Turbo Jammers 3/9-3/15

Welcome Back Jammers.

This week I'd like to start with a question....

What is your favorite combo? It doesn't matter which workout dvd, I just want to know what set of moves makes you feel good.

Let's have another great week!


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Welcome Back Jammers.

    This week I'd like to start with a question....

    What is your favorite combo? It doesn't matter which workout dvd, I just want to know what set of moves makes you feel good.

    Let's have another great week!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Okay, I can move my arms to type now...

    First of all...favorite combo. Hhmmm...I think the third set on PK&J. Single single double double/upper cut/zig zag/knee/back kick. The music on that one makes me happy, too. :bigsmile:

    The class on Friday whipped me. I had a hard workout week to begin with & had already done FB, CP & AJ before I went so my body was screaming at me. The class was interesting. It was "Round 36" of Turbo Kick & she added some harder moves b/c the class had a TON of instructors in it. If you have a masters class offered in your area, you should GO. You haven't experienced Turbo until you've done it in a room of instructors. Crazy! It was so much fun, though! I came home & felt like death, but it was a LOT of fun.

    After doing tons & tons of research, I've decided to hold off on instructor training for a year. Although I'm close to my weight goal & I love doing Turbo, I need to get into "instructor" form, kwim? I just can't compete with the ladies in spandex! Plus, at the stage my kids are in & with my oldest starting pre-school in the fall, I couldn't see myself even being able to go out & get a job as an instructor for at least a year.

    I did, however, decide to become a Beachbody coach so I'm currently learning the ropes of that! ACK! I've never done an "at-home" business before so I'm nervous! I'm hoping by the end of the week, I'll have my website & everything all set up & ready to go!

    I have TS, AJ & some cardio scheduled for today! YAY!

    Lyn - Yay on the new job! When do you start?! Sorry aboutyour hubby having his hours cut, though. That sucks. :frown:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara-I think that's wonderful. What were you thinking doing all those workouts BEFORE going to workout???? :laugh: Thank you for answering the combo question....and just for your info we will be discussing the music next week :happy: (btw I sent you a pm)

    I was suppose to start "work" last week, but my hubby ended up working all day rather than half day and I didn't wanna take the baby with me so I just called and let her know that I wouldn't make it in....turns out she had forgotten all about it and had gone to lunch with her daughter and then taken her to the airport to see her off. HAHA so it worked out well. I will be going in sometime this week since hubby is suppose to have the majority of the week off.

    I ran into my old boss this weekend and she said she may know of a couple more brokers that need contract processors so she's gonna pass my name around, hopefully that will give me more work.

    I'm going to have to search deep into my will today to find the power to workout...feeling unmotivated and very tired.
  • Coltom
    Coltom Posts: 10 Member
    You can do it....yes you can
    you can do it --sam I am...!!!!

    elevate you body
    get your self together
    when i say "one two three"
    do this with me!!!
    Move your body!!!!:heart::laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You can do it....yes you can
    you can do it --sam I am...!!!!

    elevate you body
    get your self together
    when i say "one two three"
    do this with me!!!
    Move your body!!!!:heart::laugh:

    And here I was just going to tell you to take the day off. :laugh:

    I have a LOT of favorite music in TJ so brace yourself for that answer. LOL What's your fave combo, Lyn?!

    I hope your ex-boss gets a lot potential work for you! That would be awesome!

    Oh, and to answer your question, I WASN'T thinking! :laugh: I did FB before I left for my playdate. THEN, I came home & worked out & THEN I checked my e-mail where she invited me to the master class. I couldn't say NO! Geesh! I did, however, learn my lesson. Ouch!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Wow Sara...that's great! We'll have our very own Beach Body Coach on our thread! :laugh: I'm so happy for you! I can only imagine what it must have been like in that room full of instructors! WTG!! Also, i noticed your ticker's moved...Congrats!~ :drinker:

    Lyn, hmmm...I agree with Sara, i like that single/single/double combo in PK&J, and I also like the one in CP3 where you do the speed bag around in a circle, then uppercuts then "house it' and a cross punch,then elbows high and low. It took me a while to get the hang of it, but now that I do, I love housing it! :laugh:

    I did fat blaster and booty sculpt and abs this morning, and am planning a walk later...although it's much colder today...

