained almost 40 pounds during my pregnancy. I have always been over weight & started to just accept it. But once I gave birth to my daughter & I looked in that mirror, I was completly disgusted with myself. I've been with this site for 5 days & have lost 3 pounds! I'm feeling so great :) Go ahead & friend me. Having another "short stop" as my boyfriend calls me, would be so motivational!
  • doober922
    doober922 Posts: 34 Member
    Both of you guys sound like me!! I would def love the extra motivation as well as being able to help you out. I've had two c-sections and I got back to pre-pregnancy with both but that was to 184 (started using MFP at 182). Not an ideal weight!! My goal is to be around 125-130. I'm currently at 178 after doing this for a month. Good luck to both of you!!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Hey I am 5'2 use to be a toothpick when I was younger but I guess life just caught up with me. As I was a little child I had heart problems and need to be healthy. I am wanting to as healthy as I can be so I have a healthy heart. I am currently at 166 and according to the doctors I should be 115. I am trying my best to achive this. But joining a group really does help. Try the christmas 2011 challange It starts on Monday Pictures are on my profile page
  • My wife is 5'2" and she is the ultimate motivator! She's lost 77lbs so far and doing and looking great!
  • Thank you so much for sharing I am about to friend a few of you :) I just did my measurements and in the last 2 weeks I have ..

    lost .5inch in my arms , 2 inches in my hips and nothing anywhere else (oh and 6lbs) I really need to lose inches in my waist like ASAP !!
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I am 5'2 and my heaviest was 220! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi I started MFP back in the end of November 2010 and have reached my goal weight this week. I have lost 30 pounds (14kg). All I can say is keep going it is so worth it. There was more then a few times I wanted to give up but I'm so glad I didn't. I am the fittest I have ever been and I'm so much happier. All the best and I wish you success :)


    Untitled by finabella9, on Flickr

    152 Pounds (69kg)


    IMG_1968 - Copy by finabella9, on Flickr

    121 Pounds (55kg)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I was at 168 in nov/dec 2010. I started losing weight in feb with slimfast and dropped down to 155 pretty quickly. Then around 148 in may and got stuck at 150-154 all summer. I worked out 5-6days a week :( I tried changing my work outs and nothing happened. It was very annoying.
    I am now at 146. I switched to just counting calories and had to avoid working out awhile since I was in a car accident. I can work out again so I now am going to try and bump up my eating calories to 1400-1500 from 1200. I just started doing turbofire today. I will mix in some pilates, piloxing probably too.
    My goal is 125. It just feels so far away but i'm glad i finally got past the 150's. I dropped a pant since, now in 11 from 13. I wonder if I can squeeze into a 9 soon. I like my pants kinda big because (this is embarrassing) but i am apple shaped. It SUCKS. always have been apple shaped. I plan on getting resistance bands this week to go with the turbo fire stuff and using my piloxing gloves to add more calorie burn.
    You guys can add me :) we can keep each other motivated!
  • rosy_rsls
    rosy_rsls Posts: 114 Member
    i am 5'2 and a half and weighed in at 181 on the day my daughter was born 3 years ago. I started MFP at 160 somthing back in april and i am currently between 139 and 142!! all i can say is that IT IS TOTALLY worth it and it is absolutely doable!! Good luck!
  • jo_can_do
    jo_can_do Posts: 49 Member
    You sound very similar to me #1.... I too had a c-section with my first, 12 years on and a second baby later and hitting mid-40's the weight has been gaining instead of loosing. We've been living a very stressful year here as we've had three major earthquakes hit my city, so you can imagine comfort eating was the 'order of the day'. Anyway, I've decided enough is enough and no more excuses... SW: 229 I'm aiming to get down to a 'realistic' 165lbs, then I'll reasses.
  • Lozzy_82
    Lozzy_82 Posts: 324 Member
    I am 5'3" and I started at 178lbs. I'm currently at 149 and hoping to get down to somewhere between 135 and 120 - not exactly sure yet! Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 160cm (5'3) and I started 75 kilos & now I'm 54.2 kilos & just working on to build some muscles & to maintain this body size. Know what, I plateaued for more than 5 months but after I add the intensity of my exercise & do calorie zigzag, I lost weight consistently until I got to my current weight so never give up.
  • jfriend32
    jfriend32 Posts: 29 Member
    I am 5'2" and currently 156lbs my goal is 125lbs. I had my 4th baby July 2010 and got down to 135 while breastfeeding but went right back up once she switched to ,milk :( It's def. tought trying to make good food choices when feeding 7 other people and constantly being on the go but I'm determined to do this!!! Good luck to you. (Friend me:)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    5' 2 and currently around 135 lbs. You can se pictures of me on my profile.

    I think I might like to lose anouther 5 lbs - but I've accepted I'll never have a flat stomach!
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    You are doing awesome..... I'm same height and started at 197.... I'm now down to 195.8 Whatever you do this coming "big eating season" stick to your meal plan.
  • valerieschram
    valerieschram Posts: 97 Member
    I am 5' 2.5" and down to 122. I still am not pleased with my midsection, however, and hoping losing a little more will help. I have had 3 c-sections and also have a hernia and diastasi recti, so I have issues with doing ab work right now. Feel free to add me!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I'm 5'2". CW 142-ish down from 159 (as logged here) and 175 (highest non-pregnant weight).
    I'm aiming for 125lbs since that should put me around 25% body fat. that'll put me on the low end for a healthy body fat for my age group. I'm in the healthy range now (33.4%) but I've definitely got a lot more to lose! I have a small body frame, so I'm sure I can lose at least 15 more lb before I'm at a good weight, but I'm re-assessing every 10lb.

    I had a c-section with my last child (7 yrs ago). I never had a flat stomach, so I'll be happy if I just don't have a stomach that bulges out too much. I can tell you the belly comes off slowly-I'm still waiting for a significant change after 16lb, but it will happen. First on, last off and all that.

    I think it's good to pick middle goals- it keeps you motivated and also realistic about your weight loss.
    Feel free to friend me.
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