*** Christmas stars *** CLOSED GROUP

Morning all, and thanks for offering your support to this challenge, and each other. This challenge is to broaden our minds and expiriences, but shrink our waistlines.

There are 23 of us taking part in this challenge, and I'm sure most if not all of us welcome friend requests. Members are;-

Apologies if I have missed anyone, and there may be a few stragglers added later :smile:

Well let's get us stared....
My name is Rhian aka Mormas, I live in Wales and am 35 years old.
SW 217lbs and I aim to lose 2lb a week
I will be giving up crisps (and similar savoury snacks) for this week
I will be trying Basa, which was recommended by the fishmonger. I claim to not like fish, but haven't tried many varieties and know the health benefits of fish. I'm assured it won't kill me so I'm gonna give it a go.

What's everyone elses goals?


  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi all.
    I am Gail from Warwickshire. My start weight was 189lbs and my goal is 147. I have managed to lose 6 so far.

    This week I am going to give up weighing myself every day. I have always done that as it helps me focus but want to see if I can do this with a weekly weigh in.

    I am going to try a step class at the gym. I usually swim and do gym work so that will be different. I hope my dodgy knee will be up to it.
  • Hi
    My name is Emma,
    I lost 7lbs early this year but have lost nothing since June .I would love to shift 2 stone by Christmas and fit into my jeans again
    this week i am going to stop finishing up the kids left overs and just bin that left over fish finger
    and go on the treadmill every day for at least 20 mins.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Hello, everyone! I'm excited for this challenge!
    I'm in my last semester of grad school and doing my full time internship. It's a stressful semester, but I love my internship placement and the people I'm working with. I'm hoping the support of this group helps me successfully get through these holidays!

    I currently weigh 174 and would like to get down to 160 by Christmas - so just one pound a week.
    This week I am going to start C25K and will run on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
    I am going to give up fried foods this week.
  • Hello everyone!
    My goal this week is to track and enter ALLLLLL my food. This site is so easy and not writing things down doesn't mean I didn't eat the bad stuff! Which brings me to the thing I am giving up:
    I am going to give up snacks; unhealthy snacks. I've been bad recently.

    Question: How heavy is a stone? Maybe I want to lose a couple of stones too!
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    My name is Andrea Varner, I am 43 and I live in Fort Wayne , Indiana (USA)
    SW 365.7 and I aim to lose 2lb a week and I will be giving candy this week and I want to try to start taking more vitamins, such as iron, vitamin c and fish oil.

    Glad to be part of this group!!!
  • Hey ladies! :) My name is Beckie, I'm 26 and live in North Dakota. I'm a momma to two kidlets and am finished having babies due to a medical condition so I figured it's time to drop my unhealthy-ness and start getting healthy!
    My SW was 220 but I am currently 165 and shooting for 145/150. I really hope to lose 2 pounds a week, that would be awesome!
    I am giving up soda this week and will NOT cave! Ugh even though there are like 24 of them in my fridge...And I am going to try...tofu! At least once. I hear it's yummy and super healthy...We shall see....LoL. Glad to be doing this, thank you for letting me in and can't wait to meet all of you and share an awesome experience! :)
  • klwatkins
    klwatkins Posts: 16 Member
    My name is Kelley. I am from Mississippi. I started at 187 and currently at 170. I would love to get to 160 by Christmas! This week I am going to give up all drinks except water. I'm going to strive to log everything everyday. (:
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    My name is Andrea Varner, I am 43 and I live in Fort Wayne , Indiana (USA)
    SW 364.6 and I aim to lose 2lb a week and I will be giving candy this week and I want to try to start taking more vitamins, such as iron, vitamin c and fish oil.

    Glad to be part of this group!!!

    **Had the wrong SW on on the first entry**
  • Anyanut
    Anyanut Posts: 27 Member
    Is there an easier way to find this group other then looking through all of the topics under 'community'??

    My goal is to lose 15 lbs by Christmas. My starting weight (this morning) is 180 so by Christmas I want to be 165.

    I'm going to give up eating after 7pm and I'm going to do push-up's everyday this week.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as well :smile:
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    Hey all,

    In case you are not aware, one you have posted on this thread, it will appear under the 'my topics' tab/link so it will be easy to find next time.

    To find this tab, click community, then message boards, and it should appear under the main header / banner along with 'home' 'recent posts' 'signature' and the 'search' option.

