Baby Weight Buddies!



  • mistyrbell9588
    mistyrbell9588 Posts: 20 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Hi moms,

    I am pregnant with my first and due in a month. I was just wondering how much weight tends to come off right away after giving birth on average? I have gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I did start out 25 lbs overweight though.


    i think it depends on your lifestyle and age. with my first i was 24 and worked full time (cashier/cook) up until the day he was born, then switched to weekends only, and exclusively breastfed. i only retained about ten pounds if that. with baby number two, i worked two days a week, and exclusively breastfed. kept about ten pounds (plus the ten from the first baby). baby number three, i had to have a sec, and did not work out breastfeed at all. kept a ton of weight. I'm 28 now, so maybe age has something to do with it, but i think lifestyle is the main thing. just stay active and you'll be ok. try to avoid c sec if that's possible. but who knows, some people recover really fast, even from c sec.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    mitz_bitz wrote: »
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Hi moms,

    I am pregnant with my first and due in a month. I was just wondering how much weight tends to come off right away after giving birth on average? I have gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I did start out 25 lbs overweight though.


    I’m no expert, but I had my first about 2 months ago. I gained 40 lbs during pregnancy. I lost 10 lbs immediately after birth and continued to lose another 10 the first two weeks. I think the additional 10 was water weight and weight loss due to breastfeeding. I ended up having a hard time breastfeeding and was told to eat more calories to boost my milk supply…so I gained that 10 lbs right back. I’m no longer breastfeeding and my unaided weight loss has stopped. Now I’m dieting/exercising to lose the rest.

    I’ve heard women say they lost all the baby weight while breastfeeding, and others it’s the opposite (they gained). Ultimately it’s different for every woman

    Thanks for your reply!
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Hi moms,

    I am pregnant with my first and due in a month. I was just wondering how much weight tends to come off right away after giving birth on average? I have gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I did start out 25 lbs overweight though.


    i think it depends on your lifestyle and age. with my first i was 24 and worked full time (cashier/cook) up until the day he was born, then switched to weekends only, and exclusively breastfed. i only retained about ten pounds if that. with baby number two, i worked two days a week, and exclusively breastfed. kept about ten pounds (plus the ten from the first baby). baby number three, i had to have a sec, and did not work out breastfeed at all. kept a ton of weight. I'm 28 now, so maybe age has something to do with it, but i think lifestyle is the main thing. just stay active and you'll be ok. try to avoid c sec if that's possible. but who knows, some people recover really fast, even from c sec.

    Yeah, I am definitely trying to avoid a c-section unless absolutely necessary. I know some of the baby weight is actual baby but some is water weight, extra blood volume, and placenta and stuff. I don’t know how much all of that weighs though.
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Hi moms,

    I am pregnant with my first and due in a month. I was just wondering how much weight tends to come off right away after giving birth on average? I have gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I did start out 25 lbs overweight though.


    I started about 30lbs overweight pre-pregnancy and gained about 25 lbs. I had a c-section and was back to pre-pregnancy at my 2 week checkup (breastfeeding/pumping). Somewhat similar to @mitz-bitz, I tried watching calories a bit more and had my milk supply drop so I kind of went the other direction and ended up gaining about 15lbs. Congratulations and best wishes for a safe delivery and healthy baby!
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    brisingr86 wrote: »
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Hi moms,

    I am pregnant with my first and due in a month. I was just wondering how much weight tends to come off right away after giving birth on average? I have gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I did start out 25 lbs overweight though.


    I started about 30lbs overweight pre-pregnancy and gained about 25 lbs. I had a c-section and was back to pre-pregnancy at my 2 week checkup (breastfeeding/pumping). Somewhat similar to @mitz-bitz, I tried watching calories a bit more and had my milk supply drop so I kind of went the other direction and ended up gaining about 15lbs. Congratulations and best wishes for a safe delivery and healthy baby!

    Thank you! 🥰
  • mommahfit
    mommahfit Posts: 11 Member
    Mama of 2 here! I have a 2.5 year old and a 2 month old!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Hi ladies. How was everyone's weekend? How is your week starting out? Goals for the week?

    I had a nice weekend, but completely went off the rails diet wise. Way too much snacking/sweets and high calorie beverages, very limited physical activity. Now starting off the week back at square 1. Trying not to get discouraged and get back on track, but it's tough...
  • kk08095060
    kk08095060 Posts: 14 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    Hi moms,

    I am pregnant with my first and due in a month. I was just wondering how much weight tends to come off right away after giving birth on average? I have gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I did start out 25 lbs overweight though.


    I’ve gained 35 with each baby and lost 22 after delivery. Always had to work off the last 13!

  • kk08095060
    kk08095060 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies, I’ve added several of you and anyone else who finds this is welcome to add me!

    I’m 8 weeks postpartum with my second. I’m now a very busy stay at home mom to two under two. I have about 10 pounds to go to my prepregnancy weight. 20 pounds to go to my pre children weight, but I was close to underweight then, so I’m not sure I’m looking to return to being quite that size!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Happy Friday! Anyone still following?
    Weekends can be such a challenge for me with logging and staying on track. Anyone else? Tips/tricks to share?
  • AshesSquared
    AshesSquared Posts: 131 Member
    @brisingr86 Still here! I only check the community ~1/wk.
    As for weekends, this definitely will not work for everyone, I used to log every single one but it was getting too intense. I like to mostly keep on 'plan' on Saturdays but on Sundays I enjoy yummy food but eat it early on so it can process and I don't feel bloated when I wake up on Monday. It works for me because it avoids burn out or obsession. This probably won't last forever, but for now it's working (:

    Stats (:
    Height: 5'5"
    Before birth: 182 lbs
    SW: 169 lbs
    GW by end of year: 140lbs
    GW in general: 130 lbs

    April 28, 2021 (1 month pp): 169 lbs
    May 7, 2021 (6wks pp): 163 lbs
    May 25 check-in(~2months pp): 160 lbs
    June 4 check-in: 157 lbs
    June 15 check-in: 157.2 lbs 🥳 family
    June 26 check-in: 153.3 lbs

    Still on track and baby girl is working hard to gain it! She's 13.6lbs and 3 months today!

