Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/11-9/17



  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Monday check in.. another great day like Sunday, logged food & exercise, walked 30 minutes and dessert was under 100 calories :happy:

    Ladygloria, I agree, the <100 calorie ice cream bars are great; ice cream is one of my biggest weaknesses :tongue:

    La_nanita, I've never heard of Mio :huh: .
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    OK .. You guys made me do it... each and everyone of you. I was feeling sluggish and couch potato like. We went out to dinner for my sisters birthday. Did pretty good (except sodium). But I had a full day and was exhausted, but I hadn't worked out. So I logged on to check on my favorite people on my favorite thread, and I read how great you were all doing, and after reading it I knew the only thing I could do was turn off the computer and get my P90X on. And I did. I'm sorry if I don't comment to you each, I did read all your posts, and you all are really going strong and I'm so proud of each and every one of you. But I went sweated my brains out. Now I'm sweaty, I smell and I'm feeling exhausted but most importantly I'm tired and feeling wonderful cuz I did workout. So thank you all for making me do it. HUGGSS to you all! :heart:

    Monday check in:
    1. Week 13 of P90X (last week) - Day 1 for the week is done.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in. 1 for 3 so far.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work everyday. Done! lunch and all snacks were from home. I feel like I did pretty good.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) OK really not so good here and it was all at dinner... picking off other peoples plates... BLTS should be PBLTS for me... I'm a picker.. LOL! I have to say I'm the WORST when I go out to eat. I want to try what everyone is eating. And a small bite is usually never just one bite. I really need to work on that.

    Off to catch some ZZZZ's I go :yawn: Have a great Tuesday everyone! :drinker:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    la_nanita: I've tried a couple of different flavors of Mio, grape and watermelon I think. They were ok, just sugar free liquid flavoring. I think the hype is that you can squirt a little bit or a lot, and it's still zero calories. If you're not really a water drinker, it might be a good option to try. You might also look into Propel Zero packets. They have individual "on the go" packs that you can mix with bottled water. I usually use one packet for a 24oz bottle. Those are pretty tasty, zero calories, and have a few extra vitamins to boot.

    MAK: I'm so proud of you for doing your workout!! It's nice that the group you inspire so well can do the same for you :)

    ladygloria: Good luck on your first day with your new job! Transitions are always tough, but I'm sure you'll do great! Sorry to hear about the crisis counseling situation though. Never easy.

    Monday night check in:
    1) 1) Exercise 5/7 days--check 1/7 so far
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday (including travel days)--check 1/7
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days--check 1/7
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--Today was Monday, so I was able to weigh in. 2 pound loss for the week. Whew! I know this is a healthy goal for me to have. Without it, I would be checking my weight three times a day before I even leave for work. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW! (Writing that last week really helped, so I'm giving it another shot. Sorry for the repetitiveness.)

    That's it for now. Up way too late tonight. Maybe it's time for me to have a bedtime goal :P Goodnight Group! Keep up the fantastic work!
  • srandle175
    Everyone has great mini goals,

    1) Monitor and lower my sodium intake
    2) Drink all my recommended amount of water a day
    3) Monitor and lower my sugar intake
    4) Try to get closer to my calorie goal
    5) Only weight-in on Thursday
    6) Be to bed by 11pm everynight
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Monday (late) check-in:
    1- Follow Chalean X schedule - done, but did turbo jam 20 mins instead of burn it off 'cause I was exhausted.
    2- 5 fruits/veggies a day - DONE!

    Philosohoe: great idea about contacting trader joe's! Let us know when they answer!

    Good job, everybody!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Checking in this Tuesday morning!

    Good luck today Ladygloria:heart:

    Great goals everyone.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    welcome srandle! Good luck with your goals

    LadyGloria - good luck with the transititon and sorry your day was challenging. That fact that you rose above it speaks volumes! Very proud, and thank you for continuing to find the time to support us.

