Accountability buddy



  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Good evening all!

    We just spent the last week camping in the woods and it was absolutely amazing! Although I paid absolutely no attention to nutrition and consumed Alot of alcohol with friends. Having a good Time was so worth it though.

    Today was my first day back at work, so I just got through thinking in the real world for the day and tomorrow it will be back to the gym!

    Hope you've all had a great week!
  • PCGull
    PCGull Posts: 18 Member
    @PCGull - I think a spotter is very important to ensure everyone’s safety so that’s a sound decision. I haven’t done much heavy lifting but my son has been working out diligently with his friend, who is in college studying to be a physical therapist. I didn’t know there was a difference between powerlifting and bodybuilding so that distinction was interesting for me to learn. Congratulations on your success with walking and developing your bodybuilding routine. Do you alternate upper body and lower body exercises over the six days and then rest? … or Do the upper body ‘push’ on day 1, upper body ‘pull’ on day 2 and then all leg exercises on day 3?

    I understand the concept but I don’t know how the details of the process work, so I think I’ll look into it more on YouTube, etc. It’s amazing how much information is available these days once we know the appropriate search terms.

    I do upper push, then upper pull, then legs. So I'm hitting the muscles groups twice a week (ideally, once I get into the proper routine of going).
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    edited August 2021
    I’m glad you enjoyed your trip and had a chance to recharge @kiay131982. It sounds glorious!

    @PCGull - The weightlifting schedule makes sense and I can relate to the ‘ideal’ versus reality as we work to build new habits. I’ve been trying to get to yoga class to improve my stretching but it’s definitely still a ‘work in progress’ scenario. We’ll just keep at it and it’s bound to stick … eventually!

    Tonight, I filled in a seat for another group of rowers - breast cancer survivors who learned to row as part of their recovery - and it was a beautiful part of the river, just past Georgetown University. It’s been awhile since I’ve traveled into that part of the District of Columbia (Washington, DC) because of the pandemic, but I made a mental note to rent a kayak or paddle board soon, with my husband or friends. One of my high school friends is coming to help her daughter move into an apartment while her daughter completes an internship on Capitol Hill (where our U.S. Congressional branch of government meets for those of you outside the US) so that might be a nice way to spend a day after I help them get settled.

    I’ve been busy but finding balance with lots of enjoyable time outdoors. The ‘balance’ has mostly been rowing, of course, which must get boring for those of you reading regular posts about my daily exercise routines … Sorry! 😬

    Although I haven’t made much progress on the decluttering, I’m inching along. I’ve had some transitions with new contracts - and one ending - but it’s mostly positive on the business front. We’ve had some tragic deaths with students and recent graduates that are weighing on my mind so I’ve initiated some volunteer activities as a way to approach the problem from both the systemic and personal levels. We’ve also had some planes arrive from Afghanistan with refugees relocating in the U.S. so many of my friends and other community members have been collecting supplies, volunteering to help welcome and vaccine newcomers, etc. We are trying to do what we can locally given the very difficult and complex circumstances.

    My father-in-law has worsening dementia so my son is taking care of him this week while some other family members are on vacation. He starts his college classes next week so my husband is going to relieve him later this week. My husband travels to Boston about one weekend every 4-6 weeks and the drive is starting to wear in him but his dad is the sweetest man so it’s a real privilege to be able to care for him. Anyway, it’s nice to have many family and friends in that area. We sometimes think about retiring there but winters feel so cold (now that we’ve lived farther south for so long, 25+ years) and housing is expensive in both places. Sorry for the rambling post. I’ll focus on a better - on point for nutrition and fitness - post on Thursday. I hope you are all doing well!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Morning! @PatriceFitnessPal you are such an incredible human! All that you do for others, in your work, your family and your community is really amazing! I don't know how you find the time but absolutely hats off to you. It's a privilege to be able to talk with you x

    I've spent the last couple of days getting my head back in the real world after our week of playing in the woods. I went to the gym on Tuesday and my aerial circus class last night and my body is absolutely screaming at me! Today I will be cleaning my house and counting that as my work out for the day while my sore muscles recover....then back to the gym tomorrow!
    I'm in the wedding parties for 2 of my closest friends weddings next year, bridesmaid for one, and then a groomsperson for another (honestly my heart still swells that he's asked me to do this!) So I really want to refocus my efforts for their big days. I've been asked to go bridesmaid dress shopping in 10 days, it's not enough time to get my weight down where I want it....but it is enough time to really hunker down and refocus and get this back into a habit! I keep avoiding going back to tracking as it takes up so much time weighing everything, but Its the only time I've been properly successful in weight loss, so back to the scales I shall attempt to go!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Back from the lake. One more weekend left. Kids are back to school on Wednesday. Son has football practice every morning 6:30-8:00 in a town 30 min away. So 5am mornings for me starting tomorrow. Can’t wait to get back on routine with everything.
  • robjapan
    robjapan Posts: 9 Member
    How do I add more people???
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    I'm looking for friends to help motivate. Please feel free to add me.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    @robjapan - There are probably a couple of ways to add friends but here’s one option:

    (1) Go to the menu and select ‘Friends’ (it’s under ‘Community’)
    (2) Select the plus sign ➕ in the upper right corner
    (3) You’ll see three ways to add new friends.
    (4) If you know the MFP user name of the person you want to add, select the third upturn and follow the prompts
    (5) You might want to add a short message so the recipient knows it’s a legitimate request and not spam.

