How often do you weigh yourself?



  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I weigh daily. Ironically I feel less pressure than weekly weigh ins. I expect fluctuations, but it keeps me on track reminding me of my goals. I see many others do the same and I suppose it depends on the individual. I know that I initially started gaining weight when my scale broke. Prior to that I weighed daily and checked myself whenever I saw an upward trend. After I no longer had that reality check I just ignored the reality of my gains since I was using food to smother unhappiness.
  • Latrellis
    Latrellis Posts: 75 Member
    Weighed daily ENTIRE life. Measurements last 35 yrs at least 1-2x annually.
  • Mississmissi
    Mississmissi Posts: 13 Member
    Once a week - Sunday mornings prior to eating or drinking anything. I can easily become obsessed with the scale and if I weigh myself everyday - that is what happens. I know people who do it weekly and others who do daily and I say do whatever works for you. It's one of the reasons I didn't stick with Noom. They had some really good ideas, but really pushed you to weigh every day.

  • Dollypollylolly
    Dollypollylolly Posts: 16 Member
    Daily for me to see the fluctuations.
    But official weigh in is Fridays.
    I’ve been surprised at the losses and the highs but only because I’ve been losing a 1kg a week and then a fortnight ago it was 3kg but I’d just had surgery and had been fasted a lot prior to that waiting on scans and mri’s.

    So I’ll he looking at intermittent fasting to lose the last 3kgs days I want to lose
  • suzleigh1
    suzleigh1 Posts: 19 Member
    I have a smart scale and weigh every morning.
  • Hbhappygirl
    Hbhappygirl Posts: 31 Member
    Every morning and evening. Although it’s generally frowned upon to weigh more than once a day, it lets me see if I’m having heart and kidney inflammation due to my lupus. I typically drop between three and four pounds between night and morning. The first sign of a flare is usually failing to drop weight during the night because of water retention. Knowing that I’m starting a flare lets me jump on my meds and get ahead of it.

    I don’t stress about scale fluctuations unless there’s a trend over time. Usually I know exactly why my weight is up or down - heavy workout, ate Asian food with a lot of soy, not enough sleep, dehydrated after a long run - and it doesn’t bother me.

  • Hbhappygirl
    Hbhappygirl Posts: 31 Member
    I weigh daily. I’ve tried not weighing and it always leads me to trouble! The only thing that allows me to maintain is daily weighing and logging my calories in MFP.
  • AussieAdam21
    AussieAdam21 Posts: 84 Member
    weekly on a wednesday morning
  • autobahn66
    autobahn66 Posts: 59 Member
    I, like a few others, break the rules and weigh twice a day!

    I then input the values into a table and have lines for daily max/daily min, and a 7 day moving average. I can then use the values to calculate my actual energy expenditure over a period, and review the changing rate of weight loss, and trends on a weekly/monthly basis.

    I thought it was a waste of time, but have actually identified that I am losing weight faster than I should be, and have sustained rapid weight loss beyond losing water/food waste at the start of my lifestyle change.

    I believe my TDEE (or the MFP of everything but exercise) calculation was off, and I underestimated my baseline activity level. Measuring frequently helped to show that the excess weight loss was quite consistent over time.

    Now I just need to figure out what to do about it...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,432 Member
    autobahn66 wrote: »
    I, like a few others, break the rules and weigh twice a day!

    I then input the values into a table and have lines for daily max/daily min, and a 7 day moving average. I can then use the values to calculate my actual energy expenditure over a period, and review the changing rate of weight loss, and trends on a weekly/monthly basis.

    I thought it was a waste of time, but have actually identified that I am losing weight faster than I should be, and have sustained rapid weight loss beyond losing water/food waste at the start of my lifestyle change.

    I believe my TDEE (or the MFP of everything but exercise) calculation was off, and I underestimated my baseline activity level. Measuring frequently helped to show that the excess weight loss was quite consistent over time.

    Now I just need to figure out what to do about it...

    There's a good point in there: I'm another person who lost faster than expected, on MFP's calorie estimate (even *without* underestimating my baseline activity level). In my case, I lost a lot faster. It's a possible thing, though rare: It's just how statistical estimates work out, for a few people.

    If I *didn't* weigh daily, it would've taken me much longer to figure out I had a problem, and figure out how to fix it by adjusting to a healthier (higher) intake level (reasonable deficit) for my very own individual case. There would've been more (longer) health risk, for me. After I figured out how much I needed to adjust my base calorie estimate to be reasonable, I've lost/gained/maintained at calorie intakes consistent with the idea that 3500 calories is roughly a pound.

    While figuring that stuff out sooner is a plus of daily weighing, I still wouldn't urge daily weighing on someone who finds it extremely stressful, and can't moderate that stress comfortably with practice.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,031 Member
    Daily since 1/1/16.
    Use Happy Scale.
    It’s just data.
    Every other time in the past, I stopped weighing myself when my weight blipped up (due to more food in my digestive tract, more sodium, etc.) I’d “wake up” months later, step in scale, & I’d regained it. Mystified

    Not this time. I’m keeping track of monthly & yearly trends.

    So far, so good. 3 years of maintenance
  • dwanejoshua171
    dwanejoshua171 Posts: 8 Member
    I check my weight at the end of every week
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    Only been back on mfp since the start of July and prior to that I hadn't weighed for a couple of years, big shock! Since then I have weighed every morning after using the loo and before consuming anything. I record the data on mfp and Libra then update my comments on the challenges that I'm doing in the forums. It helps me understand how and when my body retains water and reassures me that things are working gradually. It also helps me set realistic goals for myself and keeps me motivated by building good habits and oftentimes areas I can improve on.
  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 644 Member
    A lifetime of gaining and losing has taught me about my own mindset. I'm weighing weekly and not worrying about what day or time. The two pounds fluctuation isn't my worry- it's keeping myself honest about what I'm eating and how much. I know if I go more than a week I'm making excuses; I know if I'm weighing daily I'm obsessing over the number. The goal for me now is to eat well for my fitness and health. The scale is a tool in the box for that. But the holidays are coming, and I know how easy it is for me to "let it go" and in January find myself 10 lbs heavier so I'm back on MFP to keep myself honest.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I have been a daily weigher for years, but lately it seems to be stressing me more than usual. I am reading "Prime Time Health" and he advises monthly weigh ins, so trying it for a month.
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 520 Member
    I weigh myself daily, its helps me to know when I'm eating too much salt and retaining too much water since I have a tendency to retain water. Plus I'm new at counting calories and I'm finding that lots of lower calorie foods are really high in salt. It's been 30 days and I'm still learning what's good for me and what I can and cannot eat. I use the scale as a tool with the understanding that it will fluctuate. Lol, I gained 4lbs in 2 day's and lost it again 2 day's later. I was eating too much salt.

    I never let the scale determine how I feel about myself, it's just a tool. How my clothes are fitting and how my body feels is more important.
  • B34ns_2004
    B34ns_2004 Posts: 4 Member
    i weigh myself every day, and every night
  • goldenxbeauty
    goldenxbeauty Posts: 154 Member
    Just whenever I feel like it.

    Sometimes daily. Sometimes every few weeks.🤷‍♀️
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,594 Member
    Before maintenance I would weigh myself every morning, now I only step on the scale maybe once a month.