    Papillon - great job on goals, and changing it up to fit what your body needs at the moment

    MAK - always amazed at how consistently active you are
  • rheard3
    I have joined many sites that track your food intake and exercise. This is the first site that I have been able to keep up with. I really like this site, but old myself that I wouldn't get involved with the community, just log in calories and exercises. After looking at a few post, I decided that if I I endulged in any post, it would be this. I love the idea of just setting mini-goals instead of looking at the big picture. Looking at the big picture is the reason that I always give up. So, my mini goals for the remainder of the week are:
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water a day
    2. Stay within my calories (already have for 1)
    3. Work out at least 6 days a week (already have in 2)
    4. Drop at least 3 pounds. (Although I would love to do 5 :wink: )

    Thanks for this small motivation. I really want to get this weight off and I finally feel like I can reach it.... I have said that before, but this time feels different from any other time in my life. I am excited and motivated. :tongue:
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Check in for Monday:

    YES! at least 88 ounces! 1. Drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water each day.
    much better, took all meds & most vitamins 2. Take my meds/vitamins daily.
    no structured walk but quite a bit of walking in class 3. Walk a minimum of 5 miles this week.
    not yet 4. Some sort of strength/cardio 4 days of this week
    began research 5. Purchase a HRM by the end of the week.

    Quick check in today, have to get back to work.
    Good Luck eveyone!
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    rheard - welcome to the group. You made a wise decision. Of all of the groups I have been/am part of this one is the best. It is the least complicated of all and the idea of taking it one week at a time is awesome! I hope you get as much out of it as the rest of us. BTW, everyone on here is super supportive!

    Philoso - I am amazed you can drink that much water in one day. I hope to be there soon.


    So I think I have found the key to my weight loss! I was really bummed yesterday about gaining weight and then this morning I weighed myself and I had lost 2 lbs! Even though it is not a log in day for me I had to do it, just so I could feel better... This is the first loss after 2.5 weeks staying the same or gaining a few. So I have been pondering what did I do different yesterday then the last two weeks....

    I had breakfast!!!! It is that simple... WOW. When I started doing this weight loss journey I ate breakfast every morning then about 3 weeks ago I started slacking and soon I was back to my old habit of only drinking coffee in the morning. Yesterday and today I have have had breakfast at 7am and by 10am I am starving!!! I gues the VERY important meal of the day kick starts my metabolism.

    I will continue to have breakfast everyday and see what happens by next monday.... Wish me luck.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    internet was down at my house last night so unable to post, water under, and did not get up early either, no run but 1.5 hrs of hard labor shoveling rock on kids playground was excellent workout, but very sore today!!!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    tuesday check-in:

    1- follow chalean x schedule - certainly did, today was a rest day :D
    2- 5 fruits/veggies - DONE!

    lttee: I hope you like chalean as much as i do!

    Ladygloria: the resistance bands are so practical for travelling, it's a good idea to have them. Hope you had a nice first day in your new job :)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    La_nanita, you look lovely. I know what you mean about a stall. I’ve been in one since the holiday weekend. I think we’ll both move through. Chalean Extreme is a workout video program that focuses on lifting heavy. It’s fabulous and way more than I thought I could ever do. BTW, eating is one of the best ways to weight loss (who’d have thought). It keeps your metabolism going to eat frequent small meals and I’m glad it’s working to ease the stall.

    Hearts Desire, way to go on getting to be early last night. I was able to get up later this morning and felt amazing for getting enough sleep for a change. I wish I could get myself in bed at a decent hour more regularly.

    10more, so glad I’m not the only one. Great job on your goals!

    Mak, way to rock it! So glad we had a positive influence. I know what you mean though. Often times, it’s the fact that I don’t want to say I failed that keeps me doing what I’m supposed to do. It’s nice to have accountability partners.

    Philosohoe, you’re doing an amazing job. I just took a look at your diary and it was amazing how well you’re doing, especially with the sodium. Glad the potassium is working for you as well.

