Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/11-9/17



  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Welcome Bunny and mggirl!! Good luck on your goals and can't wait to follow up on how you're doing
  • ParisPenguin
    ParisPenguin Posts: 39 Member
    Just saw this now, so I will be starting my week from Wednesday-Wednesday. What a great idea. I frequently get overwhelmed!

    1. At least 8,000 steps a day
    2. Wii sports for an hour every day
    3. Log MFP every day

    Thanks everyone!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    So another evening of rock moving and was still so sore but we got it done last night and it was great. no c25k :ohwell:
    Water was great, got up early yesterday but failed this morning. Need to see my chiropractor soon :cry:
    so exhausted sorry for not commenting great work everyone.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Kris, sorry you're hurting. no C25k, but you're still active and I'm quite sure still burning calories and building muscles with all that rock moving.

    Welcome ParisPenguin, like your goal of the steps. Do you normally move that much or is it above what you average?
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Tuesday Check-in:
    1. walking at school is going well and starts the day out in a positive way.
    2. planned meals are helping quite a bit.

    I actually reset my activity level which gave me a few extra calories. I'm hoping maybe this will help the weight come off by keeping me more satisfied during the day so I don't wake up to eat at night.

    Everybody has great goals this week and they are so varied. It's very interesting to me that although we all have weight issues, our difficulties with food and exercise vary from person to person. I think this is another reason why we can be so supportive to each other, because we all can offer fresh viewpoints to help someone else. As always, this is by far the best group out there for encouragement, understanding and support :heart: :heart:
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Hearts Desire, hope you caught up on your sleep. 4/5 goals is great! You are doing so well and it’s nice to have your positivity around.

    La_nanita, wonder if that’s why I saw a weight loss this morning. Guess I’ll know if it stays that way on my weigh in day Saturday. LOL! I’m a huge fan of eggs and routinely experiment with add ins on days when I am home. Makes me wish I had a way to cook them at work. And hey, 45 minutes is awesome! Don’t sell yourself short.

    Meg, it isn’t wearing me out much at all. It’s lonely for the moment; but I know that will change as the needs pick up for my support and I meet the people around me. Lunch is LONG. As an educator, I am just not used to have a whole hour focused on something that takes so little time. Great job on your goals. You are so close with P90X!

    Lttee, you’re welcome. That’s what we’re here for. Are you getting excited for your trip? Great job on your goals.

    Bunny393, welcome! You’re welcome to make things work for you. Hope to see more of you!

    Philosohoe, we enjoy this thread. It is an expanding group, but you guys give so much support to each other and to us that it makes it easier. Great job on your goals!

    Mggirl0122, welcome! So glad I could lead another one to the light. LOL! This is a fabulous group of people and I know you’ll enjoy it. Great goals!

    ParisPenguin, welcome to the challenge. This is an ongoing weekly group and everyone is welcome. Glad you found us! Love the goals! You will do well with them, no doubt. :)

    Kris, way to go on day two of rock moving. I know your arms must feel like they are going to fall off by now. Enjoy the soreness!

    Danlyn, I too like the variety of goals. It gives me ideas of things I might need to work on and let’s me know I’m not alone with things. Good job on your goals so far!

    My progress:

    1. Do week 4 of Chalean (final burn phase, yes)-keep in cardio of some form.-Week 4, burn 2 tonight. DONE.
    2. Plan and pack lunches that keep me interested and are healthy.-um, planned and packed. Just didn’t TAKE. LOL!
    3. Start my new job on Tuesday with longer hours and still manage to keep up the healthy routine. –did exercise despite being exhausted, so far so good.
    4. Check in here everyday, even when I'm tired.-Yep, posting and then running to bed.
  • minadee
    minadee Posts: 44 Member
    I'm pretty late but I am so happy that I found this thread. So here goes:

    1. Stop STRESSING about losing weight and formulate a sensible plan.
    2. Drink 8 cups of water per day.
    3. Exercise for at least 2.5 hours this week.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Wed Check in:

    This morning the scale said 154.4! That was sooo exciting.

