Why do YOU hate running?



  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I LOVE IT!!!

    I am becomming addicted to it. I start getting anxious if I feel like I am not going to get my run in.
    My favorite is a trail in the woods but, I will settle for the neighborhood.

    It seems to be the one time of the day that my brain settles and empties.

    It's wonderful!
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I don't like running because it reminds me how out of shape I am! My endurance is laughable, and I tried C25K once but got discouraged by how many times I had to repeat Week 3. I would love to get to a place where running does not make me feel like I'm about to die. Maybe now is the time to give C25K another try.

    Don't repeat it. If you have a bad day, go on to the next. It will get better. Otherwise, it will get boring.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    :sad: I've tried many times. Easing into it slowly, going an getting fitted for running hsoesw and having speical inserts made...:170.00 later, I still can't get past shin splints!!!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Running, except for short sprints is directly related to chronic cardio which in turns elevates cortisol levels which can prevent you from burning fat and losing weight.

    This is MY reason for not liking to run.

    That is the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. Running preventing you from burning fat and losing weight? Seriously?!

    Research it.................

    The problem with traditional chronic cardio is the constant release of the stress hormone cortisol. While running at a consistent pace without break or rest, the body is exposed to a large amount of stress hormone cortisol, which in excess, depresses immune function, increases risk for disease and sickness, increases inflammation and consequently pains throughout the body, increases oxidative stress, causes the degradation of muscle tissue and increases the accumulation of fat.

    I researched it. The stress from running can increase the cortisol level in your body, but as your body becomes used to the stress of running, the cortisol levels decrease.

    And just to play devils advocate, have you decided that you hate running and that it prevents you personally from losing weight out of personal experience? Or did you read a study about running and the cortisol effect and decide that it was bad for you and therefore hated it?
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I used to hate running, or at least claimed I hated to run and it gave me a good excuse. Being out of shape most of my life, having sore knees from carrying that weight and not much endurance...plus it was just plain hard! And then C25K last year...yeah, big mistake. I'm planning on running 11 miles on Saturday!
    Now...I can't say I love running, I don't hate it any longer; but I do love the feeling I get at the end of a run and realizing I just accomplished something I thought I would never do!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I know tons of people hate to run, and i can understand if the answer is "it's hard on my joints" or "injuries". But other than that, I sometimes wonder why people hate it. Im a running ADDICT and I totally love it! Just wanna know YOUR opinion :)

    It's BOR...

    ... ING!!!

    I worry about too much and affecting my muscle growth, so I minimize how much I do.
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I would love to be a runner, but it does hurt my knees bad. I need to start taking Glucosamine Chondroitin with MSM. It worked before.

    I recently just started c25k, and hope to join the other runners at my work when they run in the 5k/10k's. My goal is to be ready in spring.

    I found that good music and a comfortable place to run help me want to be out there.
  • I'm a weather-wuss. I only like to run if its between 65-75 degrees. I live in the NW, where its cold and rainy most of the year. If I run in cooler weather I get snot running down my face, my eyes water so it looks like I'm crying and running at the same time.....you get the picture. That being said, now is the perfect time of year and I am forcing myself to do it!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Research it.................

    The problem with traditional chronic cardio is the constant release of the stress hormone cortisol. While running at a consistent pace without break or rest, the body is exposed to a large amount of stress hormone cortisol, which in excess, depresses immune function, increases risk for disease and sickness, increases inflammation and consequently pains throughout the body, increases oxidative stress, causes the degradation of muscle tissue and increases the accumulation of fat.
    Actually this is scientifically true. However I believe duration of run time makes a difference. I don't think that 60 minutes of running will hamper weight loss as much as doing over an hour of it.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Running, except for short sprints is directly related to chronic cardio which in turns elevates cortisol levels which can prevent you from burning fat and losing weight.

    This is MY reason for not liking to run.

    That is the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. Running preventing you from burning fat and losing weight? Seriously?!