    Srandle175, welcome to the group! Those are some great goals. I wish I had more weeks where I met all of them at the same time. Can’t wait to see you succeed with them.

    Papillion, great job on keeping up the routine and getting back to the fruits and veggies. One day I’m going to figure out how to do that consistently. Today I had two fruits and two veggies. That’s about as close as I get. And thanks, I did have a good first day of transition. I’ll have to look into bands next time I consider travelling.

    Mrogers, thanks. Today was good, but slow as any new job is before they all realize you’re there. Thursday I meet with the big boss to go over goals, so that should be interesting. In the meantime, I’ll let the reality of change settle around me.

    Lttee, thank you so much for everything, especially coming here and being so supportive. You’re doing an amazing job. Keep reminding yourself of that.

    Rheard3, the community at large can be overwhelming. This is a great supportive place to start. Like you, the appeal of a mini-goal makes it easier than focusing on the bigger picture all of the time. Your goals are great and I have no doubt you’ll meet them!

    Aim2lose, way to go on your goals. How is the research going? Got any favorites yet?

    Kris, glad it came back up. Life without the internet gets pretty dull. I think shoveling rock is a seriously strenuous exercise and it’s no wonder you’re sore. Great job!

    My progress:
    1. Do week 4 of Chalean (final burn phase, yes)-scheduled rest day, which was good because today was a mess.
    2. Plan and pack lunches that keep me interested and are healthy.-leftover spaghetti, yum with fruit and greek yogurt. I’ve done better, but I’ve also done way worse.
    3. Start my new job on Tuesday with longer hours and still manage to keep up the healthy routine. –Kept the healthy eating. Thankfully a rest day, but I could have managed a bit of exercise if I absolutely had to. Thankfully, I didn’t (although I did move heavy boxes into my office and unpacked for a few hours, so that should count for something).
    4. Check in here everyday, even when I'm tired.-so far, so good.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Quick Tues Check in:

    1. great workout
    2. good food choices and logging
    3. great on water today
    4. exhausted so I simply have to get my bedtime down tonight!! Last night? Not so great again.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    5. Pretty good on the Focus:love:

    Thinking of you all as we get further in to the week, all the best on goals Girls:smooched:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    ladygloria - if you can count light cleaning as exercise, unpacking and moving heavy boxes for several hours certainly does.

    Tuesday check in:
    I have been wanting to come in here and post all day but I have been waiting until I meet all of my goals. :blushing:

    1) I had breakfast - scrambled egg with cabbage tomato, green onion, and bologna. It was actually very yummy! I like to put a lot of stuff in my eggs so that I only use one egg and it is more filing.
    2) I actualy drank TEN glasses of water! Patting myself on the back for that one. I took my 32oz Seaworld cup to work today, which I managed to drink 1-1/2 by the end of the day. I drank another one after my walk. I told my sister that the cup was very appropriate, it has a picture of Shamu and it says "Believe"...cause I believe I can stop being a whale! Bahahaha
    3) I did not work out for an hour, only walked for 45 mins but I still have 5 more days to get 2 one hour work outs.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Philosohoe – Repeat your no weighing in mantra as many times as you need! You are doing fabulous with your goals keep it up!
    Srandle175 – Welcome :smile: good luck with your goals this week. I know you can do this.
    Papillon22 – How do you like turbo jam? I’m thinking I might like to try that next. Great job with your fruit and veggies. Keep it up.
    Mrogers52 – Hi :happy: Hope you are doing well.
    Ittee – thank you. HUGGS to you! Hope all is well with you.
    Rheard3 – Welcome :smile: Our mini goal thread is a great place to focus on small things so the big picture doesn’t get too overwhelming. Looks like you picked some good goals. Good luck to you this week, sounds like you are off to a good start.
    aim2lose – How’s the research with the HRM going? I have heard Polar’s are a good investment. I have a new balance, it’s pretty good but I wish I had invested and research mine a little more. Good luck!
    La_nanita – It really is amazing how a change like eating or not eating breakfast can affect weight. Your breakfast sounds SO yummy!! I eat my eggs the same way… kitchen sink eggs, (everything goes in but the kitchen sink LOL!). Great job with the water and the work out. 45 minutes is pretty awesome. Keep it up!
    KrisPage – Sounds like you had some hard labor shoveling rock! WOW! I can imagine you were sore.
    Ladygloria – Yes I love the accountability of this thread. I want to do this for all of you! You are doing great with your goals so far this week. Hope the new job is going well, and isn’t wearing you out too much.
    Hearts♥Desire – Thanks for the encouraging words! HUGGS! Keep chugging along with the goals you can do it. Good luck with the bed time.

