May 2021 - Daily or Weekly Check-In



  • danaberthahattie
    danaberthahattie Posts: 8 Member
    05/22 - 170
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    4/30 weight: 188.0
    May goal: end the month lighter than I started

    Lessons learned in April:
    - processed carbs (including rice and oats, not just gluten items) don't work for me
    - need to consistently drink more water
    - need to find ways to be more active throughout the day
    - be mindful during the weekend!
    - daily weigh-ins and the accountability of this group definitely help me stay on track!

    4/30 F - 188.0
    5/1 S - 189.4 why??? beats me. no gluten or grains yesterday.

    Run plan for the week: run 13m, walk 2m, 3 rounds
    5/2 S - (run) 191.8 ok so I know why, gluten'd myself yesterday. Working today, run, and take the dogs on a walk.
    5/3 M - 188.8 rain today so will walk on the treadmill
    5/4 T - (run) 189.4 running today. The run went really well Sunday so am looking forward to it.
    I also agree that the weather can help or hurt my desire to be outside moving. The dogs don't seem to understand that concept ;-)
    5/5 W - (zumba) 190.4 Yesterday's run went well, discovered that a slight uptick in speed helped...who knew... Zumba today and hoping for a walk as well. Rice last night. I really hate the water fluctuations, so frustrating. Need to fully commit to no processed carbs.
    5/6 T - (run) 190.2 cold and rainy today, that helps nothing at all. But today I'm going to work, and then run.
    5/7 F - 189.2 last night's run didn't go so well, tired and leg cramps. I'm thinking 3 workouts in a row makes the 3rd suffer so I'm going to change my schedule.
    5/8 S - forgot to weigh

    Run plan for the week: run 14m, walk 1m, 3 rounds
    5/9 S - (run) 187.8 not sure how I forgot to weigh yesterday, but I did lol. Lots of rain today, which makes my old leg/foot breaks ache. Still planning on a treadmill run this afternoon but it may not go well. Guess I'll find out though! Happy Mother's Day!!
    5/10 M - 191.0 yep, gluten yesterday. Yesterday's run went well but had bad leg cramps on the last round. Will keep at it.
    5/11 T - (run) 190.4 running today, would love to get the dogs out for a walk at lunch too if weather cooperates. Baked a turkey last night (yes I know, it's not a holiday of any description, but it's cheap meat!) so turkey for dinner again, probably all week
    5/12 W - (zumba) 192.0 gotta drink a ton of water today. My run turned into a walk yesterday, and no dog walk.
    5/13 T - 191.0 walk today
    5/14 F - 191.8 ?????? no walk yesterday, worked too many hours. On I go. I only fail if I quit trying.
    5/15 S - (run) 191.0 will run today, get the dogs out for a long walk, and work.

    Run plan for the week: run 15m, walk 3-5m (depending on how I'm feeling), 3 rounds
    5/16 S - 189.8 ran yesterday and worked, started raining so the dogs didn't get a walk. Today is lunch out with extended family (I have my menu choices already planned), come home and take the dogs out, then work. I need to shift my priorities and put my health before work.
    5/17 M - 189.2 Happy to report I did get the dogs out for a walk yesterday. Today is rainy, my old leg breaks are aching so glad I wasn't planning to run. Goal is a treadmill walk later though.
    5/18 T - (run) 191.0 ugh, salt yesterday. Late checking in but had a great run tonight, a solid 45min run. Yay me! Legs felt good, breathing was good. I think two runs/week is a good plan for right now, with lots of walking the other days.
    5/19 W - 188.6 yay! The scale is finally reflecting all my hard work over the last week or so. Zumba tonight which is always fun. Hoping for a walk as well today. My husband has decided he needs to drop some weight; it always goes much better when we are both determined.
    5/20 T - 188.4 no zumba yesterday but a nice long walk.
    5/21 F - 187.2 what?!? I'll take it!
    5/22 S - (run) 188.0 knew yesterday's number wasn't likely to last, but I was hopeful until I stepped on the scale. Actually, I got on 3 times and each time it said 188.0. Oh well. Perhaps I'll see 187 again soon. Today is a run day and planning on mowing too. I'd like to have sun while I mow though, I'm paler than Casper LOL. And work, it would be good if I found time to work too. Hmm, almost noon, I don't think all this is likely today but am going to do my run now. Happy Saturday to all!!

