"Junk" Food Opinions?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No more junk food for me..

    There is nothing that tastes that good other than whole foods.

    You need to get out more. ;-)

    I get out plenty. Junk food does not taste good. There is so much more flavor in anything that is a whole food that doesn't compare to junk food.
    We'll have to agree to disagree. I eat plenty of whole, healthy foods, but I still think chocolate cheesecake is one of the best-tasti.g foods ever invented. And the OP wasn't asking what you like to eat. She was asking if she could realistically lise weight in a healthy way and still enjoy those things. And she can.
  • I stay within my calorie range, but add in whatever I want.

    If I want to eat pizza, or a chicken sandwich, I will. I will put it into my calories just like everything else. I might go for a longer walk, or try to put in some extra exercise. I will make a better choice option if I can - thin crust, less sauce, add veggies. Sometimes, I don't.

    This is about keeping a life style you can keep up with forever, and let's face it, are you going to run away form pizza and hamburgers and cake for the rest of your life? Sure, you could. But if it's something you enjoy, go ahead.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    No more junk food for me..

    There is nothing that tastes that good other than whole foods.

    You need to get out more. ;-)

    I get out plenty. Junk food does not taste good. There is so much more flavor in anything that is a whole food that doesn't compare to junk food.
    We'll have to agree to disagree. I eat plenty of whole, healthy foods, but I still think chocolate cheesecake is one of the best-tasti.g foods ever invented. And the OP wasn't asking what you like to eat. She was asking if she could realistically lise weight in a healthy way and still enjoy those things. And she can.

    I posted my opinion about junk food as I have just as much right to do as anyone posting about what types of junk food they eat.

    That is what is wrong with this country..................everyone wants to keep eating junk instead of adopting healthier lifestyles.

    Junk food does not belong in a healthy lifestyle.

    You all eat what you want - I for one won't be apart of the Monsanto world of junk food made from Monsanto's GMO grains.

    Junk Food and healthy do not even belong in the same sentence together.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You're right. Only Americans ever eat any junk food ever and anyone who occassionally eats a slice of pizza or a cookie is a heart attack waiting to happen. How stupid of me to think otherwise.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I find that the less junk I eat, the less appealing it becomes, and the more my stomach hates me for it. I still eat stuff like cookies and chocolate, but rarely, and I aim for all-natural when I do. Mostly, when I do feel like eating junk, I'll buy tortillas or fruit, add some peanut butter, and I'm usually good.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    I posted my opinion about junk food as I have just as much right to do as anyone posting about what types of junk food they eat.

    That is what is wrong with this country..................everyone wants to keep eating junk instead of adopting healthier lifestyles.

    Junk food does not belong in a healthy lifestyle.

    You all eat what you want - I for one won't be apart of the Monsanto world of junk food made from Monsanto's GMO grains.

    Junk Food and healthy do not even belong in the same sentence together.

    I couldn't agree more with the last portion. We're all on here because we have health goals. We're all trying to eat healthier and get healthier. Why the heck would you try and see how much junk food you can squeak into your diet and still be "safe."

    I have committed myself to 2 months of 100% clean eating with no cheating. No cheat days, no junk food, no nothing. After 6 weeks I don't even miss that crap food.

    You're right. Only Americans ever eat any junk food ever and anyone who occassionally eats a slice of pizza or a cookie is a heart attack waiting to happen. How stupid of me to think otherwise.

    Junk food part of the reason that this type of website even exists. People who don't know any better just fill their face with all the crap that is the cheapest and easiest to get to their mouth.

    I have traveled all over the world......and I'm sorry to say this, but America is the worst place I have ever seen for overweight people. Everywhere you look there are fast food restaurants and diners that sling out GIANT plate fulls of the greasiest garbage food you could imagine. And they seem proud of it.

    Not to say that most countries these days don't have health issues but the USA is second to none IMO.
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Don't deny yourself! I follow a 1200 calorie diet and I still eat pizza/italian ice/tacos/etc.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I posted my opinion about junk food as I have just as much right to do as anyone posting about what types of junk food they eat.

    That is what is wrong with this country..................everyone wants to keep eating junk instead of adopting healthier lifestyles.

    Junk food does not belong in a healthy lifestyle.

    You all eat what you want - I for one won't be apart of the Monsanto world of junk food made from Monsanto's GMO grains.

    Junk Food and healthy do not even belong in the same sentence together.

    I couldn't agree more with the last portion. We're all on here because we have health goals. We're all trying to eat healthier and get healthier. Why the heck would you try and see how much junk food you can squeak into your diet and still be "safe."

    I have committed myself to 2 months of 100% clean eating with no cheating. No cheat days, no junk food, no nothing. After 6 weeks I don't even miss that crap food.

    You're right. Only Americans ever eat any junk food ever and anyone who occassionally eats a slice of pizza or a cookie is a heart attack waiting to happen. How stupid of me to think otherwise.

    Junk food part of the reason that this type of website even exists. People who don't know any better just fill their face with all the crap that is the cheapest and easiest to get to their mouth.

    I have traveled all over the world......and I'm sorry to say this, but America is the worst place I have ever seen for overweight people. Everywhere you look there are fast food restaurants and diners that sling out GIANT plate fulls of the greasiest garbage food you could imagine. And they seem proud of it.

