need help on weight

hello everyone i need help as i've been going up and not down for the past 2 weeks and not sure why. i'm eating properly, in my goals and doing light exercise at least 3x a week walks. not sure what is going wrong and i need help and talk to someone about it. i am in keto and haven't cheated at all.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,716 Member
    Good advice from those above!

    If you haven't happened to run across it yet, you might find some useful information in this very good (IMO) article:
  • annsawchuk60
    annsawchuk60 Posts: 5 Member
    thanks everyone for the input on what may work or i'm doing wrong i've been doing keto since jan 2021 but this is a problem that seems to have come up in the past month. thanks "goal 06082021for the help my scale is old and yes i have been keeping it all the same every morning in routine of weighing. also i haven't been putting my food on a scale so that i must start again was just lazy... i also changed my heavy cream in morning to a brand that might have some bad extras in it and maybe that has something to do with it but i will work at this harder and thanks everyone for the input. im doing more excercise too so that might be something also i'm sure it will work out but i guess we all need help and feed back to keep our spirts up
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,789 Member
    edited September 2021
    Weighing is so important.

    Serving sizes are so much smaller than we think they are.

    I’d especially have a look at weighing that heavy cream. I know if I don’t pay attention. I pour a whole lot more than a serving of half and half in my mug!

    How are you overall? Any movement?
  • annsawchuk60
    annsawchuk60 Posts: 5 Member
    edited September 2021
    Yes im down 60lb but have 65 more to go thanks for the kind words.hope you are doing well also..I do weigh myself I think too much so I'm going to do it only every other day
  • annsawchuk60
    annsawchuk60 Posts: 5 Member
    thank you