TOILET SEAT - up or down?



  • crazyeaCHANGED
    Honestly I always clean up after Im done, and put the seat down, but really, who's to say you shouldnt put it up for us boys??


    EDIT: And btw the I have a couple of friends who are brothers and their dad taught them to pee sitting down. So they do even as adults. I laugh when they mention it, but they are serious about it being cleaner.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I do not care if my husband puts it back down. I'm not entitled to have him put it down. I don't understand the frustration.
  • reinach31
    Growing up, my dad and brother always put the seat back down when they were finished. My husband refuses, which grosses me out. Wondering what it's like in your household...

  • azQmaster
    azQmaster Posts: 448 Member
    I just piss in the sink, problem solved!
  • omardragon
    If i'm peeing standing then i left it up then put it down i'm pretty good at aiming :D so no urine mess on my toilet
  • hjaawyk
    The only problem I have with the seat up or down issue is the germs... Everything... and I mean everything! in the bathroom can be covered by the germs sprayed around from the toilet.. just flushing it once with the lid not shut shoots germs onto everything in your bathroom... even your toothbrush!! One of the reason i despise public toilets is that there are no lids to block the germs... and don't tell me you've never been sprayed by the stuff that flies out of them... YUCK!!
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    Not saying its a good thing, and one should always clean the surrounding areas after use, but urine is supposed to be sterile. There are a lot worse things to worry about than flushing with the lid open.

    I have read that the number one place for germs is a dish cloth.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    The only problem I have with the seat up or down issue is the germs... Everything... and I mean everything! in the bathroom can be covered by the germs sprayed around from the toilet.. just flushing it once with the lid not shut shoots germs onto everything in your bathroom... even your toothbrush!! One of the reason i despise public toilets is that there are no lids to block the germs... and don't tell me you've never been sprayed by the stuff that flies out of them... YUCK!!

    This myth has actually been busted by the Mythbusters. Toothbrushes very close to the toilet did have slightly more bacteria than those farther away and the control toothbrushes. But the toothbrushes stored by the sink were no different than the toothbrushes covered and stored in another room. Most of the bacteria came from their mouths.
  • hjaawyk
    Good to know.. maybe the germ issue isn't such a big deal after all.. definetly makes me feel better!! But I'll still keep the lid down :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member