Bring on Summer… and Your Stories!



  • Maxima0388
    Maxima0388 Posts: 20 Member
    Summer should be easier with this weight loss journey; however the "socializing" increases into sunset, throwing off my 16 hour fasting. Active yard detail tends to come first after work; so the programmed workouts are hit and miss. Staying active with boating, golfing and nature walks.., but it's "A" OK! We have been cooped up all winter- need to get out and enjoy life. I will focus on continued mindfulness; with my nutrition, sleep and meditation. MFP is definitely helping me along the way. Thank you for everyone's support.
  • ElfBodGoals
    ElfBodGoals Posts: 43 Member
    I'm excited for Summer! I'm glad to be able to explore the local area again. I just got a tent for a pretty good price and I can't wait to use it!
    I am getting into the habit of making my own lunches. I've also realized that, hey, if I want to be an active person... I have to BE ACTIVE. I walked 4 miles yesterday!!
    I am celebrating the shorts I bought at Old Navy, and the Body Glide stick that allows me to wear them without consequence :smile:
  • AquaMeow
    AquaMeow Posts: 296 Member
    This summer will be all about staying fit and healthy while being me :)
  • Annawan24
    Annawan24 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm excited for Summer. Kids are finishing up school today, then we have camps and cottaging planned in the month of July. Planning little surprise day trips for the kids and then a bigger trip in the month of August (but not sure where yet, more than likely Quebec City or Toronto). I am excited to just be outdoors enjoying the weather.
  • skylanna1965
    skylanna1965 Posts: 1 Member
    How do you use the map 101? I got day 1 but don’t know how to view day 2
  • carolhemma087
    carolhemma087 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Carol.I am a 49 year old 1st time grandma. I have been very inactive for to long. My weight just keeps going up. I'm just starting back up again today. I need to get my weight an health in check.
    Plan on doing most of my exercise in home for now; until the weather allows outdoors. (We live in Mexico an it's rain season). I love to walk when weather allows me to.
    I have never been much of a water drinker so that is a main goal #1. My starting weight is 197 pounds an I plan on getting to at least 145-150 pound's. Slow an steady is the goal. If I can manage 8-10 pounds a month.
    I have the worst soda (coke a cola), candy, bread addiction 😕. The doctor took away all red meats, flour, heavy salt, soda's an limited milk intake for 3 months due to kidney issues.
    I love chicken salads an like mixing them up different ways. So I guess that's a plus.
    My plan is to have enough weight off to be able to be active with my grandson when they come in December.
    I would love to have a motivational partner if anyone is up to that....We can keep each other on track, exchange recipes etc.
  • jennipooh82
    jennipooh82 Posts: 331 Member
    This is my first time back at MFP in a LONG time. It feels good to be back and to me kissing the weight again.
    My husband and I are trying to better our health for medical purposes (myself not keeping DM at bay and his BP is high) so we have been walking our little town everyday (a two mile walk). It feels good. We also walk a sister-in-law towns bike path that is 4+ miles and then we reward ourselves with a healthy salad at a local restaurant.
    This summer there is a place that is offering a summer run hike bike challenge for $10. I think we are going to try it out and see how we can really push our selves to do good for our bodies by trying new walking paths. Also I have been fretting about the winter gain already and the lack of walking we can do with all the snow here in Maine, and I think we are doing to try to invest in some snow shoes and take that up as a winter exercise!
    But for the summer we will walk new paths to expand our walking adventures this summer and we are very excited about it! Oh also hiking too well hike different Mts too for extra excitement :)
  • Carollj53
    Carollj53 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on this site many times, but haven't actually utilized it. Happy to be working toward better strength following a spinal cord surgery and ultimate injury leaving my legs weak and with sensory deficits. My husband has been working at getting stronger in the last year, and now that I have retired, I'm ready too. For our summer, we will have 4 grandchildren, full time along with their parents and there are lots of activities planned. I know that I will feel better being stronger and showing them that fitness is important. And, I hope to get them involved with me too. My goal is to realize some weight loss too.
  • cswirl76
    cswirl76 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm back on this site after 4 years away. I saw my doctor for an unrelated issue and realised I had gained A LOT over lockdown - so I'm back on my city bike, tracking food, and I've done that for 3 weeks now. Feeling a lot better already. My summer plans: to get into better habits, get more fit (when the weather turns, I think I'll start swimming again), and hopefully build something that'll last a long time. CW is 230 lbs and I want to steadily lose weight/build fitness and land around 150 lbs.

    My biggest problem is my ME which makes me unable to really hit the gym and I have to be careful about how much I push myself. Biking seems to work for me, so I'm happy about that.
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 501 Member
    How are you feeling about the summer?
    I am feeling GREAT about the summer. Have had both shots and here in NY most have too so things are open. Still being careful but getting out and about more. Back to the gym is a real plus!