    Welcome! You can also post your weekly goals here and check in regularly to report your progress, learn what’s working for others, etc. Best wishes for your success.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    edited August 2021
    @renaegry - The U.S. sports programs really make athletes - and their parents! - jump through incredible hoops to participate on teams these days. I know how motivated my sons were to attend those early morning practices - so, I always gave into the sports machine and supported them 😵‍💫 - but sleep is especially important for teens’ performance, too! … not to mention the sociability of their parents 🤨.

    I guess it’s good for all of us to learn to balance our time for the things that are important to us but it was always tough for me to get to bed early enough so I ended up burning the candle at both ends. I’ve definitely learned from that experience. I used to find myself eating more at night to ‘get some energy’ for the tasks that needed to get done; but, I realized that it didn’t help and led to weight gain for me. Now, I avoid the late-night snacking, go to bed when I feel tired, and set the alarm for an early wake up when my mind is more focused.

    Personally, I’d love to be an ‘early bird’ because I enjoy being out in the morning when it’s so calm and quiet. When I camp, spend time in nature or visit Hawaii (where the birds wake me with a smile), I definitely get into the rhythm of daylight … but it’s not my daily habit. That’s why I row with the ‘Late-riser rowing’ group; we call it “civilized rowing.” The competitive rowers show up ready to go by 5:00am but I prefer to get up about 6:30 am when they are probably finishing their practice!

    I hope you are able to get to bed early enough so you’re adjusting your schedule and not missing out on your own sleep. Are you already an early riser?

    Does anybody else have a ‘lesson learned’ about sleep and overall health and nutrition? I’m still working on improving this area of my own well-being.
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been away from MFP for a bit, mostly because I have had a few very stressful weeks. One of those weeks was an excuse for me to eat fast food for supper just about every evening. I just have the hardest time keeping away from bad food choices when I am that overwhelmed. I do have some good news; I found Chobani flips yogurt, mint chocolate chip flavor and I am in love. I have not eaten ice cream since my new found love. Even if I eat two containers a night, it's still less fat, calories and sugar than a pint of ice cream. I just really need to workout! I need everything to calm down so I am not so mentally and emotionally exhausted when I get home every night.

    Anyway, my daughter and I are taking a road trip this weekend and I am super excited. It will be the first time that I have almost a whole weekend with no dad responsibilities in a long time and I really need that right now. I keep looking for the positives and will try to get back on here daily to read your all's posts too.
  • newlook1972
    newlook1972 Posts: 6 Member
    Please add me. I'd love some accountability buddies. I'm almost 49. Got in decent shape about a year and a half ago. Now I'm back to square one. Need some positive buddies
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    Every time I feel like things are going well, something happens. I'm going to remain positive, but goodness...I just want to continue on my journey without obstacles! :D So, first so happy news, I finally met my first goal and got out of the 190's I have been struggling in. The sad news, I am not sure how long it will last. I'm watching my food, so hopefully that will help. But, a couple weeks ago, I turned to get in my truck and had a horrible pain in my knee. It didn't really bother me walking, so I didn't stop doing that. But it has been progressively getting worse every day. Today has been constant pain, even when walking and sitting. So, I go see the doctor this afternoon. Hopefully she has a miracle in her pocket and I will be healed today and ready to start working out again tomorrow! Seriously though, this weekend is my birthday and I have plans!
  • luccianaff
    luccianaff Posts: 69 Member
    I love supporting people and getting support as well. Ive been on mfp pretty religiously over the past three years. Would love to have more friends to cheer on through our journeys! Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    edited September 2021
    @kiay131982 - I’m still blushing ☺️ from your sweet comments. The feeling is mutual. I ebb and flow but I try to keep improving. A work in progress and very much still working daily at getting better.

    How did your dress shopping go? I think it’s wonderful that you’ve been asked to be both a bridesmaid and grooms[wo]man! You must be a wonderful friend!

    Welcome to all the newcomers — @sigsby, @newlook1972 and @luccianaff! How are you all doing with you MFP nutrition and exercise tracking to help reach your goals?

    I hope your days are less stressful now @highmaintnance and you enjoyed your road trip. Did the time with you daughter give you a chance to recharge and feel more at peace now that you’re back? I love mint so I might have to try the Chobani yogurt flips. I think my mother likes those, too! I’ll need to check with her. I tried a mint chip ice cream on sale that was a good alternative to regular ice cream. It was trying to appeal to people on a keto diet but it was a little to icey and not enough creamy for me. So, it was worth a try on sale but I haven’t had it again. My ‘go to’ summer treat has been a green sorbet that is made from passion fruit, pineapple, kale and spinach, which is surprisingly delicious.

