Foods you dont like anymore



  • Frances_C17
    Frances_C17 Posts: 64 Member
    Like other people I can only drink skim milk now, whole fat milk just tastes like cream to me.

    I also don't like white bread anymore, it has no flavour. Other day I thought I'd treat myself to some white bread french toast when I was out for brunch, after two bites I really regretted not getting the brown bread.
  • Kangaro0
    Kangaro0 Posts: 14 Member
    Anything fatty or greasy makes me have stomachache for hours... I have stopped eating any fatty food but still I like some.
    I think i have problem digesting fat!
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Half-gallon ice least, any kind where the base is vanilla. For some reason, that kind of ice cream just tastes gritty and over-processessed...give me a 40-calorie fudge pop any day!
  • opposability
    I <3 Hula Hoops :( but I wish I didn't. Now I look a them and they say 'eat me, eat me' and I'm left looking at them saying no, no, no... sigh. i'd rather I thought they tasted icky.

    There's nothing I don't really like any more but then I don't think my diet was really that bad before I started trying to lose weight, I just ate too much.
  • smcrimmon12
    smcrimmon12 Posts: 30 Member
    PIZZA! okay, it tasted amazing so I guess I still "like" it but..I felt like total crap for 3 days after eating it!!
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    i have to agree with some of the other comments i can now only eat very little of the foods i use to love and pig out on i ate Chinese the other day which i still love but it actually upset my stomach
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't eat white bread, pasta or cake any more. I have tried, and all three make me throw up. Come to think of it, that might be the wheat! I had a ciabatta toastie for lunch today as there wasn't anything else vegetarian in the cafe, and I have felt absolutely vile all day since. I can't eat much potato any more either. I can manage about 4 bites then I get nauseous.
  • fieldfare
    Anything containing meat, fish, poultry, meat by-products inc gelatine, cheese, eggs, animal fats, cow or goat milk, also milk chocolate ... used to eat all this stuff once but gradually eliminated it over the course of about nine years.

    Never thought I'd go down this route and change my diet so radically, never thought I had an ounce of willpower to give up all those much-loved treats like cheese on toast or Haribo and Cadburys sweets.

    Still can't believe I don't actually miss or crave those things but my tastes have changed somehow and now my treats are things like dark chocolate or carob bars, Raspberry Ruffle bars, Panda liquorice, American Hard Gums, Swedish Glace frozen desserts and loads of home-made scrummy treats ... spend a lot more time cooking tho.
  • calana
    calana Posts: 88 Member
    I have not lost my taste for any 'unhealthy' foods because frankly, I never stopped eating them. I'm on team "Everything in Moderation". I will always like cookies and cheeseburgers and pizza. :-)

    here here!

    I'm the same way! No point in giving up the things I love when I can enjoy them if it fits into my macros :)
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    ever since i realised how many calories in one banana, i find it hard to buy it whenever i go for my weekly food shopping.

    Not all calories are equal though. Bananas are a great source of nutrients like potassium and fibre and have no fat in them. They are easy to eat in smoothies, on cereal or just as is. They are a very good form of energy so don't worry about the calorie count in them.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    ever since i realised how many calories in one banana, i find it hard to buy it whenever i go for my weekly food shopping.

    Not all calories are equal though. Bananas are a great source of nutrients like potassium and fibre and have no fat in them. They are easy to eat in smoothies, on cereal or just as is. They are a very good form of energy so don't worry about the calorie count in them.

    i know all you said above is correct but i still find it hard to pick it up in the supermarket when there are other fruits with less calories to chose from. back in the day, sometimes i use to have 2 bananas in one go lol. it's all about me convincing myself of the other benefits :-)
  • Sheeshy
    Sheeshy Posts: 133
    I feel the same way about McDonald's. I hadn't gone there for at least 4 months, and I went last week with my coworkers. I ate it. It smelled great (crispy warm french fries and crispy ranch snack wraps) but I didn't get the same thrill after eating it. I even had a stomach ache afterwards. No more McDonald's for me!

    YES!!! I had a busy day yesterday, so we just picked up some McDonald's for dinner. I got Chicken Nuggets - not even the big order - a Kid's Meal. My mouth liked it, but my entire body, especially my stomach, has been hating it ever since. My mouth has been warned. :laugh:
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I feel the same way about McDonald's. I hadn't gone there for at least 4 months, and I went last week with my coworkers. I ate it. It smelled great (crispy warm french fries and crispy ranch snack wraps) but I didn't get the same thrill after eating it. I even had a stomach ache afterwards. No more McDonald's for me!

    YES!!! I had a busy day yesterday, so we just picked up some McDonald's for dinner. I got Chicken Nuggets - not even the big order - a Kid's Meal. My mouth liked it, but my entire body, especially my stomach, has been hating it ever since. My mouth has been warned. :laugh:

    i only go to mcdonalds abt once a year (as a last resort). whenever i go i always have the mcnuggets meal though. i try to stay away from alot of these fast foods even before i started calorie count as they normally give me wind lol
  • statia152
    ever since i realised how many calories in one banana, i find it hard to buy it whenever i go for my weekly food shopping.

    Not all calories are equal though. Bananas are a great source of nutrients like potassium and fibre and have no fat in them. They are easy to eat in smoothies, on cereal or just as is. They are a very good form of energy so don't worry about the calorie count in them.

    i know all you said above is correct but i still find it hard to pick it up in the supermarket when there are other fruits with less calories to chose from. back in the day, sometimes i use to have 2 bananas in one go lol. it's all about me convincing myself of the other benefits :-)

    Bananas are quick to grab on the way out the door (for the busy person) and are a whole lot better than McDonalds or a candy bar, when you're out running errands and hungry. Yes they are higher in cals, but darn yummy when you are craving something sweet. **doing Chitiqua banana dance**
  • dvarrassi12
    Fast food! When we're on the go and have to get it I dread it because it's just not the same. But hey I'm okay with it. Less money I spend and more weight I lose!
  • cookc04
    I've been changing my diet over the past year or so - first cutting out high GI foods and now Calorie counting.
    Soft drink and fruit juice, white bread, high gi rice and pasta, and potatoes went out last year)

    Generally I have a problem with high GI foods - I notice the sugar rush and I know it's bad.

    I'm in Australia and our Bananas are really expensive this year ( we don't import Bananas and we had really bad weather in our banana growing regions) - I got given some a couple of weeks ago and I've just forgotten to use them. They are full of nutrients but I try to be smart when I have them.... they are a breakfast thing.

    I've only just started calorie counting and I have to say I'm shocked a bit by some foods. - ( vegetable gyozas are so high in calories - how?). I wonder if I will ever be able to look at some foods and think I don't like them for their calorie content alone
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It's not a food, it's a beverage, but I used to down at least 32oz of mountain dew a I think it tastes awful!

    I used to drink 2-3 a day. I had some last night it it tasted disgusting to me. That was an addiction I thought I'd never break!!
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    The Dairy Queen Mocha Moolatte. I love that thing, but I used to get the large and his has something ridiculous like 600 or more calories.

    As far as no longer liking the taste, no, I still like everything.
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Most greasy's not that i don't like the taste, but they really seem to hurt my chest and sometimes make me feel lethargic afterwards. It's pretty good though, it makes them appeal so much less to me! =)
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Mcdonalds just is not the same anymore the frys dont even tatse like food and my fish sandwich was just so greasy I was thinking did this always taste like this ?