Tempo fit home gym

Has anyone tried a tempo fit home gym? It seems like to fit what’s I’m looking for, and I do see a lot of great reviews, but there also seem to be a lot of people saying it’s glitchy and has poor customer support. I’ve been trying to get into a more regular exercise regimen but am having trouble finding something that I do consistently. I’m hoping that either a bunch of people here have tried it and like it, or to get recommendations on something I might like better.

Things I’m looking for:
Full body workouts (so strength, core, yoga/stretching). Doesn’t have to be all in one workout, but all regularly covered.
Workout options that are 30 minutes or shorter.
A program to follow so that I can just turn it on, press start, and be following a planned out exercise program.
Something reasonably low impact.

I was doing BBOD for awhile and was really enjoying 100 morning meltdown. Unfortunately it got to be a little too high impact and was really bothering my hips/knees no matter how much I stretched/recovered afterwards. I tried some other programs but didn’t find anything I could get into.

I currently use the peloton app, which seems to have a lot of great workouts but not really the well defined workout plans I’m looking for. It just makes it much easier to actually get up to workout if I don’t have to expend the extra mental energy to pick out/design my own specific plan.

I have an elliptical that I like for cardio, so I’m not especially interested in any of the spin bike or treadmill programs.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice!


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Starting at $2495!!! Wow! For that money you could probably hire a personal trainer and buy a good barbel/dumbbell set that grows with you and doesn't need a 'plan upgrade' once the weights will become to light (will likely happen very quickly).
  • ckkime1
    ckkime1 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, it is definitely expensive, which is why I’m hoping to get more feedback to help me decide! It is in line with peloton, which I know many people really love, and I’d be willing to invest in something I thought would help me workout more easily and consistently. I am looking for something I can do between 4:45-5:15 am, so traveling to a gym or meeting with a trainer is not really feasible. And the main appeal is waking up and just doing the workout, not having to put effort into figuring out what I’m doing. So I’d certainly love any suggestions to meet those criteria!
  • DoubleG2
    DoubleG2 Posts: 123 Member
    For less than $1,500 you could purchase a squat rack with safety bars, an adjustable incline bench, olympic bar with 265lbs of plates. Add a set of adjustable dumbbells for $500 and you'll have gym that woud be the envy of all but the most hard core gym rat. Hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to put a workout plan together and you'll still spend less than the entry level Tempo Fit system - plus no monthly subscription fee or tech that will go obsolete.

    I understand the appeal of guided workouts, but if you're willing to get up at 4:45 to lift, you already have plenty of motivation.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    I use BOD and FitOn. Like you, I like following the calendar for the are so many other BOD options. PIYO and Barre Blend are both low impact. Every program I’ve done also has a modifier and the modifier typically takes out all jumping.
    FitOn has a low impact search category.