    Not to say that most countries these days don't have health issues but the USA is second to none IMO.

    You completely and utterly failed to grasp my point.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I was on the 1200cal starter intake on here but uped to 1420 and am now around 1250-1350cals a day. I havent eaten a Mcds for ages and even when I had to get my partner a big mac meal I just had a diet coke and resisted. It feels good to me to resist but every now and then Il want a burger or slice of pizza
  • I recently lost 5st by just having one bad day a week where I ate anything I had craved during the week. Due to my job and spending alot of time away from home I have since Christmas put about 21lbs on so I am going back to that way of thinking starting tomorrow and I have joined a gym.
    I have realised that the best thing to do is give your self what your body is asking for not what you want. If that makes sense. If I crave something salty I have a small bag of low calorie crisps like Wotsits of French Fries, If I crave something sweet I have sugar free jelly with a Weight Watchers yoghurts. The main thing I have found is each person is different and what works for one doesn't work for another.
    Keep it simple and as long as you get plenty of excercise you can't go wrong
    Hope this helps :-)
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    You completely and utterly failed to grasp my point.

    Just a tip......internet sarcasm doesn't not come through in text.

    If you have a point to make......write it out.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    They are not the healthiest but most of us have to learn to eat them in a healthy way. Portion control!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    as for junk... mmm it does taste good... but nothing tastes better as it does as being thin. Junk as in pop, chips bars, candy etc are a big no for me... it didn't help me before I definitely do not need it's help now. I made a lifestyle change for LIFE and junk has no part in it. An occasional slice of pizza once a month is no prob for me... if it's healthy it will fit into my day with moderation.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I eat some "junk" every day. I try to follow the 80/20 rule (80% healthy and whole, 20% whatever else I want) and stick to my calories.

    But I love me some Redvines. And Ruffles. And pizza...
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    It will not negatively effect your fat loss whatsoever. I love my junkfood and eat copious amounts of it every week. Icecream, donuts, pizza, twinkies..........ok, gotta stop typing about it, I am starving.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    rml_16, I'm with you on this one!

    This is different for every individual person. Not all of us are here to achieve maximum health, cut out everything bad, etc. Im here to lose some weight for appearance and sports performance. Added health benefits are a by-product. However, im not looking to has a perfect 6 pack or become a sports professional, therefore im giving myself some leaway. We all know about carbs, fat, calories, protein, etc. Some people forget about that other important thing...taste! To me, and im sure others, a calories isnt just a unit of energy, its a unit of how good food tastes! More calories = nicer taste! :P

    You dont have to cut all junk to be "healthy" . Healthy is very subjective.

    I'd rather eat healthIER than i was, and be able to stick with this forever, rather than be uber healthy for 6 months, then fall off and put it back on again.

    This is why so-called "junk food" or "empty calories" DO have a value. Not really nutritional, sure, but they have a value you cant put a figure on. They are what keep some of us going on keeping the rest of what we do healthy! To me, whole grains taste like utter crap. Maybe that's just me. If you can happily just eat whole grains and no junk or empty calories for the rest of your life, more power to ya! Great! I just personally feel you are in the minority! It may be greasy crap to you, but its wonderfully delicious to others!

    This whole thing isn't about just weight loss now, its about sustainability. If you needs treats and some junk to make what you're doing now sustainable, go for it!

    And jmeee, i believe Australia has now overtaken the US in being the most obese country.
  • jmeeej
    jmeeej Posts: 125 Member
    This is different for every individual person. Not all of us are here to achieve maximum health, cut out everything bad, etc.

    I realize this is true, but if you put yourself on a 1200 calorie per day eating plan......you obviously have some pretty ambitious goals for weight loss.
    And jmeee, i believe Australia has now overtaken the US in being the most obese country.

  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I eat some "junk" every day. I try to follow the 80/20 rule (80% healthy and whole, 20% whatever else I want) and stick to my calories.

    But I love me some Redvines. And Ruffles. And pizza...

    ^^^ This is me as well. I eat mostly healthy, but do not deprive myself from having a small treat most days. I love sweet things like baked goods and chocolate as well as carby things like pizza and fries. I just eat less of them and try to eat healthier versions of them most of the time that I enjoy. I think finding things that work for you helps make the journey a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    I don't condider ice-cream as "Junk Food"
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    rml_16, I'm with you on this one!

    You dont have to cut all junk to be "healthy" . Healthy is very subjective.

    Exactly! I have high cardio endurance, my waist is well below the recommended max for heart health, my blood work from my most recent physical is stellar (except choleterol, but that's genetics, not diet) and I look pretty good, I think.

    Yes, I want to lose a few and I'm not happy overall with my body, but that's because of eating too many calories, no matter the source. I lost 34 pounds in a very quick amount of time and still ate an ice cream cone after work every Friday and candy at the movies and pizza every couple months, among other things.

    I have a raging sweet tooth (tamed a bit now) and replaced a lot of the unhealthy sweets with fruit smoothies and dark chocolate, but I still want to be able to have a cupcake every now and then and not feel all guilty about it.
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