What kind of technology are you guys using?

I am a tech nerd (yes, I admit it), but I have struggled to find a good set of tools. Also, I am concerned about data privacy. What are you using, has it helped you, what features are missing that other tools might have? Totally curious!


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Please elaborate - obviously I wouldn't want my credit card data to be stolen, or info that would allow identity theft, but are you also talking about other sorts of data?

    I recently got an app from an industry in which a competitor had been outted for sharing data with Facebook. The app I went with is based in the EU and subject to stricter data privacy standards than American companies. Facebook has a very long history of violating users' privacy. I think it's sleazy for apps I use to sell my data to FB, but not surprising, and since I don't see FB ads, I don't really care. I did avoid Facebook for the longest time, but eventually had to get it for work. However, I don't use my last name, or real birthday, and I'm definitely not someone who posts when I am away on vacation.

    I'm very conscious of my internet footprint, and love that if someone were to google my real first and last name they would get a famous athlete :lol:
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Tools for doing *what*, exactly?

    You're on MFP: Are you concerned about that, looking for a more secure or privacy-oriented calorie tracker? Weight trending apps? Wifi-enabled bodyweight scales? Fitness tracker devices? Apps for supporting training plans (for what activities/sports)? Wifi-enabled fitness equipment?

    Some vendors are more security/privacy attuned than others, but some of my personal data is more sensitive than others, too . . . I think it matters what you're looking for.
  • gentle_sir_hulk
    gentle_sir_hulk Posts: 52 Member
    These are all good questions. I am interested how people track their health. I got myself a Withings scale, an Omron blood pressure monitor, a Fitbit watch to track steps, and I record all my exercises currently in a spreadsheet. I also use a Keto and Glucose measuring device and enter the results in a spreadsheet, too. My nutrition I track here on my Fitnesspal.

    I know apps can 'talk' to each other and say my Withings page can be made to import the fitbit values (and potentially vica versa).

    Are people using MFP to bring all data together?
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I used a previous cal count website then MFP. A basic scale, food and weight scale, and that is it.

    I’ve maintained over 10yr increased my cardio and strength over time, and have no health worries (doc would tell me if I had).

    My lacsidasical attitude does not fit all but I’m not a number cruncher and use no apps except MFP (haven’t even logged for a few years, stay for the community and exercise info)

    Sorry I’m no help, just saying you only need the very basics to succeed.

    Cheers , h
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    rabatin1 wrote: »
    These are all good questions. I am interested how people track their health. I got myself a Withings scale, an Omron blood pressure monitor, a Fitbit watch to track steps, and I record all my exercises currently in a spreadsheet. I also use a Keto and Glucose measuring device and enter the results in a spreadsheet, too. My nutrition I track here on my Fitnesspal.

    I know apps can 'talk' to each other and say my Withings page can be made to import the fitbit values (and potentially vica versa).

    Are people using MFP to bring all data together?

    I am. I recognize that there are companies out there mining my data for their own profit, and I just can't seem to bring myself to care who knows how many calories I ate, at what time of day, or how much I weigh. I have a few other data mining apps in the loop, too. Achievement gives me points that I can redeem for actual cash - I even SELL my data - I realize I'm getting slave wages for it, but it's better than the [nothing] I get from the other data miners.

    OTOH, I don't even let my computer remember my credit card number for "easier ordering." Some data is more important to keep secure than my fitness numbers.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    Oh, right. Now I understand the question.

    I track everything on spreadsheets, even though the apps I use also track to a greater or lesser extent. I use:

    Withings sleep mat
    Myzone HR monitor and scale
    Home blood pressure monitor
    HRV4Training app
    Happy Scale app

    I have an Apple Watch and take a passing interest in the stuff it records but don't monitor things like steps.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,277 Member
    Aside from MFP, I have a Garmin watch that is synced with MFP and with Strava. My Garmin tracks most of my exercise, but I take notes on paper for my strength training.
    I also have the Libra app, where I enter my weigh-ins manually.
    And finally I have a spreadsheet where I enter a lot of data manually (calories in and out, steps, weight, duration of exercise,...).
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    I have a Fitbit smartwatch & a Fitbit scale. Those items sync well with MFP (for me at least!). I also use a food scale, which helps me be accurate.

