Ladies who have 100+ lbs to lose

Let’s add each other for support! I’m down 66 pounds and still have 120 to go. It feels like a lot so I break it into mini goals such as getting through the day 😬😂.

I’m a married mom in my mid 30’s. I love Halloween, knitting, dogs, gaming, binge watching tv, and my plants. Just in case you wanted to know non dieting things.

I love having this community for support. I don’t get out much and am hoping to meet some good folks through here that want to receive support and offer some. I put ladies because I was high-key creeped when I created my account with the messages from guys. So if you’re a dude genuinely with a WL plan that’s cool, but I don’t respond to creepy messages.


  • itsbritneybetch91
    feel free to add me! I have over 100 lbs to lose.
  • WTGNicole
    WTGNicole Posts: 58 Member
    Meee toooooo and same with creepy guys...wth
  • CICOKairalie
    CICOKairalie Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to be friends with all you ladies!!!!
    I have over 100 lbs to lose (more like 160 ish and thats just to start O.O) I'm a single mom in my early 30's to 4 girls ( KNOW IT'S CRAZY) 3 of them under the age of 4 so.. it's alot just to get through a day sometimes.

    I'm following simple CICO (calories in calories out) I'm more focused on the calories in.. if it's under what I set as an appropriate goal, I'm happy. I don't cut anything out cause I don't need that kind of negativity! lol

    I'm a serial yo-yo dieter and struggle with a major binge eating disorder that I'm working on also.
    Down 9ish lbs since starting this whole thing again, but I'm not focusing on the number on the scale.

    Add me and lets support each other! :D
  • Oofos
    Oofos Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Add me too! Would love to connect with y'all for support, motivation and interaction!!! I want to lose 100+ lbs too... (more like hopefully 140lbs.)

    But i'm taking it a day at a time.
    Almost brings me to tears reading how similar my situation is to some of you with the yoyo diets. Feels like i have been trying to lose weight my whole life!!

    I'm mid 30s.
    Hate Cardio.
    Loves walking and hiking though.
    Loves learning/trying sports.
    Like weightlifting.
    8/2/2021 300lbs.
    9/8/2021 287lbs.

  • WTGNicole
    WTGNicole Posts: 58 Member
    Ladies, you may already have an invite under your "Groups" tab 😃
  • AmberlyMarlene
    AmberlyMarlene Posts: 120 Member
    Hello! I've sent friend requests. I am also trying to lose 100+. I started at 280, I'm currently at 235, and my first goal is 170 but ultimately I hope to get to 150. I've been stalled at 245-235 for about 5 months now and I'm trying to add friends and be more immersed mentally in reaching my goals by being more involved with others doing the same!

    Anyone feel free to add me!!
  • StarsongUK
    StarsongUK Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I’m trying to be good, snacking on fruit (better than chocolate?), trying not to use calories my Fitbit randomly adds in! Trying to rebalance my portion sizes and say, no I don’t need that much.

    We are about to replace our kitchen and will be without the ability to cook for three weeks (with the kids I told them the priority was the washing machine :D ) so will be lots of microwave meals in my future!
  • Nicoles0305
    Nicoles0305 Posts: 313 Member
    I started this leg of my journey with over 100lbs to lose. Currently have 73lbs left to go.

    A few years ago, I dropped over 200lbs, then gained some back and got pregnant with baby #4. She’s 2 yo now, so it’s time to finish this long term project finally! Not that I’ll ever truly be finished, but I’d love to finally finally finally see UG, and head into maintenance at last.
  • Mominajourney
    Mominajourney Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I'm a mom in my 30's and have about 100 lbs to lose! I tend to start off well and can't make it past a week or two, so I have never seen REAL weight loss....I'd love some motivation and support to keep going!
  • TinaShrinks
    TinaShrinks Posts: 19 Member
    edited September 2021
    I would love new friends and support from other ladies or guys needing to lose 100+ as well. Feel free to add!
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    Hi, trying to lose about 150lbs
  • Elliewebber
    Elliewebber Posts: 24 Member
    edited September 2021
    I lost 80 odd about 6 years ago but put it on and more in ill health. Determined to get back down to a weight I'm happy at!
    SW 320
    CW 292
    1st GW 182

    Simply doing calories in calories out atm but with a reduced calorie goal due to my metabolism being low because of a past restrictive eating disorder and hashimotos disease

    Love reading and my 2 doggies :smiley:
    Feel free to add me :blush:
  • ssqvskhsjoxnsdbyfp
    ssqvskhsjoxnsdbyfp Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2021
    I like your attitude, I weighed a lot myself, was not as athletic as possible, but at one point I decided to take care of myself and everything worked out for me.
  • PaulaGetFit2021
    I have somewhere around 180 lbs to lose....
    I'm 34 and 5ft8"
    Mom of 5
    SW 384
    CW 374
    1ST GW 300
    Would love to have some friends that has a high amount to lose like me.
  • tiffycarson07
    tiffycarson07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey 👋 my goal is to lose 150 pounds currently I'm at 350. This is the heaviest I've been in my life. I'm up for supporting one another so add me. I'm just starting out so I'm nervous I will hang on to old easy habits. But all positive thoughts and energy moving forward. Let's do this.