    I will try and add a link to this thread on the old one for those who may not have found us.

    Also we had another member join yesterday who I did not include in the list of members, and that is E33a09 if you wish to send friend requests.

    Soooooooo how was everyones first day of the challenge, have you managed to stay away from what you vowed to give up?
  • karmajules
    karmajules Posts: 18 Member
    Hi my name is Julia and I live in Hertfordshire, UK

    I am guestimating my weight at 206 lbs, scales have died - new ones on way and I will weigh next Monday.

    I am going to exercise every day this week and get back to my yoga class on Thursday night. On a food front, I am going to make sure I choose foods which will nourish and energise my body.

    I have been overweight since last pregnancy, 19 years ago! However, I have added to this load over the years and at my heaviest a couple of months ago - I weighed in at 217 lbs. I have tried many things over the years only to loose weight (never getting to goal) and eventually regain. This time is different, it is staying off. I hit the big 50 January 2011 and I do not want to find that I have lived more than half my life overweight and unfit - this lard is going.

    Good luck everyone, lets see how many changes we can make - especially those marks on the scales! :bigsmile:

  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    just went out for a lunchtime stroll and stopped at a shop to get a drink and automatically bought a bag of my fave crisps. Strolled back to the office, logged onto MFP and suddenly recalled my vow of giving up crisps for the week. I shoved them quickly into my drawer, but for about 10 minutes I heard them calling to me, so I have just made one of the boys in the office eat them so I cannot be tempted :blushing:

    Note to self.....More self control and be more aware of my food choices. Bad choices is what got me overweight to begin with.
  • So far so good , scrapped those plates into the bin and did 20 mins on the tread mill ! if only i can keep this up . i so want to lose weight.
  • nikkig28
    nikkig28 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!! My name is Nikki and I'm from Newfoundand, Canada :smile: My goal is to aim for 2 lbs per week, putting me at 172 by the end of this challenge. This week I will give up eating after 7 pm....I'm a real nighttime eater and it hasn't done me any favors. Also, this week I am going to take my vitamins everyday. I've been a slacker in that department lately. Thanks for having me...I can't wait to get started :wink:
  • Hey how is everyone doing with this challenge? I'm kinda doing badly at the moment!!!
    I forgot my lunch today and had grapes and pretzels while at work. So.... I was gonna give up salty crunchy things. Les sighs!

    C'mon peeps!!! You can do this!!!! We're gonna be Wonderful Wintertime Women!!!!
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    I've given up savoury snacks and crisps also, one of my biggest downfalls. Other than a lapse yesterday, when I bought, but did not eat crisps, things are going well. I haven't tried my fish yet, My husband ate the last lot, but has replaced them, and he said they are okay, so we plan on eating them on Friday, as I've been putting it off all week.

    I had my new treadmill delivered (I burnt the motor out on my last one...something I'm quite proud of) so managed to get a run in yesterday, and funnily enough, and I never thought I'd say this, I quite enjoyed it.

    So I'm feeling positive, and am working my way to a two pound loss in week 1.

    Keep at it all, 14 weeks of hard work is an investment in your future health and a great kick start for a new you. Think how fab you'll all feel in 14 weeks when we are all so much lighter / fitter / healthier.
  • mmm didn't manage tread mill last night but will try harder this evening . doing a 5 k on Saturday and really want a PB as have got progressively slower the last 3 weeks in a row suspect i have put the weight back on
    hopefully upping the training will help the weight loss and make me go faster ,
    in answer to the question on stones 1 stone is about 14lbs.
    good luck every one
  • Anyanut
    Anyanut Posts: 27 Member
    so I haven't eated past 7pm all week but I've yet to do one push-up. tonight, I promise! I'm down a pound though so I'm staring out really well.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    well done on not eating past seven, that may be something I give up for next week.
  • nikkig28
    nikkig28 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm not doing too good with the whole not eating after 7pm I'm afraid. :ohwell: I've stayed within my calories, but have been struggling while doing shift work to keep to an early supper. I'm down .6lbs on the scale though, even with my period. My bestie has talked me in to trying out weight watcher meetings with her...a first for me since when I first lost weight with weight watchers, I did it on my own from home. I think the extra support will be a big help. Wish me luck....I'm off to face their scale :smile: