Hundred Push Ups March



  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Today was my first official day for this challenge. I did Week 1, Day 1, Column 1.

    Set 1 - 10
    Set 2 - 12
    Set 3 - 7
    Set 4 - 7
    Set 5- 10 (minimum was 9)

    I'm going to do this on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and start Week 1 again on Monday since I only got one day in.

    Regarding the two questions, I don't have the answers except to just suggest do what feels right for you.
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    Question? Do you all follow the guidelines for the breaks 60 - 90 - 120? I've been doing my push-ups on my strength training days and wondered if I could do them as part of my circuit training. That would make the breaks well above the 60 - 90 - 120. Right now I've been doing them before I start my weights.

    I take the 60-90-120 breaks, but instead of doing nothing or just resting I incorporate the push-ups into me morning workout...which for me is yoga. So I'll do one set of push-ups then, in the downtime go through the downward-dog/vinyasa flow.

    So putting them in your circuit training sounds like a good idea to me. It's just too boring to sit around and wait, when you could be moving! :bigsmile:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Question? Do you all follow the guidelines for the breaks 60 - 90 - 120? I've been doing my push-ups on my strength training days and wondered if I could do them as part of my circuit training. That would make the breaks well above the 60 - 90 - 120. Right now I've been doing them before I start my weights.

    I asked this same question awhile back. MM said that in week 5 you go to 45 sec. rests. So unless you have something short to do I would stay with the rests. I felt the same way, that I was wasting time. But I guess they call it a rest for a reason.

    So, now I'm back. I did not do any push ups this week. Not being home really messes with my schedule. I'm looking forward to getting back into this and my regular exercise.

    Forpar, I love to not keep score:laugh: Most courses around here try to open the beginning of April but of course that depends on the weather. I haven't even touched my clubs in a couple of years so it should be interesting!

    Marla, maybe get a cage for you instead of the kiddies:laugh: Tell them mommy needs a time out:laugh:

    MM, I hope you feel better soon. Like Drevan's mom said, you might want to get it checked out if it continues. I say things like that but I am the worst at waiting to see if it goes away. I had some knee problems a few years ago. I babied it until it felt better. Now it's good.
    Maybe even try a massage therapist if you can find a good one that's priced reasonable.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    Is anyone here still doing the two hundred situps challenge?
    I'll do 200 sit ups................we are talking real all the way up and all the way back down sit up sit ups right.
    today is my leg day but i can put out a few hundred sit ups........................................READY?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I'm still here. My neck is still tight, but oh well. After having not done any push ups since Monday I did manage to do 58 today. I hope that will help loosen me up! I'll get back to it on Monday!
  • Forpar
    Forpar Posts: 23
    I'm still here. My neck is still tight, but oh well. After having not done any push ups since Monday I did manage to do 58 today. I hope that will help loosen me up! I'll get back to it on Monday!

    MM: If you're not feeling relief soon, I'd recommend seeing a chiropractor. I thought I'd tough it out with some back pain a couple months ago, but it just wouldn't go away. My wife convinced me to go to her chiro, and I noticed a difference right away... but I still can't do 58 pushups! :flowerforyou:

    Marla: I'd like to hear how your daughter is doing with the golf - do you have to dodge her putts while you're doing your pushups ? :mad:

    keiko: I live in Columbus OH - was able to get out yesterday (in the 60's) but my play was pretty ugly. No matter - it's always a fun time.

    About the breaks between sets: I'm not following the recommended intervals because I need more time for recovery. When you get to be my age, you won't get bored, you'll appreciate every second - almost like taking a nap in the afternoon :yawn:

    Oh yeah - I was able to do all my pushups today ... so I'm on to week 5, day 2 next week! Have a good weekend everybody!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi everybody! I started doing this challenge with MM way back in August, but have had to stop for a while because I was really really busy finishing up my degree. But I am done now and very excited to get back to exercising. (I know, can you believe it? :huh: )

    Here's my story for some of the newbies starting out:

    I started out only being able to do ONE plank push up, so I began with girly style. After 2 weeks, I tried again - and I could do 6! So I started over doing plank style. I had to repeat a lot of weeks on the way to week 6 (week 4 in particular was rough - I think I repeated that for about a month), so do not worry if you don't progress as fast as the program suggests. As long as you are improving, you are doing great. If you are feeling stuck, you might try moving up the levels in a single week, or going back to an earlier week on a harder level. Before I had to stop, the best I had done was 88 consecutive - that was after about 6 weeks repeating week 6, I think.