    Tuesday check in:
    1. Week 13 of P90X (last week) – I took the advice from last week and made today my rest day. Result SUCCESS! I did great at bowling this week. Thanks for the advice :smile:
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in. 1 for 3 so far still.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day. I worked from home today so this one was pretty easy. LOL.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips). Did ok today had a few extra bites here and there when I was making my lunch. But I did do better than yesterday. WOOT WOOT!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Papillon - thanks, I love the concept of strength training that chalean does. Will be getting weights in a few weeks, can't wait to actually use them with the video. :blushing:

    HeartsDesire - amazing job on your goals

    la_nanita - thanks for clarifying, gorgeous girly :love:

    LadyGloria - thank you for your kind words, I will try to keep reminding myself that I'm doing the best I can

    My check in:
    I didn't excercise today, at all. I am sadly running a fever again. So even though making a wise decision isn't a goal this week, I made one anyhow.
    I stayed within calorie goal.
    I had three servings of fruits/veggies: odd for me, but I had two servings of veggies and just one of fruit. Don't know that I cared much for that decision however :tongue:
  • Bunny393
    I would like to join the group :)

    My goals for the rest of this week

    - go to the gym 3 times before Saturday
    - log all of my food
    - stay positive and on track
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Bunny393--Yay! Bunny's here!!! So glad you joined us! Great goals to get you started.:glasses:

    Ittee--Hope you're feeling better tomorrow. I hate when you're sick :(

    MAK & Ladygloria--mad props to both of you ladies! You're giving such amazing feedback to everyone. We appreciate you SOOO MUCH!!!! And the group is pretty big this week, so I know that's a lot to stay on top of. Thanks so much for the encouragement.

    la_nanita--WTG with your water today! That is so great that you made it to 10! I've been a water drinker for a long time (way pre-MFP) because I have kidney issues. Even one day with low water & I feel it immediately, especially if I'm exercising too. My rule for how long I swim/workout has sort of turned into, "I still have water; I can keep going," or "I'm out of water; I'm done!"

    Tuesday night check in:

    1) Exercise 5/7 days--check 2/7 (Almost didn't but just couldn't face the group without at least a little bit of work, so 30 min on elliptical tonight.
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday--check 2/7
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days--check 2/7
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check 2/7. I hid the scale from myself last night before bed. I guess I can't technically call it hiding since I know where it is, but I did put it out of sight. It helped that it wasn't staring me down this morning. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Oh, I did get a reply from Trader Joe's about my email. It was basically a "canned" response, but it did say that my comment would be forwarded to the Product Steering Committee, so who knows? Maybe if a few other people sent an email...hint hint.:laugh: :laugh:

    Ok everyone, tomorrow is Wednesday (my Friday from work because of traveling), and we are doing really well as a group this week IMHO. Keep up the great work!!
  • mggirll0122
    Wow! This looks like an awesome group! Thanks for being so open to new joiners. I actually found you through one of LadyGloria's posts.

    Even though we're halfway through the week, I was excited to get started, so here are my goals:

    1. 8 glasses of water a day
    2. 30 min. on treadmill 5x a week

    The exercise is my buggaboo. Hoping to finally kinda like it so I don't fight it so much.

    Thanks again!