Were you a better person before the weight loss?

Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
I know that some people change when they get to their goal weight. I know it's cool to get a boost in confidence and have a more positive outlook on your life, but did anyone become a "bad person" after losing weight? I.E. stuck up or cold hearted towards overweight people, maybe even some of your family and freinds?


  • tigersmoondiva
    tigersmoondiva Posts: 93 Member
    I have been up and down - up and down and up.

    I have found yep - I am kind of mean when I am down;(

    I am NOT going to do that again next time...
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    lol, no...but others seem to think I'm a ***** since I've lost the weight. my morals are a little less, too...but that's more about the fact I'm getting divorced.
  • shrinkingviolet23
    it's one of my biggest fears to be honest
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Probably... but then again I was kind of an *kitten* when i was really fat too....
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Maybe it's a case of '' I did it, why don't you do the same'' ????
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    No, but I will say I'm not the pushover I used to be. I'm much more confident to stick to my opinion and care a hell of a lot less what people think of me. Some people might perceive that attitude as stuckup, but that's their issue. Anyone that really knows me, knows I care about the people that matter to me. Having been so overweight for most of my life, I don't judge people on size. It would be hard for me to, even if I wanted to.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    I find that I still recycle, donate to charities, and still believe heavily in karma and being a good person. However, I've noticed I have zero compassionate for people who are overweight and just complain about it without taking action to change. It's kind of mean, I guess, but if I did it, anyone can.
  • shagybear33
    I wasn't....up until certain so-called best friends started treating me like crap. Now I don't give a S***!

  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Probably... but then again I was kind of an *kitten* when i was really fat too....

    Personally, Im a completely different person than I was a year ago when I started this. For ME - its a positive change. Im alive again. Im not swallowing down antidepressants and feeling miserable everyday. I KNOW Im capable and strong. Thats a good thing. Whats maybe not so good is that now I dont take much crap and people who used to continually feed me said crap dont appreciate it so much anymore. So to some, Im not as great. But luckily - this new me knows that Im the one that matters.
  • sylouette98
    sylouette98 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh definitely not...I'm the same person I was before I lost weight...I'm just pickier when it comes to food. I'm not the kind of person who tries to push my lifestyle on anyone else either....
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I've always been the same.
    I didn't become overweight until having my children.

    The one difference is when I was thin before I used to tell people they should love themselves and that we weren't all supposed to look alike.

    Now, I'll tell them they should love themselves but offer suggestions if they would like, none of that "we're all beautfful snowflakes crap" because I now realize that isn't what an overweight person wants to hear a fit person say.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I find that as I am losing I'm becoming more confident not less nice. I was or am still kind of an extremely shy person so a dose of confidence isn't going to hurt me but when I get to goal I'm not going to change my personality other than being (hopefully) more outgoing.
  • bahrainbel_2
    Probably... but then again I was kind of an *kitten* when i was really fat too....

    hahahaha, love it ;-)

    i'm not that nice when i'm thin or fat, i'm probably nicer when fat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I didn't start off with a lot to lose but I think I'm probably a lot nicer now after the loss because I feel more like me. I spent most of my life as a thin person. As I got older and my metabolism slowed I began to put on some weight and I just didn't feel like me anymore. Now I feel like me again. I know my husband likes it better now that I don't b** and complain about not having anything to wear that doesn't make me look fat when we go out.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    Fuuny thing, I was just thinking about this , this morning...A friend of mine has lost about 50 pounds and has recently filed for a divorce ! She is out of control...she is out almost everyday of the week in bars, clubs going home with numerous different men and has kind of shut us out. Im thinking its becasue she doesnt want to hear what we have to say. She says " IM LIVING MY LIFE AS I WANT WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT " !!!! to be honest, I think she was a more pleasant person before the weight loss now she is turning into a snotty bar *kitten* !

    Her husband who has loved her through thick and thin is lost !! and its all becasue she now getting all sorts of attention from the younger hotter men. She claims she is missing out.


    I would rather be a little thicker and in a happy relationship than THIN AND LONELY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Yea I become a total d*ck when I lose weight. I push old ladies over when they're crossing the street and I spit on babies. Sometimes I even eat a tub of Ben & Jerry's outside of a weight loss clinic just because I CAN.

    Actually I'm just kidding, i don't do any of that.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I think my husband and friends have a hard time with the "new" me. I was all about pleasing them first. Now. I take the time to do me first. I say what is on my mind. I workout. then I "hang out". It's about finding a balance. I'm not there yet. I still have a lot of work to do on myself. I'm not happy with myself 100% yet. I still feel like I can slip up and fall back into my old lazy ways...so I say no to bad food and turn down party invites when I know I can't handle it. Does that make me a bad person. I hope not. I want to be the best mom and wife I can be and I know it will take work. BUT I must say I do think I'm a major B if i can't find time to get in a workout....
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    I know I'm a much different person than I was a year ago. Its been a progression. I needed to learn to like myself enough to take care of myself better. Its made me stronger and more confident in being able to say no to temptations...but I think I am also a nicer person.
    The more I become the 'real' me, I also become the person I aspire to be. Occasionally that has been construed as kind but a push-over. I look at it as I now have a peace inside me that I haven't had in a long time. I don't need other people to define me. I love a nice compliment, but I do not need to be seen for my appearance to be happy. I want more than ever to finally be seen as the person I am.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I'm still the same person, but I find that my eye changes...what is "fat" and what is "skinny" are much lower in weights now, and I REALLY don't like it...because it's reflecting on how I view myself. Doesn't impact how I treat others, though. More of an internal struggle.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    No. I am a better mother now than I was before. I have more energy and I play more with the children, rather than feeling grumpy and tired all the time.