    This morning, I decided to try testing to see where I was at. The humbling truth - 58. But, then I looked at the program again and saw that it would still put me back in week 6 - at level 2! I only lost one level in two months? That's actually not so bad. I think I am going ease back in by doing week 5 on level 2 or 3 first and see how I do.

    MM - take it easy with your neck/back! I go ahead and rest the full period - sometimes longer - in between sets. I actually find that my heart rate gets pumping pretty hard during those long sets.

    See you all on Monday! :drinker:
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    Day 1 Week 2

    *Girly Push-ups*

    +30 (UGH!)
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Is anyone here still doing the two hundred situps challenge?
    I'll do 200 sit ups................we are talking real all the way up and all the way back down sit up sit ups right.
    today is my leg day but i can put out a few hundred sit ups........................................READY?

    Alright, let's do this. I actually was only going to do crunches but if you want to do the "real" situps I won't stop you:laugh: I may even think about going another round when I'm done with this one to see if I can do the "real" ones too. I'll start another thread for the situps. Hope to see you there.
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    Forgive me if this has already been discussed or is on the website but here's a helpful hint for getting stronger at the plank push-ups. Start in the plank position and lower yourself to the ground. For most folks, it's the pushing up that's the tough part. Once on the ground, bend your knees and do a "girlie" push-up back up. Once up, straighten the knees back out and you're in the plank position again. Hope this helps. I'm required to do a fitness test every year for my job and part of the test is to see how many "real" p/u's you can do in 1 minute. My record is 63!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Wow that's awesome Amybrenn to be able to do 63 in a minute! I haven't timed myself yet. I'll have to try that some time. Thanks for the push ups tips. I know there are quite a few ladies on here that have been getting frustrated with doing girly push ups, so that will probably help.
    See you all Monday!
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    Forgive me if this has already been discussed or is on the website but here's a helpful hint for getting stronger at the plank push-ups. Start in the plank position and lower yourself to the ground. For most folks, it's the pushing up that's the tough part. Once on the ground, bend your knees and do a "girlie" push-up back up. Once up, straighten the knees back out and you're in the plank position again. Hope this helps. I'm required to do a fitness test every year for my job and part of the test is to see how many "real" p/u's you can do in 1 minute. My record is 63!

    I really like this idea. I think I'm going to do my girly ones till I get to the hundred then do another round trying this way. After that I think I should be able to do full prone push ups.

    Thanks for this information.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    try doing push up on a BOSU ball..................tilt from side to side and front to back then down up then to burn out hold it about half way. I love my BOSU.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Week 2 - exhaustion test - 24

    Glad to see for Week 3 I'll be level 2. I never really thought I was level 3 material :laugh: Looking forward to Week 3.
  • nytoaz
    nytoaz Posts: 143
    Hi, I just saw this and I'd love to try this challenge too! :smile:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I heard about this from the 200 sit up challenge so Im going to do this one too. Im in.
  • yeahbuddy
    yeahbuddy Posts: 409
    I heard about this from the 200 sit up challenge so Im going to do this one too. Im in.

    Glad to see you, j_g:smile:
  • sassyandsexy1
    I am going to look at it,, it can be combined with P90X? I am doing that too,, and I like that,, I can do 20 pulls ups,, with a chair,, but will get to where I can do pulls ups with out it,,, that situp challenge,, hm,,, that does sound cool though,,, Has anybody tried dive bombers? That is tough too,,,
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Well, I think I figured out what was causing my back problems...for the most part. I switched out pillows last night and I was feeling better today. So I will be back at it tomorrow. Since I didn't do them this week I may start at level on week 6, instead of level 3. We'll see how my back is in the morning.
    Good to see this thread so lively again! Welcome new people!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    crazy couple days-- never got day 3 in last week-- so back to week four again on Monday-- not sweatin' it-- I may never reach 100, but I'm doing pushups three days a week-- whoda thunk it?

    Heading to work-- have a great evening!!!!!!!