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vaccinations/health care and product promotions.



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    In Chicago, both professional baseball teams have announced promotions based around vaccines. Both the Cubs and White Sox have vaccination sites on premises. If you have a ticket to the game already, and you get a vaccine at the ballpark on the day of the game, the Cubs will give you a voucher for a free hot dog and drink, and the White Sox will give you a $25 voucher to be used anywhere in the ballpark that day.

    I see this as a good way of catching people who simply didn't make it a priority to go out and get vaccinated. But, if they're going to the baseball game anyways, and the vaccines are right there, they don't have to make an appointment or a separate trip, and they get some free stuff out of it, then why not?

    There are a lot of unvaccinated people who are not anti-vaxx, but maybe just a little lazy or unmotivated. If we catch people going about their daily business, I think that would help.

    Also, for some who may be a little on the truly hesitant side, but not full anti, this might be an opportunity for peer pressure to happen. I can imagine a group of friends going to a game, teasing any of the unvaxed friends about turning down free food because they're scared. (Yes, peer pressure could drive the other way, but I think the people influenced in the "no vax" direction were realistically unlikely to get the vax anyway. I think it's more meaningful as a potential to push fence-sitters who are clinging a little, into the "do it" camp.)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    In Chicago, both professional baseball teams have announced promotions based around vaccines. Both the Cubs and White Sox have vaccination sites on premises. If you have a ticket to the game already, and you get a vaccine at the ballpark on the day of the game, the Cubs will give you a voucher for a free hot dog and drink, and the White Sox will give you a $25 voucher to be used anywhere in the ballpark that day.

    I see this as a good way of catching people who simply didn't make it a priority to go out and get vaccinated. But, if they're going to the baseball game anyways, and the vaccines are right there, they don't have to make an appointment or a separate trip, and they get some free stuff out of it, then why not?

    There are a lot of unvaccinated people who are not anti-vaxx, but maybe just a little lazy or unmotivated. If we catch people going about their daily business, I think that would help.

    Yes, opportunistic vaccination - we have done things like that with flu vax before, at shows and such (without the vouchers)

    I see that as a bit different - people are getting the vaccination there and the vaccination sponsor is providing a voucher.

    Bit different to KK who had nothing to do with vaccinating - and were not running a vaccination program but just piggybacking their commercial interests on to a health message.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Saw this...

    You could get a chance to win up to $5 million if you get a COVID-19 vaccine in New York State next week.
    Governor Andrew Cuomo made the announcement Thursday morning in Buffalo in an effort to get more people to receive the vaccine.
    "We know that vaccinations are the vital piece of the puzzle we need to crush COVID once and for all," Governor Cuomo said. "We're doing everything we can to make getting a vaccine as quick and easy as possible, but as vaccination rates slow across the state, we're going to have to get creative to put even more shots in arms. This new pilot program will offer a greater incentive for New Yorkers to get vaccinated by offering a free scratch-off ticket for a chance to win up to $5 million. The more New Yorkers we can get vaccinated, the better our situation and the faster we can return to a new normal, so I encourage everyone who hasn't been vaccinated yet to go to your nearest site and get the shot."
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I really wish my country's government would do a lottery for vaccinated people. We're spending NZ$280 per person for everything, that's a lot of money. Just do a $10 million lottery, a lot of people on the fence would be drawn to getting done for that kind of money. The cost would increase to $282.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    Who knows Australia just may get a lottery or cash incentive, though I'd be surprised if it did. Not because I think the general public may be against it, I don't think the prime minister would support such incentives.

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    edited May 2021
    Interesting article- but, whilst the owner of an advertising agency may think that, the article is really just his opinion, I dont think it is representative of most people

    And I agree, I dont think the prime minister or the public at large would support such.
    I would be very surprised too.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited June 2021
    An Australian airline (Virgin Airlines Australia) will be offering a competion for people who have the vaccine...it will be on offer once vaccines open to the wider community, so far, no out cry against it (that I am aware of)... but once open to the general public it will be for those who have the vaccine over those who do not.


