What exactly is the point?



  • surfinbernard
    Nobody looks like an airbrushed model, even the models themselves because they doctor the pictures to hide any imperfections. Be the best you can be, you don't need to compare yourself to artificial images or even other real women. You are precious beyond measure and beautiful and perfect, every single one of us is consciousness experiencing itself as only you can experience Life. Amazing you are.
  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
    I work at a school that has wheelchair bound children that will never walk. Some have not been able to talk. Some have been tube
    fed. Everytime I get down on myself for something, I think of them and remember how blessed I am. I think your scars are deeper than pysical and you should get some help dealing with what is at the bottom of your feelings. I will be praying for you. Feel free to at me as a friend.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I've got plenty of stretch marks. None of them from pregnancy, all of them from getting all curvy during puberty. As everyone said, you learn to live with them and unless you live in a nudist colony, none will see them except your significant other and yourself. The beach? Look around you... There are not a lot of Victoria's secret models on the beach. People have enough to worry about with their own scars, marks, love handles to spend much time looking at you in details. They'll see a healthy and fit young girl! :)

    And if everybody have said doesn't convince you, there's always "At least you will look good with clothes on!" (that's what I tell myself when I have a bad day!)
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    You'll probably find these "models" are airbrushed anyway.

    They got scars and stretchmarks too, just hidden with photoshop.

    No one is perfect, even them.
  • jcannon15
    Scars are sexy! i used to be embarassed of mine i have quite a few until i was asked about them, then once i started talking about how i got them i realized i'm a pretty bad @ss girl. Be proud of them they're a part of you! as for the stretch marks they suck but they fade i promise.
  • DoncasterPhotography
    When scars don't go away? Sure I can be as slim as a Victoria's Secret model, but I'm ALWAYS going to have that scar on my leg from pushing too hard with my razor (accidentally) and that one from stabbing a piece of glass into my thigh (again accidentally). The stretch marks are still going to be just as disgusting. Before you mention it, stretch marks from pregnancy are not the same. I got them from being FAT, you got them from being PREGNANT.

    Okay if I'm healthier I'll live longer. Why would I want to live longer? So I can spend 10+ extra years sad in my horrible, scarred body?

    I don't know what I'm expecting anyone to reply... Maybe I'm missing something? If you have to criticise, please make it constructive.

    One last thing, I realise I have it better than a lot of people but IT'S STILL HARD (emotionally and physically).

    Why bother living, at all, when we're all just going to die in the end?

    Sheesh.. you're 19 and the merchant of doom and gloom...

    Im sure you have something positive genes inside you..
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    Self acceptance can be hard especially at your young age. My stomack is not all wrinkly andgross since 2 pregnancies and going up down 100 pounds. Do I hate it? YES Is it gross to me? YES do I wish I would have made healthier decions to acoid it ? YES

    But now I look good in my clothes, I feel better, I can do more active things, and no one has to really see my belly unless I let them,

    you are so young, i agree with t he couseling idea I had to go at your age for a crappy self-esteem. little by litttle you should learn to love yourself :)

    your homework say one nice thing about yourself every day :)
  • anberlingasm
    I agree with the idea that if you're a healthier weight and scarred, that's better than being an unhealthy weight and scarred.

    It takes a long time to come to terms with your body and loving yourself for the way you are. I self-harmed quite severely as a teenager and as a result, my left arm is scarred all the way down it from shoulder to elbow. I recently got married in a strapless wedding dress because I refuse to let my past make me feel uncomfortable anymore.
  • rachelw16
    I'd rather have scars than to have scars AND be fat.
    This. I have scars all over me from cutting...people can deal with it if they don't like it. Focus on the positives of weight loss, not the negatives!
  • TayaHornsby
    TayaHornsby Posts: 4 Member
    You say those scars on your legs where accidents, however you sound very depressed. I should know I’m also depressed and on medication for it.

    I have stretch marks on my legs, I don’t have kids.

    Losing weight will make you feel happier in yourself. OK so maybe you feel self conscious in a bikini with scars on show but how good would you look in skinny jeans and a funky top!

    Sod the scars, live the fashion.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    See, this is what happens when the media portrays to us an unrealistic image.

    Even the people (read: celebrities) who you think DON'T have scars, do. It's a wonder what a little photoshop does for the photos and videos you see them in. Everyone has to deal with them at some point.

    So don't worry yourself about some unobtainable goal. Look past the scars.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member

    I understand that. However...your scars are probably quite tiny. Wait till you're in your 40's and have wrinkles, age spots...ect. Then you can complain. I hate seeing you be so upset with yourself over something so pidly. At your age I had a kid, was married, worked full time, went to school full time...ect. You have it easy at the moment. Enjoy life! Not all of my stretchmarks are on my stomach either...they are on my breasts, my hips, my thighs, my butt, and my upper arms. Some of them are from weight loss. I'm 26 and in the prime of my life...don't get so down on yourself. I also have plenty of other scars...but the one down my sternum is the largest. You need to learn to be happy with yourself...if possible talk to someone who is a professional. They can offer much better advice than those of us on a web site.

    Hey, 40's is not THAT bad. LOL!!!

    OP. The way you feel today isn't the way you will feel forever. :flowerforyou: