I never thought I would be saying this...



  • Murphk323
    I think having a good group of girlfriends does great things. If you have fun outgoing supportive friends you have a chance to meet mutual friends and might just find a nice guy in the mix. You don't have to go clubbing but going for lunch, joining a running group, or a weekly outing with the girls might be enough to get you back out there. it's all about being confident in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Being a hard worker and exercising is one thing but you need time to just chill out and have a little fun too.
    Mind-Body-Soul... or as Mars like to put it Work-Rest-Play. Just find the balance.

    Yeah, I agree with you and I would so join a running group...that actually sounds awesome.
  • djbeatz
    djbeatz Posts: 8 Member
    Come to Cali!
  • Dylanzmom
    Any other hobbies??? Any girlfriends that u can maybe just get together an talk with or have dinner with? As for the good guys? Girl I haven't found one yet here in S.A either but they have to be hiding somewhere
  • bhagavatilad1
    I think having a good group of girlfriends does great things. If you have fun outgoing supportive friends you have a chance to meet mutual friends and might just find a nice guy in the mix. You don't have to go clubbing but going for lunch, joining a running group, or a weekly outing with the girls might be enough to get you back out there. it's all about being confident in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Being a hard worker and exercising is one thing but you need time to just chill out and have a little fun too.
    Mind-Body-Soul... or as Mars like to put it Work-Rest-Play. Just find the balance.

    Yeah, I agree with you and I would so join a running group...that actually sounds awesome.

    A dance class would be great too
  • 1petewest
    I feel lonely!

    I'm not in school this semester and I spend 90% of my time working.
    When I'm not working, I'm working on my fitness. I spend a lot of time alone these days.
    I only see my friends on weekends and I haven't been on a date in.....only baby Jesus knows how long...

    I don't really go to bars/clubs anymore and I try not drink anymore.

    *** woah, just realized that my life sounds really, really boring***

    Where are the decent single guys hiding?

    What does a girl gotta do these days :(


    although I love San Antone, I can't say where the single guys are hiding. but you are absolutely GORGEOUS and should have no trouble at all finding someone to hang out with. I know most of us guys are turds, but there are a lot of people in your city. try to 'not look' or be more aware in places you don't normally meet people. book stores, coffee shops, clothing stores, etc.

    You should have the guys LINED UP for you! You seem like a sweetheart!
  • 1petewest
    I think having a good group of girlfriends does great things. If you have fun outgoing supportive friends you have a chance to meet mutual friends and might just find a nice guy in the mix. You don't have to go clubbing but going for lunch, joining a running group, or a weekly outing with the girls might be enough to get you back out there. it's all about being confident in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Being a hard worker and exercising is one thing but you need time to just chill out and have a little fun too.
    Mind-Body-Soul... or as Mars like to put it Work-Rest-Play. Just find the balance.

    very well said!

    and I have to add, CONFIDENCE is VERY sexy!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    It might be because I'm a good 12 years older than you, or because I was an only child, but I can be alone without ever feeling lonely. I enjoy having time to think deeply, develop my own opinions on subjects, going places by myself, including the movies or even to dinner. I think my own company is the best ever. I don't think about getting a boyfriend with too much excitement because having one changes that, and I have to prepare myself to want one (I do like having them once I get them). Because for some reason my comfort with being by myself seems to attract people, especially the opposite sex. Anyway, hope you find your happy-with-your-alone-time feeling. Or hope you find a dude soon. :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Ah, if I were only unmarried and 25 years younger..................................I worked for 6 days a week and 12 hours a day from 22 years old till I was almost 30. I felt lonely lots of times because everything revolved around work, but I was really good at what I did back then.
    I wasn't looking for my wife when I met her ( I actually met her at the work I was still doing) and we clicked. We had a long distance relationship for 2 years and after she graduated from college, she had a opportunity to go to the East coast. When I decided I would go with her, that's when I knew we be married.
    Oh, and don't ignore a guy who may not seem like Mr. Right. Many times we're hung up on looks, but looks only take you so far. If you're looking to have children, it's more about thinking what kind of daddy would they be. I've seen many a female think the married the right guy, but when they are stuck doing everything themselves, that marriage gets rocky. I hear it EVERYDAY in the gym, especially training many housewives.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Then people are like "Aw you're pretty and I'm sure you'll find someone"

    And I'm just over here like:


    she's hot!

    Join meetup. There are meetups for all types of activities and you get to meet lots of folks. The great thing is you pick which meetups you want to go to according to your schedule. I met most of my friends there when I moved here to a brand new city.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Other online dating sites...
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Im sure there might be 1, 2, or 50 guys on here that might be single as well
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Everything is given to us for a reason. Maybe this time is what you need right now. You are working hard which is good for you and you are working on your fitness which is good for you. Maybe this is the time you get to reflect on yourself with out the burden of a guy so you can then find the right guy. You never know. ALso it is sometimes easier to find something when you stop looking for it.

    I agree with this. I really do.

    I think having time to reflect on ourselves, our lives, our goals, etc is important.

    When you stop looking - is when love finds you. And honestly? You NEVER know where it'll happen!
    I totally agree!! Patience....and BAM!! You'll have a FANTABULOUS SURPRISE!! I thought I would never meet the guy of my dreams..and here I am going on 20 yrs come January!! with 3 teens and a 4yr old....lol! I tell the same thing with my friends that want to get prego..lol..timing is all it is...Your beautiful! There is a guy out there probably asking the very same thing!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beatrix0810
    This is going to sound crass, but I swear it works. Don't look for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now...get a little stank on you. It's weird, but it's like guys can smell that other guys are interested in you. Mr. Right will come along when you least expect it and in the mean time you can have fun with someone and only see them when you want to and continue to work on you.

    Also, maybe just try to fit in a little more time to go out in public. Join a running club (if you're into running) or something like that. You'll get outside and meet people and not have to sacrifice your all important fitness routine in the process. You'll be more likely to find a like-minded person who enjoys the things you do, as well.

    Worked for me!

    Good luck!
  • jht445
    I have had the same issues since I moved to SA!! I moved here with my (now ex) boyfriend, and didn't know anyone. I feel like ALL I do is work!! I have met a couple of people at work but most of them are married and have families. Most of the time I feel really lonely!! I'm getting back in school soon, and hoping to meet people that way! This is kind of a scary town for young, single girls to go out and do much alone (or to me anyways!!). How do you find these clubs to join?! I'm all for new ideas to meet people!
  • GreenPharmD
    GreenPharmD Posts: 30 Member
    Maybe I'll just buy like, 300 cats and be a wierdo lonely cat lady who sits at home on the weekends watching the real housewives while I eat my Lean Cuisines with my cats.

    Omg I joke about doing the same thing... 27 y/o single professional here, and still having the same question... Where is my prince charming!?!?!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    you need to go out more. I live in Austin 1hr from San Antonio and I love San Antonio go for a walk on the Riverwalk visit Six Flags or Sea World. Go have fun and just when you least expect it someone will come along besides you are so young there's lots of time.

    I live in San Antonio as well..... let me just say that when you live here the tourist stuff isn't appealing. I agree that going out a little more would help but perhaps finding a group you click well with is most important. If you have a hobby find others that like it as well and make a group thing of it.... (no dirty minded comments needed there)........ In all honestly San Antonio is full of awesome things to do and places to go. You just have to make your mind up and do it!
  • Shannonhurley88
    Shannonhurley88 Posts: 17 Member
    I feel the same way especially since most of my friends have entered into their "I am in a super serious realtionship and only want to stay in phase" I feel like I have to find a whole new group of friends which is scary/ sucks. I've joined a rugby team and a kickball team and try to stay as busy as possible with two jobs and babysitting, but I just don't feel close to anyone which sucks. I kinda also want to meet someone to but have no idea how to go about it since i ammmm sooo increadibly awkard hahaha. oh Well Cat (DOG) (FiSH ) Ladies UNITE
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    It might be because I'm a good 12 years older than you, or because I was an only child, but I can be alone without ever feeling lonely. I enjoy having time to think deeply, develop my own opinions on subjects, going places by myself, including the movies or even to dinner. I think my own company is the best ever. I don't think about getting a boyfriend with too much excitement because having one changes that, and I have to prepare myself to want one (I do like having them once I get them).

    This completely and totally describes me, too, except I think I'm so content with being alone because I have a twin sister. We shared a room, shared friends, shared birthday parties, and pretty much everything else until I moved away for college. By that point, I CRAVED being alone. I had a roommate my freshman year, but since then, I have never lived with another person, and I never will until I am married. I am also not the type who has to have other people to do things with. I do fun stuff by myself all the time. If I had more "adult" friends in town, I would hang out with them more, but most of my friends who still live here also still act like they're in college, and that's just not my thing anymore.

    As for meeting new people, you definitely just have to go out and do things. Join volunteer groups, local recreational sports leagues, book clubs, whatever you're interested in. I guarantee there are a ton of people your age who are in the same boat ... young, working really hard to establish themselves professionally, either living in a new city or all their friends have left or have gotten married/had kids and have no time to hang out, etc. Those people are looking for new friends/boyfriends/girlfriends, too.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    I would suggest getting involved in group activities that you have interests in. I have met plenty of women that I have realized we didn't have that spark but still remain friends by doing things that I am interested in. I am a straight, single male at the moment and generally I am not seeking out a companion but I found that it is much easier to find someone that you are compatible with when you find each other through shared interests. Do you ever look at deals from LivingSocial or Groupon? I have done group kayak tours and group photography classes just to name a few and have meet people.

    Edit: You will generally also get to see someone for who they really are in such an environment. It won't be a bunch of guys looking to pick up women like you would find at a bar.