    Challenges: I'm definitely not getting the water I'm supposed to (ebf dehydration) and I'm still struggling to get back to a respectable life schedule. Baby still (rightly) takes most of my time, but holy smokes we need to figure out how to get her to nap on her own during the day 😅 the house is an absolute wreck!
  • mitz_bitz
    mitz_bitz Posts: 24 Member
    I’m really struggling…

    Mamas with newborns - how are you getting exercise in? I’m finding it impossible.

    Most days I’m in the eat, play, sleep routine but baby’s sleep is so unpredictable! It could be 1 hour or 10 minutes! I’ve tried to do stroller walks but baby can’t seem to last longer than 20 minutes before crying hysterically wanting to be held.

    To make up for the lack of exercise I just don’t eat much. So now I just feel like I’m starving myself which is not healthy or sustainable.

    Any advice?
  • mistyrbell9588
    mistyrbell9588 Posts: 20 Member
    mitz_bitz wrote: »
    I’m really struggling…

    Mamas with newborns - how are you getting exercise in? I’m finding it impossible.

    Most days I’m in the eat, play, sleep routine but baby’s sleep is so unpredictable! It could be 1 hour or 10 minutes! I’ve tried to do stroller walks but baby can’t seem to last longer than 20 minutes before crying hysterically wanting to be held.

    To make up for the lack of exercise I just don’t eat much. So now I just feel like I’m starving myself which is not healthy or sustainable.

    Any advice?

    Newborn stage is the easiest when you finally get into the groove of it, I think. It takes a minute to figure out your babies routine, and sometimes, as soon as you get it figured out THEY'LL CHANGE IN YOU! lol just do what you can and give yourself grace when things don't go perfectly. Maybe smaller exercise tasks, like leg lifts while your giving a bottle or short HIIT workouts during naps. Some of them are only like ten minutes and extremely effective. Good luck!! 🙂
  • Kaken21
    Kaken21 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi moms! My baby is 3 years old. With a little help from the pandemic I gained weight instead of losing it. I would love to join a group!
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    @mitz_bitz . Honestly, at newborn stage, I was in survival mode and exercise was not on the agenda. I agree with @mistyrbell9588 that it takes a little time to get the hang of your little's routine and every kid is different. Also, BE KIND to YOURSELF! Especially if you're trying to nurse/pump, make sure you're getting enough calories and nutrition for your body to function (it's doing a lot of healing, and I think will prioritize nutrition of milk over your own body so remember you're getting the leftovers).

    If your little doesn't care for the stroller so much, are you able to wear them in a carrier and could you walk that way (also, 20 minute walk is still good!)? With baby exercise ideas: hold them in various positions and do squats (naturally progressive increase in weight as they grow), plank/supermans/saw while they do tummy time (or if they're on their back and you can position so your face is above theirs), (once baby is sitting with support) hold them on your middle and do bridges, kettle bell swings (again, when baby is adequately stable). Will they lay/sit in a chair and watch you do cardio (jumping jacks, skaters, etc)?
  • mitz_bitz
    mitz_bitz Posts: 24 Member
    @brisingr86 @mistyrbell9588 Thanks so much for the advice and suggestions!

    I was able to get in a good workout last night after baby went to sleep. In addition to night workouts I think the small little exercises throughout the day will be super helpful - all great ideas and ways to switch it up.

    Definitely going to use the carrier for walks - she loves the carrier!
  • AshesSquared
    AshesSquared Posts: 131 Member
    I need to be more consistent with exercise. I was trying to do it in the morning while she was still asleep, but she now wakes up on me. Given that it's summer and we don't have a/c, I've just scaled back to a walk around the block.

    But just a quick walk isn't doing much for anything except my mood. I'm up 1.7lbs in the last 10 days 😐
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Hang in there @AshesSquared !

    The heat wave has finally subsided that I've been able to get my little guy out for a couple walks, but it's tough with the heat. My husband got a Cubii that I've hijacked and that's been my exercise most days; I joined a couple challenges this month that are helping with accountability to curb my snacking and get some level of movement. Cutting out my snacking and being more accountable to log everything has really jump-started some movement on the scale so hoping it will continue (and I can stick with it!).

    It's been a while. How are folks doing?
  • mitz_bitz
    mitz_bitz Posts: 24 Member

    Doing good! I got my evening workout routine locked in. Hubs takes the baby while I do a workout - it’s been awesome!

    Also trying to do little mini sessions as y’all suggested - stroller walks, squats, etc.

    The weight isn’t falling off but I’m at least maintaining and losing slowly :)

    How’re things going for you??
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    That's great @mitz_bitz ! You need that time to take care of yourself.

    I joined a couple challenges this month (ultimate accountability and one the Hogwarts's one) that have really helped give me the accountability to get my snacking under control and get some movement daily. I wouldn't say I have a "workout routine" but I've gotten a few more stroller walks (realized how much of my neighborhood is uphill!) and I'm using the Cubii, my husband got. Scale has finally been moving (likely more due to less snacking and consistent logging). Going on first family vacation this weekend (weekend trip two hour drive away) and booked for 2nd (first plane trip) in August. Hoping everything goes well (and I don't derail!).