Bring on Summer… and Your Stories!



  • plugers
    plugers Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2021
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 451 Member
    I am inspired by all the walking and outdoor activities everyone is doing. My husband is disabled and I am stuck in the house! Plan to watch and do some exercise with videos!
  • carolhemma087
    carolhemma087 Posts: 16 Member
    Rosemarie2972 That's how I am able to during rain season here in Mexico. There is a huge variety of videos online for cardio walking.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    I am inspired by all the walking and outdoor activities everyone is doing. My husband is disabled and I am stuck in the house! Plan to watch and do some exercise with videos!

    I recommend looking up the Get Fit with Rick videos on YouTube. Several walking workouts for various fitness levels. And they work! I've lost 15lbs so far this year. :)
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 451 Member
    Just did my first Get Fit with Rick Video! IT was awesome..Love the music!
  • GroovinDB
    GroovinDB Posts: 2 Member
    Ah, Summer! My goal this summer is to Live Out Loud, maintain my weight, and get even healthier! I hope to increase my workouts (I'm nearing Senior status and my workouts are not as rigorous as some), increase my walking, retain stable with what I consume, and increase my health. That's really a general thing, not just for this summer. Summer!!! Yee Hah!!! :wink:
  • acabigail4913
    acabigail4913 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone, today is my first day trying to lose weight. (Of course after many attempts before.) My goal is to lose 40 lbs. I decided to post so perhaps I can get some encouragement with like minds on this journey. The encouragement I receive here at home is unhealthy food being cooked all day and night in my face and under my nose. As I am writing this post the scent of french fries is in the air. Ugh! It's so easy to throw in the towel. I was always healthy prior to my roommate situation which led me to gain 40lbs. He's a couch potato and junk food junkie. I feel alone in this journey which makes it so super hard. :( I look forward to partaking with this wonderful group of people.
  • Luluetduet8
    Luluetduet8 Posts: 49 Member
    Man oh man, I’m going to go as hard as I can this summer to make up for last year! Who knew a conversation could feel as good as a drug? Bring with people is my main priority. It’s important to get that social work out too.

    I wish I had more plans. I will be seeing some girlfriends for a trip, but my dude can’t take time off, so I can’t go on a bunch of trips like I’d like too. Oh well. Good for the wallet I guess.

