Toxic Apple Juice here in America

Whomever has children should go to Dr Oz online. I just watched a show about arsenic in apple juice. Motts,Gerber and Juicy Juice are the brands that have the most arsenic. Seems Minute Maid has the lowest. WOW!!! My fam is grown, but they grew up on that stuff.
Makes you think!


  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    They grew up on that stuff? How are they doing now as adults? Or did they all die from the loads of arsenic?
  • faith12207
    Very scary considering i have a 2 year old and thats all she drinks besides milk n water..
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I never let my daughter drink juice. Mostly empty calories and it's really expensive.
  • thenest
    I just posted a blog... and then saw yours! :)) Arsenic is just the tip of the iceberg...
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I never let my daughter drink juice. Mostly empty calories and it's really expensive.

    Me neither. Milk and water.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I buy "simply."
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Don't apple seeds have traces of arsenic? Is that were it comes from?

    We are 100% juice - cranberry/OJ drinkers in my house.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    These products are available in other countries, too. It isn't just "here in America".
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Don't apple seeds have traces of arsenic? Is that were it comes from?

    We are 100% juice - cranberry/OJ drinkers in my house.

  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I buy "simply."
    omg. the Simply Lemonade is to die for. A little Parrot Bay... some crushed strawberries... *heaven*
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Makes me want to go out & buy my own seeds
    and plant a garden so I KNOW EXACTLY what goes
    into my food.
    While i'm at it i'd better start saving money for
    the cattle ranch, pig farm & chicken coop.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Makes me want to go out & buy my own seeds
    and plant a garden so I KNOW EXACTLY what goes
    into my food.
    While i'm at it i'd better start saving money for
    the cattle ranch, pig farm & chicken coop.

    I feel the same way... I even asked someone about raising chickens... sounds a little complicated/messy. I know you can "buy a cow". And have it slaughtered and then you put it all in your freezer. I have wondered if that wouldn't be a bad way to go.
  • goatruns
    I juice my own apples with seeds and all. Frankly, Dr. Oz should lose the Dr. and just be called Oz, The Flim Flam Man at this point. This is the same guy who says, nay, insists, that you must exercise before 7am and NOT eat breakfast.

    Then he fries sticks of butter in a pan to prove that if you eat afterwards your body will burn the calories.

    Then he throws a stick of butter in another pan, that's unheated, to show how eating before breakfast isn't good because whatever random nonsense, I was busy running on the treadmill after eating breakfast and didn't have time to watch the rest. I'd be more concerned about the high sugar level, corn syrup and tool lack of nutrients by the time the apple juice is processed.
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew
  • goatruns
    Here';s just one article debunking the dude.

    Warnings about arsenic in apple juice on The Dr. Oz Show the other day supposedly "shocked" a lot of people.

    I kind of doubt it though.

    The chemophobic crowd was not surprised. They were likely ready for something else to be afraid of or get mad about.

    Other parents have gotten so used to these types of warnings that they likely have started to tune them out. It seems like everyone with a website or TV show can test things these days and find something to scare parents about.

    The problem is that even though you can run a test doesn't mean that you can interpret the test correctly. For example, The Dr. Oz Show tested apple juice for total arsenic, while it is inorganic arsenic that is the form that is dangerous to people. The FDA states that organic arsenic is essentially harmless.

    The FDA even sent The Dr. Oz Show a letter stating that "it would be irresponsible and misleading for the Dr. Oz Show to suggest that apple juice is unsafe based on tests for total arsenic."

    And while the extensive nationwide investigation of The Dr. Oz Show makes it sound like this is a new issue they have uncovered, the FDA has actually been testing apple juice and other fruit juices for about six years and has found that "there is currently no evidence to suggest a public health risk from fruit juices."

    Is it even a real issue though?

    Dr. Oz used an "independent lab for sophisticated, state-of-the-art testing," but the FDA retested some of the same lots of apple juice and found arsenic levels "well below the results reported by The Dr. Oz Show."

    It would be great if kids drank less fruit juice, as it does have sugar and calories, and kids are better off eating whole fruit. But don't avoid juice because you are afraid of some made up controversy. Stick to the recommended limits, or even less, and offer your kids more low-fat milk and water instead.
  • goatruns
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew

    *dies laughing*
  • TheNewLK
    TheNewLK Posts: 933 Member
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew

    Mine prefer Volt .....
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew
    Or Red Bull when MD isn't available.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I drank this stuff all the time as a kid and haven't had any issues due to Arsenic.

    IMO Dr.Oz is a quack, looking to make a quick buck.. I wouldn't be so quick to believe what he says.
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    Don't apple seeds have traces of arsenic? Is that were it comes from?

    We are 100% juice - cranberry/OJ drinkers in my house.

    Apple seeds carry small traces of arsenic so when an animal eats an apple the seeds are not digested, therefore the seeds are fertilize for a new appe tree to grow.