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    MOTHER!!!!! UGH! LOL I :heart: U now go to work :love:

    I seriously need motivation to get out of my chair today...okay here I go...I need to do something fun today..CP2 or 3 I think....ugh dont wanna move!

    I'll answer fav combo when I come back...I know you all love anticipation
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    There used to be a couple other Beachbody coaches on this thread, but they stopped posting.:ohwell:

    It was seriously insane, Megan. I think they were all competing with each other & the room we were in wasn't all that well laid out so there were chicks like a foot away from the mirror. Entertaining to say the least. At least I got a good show while I sweated my *kitten* off. :laugh:

    Oh, the ticker hasn't moved for nearly 2 weeks, but thank you! It BETTER move on Wed. at my weigh-in otherwise the ticker & I are going to have words with each other. :angry:

    Good job getting your workout in already! I'm couting the minutes until the kids are down so I can get mine in & then work on my BB stuff some more!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    MOTHER!!!!! UGH! LOL I :heart: U now go to work :love:

    I seriously need motivation to get out of my chair today...okay here I go...I need to do something fun today..CP2 or 3 I think....ugh dont wanna move!

    I'll answer fav combo when I come back...I know you all love anticipation

    LOL And that is why MY mother isn't on this website. :laugh: Well, that & the fact that she's a stick. *eye roll* Thanks for not passing on THOSE genes, Mom!

    I'll be doing my workout in about half an hour so think of it like you're working out with me, Lyn! We can pretend! :laugh:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    OK, first favorite combo(s)...In CP I love the third set (right before the turbo) where you do speed bags, upper cut, speed bags, upper cut, elbow, back kick, 2xknee pull downs ( I love the taekwondo punches, speed bags, jack that follow as well). In 20 minute I love the 3rd set right before cool down..cannot think of the exact combo, but they really close in on Janelle quite a bit and it really motivates me). In P,K,&J I love the first set...mainly because it took me a few times to "get it" and once I did I was really proud. She switches so much from going across the room, to taking your punches from top to bottom, then singles...I was like :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    That being said I'm checking in w/ CP, Ab Jam, and 30 min of pilates.
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Sara...so proud of you! I cannot wait for you to get your site up and running (and of course check it out:wink: ). I can only imagine what class was like on Friday...how insane!!!! To top it off...Z is ready for preschool...holy cow...where did the time go? Where are you sending him?

    Megan...great job on today's workout! Lyn...you can do it!!!!!!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Alright AlRIGHT I got it done! :drinker: :laugh: :noway: And yes I feel so much better about my day now!

    I did CP2 (thanks to my son who picked out my workout today :flowerforyou: ) and Ab Jam. I was tempted to do 20 min but I remembered I have some errands I need to run, so it's off to the shower I go.

    Favorite combo....I think it's in CP3...the upper cuts double knee single knee crosses, run your butt off...I think that's how it goes. Like Kelly I also have a "couldn't but now can" favorite, it's in CP2. The two steps side kick to the front, speed bag, knee, side kick, knee side kick one...forever I had to just do knees cuz I could not get the balance to do the kick and not fall over. But now I love that section cuz I know I've come so far!

    I hope Deedun, Dragonfly (aka Janet), msplatts, Beeks, and Shapely join us again this week. If there were any names I missed (cuz I'm only human) we want to see you back as well!

    Have a Turborific day :laugh:
  • micheleg7
    micheleg7 Posts: 34
    I loved reading about everyone's favorite combos today, and I'm gonna second them all and say that my favorite is the one previously mentioned in 20 minute Jam.

    Sara WOOHOOO's on your Masters Class. It sounded like it was alot of fun. And I can't wait till you get your website up and going too. You'll be a wonderful instructor in a year. What a great thing to look forward to.

    I did 20 minutes of Spinning and 20 min. of The Firm this morning. Will be Jamming tomorrow. By the way, I took a sneak peak at the scale this morning, down 5 lbs. Gotta love it.

    Hugs to all today
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Kelly - I love the "mama's gonna knock you out" combo, too! Is it wrong if I sing along? :laugh: Also, those stupid stupid make me dizzy punches in PK&J took me forever to get, too. Craziness! And thank you. I'm hoping to get my stuff ASAP so I can get a move on this stuff!