    Research it.................

    The problem with traditional chronic cardio is the constant release of the stress hormone cortisol. While running at a consistent pace without break or rest, the body is exposed to a large amount of stress hormone cortisol, which in excess, depresses immune function, increases risk for disease and sickness, increases inflammation and consequently pains throughout the body, increases oxidative stress, causes the degradation of muscle tissue and increases the accumulation of fat.

    I researched it. The stress from running can increase the cortisol level in your body, but as your body becomes used to the stress of running, the cortisol levels decrease.

    And just to play devils advocate, have you decided that you hate running and that it prevents you personally from losing weight out of personal experience? Or did you read a study about running and the cortisol effect and decide that it was bad for you and therefore hated it?

    LMAO! running does not prevent you from losing weight... YOU'RE KIDDDING, RIGHT?!? Can you explain to me why all professional runners are at a VERY LOW weight? ha. wow. just wow.... Or maybe explain to me how I lost 30 pounds from running...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I have asthma and no endurance, also huge boobs.. it's so annoying
    I'll run beside you and watch your breathing to make sure you don't have an asthma attack...................
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Running, except for short sprints is directly related to chronic cardio which in turns elevates cortisol levels which can prevent you from burning fat and losing weight.

    This is MY reason for not liking to run.

    That is the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. Running preventing you from burning fat and losing weight? Seriously?!

    Research it.................

    The problem with traditional chronic cardio is the constant release of the stress hormone cortisol. While running at a consistent pace without break or rest, the body is exposed to a large amount of stress hormone cortisol, which in excess, depresses immune function, increases risk for disease and sickness, increases inflammation and consequently pains throughout the body, increases oxidative stress, causes the degradation of muscle tissue and increases the accumulation of fat.

    I researched it. The stress from running can increase the cortisol level in your body, but as your body becomes used to the stress of running, the cortisol levels decrease.

    And just to play devils advocate, have you decided that you hate running and that it prevents you personally from losing weight out of personal experience? Or did you read a study about running and the cortisol effect and decide that it was bad for you and therefore hated it?

    LMAO! running does not prevent you from losing weight... YOU'RE KIDDDING, RIGHT?!? Can you explain to me why all professional runners are at a VERY LOW weight? ha. wow. just wow.... Or maybe explain to me how I lost 30 pounds from running...

    And you've got some amazing pic's to prove it. :love:
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I used to loathe running, but now it is just one of those things I've come to accept as part of my daily routine. Aside from the common things people have already said (it's hard, boring, difficult on joints, etc) I have to admit I had a self-esteem issue. Runners are lean and look cute in their little Nike or Under Armor outfits. When I was running at 270 pounds, I felt like an idiot and didn't run out in public. Even now, I'm still one of the biggest people out there, but I'm fit enough to do distances futher than most. So all of those haters can eat my dust!
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    And to play devils advocate with the cortisol not leading to weight loss comment...it is possible that prolonged cardio may alter your hormones to place you body out of whack for immune function, oxidative stress, and bone/joint issues. But it is easily rectified with vitamins and antioxidants, which avid runners are always recommended to take on a daily basis anyways.
  • i think i hate running for the most unique and, well, odd reason!! i firmly believe that if i was meant to run i would have been made with smaller boobs! i am, um, well endowed in the chesticle region and no matter what i try and do to keep the ladies in place while i run its always uncomfortable. i just find other things to do to get in my cardio and that works for me =)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I have asthma and no endurance, also huge boobs.. it's so annoying
    I'll run beside you and watch your breathing to make sure you don't have an asthma attack...................
    now THAT was hysterical!
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Because it's boring! I might not hate it so much if I were in better shape, but typically I need something else to think about to get through any exercise (beyond, "OMG I'M DYING." :laugh: )
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    Umm yeah...i don't know if i believe the whole "not losing weight while running too much" Just doesn't sound correct to me...