    Bring it on...I wouldn't mind those points!!!!
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    My friends brother got vaccinated twice (both doses) just so he could get the $50 gift card his state was offering.....
  • jasod24947
    jasod24947 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2021
    We revert back to habits that were formed as we were growing up. You could argue that if we all had washed our hands, we wouldn‘t be in this position. In fact MRSA rates are on the way down and flu infections are way down. So if you take away the barriers of availability to the vaccine, then actually it‘s human behavior that is the biggest barrier to changing outcomes.
  • bsteves06
    bsteves06 Posts: 66 Member
    Frig, here in canada we got nothing. we were chomping at the bit to get our vaccines. as soon as they opened up more spots, i moved my sept second dose up to July. Now the vaccine passports are coming so maybe that will nudge a few people along.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,879 Member
    My company is now offering 8 hours of vacation time and entry into a drawing for vaccination. However, to me, it slightly stinks of "data mining" since they want a copy of your vaccination card whereas before you could just enter into the HR system that you had been vaccinated. I guess it is good they are promoting it but I am not sure that the incentive will be enough to change a lot of people's minds? Perhaps?
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    My company is now offering 8 hours of vacation time and entry into a drawing for vaccination. However, to me, it slightly stinks of "data mining" since they want a copy of your vaccination card whereas before you could just enter into the HR system that you had been vaccinated. I guess it is good they are promoting it but I am not sure that the incentive will be enough to change a lot of people's minds? Perhaps?

    It may get those who are sitting on the fence about vaccination and those who intend to get vaccinated but just a bit slow about booking etc.

    My company gives a day's leave as a thank you to those have been vaccinated, we had a high vaccination rate at my work location so probably wasn't needed. At the company's other and much bigger location, vaccination rate was lower.

    There have been a number of companies now offering incentives/competitions to the general public to get vaccinated eg Melbourne Airport is giving away $10,000 each month as an incentive (to the winner of the competition); Qantas unlimited free travel for a year to a winner; lots of smaller companies offering smaller incentives too. If it gets more people of the fence, that's great as far as I am concerned.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My company is requiring vaccination, so the incentive is that you get to keep your job.
    I am very much in favor of this.

    I think my company will ultimately do this as well. It's come up a couple of times at meetings since full FDA approval. As it is, the protocols for unvaxed employees make things pretty inconvenient and at times downright difficult for them.

    We have a three strikes policy on protocol violations as well which I think some people didn't think would really be enforced...it has been and that's actually getting some employees out to get vaxed as we have a good number on strike 2 at the moment.

    With all of the protocol hoops, it's pretty easy to miss something and be in violation...we had some that were being blatantly rebellious (now gone), but most just forget one thing or another and at this point and it's putting their livelihoods in jeopardy. For some of the protocols, I wish there was some kind of "mercy" rule because the violation isn't actually endangering anyone, but all protocols are being treated the same across the board.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,642 Member
    I work for a small company but we're all vaccinated. My boss probably wouldn't have but clients got on him and he has to travel.

    I'm kinda wondering if losing your job for not being vaccinated is legal, tho. Can they do that?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    I work for a small company but we're all vaccinated. My boss probably wouldn't have but clients got on him and he has to travel.

    I'm kinda wondering if losing your job for not being vaccinated is legal, tho. Can they do that?

    In the US, unless a state manages to make it illegal, at this point it's legal under federal law to require vaccination as a condition of employment.

    The employer must make reasonable accommodations for people with religious objections to vaccination, and to those who medically cannot be vaccinated.

    The definition of "reasonable accommodation" is likely to vary situationally . . . at least what counts as "reasonable" for accommodating certain disabilities in certain jobs varies depending on how central a particular ability may be to a particular job.

    Don't know about outside the US.