    Fitness wise, summer has always been easy. I love the fresh food, the lack of “food” holidays and family pressure, and the long summer hours made for paddle boarding, biking, walking, and swimming. If only it could be summer year round I would always be ripped!!
  • anelou66
    anelou66 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been on MFP for years but not very consistent with my logging, I'm really good with staying on track for breakfast and lunch but evening kills me! We live a very social life in the summer time and every night feels like a weekend night. I have to retrain my brain to keep logging all my meals and focus on being more active. We bought Kayaks this year to get out on the water and I plan to do that at least once a week if not more. I also have been getting up every morning to stretch and reintroduce cardio exercises into my routine (an injury to my knee prevented that the last few months). I want to lose 30 lbs but know it will take a while and a total revamp to my habits. I have a new mantra this summer, say yes to going out and doing things with friends and family; especially things I don't normally do (golfing for one!) and not hiding until the weight comes off. Life is short, enjoy the journey!
  • Snapy15
    Snapy15 Posts: 26 Member
    My Significant Other had a heart attack at only 40 years old that really scared us. I don't want that to happen to me. With the pandemic and staying home. I packed up the pounds and lost the little activity I had while commuting since I was working from home.
    Now that restrictions have eased a little, it means going back to the office and for the summer I decided to not take public transportation and bike instead (about 10 to 12 km each way depending on road work). Working at the office at odd hours also means bringing my lunch therefore no access to unlimited junk foods.
    I want to be able to go up the stairs at least a couple time (multiples floor building with no elevator, we are on top floor) without feeling like I'm going to die. I also have some hormonal and pain issues that can be worsen by being overweight.
    And I want to be able to support my significant other in his journey to recovery and better health. I'm not fixing any big goal but I just want to be stronger and healthier overall. Also if shedding the pounds can help my symptoms and make my life easier it'll be a nice bonus!
  • lindarab2018
    lindarab2018 Posts: 1 Member
    I am Linda. I just came back to My Fitness Pal. Logging my food and exercise keeps me accountable daily. I walk and swim. No longer go to the gym as I do not feel that it is necessary for me. At this point I am trying to maintain my weight as I have loss and gained it back for years!
  • Teulis
    Teulis Posts: 1 Member
    This summer, I am looking to cut my calorie intake in half. I always used to eat whenever I felt hungry, and ate until I was full. looking back on it, I was probably consuming 4000-5000 calories a day. I was drinking like 6-8 cans of soda a day, eating 4 big meals worth of food a day. Now my goals are to completely cut soda, drop the food intake and hopefully lose a few pounds. Due to work and stuff its hard to get out and be active, but I am working on ways to be active each day. I am looking to hopefully lose at least 40-50 pounds by the end of the year, although I don't know how realistic that is. So far I am on like 7 days of a 2500 or lower cal diet if you want to put it that way. And I am feeling good.
  • russelldonahue
    russelldonahue Posts: 3 Member
    I'm definitely recommitting. I fell back into old bad habits but I'm starting new by tracking food and exercising daily!
  • melgo4
    melgo4 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I went to the doctor today! I started with three meals. Two of the meals will be liquid protein and the third is 3-4 ozs of protein, non starchy vegetables, 1-3 servings of fruit! 64 ozs of water! Sugar free pudding or jello
    yogurt, string cheese for snack. No carbonated beverages, no alcohol, no fruit juices.. well we decided to put off that cruise for now. I will do yoga instead with daily walking! The heat and rain have been terrible lately so I plan on the gym for some workouts! Covid safe with distance!
  • Birdmite
    Birdmite Posts: 2 Member
    My health is pretty decent, but I definitely need to lose a few pounds. I also work long hours in a Tech job, remoted since COVID started, and I don't get any exercise. I just turned fifty-nine and I'm tired of feeling tired all the time.

    Science tells me that if you're not getting any real exercise, the only other way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories, so I'm starting with that. The calorie counting tools and food database on this site is nothing short of amazing. We'll see if making diet adjustments gets me down 15 lbs, then we'll see about the exercise.

  • Zzsally
    Zzsally Posts: 153 Member
    I am on spark people..but not for long. I lost 30 pounds. I try to stay active at home, I have treadmill, bike, puppy, older
    dog. I hope to maintain my weight, control my sugars. Its been hot, its a nice summer, sometimes we get rain.
    I have learned to eat..but eat healthy foods.. I was not eating thinking was wrong. Howdy Texas pals.
    Still trying to figure Out ..this place..God help us. Thank you. :)
  • kbran818
    kbran818 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm new to this and so far its been a great challenge that pushes me even when I don't feel like it or fighting through tough emotions. I'm praying and believing that through the challenges, true transformation is going to take place for longevity. Seeing where I'm at has been tough to accept but there's hope and I refuse to give up on myself. This summer is going to be full of adventures in the gym and at the park that stretch me to break past my insecurities, fears and unlock joy and strength again.
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 501 Member
    Zzsally wrote: »
    I am on spark people..but not for long. I lost 30 pounds. I try to stay active at home, I have treadmill, bike, puppy, older
    dog. I hope to maintain my weight, control my sugars. Its been hot, its a nice summer, sometimes we get rain.
    I have learned to eat..but eat healthy foods.. I was not eating thinking was wrong. Howdy Texas pals.
    Still trying to figure Out ..this place..God help us. Thank you. :)

    also a Spark fan although I've been on MFP since 2013. We're all finding our way knowing Spark is going away in about a month.
    This summer just gives me more opportunity to get outside and walk and enjoy nature.....of course the hot weather here in NY is making that a challenge!
  • ffuryy
    ffuryy Posts: 2 Member
    I have had MFP about a week now... I've been using MFP in concert with V-Shred and am learning sooooo much! I absolutely LOVE MFP! It is so easy to use and jam packed with great information and recipes! It is an app I will probably continue to use for the rest of my life... not just while losing my excess weight.