    What will you do to stay on track and accountable while enjoying the season?
    The same as I've always done! Track everything every day and focus on choosing healthy food most of the time. Getting exercise in every day is non negotiable. Working on managing my anxiety with more yoga classes and less news.

    Big or small, what victory are you celebrating?
    Continued to maintain my weight throughout the stress of Covid!
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 451 Member
    Enjoying summer by sitting outside 20 minutes early each morning. Sometimes I am sad I am alone out there but mostly I enjoy the green. Walked on treadmill today.
  • SCCunningham2016
    SCCunningham2016 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2021
    I'm in a 1 year study on the effect of weight training and weight loss on bone structure in people over 50. We're in the 13th week, and I had a 20 pound loss goal from 196 pounds beginning in late March. The exercise is going great, and I feel much better already. However; so far I've only lost 9-10 pounds depending on the day, I've hit a wall for the past 3 weeks. I'm thinking I need a reset on my daily logging. Any challenges or suggestions out there? I feel like I could start with a July challenge of some sort.
  • anm586
    anm586 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm Ash, and I just signed up again for my 2nd account after abandoning my other one when I was a teenager :wink:
    I have struggled with my weight for my entire life, but I made the decision that I am going to really take control of my life now that I'm an adult, living on my own. My goals this summer are to enjoy better, more high-quality food in smaller portions, and to incorporate things I really love (like ice cream and cheesecake) in moderation. I want to lose weight too, but that's not my top priority. I want to improve my life, more than anything.
    Something I did this month as a treat to myself for beginning my weight loss goal was buying myself a piece of clothing I've been both terrified of, and in love with, for years now :lol: I got myself the most adorable romper, in a size women's US small, which I hope to be able to pull off by next summer when I want to reach my goal weight.
    What I'm looking forward to the most is the freedom that I have right now, before I go back to university to begin my junior year. But mostly I am looking forward to proceeding forward with my mini-glow-up before the semester begins. New summer, new me, right? Haha
  • leclarissa
    leclarissa Posts: 98 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good Morning All :) I am Breeze70. This Summer I plan to try my best to have a healthier life. I will do this by focusing my energy on. Exercising at least 4x a week, eating healthy and staying positiive in my thinking always.
  • DebyS137
    DebyS137 Posts: 4,533 Member



    ~Waving Hello~ 🙋🏼‍♀️ ~Wishing You a MARVELous Monday and a WooHoo WONDERfilled Week and a SPARKtacular Summer

    My Summer is getting off to a late start... May 16th I broke my foot/sprained ankle ... so had to wear a boot for 4 weeks.
    June 16 was given the go ahead to slowly get back to regular exercising... I am not quite there, but getting close.

    I am looking forward to my son & his family coming out July 9th for a week... so in the meantime burning some calories
    while I wait for their arrival... With covid getting under control... they are opening up the Fair & Renaissance Fair
    at the End of Summer...

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wishing Everyone ALL the Best & Much Success for the SUMMER & ONWARD~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  • Krathmore
    Krathmore Posts: 9 Member
    Summer again! I lost 10 lbs between June 2020 and March 2021, and then somehow added it all back between March and June; so here I am trying to go back to the 10lbs lost. My summer plan is to be mindful of what I'm eating and walk a decent amount.
  • salado5
    salado5 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Casandra. I am a stress eater and really want to work hard this summer on tackling that and finding something outdoors to tackle when I am stressed instead of eating.
  • geneandsheryl
    geneandsheryl Posts: 1 Member
    I am 53 years young with 5 grandchildren. My parents and brother have passed and now I am the matriarch of the family (not by choice). I decided to embark on a new adventure and stop deaf inter/braille and go to school to be a manicurist. I love it!!! I graduated with honors! Now I was just approved to open my nail salon next to my home. It will be a personal one on one experience. (no workers, just little ol' me) I have gained alot of weight during covid as others. I just need motivation and try to get rid of this depression. thanks for your support
  • targetdriven
    targetdriven Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 52, (well for the next couple of weeks anyhow) a mother of two adults and one teenager, with a busy and stressful desk job. I haven't been able to work from home at all through the pandemic and have been chained to my desk, piling on the "covid kilos", so I'm back on MFP (again!). I've managed to lose 10kg (around 22lb) since the beginning of April but I have a long way to go. So far I've been really good about tracking my food which is definitely helping, and over the last few weeks I've really upped my step count. I'm getting two good walks in most days now and averaging around 11k steps per day, which for me is about three times what I used to do. Since the beginning of June the weather here in Ireland has been really good by our standards - dry and sunny a lot of the time. I'm hoping that will last as I'm starting to build the walking habit and happy with the pace of my weight loss so far - not too fast, not too slow. I'm hoping for a 'new me' by next April, with a slow and steady pace getting me to my goal by then. Good luck to everyone else starting out and hoping you all have a wonderful summer.