Women 200lb+, Let's Shine This September!!!



  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @wanderinglight that sounds awful!!!! I hope you feel better soon! ❤️

    @girlinkaz took me a second to figure out your photo and I had to google IFYKYK. Lol. Great NSV!!! 👏🏻👏🏻

    @Renewed2021 I never knew there were foods you couldn’t eat without a gallbladder. That stinks!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Jem594 wrote: »

    thanks so much ❤️ ❤️
  • Renewed2021
    Renewed2021 Posts: 32 Member
    After gallbladder removal some people have difficulty digesting greasy and/or fatty foods. I can do some fatty foods in moderation but that's it. Not everyone has this problem though.
  • patriciafoley1
    patriciafoley1 Posts: 137 Member
    age 65
    SW 6/1/21 212
    GW 150 by Jan 1

    9/1/21 182.4
    9/5/21 180;6

    total loss since 6/1/21 31.4
    total loss since 9/1/21 1.8

    GW for September 30 175

    looking forward to getting into the 170s. I was hoping to make it there by 9/1 but things happened. So I'm scaling back my September goal a bit.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Y'all ever walk into the kitchen to make one thing and accidentally end up trying to make four things at once? No? Just me?

    I was asked to bring a dessert to our Labor Day getty (which was, uh, today for some reason? idk), so I made bread pudding, since I already had ingredients for that on hand and was already planning to cut up some bread for the chicken-broccoli strata that's part of our dinner rotation. So I cut up the bread and I'm getting ready to start chopping vegetables for the strata and remember that I also need to make something for 52 Weeks of Cooking - the theme this week is Yeasted, so I thought I'd make a beer-cheese soup. Well, the recipe I found for that had a lot of ingredient overlap with the strata, so I decided I'd better go ahead and get that going too, while I was at it. And then my husband walked in and started making hungry noises and asking what sort of fixins we had for ramen. I was already in front of the stove and cutting board and our kitchen is small and terrible so he couldn't really get in to make his own damn lunch as long as I was in there, so I ended up also dicing and frying up some spam and jalapeno peppers to top his ramen with. Long story short I managed to get everything done in time and tasting good, but it was a stressful couple of hours as I constantly flipped back and forth between tabs on my phone, stirring multiple pots all at once, etc. My custard didn't really set for my bread pudding, but everyone thought it tasted great anyway so whatever, I guess? I'm not sure if I should have baked it longer or if I screwed it up somehow. I am proud of me for throwing out the last, oh, quarter or so that was left over after everyone had their fill of dessert, though.

    And after all of that, there's yet more cooking still to be done: I need to make lunches for the week. That's easy though, it's Japanese curry which is only marginally more work than Kraft Dinner. I can knock that out tomorrow, no problem.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Y'all ever walk into the kitchen to make one thing and accidentally end up trying to make four things at once? No? Just me?

    Not just you. Trust me on this. (grin)

  • girlinkaz
    girlinkaz Posts: 90 Member
    @goal06082021 You are my kitchen/cooking inspiration!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 51.6

    September Start Weight: 218.4
    September Goal Weight: 214
    Ultimate Goal Weight: TBD

    September 4: 218.4
    September 11:
    September 17:
    September 24:

    I am finally feeling better and am not struggling to make it through my workouts. I'm still not back to making my daily step count but I've been coming really close. No loss from Wednesday the 1st to Sunday. There is nothing news worthy to report over here.

    How is your melon training going? Do you love it?
    I love to cook and often multitasking making multiple dishes at once.

    Great NSV!

    Welcome to all the new members!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @JNettie73 It's going! The Day 1 workout is more intense than the Day 2, so we'll see how next Thursday goes since I'm also supposed to ramp up the difficulty a little bit week-over-week, but I'm already less sore today than I was on Friday.
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    edited September 2021
    Welp, I'm back. I had been on this thread back in 2019, lost a lot of weight, and put almost all of it back on. Thanks COVID (RN).
    Age: 40
    Height: 6'0"
    SW: 277.7
    GW: 185(ish?)
    Weigh in day is Friday
    9/1: 259.6
    9/3: 259.0

    Goal for September is to be at 250. Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck, but I'm exercising a lot more and may be holding some water/inflammation. I'm going to trust the process. I know this works for me. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I'm really good at losing the weight, but not keeping it off.
    I need to get past this.