How do you loose last 10lbs

Tips on loosing the last 10lbs


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Due to the posted truth by spiriteagle - studies have shown the alternating week diet can be very effect, or the 5:2.

    While 1/2 lb weekly is reasonable rate (250 deficit) for last 10, you can get around this by giving body time to distress frequently.

    5:2 means eat at maintenance (daily & exercise accounted for) for 5 days, and 2 days at 25% of that value.
    Leads to weekly deficit of 22%.

    Alternate week means pull a 500 cal deficit for a week off total calorie burn (daily and exercise obviously), then a week eating at maintenance. repeat

    Both methods allow hormones to reset you might say, unstress body, doesn't required such strict estimates on eating /burning to hit a 250 cal deficit, get used to eating at maintenance, ect.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I didn't change anything for the last ten pounds, I was losing at a modest and sensible rate as I had my deficit and calories dialled in and just carried on to goal weight.

    Are you struggling or just curious?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,908 Member
    I slowed down my loss rate, intentionally.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    At first the answer was just 'slowly', but ultimately I chose to do a week with an aggressive deficit alternating with a week of eating to maintain. I'm just not precise enough with logging (minority on the forums - I don't use a food scale) to be good at a very small deficit.

    Full disclosure, I will probably ultimately want to drop maybe another 5, but that will happen after summer is over, if it doesn't just drift down on its own before then (and it might).
  • bkost3
    bkost3 Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone who says that the last ten are as easy as the first ten know nothing about how human metabolism works. The lower your body fat percentage, the stingier your body is about burning fat. I dropped 150 lbs over the past year and a half and the more weight I lost, the more my progress slowed. I am now at that last 10 lbs myself.

    Our bodies are designed for homeostasis, so if you consistently stay in a caloric deficit then your body gets used to it. Your body can wastefully burn calories when you consistently overeat (I used to eat over 10000 calories a day, but I was gaining very slowly because of that), and when you eat few calories your body tries to be as efficient and conservative as possible. This is known as "a broken metabolism" and can only be fixed by diet breaks where you stay at maintenance for a while and then go back to caloric deficits later. The person who mentioned the 5/2 split is spot on.

    You can also do intermittent fasting where you eat at maintenance for the whole week except for the weekend where you do a 36 hour fast and do low intensity cardio among other things to get yourself into fat burning mode during that fast. This also has autophagy benefits which is ridiculously good for your health and helps get rid of loose skin. That's the strategy that I am currently taking, but obviously it requires a lot more will power than the 5/2 strategy.
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 889 Member

    LOL...sorry but it's harder when you are closer to your weight goal. I actually increased my calories slowly (weekly or bi-weekly) to get closer to my maintenance calorie goal and then focused on quality of workouts. That just so happened to coincide with gyms opening back up and being able to add in more strengthening activities.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am finding I have to be more careful with measurements. I could get by with guesstimating more early on. I am 10 lbs from normal BMI, but I will probably go further.
  • age_is_just_a_number
    age_is_just_a_number Posts: 630 Member
    I have a slightly different perspective from the previous replies:
    “How important are those last 10 pounds?”
    I’ve lost them and regained them back and lost them again so many times. I’m convinced my body just doesn’t believe it should be 10 pounds lighter.
    I’ve changed my mindset to be satisfied with where I am.

    Good luck
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm on the final 15 and I'm pretty sure I'm having diet fatigue because the weight isn't moving and I'm definitely sick of being so precise so I'm slipping up more.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,867 Member
    tsazani wrote: »
    Water fasting.

    You will lose 1/2 lb of fat per day and almost no muscle mass. At least for the first 72 hr.

    Someone more knowledgeable about fasting can talk about fasts lasting more than 72 hr.

    Supposedly ONE 7 day water fast in a lifetime reduces the risk of ALL types of cancer by 70%.

    Any chance you have some peer reviewed articles for this claim?