

  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    LOL! Leave it to a guy! If my husband said that to me while pregnant, I would remind him I am technically 2 people and am actually think considering, so what's his excuse?? This is why mine will never go there, he is more over weight than I was even when pregnant!
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    Boys are dumb...

  • Ladymomo9
    Ladymomo9 Posts: 35 Member
    I tell you, you gotta get these men trained early on!! LOL I can tell you, I have been with my husband about 21 yrs- we are 40 and 44 now, so he has certainly seen me through all my ups and downs and he would never ever say anything like that to me. I know that he, by nature, likes a fuller woman....but the one time he tried mentioning my weight he said I looked "swollen" I could not stop laughing and he never mentioned it again. I'm sure he will devour me on the regular if he could now, but when I am down to my goal, I'm gonna need my energy! Keep it up ladies!! Ain't nothing better than the sweet revenge of being called fat and then losing weight!!
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Our Wii told me I was obese when I was preggo. And that I needed to improve my center of balance. Ha ha ha! I wish there were an option for pregnancy on those things. I'd have freaked if my hubby said that to me--fortunately he's extremely sensitive to that sort of thing.
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    When I was 8 and a half months pregnant with my thrid child, I got my hair cut to about shoulder length. When my dad saw me later that day, he said, "I like your hair that way. It has a nice maternal look about it." I was 29 and the last thing I wanted to look was maternal (aside from the fact that I was very pregnant). I wanted to go dye it purple. Then, when I was telling my husband about it, he said, just go home and put on some sexy lingerie, then you won't feel so bad. HELLO! 8 and a half months pregnant, the last thing on earth that I wanted to do was try to pull some sexy lingerie over my very unsexy body.

    HAHA You made me laugh out loud!! Dudes do NOT understand pregnancy! I cut my hair when I was pregnant too... It totally framed my chubby prego face and made me look even bigger! My husband liked it... and he was constantly pinching my lovely muffin tops and whistling at me... seriously? I think husbands think pregnancy is sexy.. whether we feel it or not! :laugh:
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Oh my! lol

    Are you short? I'm 5'3" and 160 isn't obese for me. :-) Close, but not quite.

    I'm 4'11"

    I am 4'11 as well and 160 is considered obese for our size. I beleive the calculations start this height at getting overweight around 130. I was told i need to be around 97-110 punds. When I was 115 that was the best weight for me.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    One of my wake-up calls (I had many before I answered, lol)..... I was at the DR office for my annual. Dr says..."you're in great health other than you're fat..." I kid you not, those were his exact words.... I laughed it off...year later I'm holding at 41lbs lost! And yes, he's still my DR!

    lol Oh my... I would have changed Doctors!!! Good for you for making a change and losing all that weight though!