    Lyn - WTG on moving your booty! I need to get CP2 & CP3. You speak so highly of them, I feel like I'm missing out on a party! You're so silly with your "turborific day" :laugh:

    Michele - YAY for being down 5#! That is awesome!! My class was a lot of fun even though I could barely move all weekend. :laugh:

    I just got done with CP & AbJam. Started TS & decided that I don't need to push that hard today. I'm finally feeling like a human so I'm going to leave it at that. 590 cals is pretty dang good anyways!
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I have been losing this weight just counting calories and occassionally jumping on the trampoline at naptime. I just got Turbo Jam's 20 min workout. I am tingling all over, so sweating, and I only got 10 min. into it! I'm such a wimp:laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I have been losing this weight just counting calories and occassionally jumping on the trampoline at naptime. I just got Turbo Jam's 20 min workout. I am tingling all over, so sweating, and I only got 10 min. into it! I'm such a wimp:laugh:

    hehehe It is a blast though isn't it?! You are NOT a wimp! You are just beginning! It only gets better from here, orchid! You will FEEL yourself getting stronger & you WILL be able to go longer into the workout. It is fantastic! Welcome to the Jam thread! :flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Kelly - I love the "mama's gonna knock you out" combo, too! Is it wrong if I sing along? :laugh: Also, those stupid stupid make me dizzy punches in PK&J took me forever to get, too. Craziness! And thank you. I'm hoping to get my stuff ASAP so I can get a move on this stuff!

    Lyn - WTG on moving your booty! I need to get CP2 & CP3. You speak so highly of them, I feel like I'm missing out on a party! You're so silly with your "turborific day" :laugh:

    Michele - YAY for being down 5#! That is awesome!! My class was a lot of fun even though I could barely move all weekend. :laugh:

    I just got done with CP & AbJam. Started TS & decided that I don't need to push that hard today. I'm finally feeling like a human so I'm going to leave it at that. 590 cals is pretty dang good anyways!

    Well...is it wrong that I sing AND think of LL Cool J's body drooling:blushing:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    HJey Everybody,
    My internet is down so I'm checking in from work!! Checking in w/ CP2 and FB for yesterday and oly got in 20min this am but I am on for another 20 min or FB + Ab JAm when I get home. When I sprang forward I could have sprang into a nap!! It was tough getting out of the bed this morning .....or was it just Monday:laugh:

    I love punch /twist combo, back kick pull down clap in 20 min, I am starting to love the clock work segment in CP2 (finally getting it!! Woo Hoo , felt like such a clutz) and quick punches(to the right or left) and shake it back .... gosh there are just so many...

    Gottaluv - just so wrong for LL Cool J!! what a hottie!! oh, and I am singing there too!
    Glad we're all here for another great week!!
    Will try to check in before I leave - my net is down til Wednesday :angry:

  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hey everyone!! I have been so busy during the week I couldnt log on as much as I would like to!

    I am feeling really guilty though as I had a mental weekend and I weighed myself this morning and I had PUT ON 2lbs... :noway: Just from the weekend!! Its madness!! My official weigh in day is Thurs so I am not gonna count it :laugh:

    So I went to the gym in work and burned 400 cals on my break and will do the same tomorrow and then straight home for a TJ workout!

    My fav combo has to be the "momma's gonna knock you out" !! And once I am really getting into to it, if the camera moves towards Janelle, I up the intensity without thinking! It's a great motivation technique!! I love when the "bump n grind" music comes on, but my knees put up a bit of a protest :laugh:

    I am delighted Sara that you are going for the beachbody course! You have to send us the link when your site is up and running!!

    I am dying to get my hands on CP2 & 3 but i cant get it on ebay, and amazon wont let me buy from the america website :grumble:

    How is everyone else doing today?!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I have been losing this weight just counting calories and occassionally jumping on the trampoline at naptime. I just got Turbo Jam's 20 min workout. I am tingling all over, so sweating, and I only got 10 min. into it! I'm such a wimp:laugh:

    Isn't it awesome, though?! I was the same way after my first 20 min workout (and thinking how in the world am I ever going to last through 40 minutes of Cardio Party). It's a journey and you are doing great:flowerforyou: