"Learning to Run"-open support group



  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I want to read all of the above comments later ... but also wanted to introduce myself a little first (again!)

    like I said above.. I just started running about two weeks ago! and my name is SARAH! I've always wanted to RUN as I have hyperactivity problems and just NEED to calm myself at times and finding this really helps my sanity :)

    My first run/walk, I didn't think I could get past ONE MINUTE OF JOGGING... seriously, that's how much i thought my lungs were going to collapse. but now... after ONLY TWO WEEKS of slowly working myself up and just increasing my time running and decreasing my time walking (not following a program just doing it on my own) i have improved significantly!!! :D

    Yesterday, I ran/walked almost 6 miles! My runs were at a 6.2 pace for about 2 minutes to 4 minutes at a time! and walks were anywhere from 1 minute at 3.5 pace to 4 minutes at 2.5 pace for a total of almost 80 minutes or something INSANE like that!! it was AMAZING! i loved it! it was a great workout and i wasn't even too sore today :D

    i thought it'd take me years to get up to THIS POINT :) if at all! I can't wait to see where I can go a few weeks from now, a few months from now, a year from now!! !!!??

    good luck everyone on running!
    and i cant wait to come back to this thread and read everyone elses beginning running tips and stories
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    And one last thing I want to mention....I've learned running is the opposite of drugs. With drugs you get the high first, then the crash. With running you get the crash first, then the high. Much better don't you think?

    i just copied and pasted this onto a word document and read it over and over until it was scripted it in my brain.
  • I used to be a distance runner, with marathon times of appox 3 hours 30 minutes.

    I can't run anymore due to injury, but here's my two cents for those starting:

    1. Get a good pair of RUNNING shoes (not cross-trainers). Do not use your running shoes for general walking or training, but only for running.

    2. Replace your running shoes after about 500 miles or about 6 months. Do NOT attempt to use your shoes until they disintegrate!

    3. If you are training for a marathon, never run a full marathon distance in training!

    4. Go as slow as you need to in the beginning, just gradually build up your pace and time a little bit each time.

    5. You should really aim to run for no more than one hour a day , 4 times a week.

    6. If you are training for a marathon, reserve one day a week for your "Long Run". Start out at about 10 miles, and gradually elongate it until you get to 20-22 miles.

    7. Make sure you reserve 1-2 days a week for rest!

    Good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I used to be a distance runner, with marathon times of appox 3 hours 30 minutes.

    I can't run anymore due to injury, but here's my two cents for those starting:

    1. Get a good pair of RUNNING shoes (not cross-trainers). Do not use your running shoes for general walking or training, but only for running.

    2. Replace your running shoes after about 500 miles or about 6 months. Do NOT attempt to use your shoes until they disintegrate!

    3. If you are training for a marathon, never run a full marathon distance in training!

    4. Go as slow as you need to in the beginning, just gradually build up your pace and time a little bit each time.

    5. You should really aim to run for no more than one hour a day , 4 times a week.

    6. If you are training for a marathon, reserve one day a week for your "Long Run". Start out at about 10 miles, and gradually elongate it until you get to 20-22 miles.

    7. Make sure you reserve 1-2 days a week for rest!

    Good luck!
    Great advice!
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
  • mspix
    mspix Posts: 153
    *saves spot*
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I want to be a runner. My goal is to run 1 mile. I have never done this before!!!! starting the c25k today. Wish me luck!
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    You all are getting me psyched up! I'm just starting my journey to health and am currently working on my cardio health so I can then improve my strength and lose over 100 pounds. my first goal is to get to 289 and then I will start the c25k program with the help of the app on my phone/ipod. I'm excited because I've seen the changes in two friends who have taken up running and I know I can do it, even at 36 and never having been a runner. So I'll keep an eye on you guys and watch as you all attain your goals and then, and it'll be soon! I'll start :)
  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    GREAT idea! For anyone who is interested, here is the "couch to 10K" program I've been using: http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=1462924

    I actually started at week 4, but now I'm on week 12 and I LOVE IT! It has been challenging but doable. I am so psyched that I can run for 60+ minutes straight now at 6mph!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Just started adding some jogging to my walks and I actually really like it (shockingly). can someone tell me about the run your butt off program? I looked at C25k and I find it too irritating to have to stare at my watch constantly. Right now I just run until its really hard and then walk and then run again. The running sessions tend to get shorter and shorter until I realize thats as much as I can do that day and I walk the rest.


    If you have a smartphone, there are really inexpensive apps you can download for the C25k program. I have the one for my Droid (was $2.99) and it "walk" "run" and also tells you when you're halfway done so you can turn around! It's amazing.

    I'm totally in. I started the C25k on Saturday. Today was W1D3, but I stopped halfway through. I was trying it on a treadmill at the gym and I am now convinced treadmills are the work of the devil :tongue:
  • Hi! I've never been a runner, but walking gets boring for me. I haven't been active in a long time so I'm starting out walking this week (3 times so far!) and I hope to progress to jogging within a month. Baby steps, I keep telling myself. The journey begins with a single step......
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    I have never been a runner or physically active - even when I wasn't overweight. In my last PE class in HS (sophmore year) I got a pity point for jogging the entire mile (I use the term jogging LOOSELY) even though it took over the 10 3/4 minutes we were supposed to run it in.

    Just started adding some jogging to my walks and I actually really like it (shockingly). can someone tell me about the run your butt off program? I looked at C25k and I find it too irritating to have to stare at my watch constantly. Right now I just run until its really hard and then walk and then run again. The running sessions tend to get shorter and shorter until I realize thats as much as I can do that day and I walk the rest.


    Don't run until its really hard! You are wearing yourself out and can't build more stamina. I know the watch thing is a pain at first but you will be amazed at how after maybe week 2 or 3 you will know when its about time to walk again.
    Stick with it! :)

    Why would this prevent me from building more stamina? That's not meant to be snarky, I'm just wondering why you say that. The watch thing isn't just a pain at first, its a flat out freaking pain. I have to lift the arm with the watch up so I can see the seconds, activate the light with my other hand and I have to go through this every 15 seconds or so. Maybe its because the timer on my watch (its a HRM) is really small so other people can just glance at theirs and I have to get it a bit closer to my face? But I find it unbelievably tedious and the start and stops felt artificial.

    I am not familar with all the science behind it but its what I am told by my three time Ironman Father..:) I know...hes a show off. :)
    I am proof that it works though. I did it when I was trying to get ready for my first half. He wanted me to be up to running 6 miles before I started my program. I know looking at the watch is a pain. I dont know if you run with an MP3 player but maybe try the songs. Like run the verse and walk to chorus....idk... then add a min or 30 seconds to the run element and subtract that from the walk segment.
    Try the run your butt off plan. Its super easy.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I learned to run between my first kiddo and the second and even did a 5K. Now I am trying to get back to it, I am on week two of C25K. I am planning on running a 5k in February.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Hi! I just joined MFP last week and would love to be a runner, but never thought I could. I mostly want to run for 2 reasons - to prove to myself that I can be a runner, and I really think it's the most effective form of exercise for cardio/wt loss (based on calories/min). I haven't ran since high school, and that was just to get conditioned for tennis season.

    I went out for a walk/jog tonight - much more walk than run :smile:

    I noticed that a lot of you use or have used the C25K program - I, too, couldn't stand checking the time constantly when I tried it before. I think I downloaded a (free) program on my mp3 - I thought about checking it out this weekend to see if it's something to try again.

    I would love to join in this group!
  • Hello! I use to run a 5K in 24 minutes this time last year when I was in Marine Corps bootcamp but after having to come home to deal with a family Emergency I havent kept up with my runs in a long time. I use to be able to run 1 mile in about 7 minutes to 7:30 but now I am having trouble running 1 mile in 10 minutes to 12 minutes. I use couch to 5k on and off and I want to use it more. I just run a slow pace for as long as I can but now I have trouble doing it. I love running though.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    This is a really cool group!!
    I started the c25k program back in May/June.. and now I'm doing a half marathon this Sunday! :)
    I kinda got out of the whole running kick when school started back up (I'm in college) but I just ran 4.5 today.. and I feel pretty good :) A little worried about my knees.. but I figure I'll just do a short run tomorrow, then see how it goes on Sunday.

    That's a pretty awesome app! I've never heard of it.. I use "run keeper" or any of the other free apps on my phone. Then again, I also have a garmin cause there are times when running without music (and with a friend) is just more fun!

    Wow - did you really not run before May/June and you were able to be ready for a half? That's amazing! Good luck!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Tomorrow I will attempt to run a 5K without walking at all......not a race, just on a trail that is exactly 3.1miles. Hoping I can make the whole thing!!!!
  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member

    I am going home to do week 5 day 2 on C25K. Cant believe that I have made it to week 5. Never been a runner, or should I say jogger as that is a much close description but I am doing it and to me its a major achievement. I really hope to be able to complete the C25K.

    I would like to be able to do the race for life next year and to do it jogging rather than walking.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    Ran 3.1 mile trail (very hilly) in 30 mins and 54 seconds...my best time yet!!! I did have to walk, but only for 50 seconds. Hopefully next time I make the whole thing....
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Great job on the race and the new PR! Are you going to celebrate? (I won't ask about food rewards!)