    1) had breakfast
    2) had 10 cups of water =O) I cant believe this one myself!
    3) No exercise today. Hump day is for resting.... maybe I will do some humping later! Bahahaha
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    OK so today, 45 mins C25K 5 min runs are still killing me. 12 cups water but no getting up earlier today 2:3 ain't bad.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Minadee - love your signature quote, so true that we need to have goals in general for life!

    la_nanita - haha! that's going to be my exercise this weekend, or should I say sexercise?! :wink: lol, anyhow, great job on the water and the scale victory

    LadyGloria - to say I'm excited would be such an understatement. I bet I'm burning calories just on being giddy

    My check in:
    Exercise: nope, and it's because I'm vain today. My hair is so pretty and it will last another day, just in time to see my super sexy husband (and goodness is he really sexy!)
    Calories: yep, even with going out to dinner unexpectedly with my kiddos
    Three servings of fruit and veggies: crap, just remembered this goal and know it's going to be a challenging one. Only got in one serving of fruit and that's it.
    Okay, so I'm already dropping the ball this week, so unlike me, and it's not even the weekend. I have issues. I blame it on the freaking scale and gaining, and also on my being super ditzy and having tunnel vision. Don't know if I'll log in the rest of the week since I'll be busy (see above TMI comment) but if I don't, good luck all. You're all so amazing.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome to the new people!:heart:

    Missed checking in yesterday-too many things to handle from work that bled into my home life. It happens.

    Working on keeping my sodium to possibly half of what I am allotted. Exercised 3 times this week. I also added sleep to my mini goals. I am trying to wake up before the alarm goes off.

    Hope the rest of the week goes well for all!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Wednesday night check in:

    1) Exercise 5/7 days--nope still 2/7 Finishing packing for my trip. Tomorrow & Saturday are travel days, so I don't think I'm going to make this goal this week. Maybe if I can manage a swim at the hotel...
    2) 10-12 cups of water everyday--check 3/7
    3) Try to keep Sodium & Logged Potassium as close as possible and Sodium under 2000 5/7 days--check 3/7 Actually really good on this one today.
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--check 3/7. Out of sight scale is helping a lot. Leaving town without scale will also help a lot, so no mantra needed tonight. Well, maybe just to be on the safe side: I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. (I'm a little superstitious sometimes.)

    Not sure when I will be able to check in with the group, but I my plan is to keep logging my food on my phone. Til next time, keep up the great work and welcome to all the new peeps!! You WON'T be disappointed!
    Dang it, I miss you guys already :cry: :cry:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Ittee – You be sexy for your sexy hubby girl!!! ROCK the awesome hair do. Knock his socks off. (I know you will) :love: You have tunnel vision for a very good reason! We will TOTALLY understand if you don’t make it back on :wink:

    Bunny393 – Welcome! Way to start off with picking some really good goals. Hope you have an awesome rest of the week.

    Philosohoe – HUGGSS to you!! Thanks :smile: Glad we could motivate you to get some workout in. I know the feeling of not wanting to check in without something. LOL!! Out of sight … out of mind is a great idea for the scale. Keep up all the great work. We will miss you too. HAVE FUN!!!!

    Mggirll0122 – Glad you could join us! Great goals! Workout is a tough one helps to find something you really enjoy so it feel less like workout. Or if you have a workout buddy to help motivate you that can help. Good LUCK!

    ParisPenguin – Welcome! This journey can get overwhelming, but mini goals really do seem to help focus on smaller more obtainable steps to work toward the big goal. Love the Wii workouts so much fun!

    KrisPage – More rock! WOW. I bet you are sore! Take it easy on yourself for not getting in C25K sounds like you got a good workout in without it. Great job with your water!! Get some rest and hope your feeling less sore soon. Great job getting your C25K in today! 45 minutes that's impressive, with a 5 min run WOW! Keep it you and you'll be getting though that with no trouble.

    Danlyn – So glad you are getting your morning work outs in. Good luck with the change in calories. I have changed mine things up with my MFP goals a couple times since I joined, it helped me and I hope it helps you. I agree I like seeing everyone’s goals gives me some ideas and like Ladygloria says helps me feel less alone in this journey.

    Ladygloria – OH NO you forgot your lunch! Well at least your all set for tomorrow. It seems like you are doing really well with your goals even with the change of jobs. Sorry to hear the new job is a little lonely, hopefully things pick up soon.

    Minadee –welcome! Glad you found us! Looks like you picked some great goals to focus on. Good luck this week. You can do it.

    La_nanita – Great job with your goals. Love your hump day comment!!! Hehehehehehe :happy: Nice job with the scale victory.

    Mrogers52 – Sounds like you are doing excellent with your goals! Even adding an extra goal. WOW! Hopefully the work doesn’t bleed over into home life too much.

    Wednesday check in:
    1. Week 13 of P90X (last week) – Day 2 done! :happy:
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in. 1 for 3 so far still. Maybe tomorrow I can get a non P90X workout in.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day. Done! I had a really yummy lunch today to. Had some leftover chicken from dinner Tuesday night that I threw into my salad.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Didn’t do so great today… :drinker: Here’s to tomorrow!

