Moving from Sparkpeople

I have always heard good things about Myfitnesspal so I am excited to bring my journey here. I strive for balance and need accountability to live my best life.


  • chriamaria
    chriamaria Posts: 76 Member
    Hello😊 I was on Sparkpeople for years. Glad to have you over here. I have found that I really like all of the extras with tracking nutritional content.
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 459 Member
    I am coming from SparkPeople too. Getting settled in with the differences. It is nice to get to know some of the other SP on MFP.
  • Ceilie1
    Ceilie1 Posts: 1,813 Member
    I am moving from SparkPeople as well.I was there for a good number of years .Slowly getting use to MFP.
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 482 Member
    I was on Spark people and then Noom. Time for a change. Looking forward to MFP!
  • Hnancy957
    Hnancy957 Posts: 1 Member
    Moving from Sparkpeople! I hate they are closing it down, but was needing new inspiration anyway!
  • Sunnybythesea1
    Sunnybythesea1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm another moving from Sparkpeople. I also hate they are closing, but change is a part of life. Glad to find other Sparkers here.
  • CathyG750
    CathyG750 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm also coming over from SparkPeople after years of being on there and leading teams. I will miss it so much. I hope that between this site and Fitbit I can find what works for me. I am working hard to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle to be active and young at heart. I love reading my Bible as my faith is very important to me as well as my family. My attitude is to Love God and Love others. Be kind always and put a smile on people's faces and make a difference in their lives. I have several animals - dogs, cats and chickens. They are life to me and so therapeutic! My dogs help me to stay active especially our Great Pyrenees pup, Yuuki. It is so important to do what you love activity wise because then it is just a natural thing and doesn't seem like work. I hope to meet others with similar interests and goals.
  • Hemtech
    Hemtech Posts: 732 Member
    I too have moved from spark and find mfp to be similar for me. Glad to see that many have also moved here too. I had a couple of blogs that I had followed on sparks and hope that they will join us too. Sometimes change is good even if it has its growing pains.
  • lianatherunner
    lianatherunner Posts: 45 Member
    I'm also from SP. My friends on there were mostly inactive, so I hope to make friends here. Feel free to add me.
  • pickie98
    pickie98 Posts: 4 Member
    I am in my 14th year of Sparkpeople. I start a new journey today.
  • EjoyEvelyn
    EjoyEvelyn Posts: 705 Member
    edited August 2021
    It's been fourteen years on SparkPeople for me, also. Now that I've managed to get most of the information (profile, blogs/journal and recipes) saved, I can concentrate on learning a new social network and getting healthier. I'm most grateful to the 5% challenge teams that made the move, which ultimately will be made up a a number of teams competing for our great fitness minutes and building of a number of healthy Living The Good Life (LTGL) habits (like staying hydrated, quality sleep, fiber, tracking, or decluttering, etc). These fitness minutes and healthy habits have yielded points that get our teams around the world . . . just another added level of form, function, and fun! Looking forward to discovering if I can find some good faith-based groups, as well. My best to all the great newbies who have made the jump to try to learn a new network. We can do this! -- EJOY-EVELYN
  • Tktmta
    Tktmta Posts: 2 Member
    I spent years with SparkPeople and I'm going to miss it but I'm looking forward to the change and recommiting to my health journey.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hello former Spark People people!

    Come join the group!
  • musicalrose74
    musicalrose74 Posts: 4 Member
    Looks like a lot of us using SparkPeople have moved here to MFP! I am one of those. :) Getting used to MFP and liking what I see so far.
  • suRippedUsa
    suRippedUsa Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I too was oN SPARKPEOPLE
  • alihikes
    alihikes Posts: 134 Member
    I am another former Sparkperson. Looking forward to continuing my journey to better health!
  • dkhudson56
    dkhudson56 Posts: 670 Member
    I am here from spark. Still adjusting to MFP but it looks like it will help me with my journey to better health
  • oldskool56
    oldskool56 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello moving from SparkPeople to MyFitnessPal been here for like 2 weeks didnt care for it at first but its growing on me just had to learn alot of different things.feel free to add me if your coming from SparkPeople,found alot of my SP so happy,SparkPeople will be closing down tomorrow at 8 am its so sad after being there for 10 plus years.Have a blessed Monday
  • JenniW70
    JenniW70 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm another Sparkpeople user. 14 years for me. I am really going to miss it, but looking forward to continuing on here. Glad to see so many of us here! Just joined here today, so I will be learning it all.
  • thirteenreasons
    thirteenreasons Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I just signed up from SparkPeople as well. I was there for 14 years, so I definitely got used to it. Don't be surprised if I add some of you!
  • stbowtla
    stbowtla Posts: 10 Member
    Another spark person here.

    Has anyone checked out the new spark america after spark people closed down?
    Does anyone know if more will be added for the individual user? It seems for now anyway the individual user can only track and read articles. No community so far that I can see. It also looks like eventually the individual WILL have to join a team whether it be a city or workplace. I'm not clear on that. ???

    Would appreciate any input anyone has on this.

    I would be willing to give spark america another try if there was more options for the individual.

  • Imnotstoppin
    Imnotstoppin Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, and good day to everyone. I came over from SparkPeople too. So many things I've learned and enjoyed there. On a learning curve here, so far so good!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Hi all,

    Just wanted to say welcome to MFP! We are certainly seeing alot of you come over, and you seem like an enthusiastic and fun bunch!

    Here are a couple useful links as you try to integrate into our forums, these are taken from the News and Annoucement board that has lots of useful infor in it (

    FAQs with some useful "how to"s

    our community guidelines:

    a bit about moderation and what oto do if you see something on the forums that shouldn't be here:

    Hope you enjoy your time with MFP!
  • euchre35
    euchre35 Posts: 7 Member
    I have moved from Spark as well... so happy to see others here. Going to add you as friends - accept or decline at your leisure!
  • Mississmissi
    Mississmissi Posts: 13 Member
    I was on Sparkpeople for 15 years on and off and it was great! I was very sad to hear it was going away, but it has turned out well for me. I discovered I needed a change. I joined MyFitnessPal several years ago just to try it out, but when I found out about SP, I moved over here and have lost 6 pounds! The change has been good for me! Hope you all like it here and have much success!
  • projectchrissie20
    projectchrissie20 Posts: 5 Member
    I too was using sparkpeople for years, I like the articles and exercise videos, I do use myfitness pal to track my food and exercise.
  • appealstome
    appealstome Posts: 3 Member
    Another former Spark member here. I actually started logging on MFP over a year ago since found it easier than Spark, but haven't used other features until now.
  • kimpy225
    kimpy225 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also from Sparkpeople trying to get used to this layout! :p