    5/23 S - 187.8 It seems like my 45min run + 45min walk yesterday should have been worth more than -0.2 but I'll take it. I'm currently charging the weed wacker so will get that done today; I think it counts as exercise because of swinging the thing around for a couple hours

    Walk with my hubby.
    Putting a pork shoulder roast in the crockpot for several dinners. I'm thinking roast pork, bbq sandwiches, pork tacos...will probably take care of the week.
    5/24 M - 189.2 Pork wasn't cooked in time for dinner last night so had scrambled eggs and a few tortilla chips last night. I think the salt hit the scale. Weed wacking yesterday was interesting; the actual work went well but then I had noodle arms that shook all evening, and sore this morning. I need to exercise more than my legs.
    5/25 T - (run) 190.2 ?????
    5/26 W - (zumba) 189.0 no run yesterday, worked instead. There goes that work/life balance thing again.
    5/27 T - 189.0 no zumba yesterday, instructor didn't show and I worked instead of subbing in Tuesday's run. Hope to walk with the dogs today.
    5/28 F -
    5/29 S - (run)
    5/30 S -
    5/31 M -

    I created the June thread - please bookmark it and join again for next month!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    The June thread has been created - please bookmark it and join us next month!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,814 Member
    Hi, I am Dawn, 60, 5'2"
    MFP start Oct 2018 - 191 pounds
    UGW 110-115

    Hoping to touch the 120s this month, definitely want to weigh less at the end of the month than what I am starting with. I lost 0.5lbs last month

    5/1 Sat - 131.6 - Day off, so more activity and time for meal prep

    5/2 Sun - 133.0 - Going to try to not let fluctuations bug me this month
    5/3 Mon - 132.2 - Looks like many of us had a weight spike early in the month. Going to try to get back to my start weight this week.
    5/4 Tues - 132.4
    5/5 Wed - 132.8
    5/6 Thurs - 132.0 - Still trying to get back to this month's start weight
    5/7 Fri - 131.3 - Up and down. i like the down better : - )
    5/8 Sat - 133.8 : - (

    05/09 – 134.3 - On track, so very surprised. I will try not to let it stress me out, lots of month left still.
    05/10 – 133.2 - Late dinner after working late last night. Hoping to see this number come down soon.
    05/11 - 133.8 - I have been "good". Trying not to get frustrated.
    05/12 - 133.4
    05/13 - 133.2
    05/14 - 131.3 - Happy to see this number!
    05/15 - 132.1
    05/16 - 132.1
    05/17 - 132.8
    05/18 - 133.1 - 2:30am weigh ins 5 days per week begin, kind of expected it to be higher, we'll see if it levels out.
    05/19 – 131.9 - Yay!
    05/20 - 132.7 - Keeping on track
    05/21 – 130.1 - New low! Getting closer to touching those 120s. I will try not to be upset if it jumps up again.
    05/22 – 132.0 - Indulgent evening. I'm okay with it, expected it.
    05/23 - 131.9 - Going for a hike between my split shifts today. It does so much for my mental/emotional health as well as my muscles : - )
    05/24 - 130.2 - Missed my hike yesterday due to weather. I work a split on Sundays and always look forward to the hike in between shifts. It is raining here. Most of my garden isn't in yet, so the rain is only helping my Potatoes and Sugar Snap Peas.
    05/25 - 131.6 - Back to my start weight for the month, but 6 more days to go still.
    05/26 – 131.1 - Change of schedule starting today, I need to figure out what and when I am going to eat.
    05/27 – 131.9 - Late dinner, but rolling with it.
    05/28 –
    05/29 –
    05/30 –
    05/31 –