    Have a great Thursday everyone!! I'm off to catch some ZZZZ's :yawn:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Quick check in for Weds. :yawn: :yawn: :grumble: :wink:

    Bedtime?? ah yea...need to seriously work on this!! Last night and tonight...still not my 10pm goal:sad:
    Good logging, good food choices, drank my water, nice workout today..

    OH! I could really use some help on not stepping on the scale every time I pass by it. Particularly every single morning... I used to be able to casually step on it and take a look and think... OK. Now it seems I am actually getting upset if it doesn't move enough or moves up (after a healthy eating day) I think I've officially crossed that "casual weigher" stage. HELP??

    I'd LOVE to be able to go a week and be surprised by the lbs. lost! I think right now I'm adding on a bit of muscle or at least it feels like it and the scale hasn't moved in a couple days (SEE! Told you I was now addicted...if it doesn't move everyday I'm wondering why..:grumble: :laugh: ) so I'm wondering if that's it or I'm missing something.

    My food has been spot on, some days the cals are a bit on the low side if my days get too busy....... otherwise, I think patience by not jumping on it near so often may help me stay more level headed.:glasses: :blushing:

    Any ideas from you "daily scale weigher's" in successful recovery?:wink: Any ideas are appreciated.

    Now to go to bed way later than I planned..but, not gonna beat myself up any more tonight about it. Got a brand new day to start with tomorrow!:love:

    Love you guys:smooched: :flowerforyou:

    ETA: oh, well guess I should my bedtime straightened out...I see I have a 10pm goal and a 10:30pm goal! No wonder my body is so confused:noway: :laugh: :tongue:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome Bunny and mggirl!! Good luck on your goals and can't wait to follow up on how you're doing

    Absolutely love new folks to join us!! Great to have you both here, welcome to this warm, caring group Mggirl & Bunny:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    wednesday (late) check-in:
    Chalean X- Phase circuit 1 - Done! and ouch! it's intense!
    5 fruits/veggies - DONE!

    internet connection is dead at home :( Hopefully it will all be resolved tomorrow.
    Hope everybody is well!
  • ParisPenguin
    ParisPenguin Posts: 39 Member
    Feeling good about day 1:

    1) 8,000 steps/day - check! (12,435)
    2) 1 hr Wii sports/day - check! (25 baseball, 15 golf, 15 boxing, 5 on daily status)
    3) log to MFP/day - check! (completed and logged last night before bed!)

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    mrogers - great job fitting in your exercise, I always wake up before my alarm, but I'm not sure how people train themselves to do so. Would be curious on your strategy

    MAK - fantastic job on exercise, and your salad sounds delicious

    HeartsDesire - good job on logging, choices, and workout. Good luck on bedtime and scale. Philosohoe made it a goal, would that be motivation enough to avoid the scale? How about hiding it, or putting it someplace high so you only want to put forth the effort to get it down once a week? This was my struggle this week too, as I've been a casual weigher until I gained 2 lbs..
    Papillon - now that I've a three serving fruit/veggie, I'm even more in awe of your 5 a day. Fantastic

    ParisPenguin - awesome day 1, the boxing on the wii is no joke
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Hello beautiful people! This is going to be short. Have had a very long day and due to another crisis event have been calling crisis responders all evening. Now I plan to go to bed so I can respond in the morning. I apologize for my inability to respond to each of you and applaud you on your awesomeness. I will catch up tomorrow.

    As for me—failed to get in my exercise today (was a Zumba day too) due to my working late and the hubby working late (in fact, it’s bedtime and he has yet to come home), did decently with food today all around (although I did have two desserts tonight, but darn if I didn’t deserve it), and I have checked in here. I can’t remember my other goal, but I sure hope I did it.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thurs Night Check - in

    1. Bedtime, in bed with lights off by 8pm tonight, posting this, then off to bed.
    2. Water was good, food choices were good ones, everything got logged.
    3. Worked out today, was going to have a day off but decided..nah. Glad I went ahead and worked out!

    All I can think of at the moment and I really really DO want to be in bed by my time frame tonight. Tonight is much earlier than my goal but it's gotten cold here and I'm pretty wiped out. Should be some good sleep!:yawn: :love:

    Night to all & here comes Friday right around the corner!

    Ittee - Thanks for the scale thoughts, I think not weighing today helped and gonna do it day by day until I get stronger and it doesn't bother me so much. I really never wanted to get caught up in numbers so it'll be good to add this as a goal.

    Love you guys:smooched: :flowerforyou: