Bring on Summer… and Your Stories!



  • fglrml86
    fglrml86 Posts: 28 Member
    Im over my summer body... Im ready for my fall sweaters! But... Going to Disney World and I need to get in Shape! Im going in Aug. I heard its SO hot! So I need to be READY!!! <3
  • bartcal
    bartcal Posts: 40 Member
    I'm going to have a busy summer, presuming the pandemic doesn't rear its ugly head again. I am not quite at my heaviest, having lost a few pounds recently, but I am determined to lose weight and reduce my obesity. I really, really don't want diabetes, so I'm taking some steps. I've recently started using the RowErg and SkiErg to give some cardio and full body fitness; both are low impact on my quirky knee. I'm logging my food and whatnot on MFP again and trying to keep my diet back to more "real food" and less processed meals. I'm getting ready to head into retirement in the fall and I'd like to do it in a healthier fashion than I have. I have a few trips coming up that I hope to stay semi-true to my healthy habits. One should include a fair amount of walking/hiking; the other two I plan on trying to walk quite a bit, knee permitting. I'm just trying to get back into the regular exercise groove and have been semi-successful.
  • janswic
    janswic Posts: 2 Member
    joined 5 days a go after finding this app throug a friend who lost 15# by tracking food. The app is easier to use that I expected. I am focusing on "gratitude". I think of words that begin with those letters to focus on being positive and encouraging with my self. Today:
    Grateful, Respectful; Telling Inner Teacher: Understanding = Developing Empathy>>>>GRATITUDE.
  • anneu53
    anneu53 Posts: 55 Member
    It's cold in Australia and cannot wait for warmer weather. We have to wear a mask in the gym so i am going for walks and finding new walking paths. Trying to not get close to people is my objective as its not up in Newcastle yet but you never know. I am on track with food but i am finding that my problem isn't what i eat, it's more to do with the amount i eat and not enough water. So that is what i am working on.
  • JMinJordan
    JMinJordan Posts: 5 Member
    I have a 10 day holiday starting next week and I’m hoping I can focus on eating well and exercising almost every day! That’s my goal!
  • Healthymumlife
    Healthymumlife Posts: 130 Member
    I started calorie counting on Monday .. aiming to be healthier/lighter by summer (in Aus). Been in lockdown since Tuesday and apart from work, we can exercise for 90 minutes a day, so taking advantage of that :)
  • Nanslosing
    Nanslosing Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m Nan and I’m restarting my weight loss journey, being realistic that I cannot eliminate biscuits cakes or sweetsies.
    I have to find a way to control the sugar binges which come with stress which cannot be eliminated when you share your home with your 90 year old mum.
  • JourneeStrong
    JourneeStrong Posts: 1 Member
    Nanslosing wrote: »
    Hi I’m Nan and I’m restarting my weight loss journey, being realistic that I cannot eliminate biscuits cakes or sweetsies.
    I have to find a way to control the sugar binges which come with stress which cannot be eliminated when you share your home with your 90 year old mum.

    Honestly, since you struggle with eating sweets your best bet is to limit your access to it. It’s the easiest way to avoid consuming something and sugar is addictive.

    I understand that you live with your 90 year old mom, but those sugary snacks aren’t good for her either. Perhaps discuss your goals with her and let her know how much of a struggle it has been for you and ask for her to partner with you in your quest for better health and avoiding those snacks?

    Good luck.
  • bethsaxton
    bethsaxton Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! 44 here! I'm not new to MyFitnessPal, but I am starting my weight loss journey again. Hope to be successful this time.
  • MaeesaAHHH
    MaeesaAHHH Posts: 73 Member
    I'm trying to make little goals this summer, like taking an after-dinner midnight stroll (something enjoyable) and adding a meal of salad and a serving of soup every day. My son and I look for hedgehogs so it's an exciting walk lol. I slip every now and then by getting a binge attack of potato crisps and chocolates but I try to bounce back. I want to enjoy summer and make little changes, not compromise on my lifestyle and food in a big way. Let's see how it goes.
  • jdrice5214089
    jdrice5214089 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm new here and I am 62. I started my weight loss journey in June of this year. I have lost a few pounds,but I have patience. I will be consistent and give myself a year to reach my goal weight in ways that I can maintain.
  • medee35
    medee35 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Community,
    I am looking for a diet and fitness buddy who lives in the CSRA.If you are interested in creating a support system to help staying accountable while on this journey,Kindly please send me a massage or a friend request .The journey is lonely when you don't have anyone who understands your struggle or who's not on the journey Let's do this 🤗🤗 JOIN ME JOIN ME🙏🙏
  • chrisobrien998
    chrisobrien998 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! I was a member for a long time, but now back at it again. I am passionate about diet and exercise, by profession I am a pharmacist. This summer I decided to start a youtube channel, making relaxing sounds for sleep, exercise and other things. It will help me stay motivated! My goal is to be healthy and to help other people achieve the same! here is a video if you want to see my work!
    Hope we all get there together! Love this community!
  • rjv230
    rjv230 Posts: 12 Member
    Although I have tried and tried since covid to lose the 20 lbs I gained, I went on all inclusive vacation and enjoyed eating and even drinking! But I was really happy that with all the swimming, activity, walking, I maintained during the trip in weight. It surprised me! I’m new to site and can’t wait to interact with others.
  • maronesax1972
    maronesax1972 Posts: 272 Member
    For those just let starting the journey, some advice. Make sure you’ve got the mind set right. Many people believe they “should get in shape”, they “should eat healthier”, they “should exercise more”. But the reality is until your “should” becomes a “must”, you’ll likely yo-yo and be disappointed with yourself. You’ll have no one to blame but you. After all, this journey you want to take is all about you vs you anyway.

    Believe me, the mind controls the body. Get your mind right, have a plan, be disciplined, and the body will follow. Good luck MFP peeps! You got this!
  • burnsinglbs16
    burnsinglbs16 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all, in August my husband and I are going on our honeymoon that we never got to go on. We are going to Mexico! This has given me a goal to set and always keep in mind when trying to lose all my excess weight. I'm keeping an eye on inches as well. One of our excursions is zip lining and I found out that I am a few inches over the max allowed. I refuse to let myself miss an opportunity to have fun because of my weight. I've lost 1.5 inches around my stomach so far. I've never been to a resort let alone out of the country. I'm beyond excited and hoping I can reach my goal!
  • joellenvde
    joellenvde Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to spend as much of my summer as I can camping and hanging out with family and friends. I purchased an additional scale to measure portions to leave in the camper so I can stay on track. We have two dogs that go camping with us so we will get lots of walks/hikes in.
  • Girlfieri223
    Girlfieri223 Posts: 6 Member
    I’ve spent my whole life dreading summer. I’m fat and have been since I was little. I don’t go swimming because that would force me to wear a swimsuit in front of others. I don’t wear shorts because I hate my legs. I don’t wear short sleeves because I hate my arms. My depression and anxiety let up a bit in the summer but I am always struggling to force myself out of the house. I want to stop feeling trapped in my own body. I have lost weight before- even made it into the 230 lb range (CW 273.4) but I haven’t kept it off and I always give up. I don’t want to give up anymore. My husband and I are planning a trip to the Netherlands to meet some friends we met online gaming. I’ve been friends with them for 2 years and have never met them in person. I’m terrified of what they will think when they see how fat I am. My motivation at the moment is I want to be able to keep up with them while walking around Amsterdam. No matter how hard I work I will still be so very fat. So I guess my goal for this summer is to make it so that I don’t feel like this next summer.
  • Maesneuadd
    Maesneuadd Posts: 61 Member
    Difficult not to think summer is better than winter when walking in mornings like this