    And this doesn't exactly count as 'tech' but my must have kitchen combo is the food scale + a dry erase board. I can easily make notes when cooking and update/edit/enter recipes or specifics into my food log from that.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I use a Garmin watch. The calendar it keeps is valuable to me. The power and heart data are also useful. At this point, in 43, so it's telling the story of my decline.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    I just use MFP, the Concept2 logbook online and their ErgData phone app to transfer data to the logbook and a digital wt scale to monitor my daily CICO, my rowing data and my weight daily, respectively.

    That's it.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,826 Member
    I have an Apple Watch, which syncs nicely with MFP.
    That’s it.
    My scale is an ancient second hand dr’s office balance beam scale given to us twenty years ago. It’s accurate enough, and built like a brick (redacted) house. So I don’t feel any need to modernize it. :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    I avoid the internet of things (a hotbed of poor security, though mostly in the sense of zombies-to-be), unless I have a strong, strong need. I've never had a strong, strong need.

    MFP, Garmin, Concept 2 (profile/logbook/etc.), Libra . . . accomplish the basic things I need. None of them hold data I consider especially sensitive; and I'm somewhat attentive to what I put in the profiles. I could handle more via spreadsheets (IT background, very comfy with it), if needed. If I were seriously training anymore, I'd probably use a training management app(s).

    I don't synch Garmin to MFP, but not for security reasons: Garmin's stupid-wrong (like a lot of other estimators/calculators) when it comes to guessing my calorie burn (compared with 6+ years of careful logging data). Synch would cause more practical problems for me than it would solve, which isn't a common scenario.
  • gentle_sir_hulk
    gentle_sir_hulk Posts: 52 Member
    These are all great comments. This is so good to hear.

    For those other nerds out there - I just fixed a stupid problem with the Wifi Connection of my Withings Body+ scale: My Wifi router has both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz frequency, but the Withings scale can only connect via 2.4 - but I did not know, and the connection always randomly dropped. Aaarghh! Now I set my Router to only use 2.4 and it works.

    I work in Technology, I should be better with computers ;)
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I have a polar m430, got it about a year ago. It can track basically any exercise. Tracks steps. Has gps. Programable through their site. I love it.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I use a Garmin watch. The calendar it keeps is valuable to me. The power and heart data are also useful. At this point, in 43, so it's telling the story of my decline.

    Kids these days! SMH. 😉

    You could both be right, here. I started running "late" compared to most of the runners I know. So, at 45, I'm still climbing toward my potential. I suppose I run the risk that I will not get as good as I might have if I'd started as a teen. But I'm not rolling down the other side of the hill, yet - even though if it were strictly based on age, I keep hearing that this is likely to be my last "good" decade, and then it's all decline.

    I wonder about the truth of that - the other factors. Similar to how "aging" is blamed for the slow creep of the scale, rather than the decrease in NEAT brought about by choosing less physically strenuous jobs.
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,862 Member
    edited August 2021
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I use a Garmin watch. The calendar it keeps is valuable to me. The power and heart data are also useful. At this point, in 43, so it's telling the story of my decline.

    Kids these days! SMH. 😉

    You could both be right, here. I started running "late" compared to most of the runners I know. So, at 45, I'm still climbing toward my potential. I suppose I run the risk that I will not get as good as I might have if I'd started as a teen. But I'm not rolling down the other side of the hill, yet - even though if it were strictly based on age, I keep hearing that this is likely to be my last "good" decade, and then it's all decline.

    I wonder about the truth of that - the other factors. Similar to how "aging" is blamed for the slow creep of the scale, rather than the decrease in NEAT brought about by choosing less physically strenuous jobs.

    An interesting read is "What Makes Olga Run". Olga Kotelko was a Canadian woman who competed at the World Masters Games into her 90's and won buckets of medals, often because she was the only competitor in her age group. The book is a study of older athletes and interesting to note is that many of them follow the same path; athletic in their earlier years, then work/family commitments took priority and they didn't become active again till they were in their 50's and sometimes even 60's. So take heart, by starting later in life your body doesn't already have thousands of knee pounding kms on it and so you may end up being able to run for many years to come. At some point your times will cease to improve, but if running improves the quality of your life, well that's far more important, isn't it?
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,512 Member
    edited August 2021
    I just have a Garmin Fenix 6s watch, and simple kitchen and bathroom scales. Actually, if you really want to know: my whole consumer electronics consist of this, a smartphone and an ultrabook laptop. Nothing else. Don't need anything else.