    @drollings2019 - Happy birthday 🎉 🎂 🎉! Were you able to celebrate in the way that you wanted to enjoy it? I’m so sorry to hear about your knee pain! What did you learn from the doctor? I’m sending positive karma your way and looking forward to good news. Or, should I say, MORE good news?! Congratulations on accomplishing such a rewarding milestone!! Good for you! … and just in time for your birthday. There’s no better gift you could give to yourself than the gift of health and wellness! 💝 Cheers to you! 🙌
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member

    @PatriceFitnessPal Im off dress shopping today! Typically my period just started so I feel bloated and grotty and not at all like a princess!!!! :) I'm more of a hoodie and jeans kinda girl, so always feel awkward In more 'girly' clothes....I'll let you know how I get on!
    I also got told at the weekend that on the day (for the wedding I'm bridesmaid for) that make up starts at 6am. 6am!?!?! What is that!?!? :D I never wear makeup and now we are starting to put it on 6 HOURS before the ceremony?? Baffles me!!! Lol.

    I still haven't done very well at focusing my efforts and making consistent better food choices, and I missed a gym session last week as I needed to drive my son to school for his back to school covid test. Can someone please hand me my motivation?? :)
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hope you had a good birthday @drollings2019 Hope everyone is doing well. Nice to see some of you still around.

    I'm down 4.8lbs on my first week back, very pleased with that. Good start from me 😊

    My birthday is on the 16th so I will be treating myself then and probably the weekend too! So I'm planning on eating well and tracking everyday except those days.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    @kiay131982 - 💯 agree about the baffling emphasis on makeup 6 hours before the ceremony. I would definitely mess up anything they did to me over that period of time. They’d have to add a layer of shellac (varnish?) to keep my makeup in place. I hope they let you eat!

    I felt a little strange on my wedding day, as if I was playing dress up! In retrospect, I wish we gathered for a clam bake by the beach with just a small group of close family and friends. Then again, it poured raining that day so I guess we were better off indoors! I’m sure the wedding will be fun and you’ll really have a chance to talk together over all that time, while other wedding guests will likely only have a quick few minutes to chat with the couple. We all ebb and flow but your habits will keep you going, and you have lots of good ones! It’s a strange time getting through the pandemic so it’s good you were able to support your son. We often put others first (as parents or ‘giving’ spirits) to our own detriment, so it’s not always easy to get the balance right but we’ll just keep trying! Hang in there with the motivation and please imagine you are receiving any (virtual) extra energy I can handoff to you!

    @roz0810 - It’s great to see your update! Good work. I’m close to my goal, with about 1.5 pounds to go before officially focusing on maintenance. I feel as though it will take about 3 more weeks to reach my ultimate goal but I’m happy where things stand now. So, if this is where I ‘land,’ it’s fine with me. I’m really trying to practice being ‘content’ with my current nutrition and fitness levels, instead of continuing to ‘strive’ for a particular number on the scale. But, I admit to feeling a bit anxious as I move closer to my goal. For example, I’m still trying to declutter but I’m a little worried about giving away clothes that are a bit big for me. Right now, I’m thinking about keeping only my absolute favorite items and putting them in a box dated a year from now. If I can maintain through the winter, when I’m less active, and I’ll feel more confident getting rid of things next time the summer season comes around. Do you all have any advice about how to handle the mix of practicality, emotions, and trust building wrapped up together during this awkward transition phase? All ideas and honest ‘hard truths’ are welcome!

    Best wishes for the coming week and thanks for being here! I appreciate your encouragement, accountability and friendship. Go get those goals, Accountability buddies!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal that's great to hear! a big well done from me.
    I have a big bag of clothes that don't fit me yet. was given to me by a friend who's size small/medium and my goal is to fit into them comfortably.
  • drollings2019
    drollings2019 Posts: 95 Member
    I’m currently still waiting on an MRI. My doctor is almost 100% sure it is a torn meniscus. The MRI couldn’t be scheduled until 9/16. So I’m just sitting here waiting, seeing what I can do without causing a lot of pain. My birthday started out pretty good with a trip to St Louis. But while there, got a call about my former father-in-law, who I still very much claim as family. He had covid about a month ago and just couldn’t recover. We cut our trip short but he passed on my drive home. Life seems to keep throwing curve balls.
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,334 Member
    @roz0810 - I hope you enjoyed your birthday!

    @drollings2019 - I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and your possible torn meniscus. My husband has had the same knee trouble but he was dedicated to his rehabilitation program following surgery and recovered well. I hope your knee feels better soon and the MRI determines you just need some rest. I find some exercise helpful but, as they say, “weight loss occurs mainly in the kitchen.” You’re dealing with a lot so be kind to yourself. You can do this for sure!