What small changes have helped you lose weight?



  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member

    Does this come from an article of some sort which explains it. I can't really fully work out what it is suppose to mean just from the picture. Like is this a level of importance in weight loss success?
    Here is a YT playlist of Eric Helms explaining it in depth. Well worth the time investment.


  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    I used to love drinking La Croix or other bubbly flavor essenced drinks. I realized they make me hungry! I quit drinking them and stick to good old water and that has helped me stick to my plan!
  • PaymanLux
    PaymanLux Posts: 23 Member
    What small changes have helped you lose weight?

    Quitting ice cream. I put off 10 pounds without changing anything in my exercise and diet except quitting ice cream.
  • MercuryForce
    MercuryForce Posts: 104 Member
    Mine was eating when I was hungry. Before I started seeing my dietitian and reading the posts here I'd be like "oh, I just won't eat much during the day and have a big dinner when I get home and it's all good." But for me that would lead to me being miserable all day, going home and eating everything and that is why I was gaining weight. Now, I generally eat breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. I know IF works for some people, but for me I think it would just lead to disaster.
  • kiroalexanda99
    kiroalexanda99 Posts: 1 Member
    My little changes:

    1. I Use a scale
    2. Focus myself not only in calories but in nutrients
    3. I changed ice cream for low fat yogurt as a desert
    4. Dark chocolate, almonds and berries everyday 🤣
    5. Veggies in two meals
    6. I always prepare low calorie jello bc I like sweets
    7. when I eat I always think first in the protein than carbs or fat
    8. Air fryer!!! Jajaja a must for me
    9. No more starbucks/dunking I prepare my iced coffee at home before my working out
    10. Protein shake if necessary
    11. I adoreeee chips and fries, so now I find my crunchiness in low fat products like rice cake
    12. I check my macros and try to have fun instead of stressing out, in the end we have to enjoy life
    13. Unsweetened Almond milk instead of the regular one
    14. I’m very careful now about cheese, I use to eat a lot of cheese, now I enjoy it low fat instead of regular and not too much
    15. Dressing out!!! , I keep avocado, lemon juice, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper, and for sandwiches only regular mustard
    16. Boiled eggs daily

    I used to practice intermittent fasting for two years and I was soooo happy but now I’m working out and eating 1400 cal daily and geez, this is working so good 😊

    Love and success for all
  • azuki
    azuki Posts: 38 Member
    individual package sizes is always helpful. but ill eat the rebel pint at once :smiley:
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    autobahn66 wrote: »

    Does this come from an article of some sort which explains it. I can't really fully work out what it is suppose to mean just from the picture. Like is this a level of importance in weight loss success?

    What I took away from this is that you may have all kinds of information on what is needed to lose weight - all the colored layers - but the biggest factor of all is ADHERENCE, meaning sticking to it! :)
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited August 2021
    I'm not doing too well lately, but one change that has really helped so far is finding smaller desserts.

    I have a massive sweet tooth, and crave sweets after dinner. I've found ice cream, chocolate mouse, trifles etc, all in smaller portions. I pick one or two for the week and have one almost every day. It's not particularly 'clean' eating but I do home cook most of my meals, and allow myself this treat. This way I can have just one portion rather than half the tub of ice cream.

    Get thee a Yonanas machine! During the summer months, I make a big daily bowl of Yonanas 'ice cream' with fewer than 200 calories. Now that I've mastered using prepped yellow summer squash with monkfruit in place of all or some of the banana, that satisfying bowl of YUM! is often less than 120 calories. Bonus: Zero fat and the fruit & veg is substantially more filling than ice cream.
  • tammigates
    tammigates Posts: 46 Member
    Awareness of portion control has been a big eye opener for me and my husband!
  • rhododendron33
    rhododendron33 Posts: 64 Member
    1. Taking the time to plan my meals in advance has been super helpful. If I have a plan, I find it easier to stick to then just letting myself eat whatever I want. Even if it's just setting how many calories I want to set aside for each meal, it's still better than letting myself figure it out when mealtime comes.
    2. Smaller plates and utensils! Choosing smaller plates to make it look like I'm eating more, smaller forks and spoons, using chopsticks when I'm able to, etc. Taking the time to feel full and enjoy my food by slowing my intake has been helpful. Also, skipping the straw when having a specialty drink, since it also takes more time to consume then if I were using a straw.
    3. Not keeping many snack foods in the house. If there are snacks around, I will eat them, so if I have any, I like to portion them out or limit how many of them are around for me to munch on.
    4. Choosing whole grains and less processed carbs, things like whole grain breads and rice vs. white breads and pasta.
    5. Aaaand picking the stairs at work when I can, even when the elevator is so, so tempting.

    I'm just getting back into the swing of things after being off track and mostly maintaining my weight for a little while, but these are the things I've consciously added into my routine to help me out.
  • MrsLead
    MrsLead Posts: 8 Member
    I tend to think of my calories/exercise as a budget instead of just, “ what do I want to eat/do today” when I think about how much certain foods will cost me on a given day, I reflect on my “budget” what could I have instead of this or how much hard/longer would I need to work to pay for this. The majority of the time this keeps me from eating thing I won’t necessarily enjoy but just like a budget I also have a “credit card” for emergency and make exceptions for certain situations. When used sparingly the benefit of those few extra periods of leeway he’ll keep me satisfied and on track.
  • Terrania24
    Terrania24 Posts: 11 Member
    No soda, no fruit juice, no wine... my only drinks are water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee. Takes away all the decision-making and saves a bunch of money.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    I still drink soda (it's a vice I struggle with) but in my mind, a serving is a serving no matter what size it is. So instead of drinking a 20oz bottle or 12 oz can, I started buying the little 8.5 oz cans. I also like it cold (pure, no ice) so I only keep one can at a time in the fridge. A little thing but it has reduced my total intake.